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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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6 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


The data collected by the police does not support your case.


As for your argument that racism and xenophobia are not at the core of Brexit. We only need look to the correlation between Brexit support, racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia here on TVF.  (while keeping in mind the worst excesses of ravidm, xenophobia and Islamophobia have already been modded out).


Google is your friend: Search 'Brexit Campaign Racism'


You're in denial.


I'm not in denial. You're just determined to stir up argument on the forum about this in your attempts to discredit brexit in any way you can. And this from a poster who has in the past made borderline racist comments about us British.


Time for you to go whinging like a big baby to the mods again ;).

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4 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Personally, I find it quite disgusting that remainers jump all over a few racist attacks by a few unsavoury opportunist racists in the UK and try to paint a completely false picture of brexit and racism being hand-in-glove. Their aim is to lower the debate to the gutter, and make real issues of economic migration taboo, as flagged up by jayboy.


I have a palpable sense of your faux digust.


Like you are in the forefront of TVF members challenging racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and hate mongering here on TVF?


Well no you are not. 


Brexit leaders turned to immigration and the use of emotive anti immigrant languages and imagery just at the point when it looked like they were loosing public support.


The use of xenophobic, racist and Islamophobic messages was a decissive factor in the Brexit victory. 




I don't recall your protestations of disgust when these messages were being put out by the Brexit campaign.


Didd you think the use of xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia by Brexit could be put back in the box.


Own it!

5 hours ago, Khun Han said:


The EU cannot impose an 'agreement' on Britain. It can cite it's rules and try to get tough. But it's position is meaningless if we don't accept it. Maybe they can bring forward their proposed European Army and invade us? In reality, they can threaten, bluster and get into a trade war with us, but Germany won't allow a trade war out of self-interest, so after some commotion there will be a mutually agreeable settlement..

I never said they could but they do have the final say. The UK will either agree to the EU terms or leave empty handed.

11 hours ago, Khun Han said:


The EU cannot impose an 'agreement' on Britain. It can cite it's rules and try to get tough. But it's position is meaningless if we don't accept it. Maybe they can bring forward their proposed European Army and invade us? In reality, they can threaten, bluster and get into a trade war with us, but Germany won't allow a trade war out of self-interest, so after some commotion there will be a mutually agreeable settlement..


The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Not.




Excuses and daft explanations at the ready, remainers.

41 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Personally, I find it quite disgusting that remainers jump all over a few racist attacks by a few unsavoury opportunist racists in the UK and try to paint a completely false picture of brexit and racism being hand-in-glove. Their aim is to lower the debate to the gutter, and make real issues of economic migration taboo, as flagged up by jayboy.

The leave campaign made immigration the focus of their attention. Turkey was one of the main weapons, claiming that millions of Turks would end up in the UK, complete fabrication.

The PM has said brexit means brexit but what many brexiteers don't seem to realise is that brexit may come about with the UK still a member of the single market which would mean little change in immigration.

The referendum was to leave the EU not to terminate free movement but many probably do not understand the difference.

I would think the comments today by the Electoral Reform Society will prompt a lot more questions to be asked.


6 hours ago, sandyf said:

I never said they could but they do have the final say. The UK will either agree to the EU terms or leave empty handed.


Er, no. Nobody will leave empty handed. A mutually acceptable agreement will be negotiated through tough negotiations which will involve a fair amount of bluff and bluster.

6 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


I have a palpable sense of your faux digust.


Like you are in the forefront of TVF members challenging racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and hate mongering here on TVF?


Well no you are not. 


Brexit leaders turned to immigration and the use of emotive anti immigrant languages and imagery just at the point when it looked like they were loosing public support.


The use of xenophobic, racist and Islamophobic messages was a decissive factor in the Brexit victory. 




I don't recall your protestations of disgust when these messages were being put out by the Brexit campaign.


Didd you think the use of xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia by Brexit could be put back in the box.


Own it!


Ah, so you link to a sensationalist opinion piece, which references a campaign poster that flags up a legitimate issue, as an example of racism? As jayboy pointed out, you remainers are trying to take these legitimate issues out of the debate with daft sensationalism.

6 hours ago, sandyf said:

The leave campaign made immigration the focus of their attention. Turkey was one of the main weapons, claiming that millions of Turks would end up in the UK, complete fabrication.

The PM has said brexit means brexit but what many brexiteers don't seem to realise is that brexit may come about with the UK still a member of the single market which would mean little change in immigration.

The referendum was to leave the EU not to terminate free movement but many probably do not understand the difference.

I would think the comments today by the Electoral Reform Society will prompt a lot more questions to be asked.



More nonsense. PM May made a big point of addressing the concerns of uncontrolled immigration. She's on it :thumbsup:.

6 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


Pound plummits, British made goods cheaper, exports up. (untill import costs drive up inflation).


Daft as that may seem.

Keep 'em coming. The Great Crash Of 2016 will have to wait another month. And another. And another...:lol:

3 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

watch this - listen to churchill......


march for Europe


"you lost" it isn't a football match, but keep thinking that it helps no end those wishing to remain.


I understand and I would be feeling the same way if my side (Leave), would have lost too.  I too would be making wishes.


1 hour ago, sandyf said:

I never said they could but they do have the final say. The UK will either agree to the EU terms or leave empty handed.


Exactly, no deal is better for the UK than a bad deal.


This is what David Cameron should have said to them when he went to "negotiate".

He basically asked them for a better deal for Britain and they turned around and said "were not interested".  Well they are interested now, but our position has changed. The enormity of Brexit has been beyond anyones comprehension.  Remember all of the naysayers before referendum stating how bad for manufacturing and business the brexit vote would be, well manufacturing has been reported today to be at a 25 year high . . . go figure.


I imagine there will be many countries looking out from inside the EU, thinking maybe we should leave, its not hurt the UK.


So you dont get as much pound to the baht, but its not been all that bad really. You can still live like a millionaire for your two weeks away or so.


Yes its not great for people who live here full time, but currency fluctuations are infinitesimal compare with the rampant inflation pre-coup.  


What other surprises will Brexit yield, who knows I would be a rich man if I had an in-cling.  But hey its fun to be a part of it all.

1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

Keep 'em coming. The Great Crash Of 2016 will have to wait another month. And another. And another...:lol:


This remind me of the website (housepricecrash.co.uk), which was set up by homeowners and wannabe buyers trying to predict the housing market.  Every year since 2004, they have said, this is it. The great house price crash.  12 years later, their members have thinned out a bit, probably got sick of all the nay sayers being wrong.


Its the same with Brexit, there will be those that will seize on any chance to say were all doomed, but in the end, life just goes on.

3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


More nonsense. PM May made a big point of addressing the concerns of uncontrolled immigration. She's on it :thumbsup:.


I gave you a like for this comment.


Not because I think its in anyway connected with reallity, rather because it is an indication of your self delusion.


Niether PM May nor Brexit will sort out immigration (althouh Brexit has a chance by wrecking the economy which is the economic driver of immigration).


Not long from now ... PM May will abandon the previous Tory 'Cameron' government's commitment to reduce net immigration to 'tens of thousands'.

7 hours ago, Khun Han said:


More nonsense. PM May made a big point of addressing the concerns of uncontrolled immigration. She's on it :thumbsup:.


But the UK remains in the EU, for now at least, so there's nothing new to reduce the free movement of EU-citizens who wish to go to there.


And I didn't hear as-yet of any laws passed, or other changes, which might reduce the flow of legal or illegal non-EU migrants ?


I'm sure TM has mentioned concerns over immigration, she's probably made a promise or commitment or a speech, but has she actually done anything ?


She's a politician, so I would want to see some proof  ...  ;):rolleyes:



10 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Er, no. Nobody will leave empty handed. A mutually acceptable agreement will be negotiated through tough negotiations which will involve a fair amount of bluff and bluster.

You mean like the 3 Jacks against a full house.

2 hours ago, Ricardo said:


But the UK remains in the EU, for now at least, so there's nothing new to reduce the free movement of EU-citizens who wish to go to there.


And I didn't hear as-yet of any laws passed, or other changes, which might reduce the flow of legal or illegal non-EU migrants ?


I'm sure TM has mentioned concerns over immigration, she's probably made a promise or commitment or a speech, but has she actually done anything ?


She's a politician, so I would want to see some proof  ...  ;):rolleyes:



She is between a rock and a hard place and trying to cover her back. Should the vote in the commons take place she can pacify the leavers by saying she was overruled. She will probably delay as long as possible in the hope that people will forget the claims made during the campaign.


Theresa May must manage unrealistic Brexit expectations, warns Tory MP



9 hours ago, autanic said:


This remind me of the website (housepricecrash.co.uk), which was set up by homeowners and wannabe buyers trying to predict the housing market.  Every year since 2004, they have said, this is it. The great house price crash.  12 years later, their members have thinned out a bit, probably got sick of all the nay sayers being wrong.


Its the same with Brexit, there will be those that will seize on any chance to say were all doomed, but in the end, life just goes on.

Quite right, life will go on in the Disunited Kingdom which is now suffering from the brexit variant of Parkinson's.



Well its time to admit it ,us brexiteers were wrong , manufacturing in the UK is up , retail sales are booming ,unemployment is down  and the no of people on the  dole has dropped , we are selling more goods to Asi----  oh hang on , sorry ,mistake ,we seem to have got it right , drat it :lol:

18 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Well its time to admit it ,us brexiteers were wrong , manufacturing in the UK is up , retail sales are booming ,unemployment is down  and the no of people on the  dole has dropped , we are selling more goods to Asi----  oh hang on , sorry ,mistake ,we seem to have got it right , drat it :lol:

You're still in the EU!

10 minutes ago, cumgranosalum said:

You're still in the EU!

 you can use that excuse until we leave , but you and i know that the remainers thought the world would collapse the moment we "left" oh and if we are still in the EU why did the pound collapse? it should have stayed the same by your thinking .

20 minutes ago, i claudius said:

Well its time to admit it ,us brexiteers were wrong , manufacturing in the UK is up , retail sales are booming ,unemployment is down  and the no of people on the  dole has dropped , we are selling more goods to Asi----  oh hang on , sorry ,mistake ,we seem to have got it right , drat it :lol:


Yes, you're celebrating the strength of an economy built over 40 years within the EU ... the same body that you believe is holding us back? As the slowest growth developed European country  before joining the EU, we might be heading back there ... most of that manufacturing is being sent to Europe tariff free ... because, wait for it ... we are still in the EU!!

10 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Yes, you're celebrating the strength of an economy built over 40 years within the EU ... the same body that you believe is holding us back? As the slowest growth developed European country  before joining the EU, we might be heading back there ... most of that manufacturing is being sent to Europe tariff free ... because, wait for it ... we are still in the EU!!


if we are still in the EU ,why did the pound drop when we"left"

2 minutes ago, i claudius said:

 you can use that excuse until we leave , but you and i know that the remainers thought the world would collapse the moment we "left" oh and if we are still in the EU why did the pound collapse? it should have stayed the same by your thinking .


No one in their right mind thought the economy would collapse immediately ... given the lead times in most business transactions how would that possibly happen? You're celebrating the strength of an economy that was built within the EU and is still in the EU for another three years ... an argument for remaining, not leaving.

8 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


No one in their right mind thought the economy would collapse immediately ... given the lead times in most business transactions how would that possibly happen? You're celebrating the strength of an economy that was built within the EU and is still in the EU for another three years ... an argument for remaining, not leaving.


So if we are in for the next three years again i ask why did the pound collapse as nothing had changed by your reasoning .

Just now, i claudius said:


if we are still in the EU ,why did the pound drop when we"left"


Sterling dropped because our future growth is expected to be curtailed ... not in two months of course, but the markets are forward looking ... UK plc is viewed as less valuable outside the EU.



Just now, i claudius said:


So if we are in for the next three years again i ask why did the pound collapse as nothing had changed by your reasoning .


Future growth prospects have changed ... that's why it fell. It's the market view of the likely strength of the economy outside the EU.


You're like the new CEO at the AGM trying to claim credit for a sparkling performance that relates to the work put in by your predecessor.



8 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Future growth prospects have changed ... that's why it fell. It's the market view of the likely strength of the economy outside the EU.


You're like the new CEO at the AGM trying to claim credit for a sparkling performance that relates to the work put in by your predecessor.




Sorry not good enough , try harder next time .

21 minutes ago, i claudius said:


Sorry not good enough , try harder next time .


What's the point? Time will need to pass ... the terms of exit and the consequences of exit will take several years ... and if it does put the UK in a poor position you and your like will say it would have been so much worse inside the UK. 

2 hours ago, i claudius said:


if we are still in the EU ,why did the pound drop when we"left"


The UK has not left the EU.


The pound dropped as a result of the vote to leave.


But please don't tell me you believe the UK has left the EU, there are a few remote places in Thailand, but surely none that remote


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