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Brexit ,implications for the Premier League ?


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In More Serious News.....the UK will not take part in the Eurovision Song Contest.......no more Nil Points and Boom bang a bang......

Surely you joke, there is no escape from the Eurovision song contest.

Wogan managed it.

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My goodness ..what's the problem? ...There are 2 years to negotiate the exit from the EU

What I think is unfair is that the UK participates in all international football competitions with separate teams from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

The formal exit process hasn't started yet, and maybe never will..

As for the four nations, football is a British game and the first internationals were between England and Scotland. That tradition is protected by the FIFA charter. And it's not like fans of the teams all like each other.

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Mandatory 30% Scottish players is in my manifesto.

Sunday league is full of them. Quota achieved thumbsup.giftongue.png


Bit below the belt with that one...........but I liked it 555555555555

Bloody racists. cool.png

Abso........bloody............lutely..............awfull isn,t it?.......55555555555555555555

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I love watching soccer and

watching the grass grow

watching paint drying

i love looking at clouds

but the best one of all

watching ice melt,,,

feel free to add your own.

Do you find smiling difficult also?

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