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Brexit: why British expats are worried


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^ I was not surprised to see it stabilize for now - the UK has more or less indicated it is not leaving....

They say leave, but then ... when asked to leave... they find all sorts of reasons why they cannot leave....

Apparently the word leave has a totally different meaning in the UK....

The reason the Pound appears to have stabilised is because the BOE is very active in its support:


As soon as we revert to a situation where the value of the Pound is left solely to market forces, the picture may well change.

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Is this thread disintegrating into who said what and which? Who gives a flying (deleted) about how the 350 million quid should be spent? The main issue is that there will be a saving of 350 million quid a week (that need not be paid to the EU). It is then up to the govt (whoever that might be) to decide how to spend this money (saving).

If the UK government is to replace the EU as a source of funding, the surplus available is actually about £165m a week. If no such obligation is recognised, the discretionary spending available rises to about £265m a week. The main issue is that the amount being saved by the UK is only half as much. Of course, if we followed the Norwegian or Swiss model, we'd still have to make payments to the EU (taxation without representation).

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Is this thread disintegrating into who said what and which? Who gives a flying (deleted) about how the 350 million quid should be spent? The main issue is that there will be a saving of 350 million quid a week (that need not be paid to the EU). It is then up to the govt (whoever that might be) to decide how to spend this money (saving).

Except, of course, that figure was a virtual lie. It's actually more like 150-175 million. It took no account of rebates or EU funds that were sent to Britain.

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^^Mixed views on that. Trump or Clinton?

Really, can't the US find a normally adjusted person to be POTUS? (hint: Ron Paul)

The Republic of Oztralia is off to the poles & racing.

There will voters out in their masses. I cast my vote today & the carpark at the voting centre had 6 sedans, 3 4x4's and 2 motorcycles parked there.

I raced in to join the que of eager voters to realise all the other cars there belonged to the officials & volunteers from the various parties.

Anyhoo, after I awoke them all we threw a billy on the stove, had a cuppa & a piece of cake and then I cast my vote.

As I was leaving the polling centre 40 minutes later, another voter rolled in. I tell ya, they're getting smashed down there, folk are virtually kicking the door in.

Just got to love rural Australia 55555

Btw, I voted for Australia to leave the European Union, so look out !

Oztralia will show Britian how Tis done.

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^^Mixed views on that. Trump or Clinton?

Really, can't the US find a normally adjusted person to be POTUS? (hint: Ron Paul)

There is a third candidate.... Gary Johnson - Libertarian Party

I didn't mind the taxidermed maggy thatcher! At least she had balls and a bit of pump to use em.


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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.



Thought you might pipe up !

You can hardly say Europe is thriving under the EU Banner MrNaam, half of them are fiscally kaput .

It's a failed state.

Countries need to get back to basics, some micro management is needed not some 'mini gods' hovering away una distant chamber somewhere farting out tunes and waving banners.

for the record... the European Union is not a state.

also for the record... personally i hate the clowns in Brussels who do their best to spoil a brilliant idea.

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.



Thought you might pipe up !

You can hardly say Europe is thriving under the EU Banner MrNaam, half of them are fiscally kaput .

It's a failed state.

Countries need to get back to basics, some micro management is needed not some 'mini gods' hovering away una distant chamber somewhere farting out tunes and waving banners.

for the record... the European Union is not a state.

also for the record... personally i hate the clowns in Brussels who do their best to spoil a brilliant idea.

And that is the problem naam.

The perception is that it will be in the not too distant future and the EU retards are doing nothing to quash this perception.

The continued rhetoric of total Monetary and Political Union is doing the EU no favours.

The noise over the last weeks and months has been free trade, trade this and trade that.

Fine, if it is all about trade, abolish the EU in its entirety and set up a trade commission. It should require a maximum of 100 people and should deal solely with trade.

That is not going to happen. I have to ask myself why.

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.



Thought you might pipe up !

You can hardly say Europe is thriving under the EU Banner MrNaam, half of them are fiscally kaput .

It's a failed state.

Countries need to get back to basics, some micro management is needed not some 'mini gods' hovering away una distant chamber somewhere farting out tunes and waving banners.

for the record... the European Union is not a state.

also for the record... personally i hate the clowns in Brussels who do their best to spoil a brilliant idea.


I'm well aware of that, however, if you gave them the opportunity they'd be running it like their own special state.

For me, I'm not sure it was a brilliant idea run poorly or just an idea that didn't work, but let's face it, there's only one or two countries that have done really well under it, a few treading water and a few more doing very poorly.

The poor ones are dragging the treading water ones down.

IMO and a few others, it's failed.

I tell you who has won though under the EU, some of those fancy earners that hide away in Brussels, with their fancy expense accounts, their lack of accountability and Lear jet rides. Tak about living the life.

EU = Semi Failed State ? :D

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The Brits should be saying, "We are not leaving the Euro, the Euro is leaving Britian. Now get out and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out!"

yeah! the Empire has been reestablished, bloody continentals in London's financial institutions and Polish plumbers in Stoke-on-Trent are packing their bags. Gurkhas with drawn kukris are watching them to prevent the stealing of British property. Brussels is mourning and Merkel is suicidal.



Thought you might pipe up !

You can hardly say Europe is thriving under the EU Banner MrNaam, half of them are fiscally kaput .

It's a failed state.

Countries need to get back to basics, some micro management is needed not some 'mini gods' hovering away una distant chamber somewhere farting out tunes and waving banners.

for the record... the European Union is not a state.

also for the record... personally i hate the clowns in Brussels who do their best to spoil a brilliant idea.

And that is the problem naam.

The perception is that it will be in the not too distant future and the EU retards are doing nothing to quash this perception.

The continued rhetoric of total Monetary and Political Union is doing the EU no favours.

The noise over the last weeks and months has been free trade, trade this and trade that.

Fine, if it is all about trade, abolish the EU in its entirety and set up a trade commission. It should require a maximum of 100 people and should deal solely with trade.

That is not going to happen. I have to ask myself why.

Sarge, where I'm from, we call a lemon a lemon. There's a thousand ways to skin a cat, the method these guys have been using isn't the best one.

EU = Sour Lemon wink.png
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EU aside, how any governing political party could allow a referendum to be run without having a clear and consise path to move for both outcomes at the end of the process is beyond me.

David Cameron's government has failed it's people dismally, so much so it's bordering on criminally negligent.

Now look at the misery and uncertainty this has created for 'the people'. The whole lot of them should be hung, drawn and quartered .

Nowhere in the world do you allow yourself to sped down the highway and allow your vehicle to enter a bend without knowing which way you're going to navigate the bend. But this douchebag has. They had their hands off the wheel and on their little peckers. The car is a smouldering wreck in the ditch by the roadway & Cameron and his cronies are like Somchai the mini van driver & is trying to make a getaway on foot before the BIB turn up.

What a debarkle.

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EU aside, how any governing political party could allow a referendum to be run without having a clear and consise path to move for both outcomes at the end of the process is beyond me.

David Cameron's government has failed it's people dismally, so much so it's bordering on criminally negligent.

Now look at the misery and uncertainty this has created for 'the people'. The whole lot of them should be hung, drawn and quartered .

Nowhere in the world do you allow yourself to sped down the highway and allow your vehicle to enter a bend without knowing which way you're going to navigate the bend. But this douchebag has. They had their hands off the wheel and on their little peckers. The car is a smouldering wreck in the ditch by the roadway & Cameron and his cronies are like Somchai the mini van driver & is trying to make a getaway on foot before the BIB turn up.

What a debarkle.

A jellyfish is a jellyfish - Spineless.

Fail to plan - Plan to fail.

It absolutely beggars belief that their are still people that think career politicians are the answer to anything.

< Deleted > they are the root of all problems.

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EU aside, how any governing political party could allow a referendum to be run without having a clear and consise path to move for both outcomes at the end of the process is beyond me.

David Cameron's government has failed it's people dismally, so much so it's bordering on criminally negligent.

Now look at the misery and uncertainty this has created for 'the people'. The whole lot of them should be hung, drawn and quartered .

Nowhere in the world do you allow yourself to sped down the highway and allow your vehicle to enter a bend without knowing which way you're going to navigate the bend. But this douchebag has. They had their hands off the wheel and on their little peckers. The car is a smouldering wreck in the ditch by the roadway & Cameron and his cronies are like Somchai the mini van driver & is trying to make a getaway on foot before the BIB turn up.

What a debarkle.

A jellyfish is a jellyfish - Spineless.

Fail to plan - Plan to fail.

It absolutely beggars belief that their are still people that think career politicians are the answer to anything.

< Deleted > they are the root of all problems.

Can you imagine how one of us would of fared if we'd carried out our official duties in such a way.

What makes it ok for these idiots.

David Cameron should be in custody, right now. Idiot.

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I understand why people might be worried....but i had my say before so i won't repeat it.

I will just say learned to walk when we were atodler.....and we are still walking around now.

It is how you look at it....for some people freedom is more precious than "security".

Whatever....it's your choice.

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