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CCTV footage captures fight between heavily armed Thai gangs


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Give 'em guns....Let the assho**s

Kill each other!

That would be a solution, but did you think of innocent bystanders ?....how many times did I read about some innocent girl or boy been hit by a stray bullet shot by some thugs shooting at each other ..... hitting somebody innocent nearby ....


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I got bored by 1'45". Let me know what happened in the end.

...did they set the camera up at the nominated site for post fight gang evaluation...or they didn't know one was there..you know one of those grey rectangular tubes with a black end and a cable coming out of it..or is there now a CCTV camera at every corner.

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Looks more like a Hollywood Musical.....All arms and legs and "throwing the shapes"...one step forward, two steps backwards, in and out without getting within a mile of each other.

..I love the 'pussy' with the broom..really threatening behavior...'Im just going to sweep you off the planet'.

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A member of one of the gangs probably said something really hurtful to a member of the other before this turf war erupted.

"Your sister is a whore!!"

The degrading loss of face and reputation requires swift justice with a revenge mob attack on the perpetrator of such slander, and his associates.

Wrongs need to be righted, even if they are shown to be gutless cowards in the process.

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When they catch these morons , as they sometimes do , the punishment should be to stick them n the army for a couple of years. Suitable punishment plus it would reduce the conscription of the unlucky red card pickers. Win win all around

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