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Brexit – the view from the US


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The EU is not going to take this big slap in the face without retaliating. Hundreds of hugely overpaid appointed bureaucrats are going to be out of their cushy jobs. The big socialist experiment has failed and the EU will soon dissolve into dust and debt. I have faith that Britain will soon overcome the punishment that the EU will TRY to inflict. Freedom is not free.

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The EU is not going to take this big slap in the face without retaliating. Hundreds of hugely overpaid appointed bureaucrats are going to be out of their cushy jobs. The big socialist experiment has failed and the EU will soon dissolve into dust and debt. I have faith that Britain will soon overcome the punishment that the EU will TRY to inflict. Freedom is not free.


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Leave was a big in your face blow to Obama. Take your globalization, one world government plans and stick em up Hillary's liberal bum...(ugly sight). As far as the future, I believe Farage and Trump will get along just fine next year.

keep on dreaming! thumbsup.gif

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Red necks are far preferable to socialists. Giuliani is a smart man, did you read his opinion?

i'm not interested in an American politician's opinion concerning any European affairs. that applies to incumbent presidents, former mayors and especially to the "hopeful" with the ridiculous hairdo.

reason: during my 15 years in the Greatest Nation on Earth™ i listened ad nauseam to ignorant and neckhair raising comments and statements.

the only ones i tolerate in this respect are a dozen or so very dear redneck friends.


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Scotland, in their mind, is not part of the UK....lol

Not any more. They want to stay IN.

How is that going to work?

I suppose Trump was doing an "Anti Obama" side show.

It appears that many Brits hate Obama worse than Trump....

Scotland....well, not so much.

Anyways....Trump's statement was directed at the majority (within the UK).

Remember, Obama said Trade Agreements may be at Risk if Brexit happened.

Yeah, Obama said the UK would be the last to the trough, if Brexit went through, no so long ago. I noticed he changed his tune and now he says things won't change. He should have kept his mouth shut about it back then.

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The EU is not going to take this big slap in the face without retaliating. Hundreds of hugely overpaid appointed bureaucrats are going to be out of their cushy jobs. The big socialist experiment has failed and the EU will soon dissolve into dust and debt. I have faith that Britain will soon overcome the punishment that the EU will TRY to inflict. Freedom is not free.

Somehow, I think if it ever came to pass that the EU went down the drain, the above would be the last thing to get sucked down the vortex. In fact, they will probably instead be boarding chartered jets with suitcases full of other peoples money.

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