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Bill Gates on Thailand's hanging internet and hanging wires


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Surasi Maawai needs to check out the party lights at a temple gathering or wedding etc.. all are illegally tapped into the overhead power wires! The fella just needs to open his eyes..

You mean, like this:

Kudos to whomever initially posted this

HaHa-------- Posted what ???????????????????????

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As an electrician it is scary to see Asian wiring. I've seen 3 transformers on fire and heard 2 explode. One right near me! The reason? If you look at them you will see a container on the side that is filled with silica gel. The same stuff ypu get in the little sachets when you buy electronic stuff. When it's dry it is purple. When it's got moisture it's pink. Have a look next time, they are always pink! It just needs to be changed for dry stuff once in a while. When left it can't get the moisture out of the transformer oil and it shorts out. You can dry it in an oven and it will go purple again. They are too useless to do this simple maintenance item and prevent outages!

Like emergency generators. They need to be maintained, serviced and tested. They never do and they often don't work. Central festival was in blackout about 30min the other day while I was there and I read that even swampy's emergency generator failed when needed..... Check out the workshops, they are full of guys lounging around all day. It's a government job that means a holiday camp!

Periodic maintenance? I think that would be an amazing concept that might reach Thailand in a/b 50 years. Hold on...

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"Sure I hate those wires. But there are not many power cuts. And people in Thailand don't steal electricity as he says. Don't look down at the Thai people."

This really highlights a huge problem with thailand. If anyone is critical of a glaring problem suddenly thailand and thai people are looked down upon. This thinking really holds this country back and is unfortunately constantly reinforced by the corrupt politicians and bureaucrates responsible for messes like this.

Ahhhhhhhhhh yes and if one mentions facts that might not compliment Thailand or the Thai people then that's called " Thai bashing." To me, the facts are the facts.

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Our power goes out at least twice a week. Plus sometimes half the house has power and the other half doesn't. I will not touch the power in this house to fix. Let someone come and do it.

In which case you have a serious wiring pro lem within your house unless you have two feeds coming in to your house and two separate fuse boxes

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As far as Internet...

Why not educate Thailand on the use of WiMAX....

They could then hang WiMAX Transmitters / Receivers with Cell Towers! Have extremely large Transmission Areas. Save on cost of installing WiFi Routers every 2 Power Poles. Better (HIGHER) Signal Transmission, you would actually receive what you are paying for. (Example: If you are paying for 10Gb, you would actually receive a constant 8-10 Gb download and faster Uploads!!!

In Seattle this worked for us, both at home and work. Things got done I would say in 1/20th the time it takes here!

This would eliminate Cable Companies from having to stock / sell cable / Wifi boxes. Routers could be used to set up with personal servers and create secure Envirements. People would have WiFi everywhere (Internet) even on superhiways while on Buses.

Could this be too " high tech " for Thailand?

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I think most of the 'messy' wires you see are actually phone cables for land lines in homes. How many people still need a land line? Most could be removed. That's why the don't care how they are run.

The actual power cables are quite orderly.

This is an age old problem that's been this way for many many years.

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problems cannot be solved by by personal.

stay objective and let positivity guide us to move forward.

until anyone has been proven to be "stealing" electricity it is

not fair to point a finger at any one.

the picture posted by bill gates does show the mess of power lines.

that is a problem to be address, not only for aesthetics but for efficient

delivery of power supply.

Here is how they sort the wiring - from proper plans


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Don't see what the hue and cry is all about.

Thai's in general have a glass heart, end of story.


And who gives a flying F about Mr. Surasi Maawai?

He's just another Somchai who's awareness and general wherewithal will be within the confines of Thailand.

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On 27/06/2016 at 8:32 AM, LomSak27 said:

Their seems to be far too many comments about power cuts, and bad wiring. Lets get back on the track. sneering at Bill Gates .... making snotty comments about the US power system, or why we hate Windows 10, but uh, still use it

In fact anything other than the Original Post and issues it raised. Deflect, Distract, Redirect; that is what we of the Troll Team are live for.

Go Team Troll ! thumbsup.gif

Windows 10 is ok, if you have problems with maybe it is because you don't know how to set it up or you go to dodge Web sites

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