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"Sideline Girl" repents - tells others not to sell themselves online


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What a crock! This girl claims she repents yet and says women doing this can not find love yet, at the same time, claims her customer has become her boyfriend? It would seem that anyone who actually read her story would be encouraged instead of discouraged into finding a man with money and a possible future with one of her customers.

Totally agree. This is a CROCK - a made up story by some person wanting to push an agenda. And we see stories like this popping up all over the place. Whilst I AGREE this life is not one filled with great news in most cases, this story in itself is wrong on so many counts and if reading it - would push you to do it for the benefits and true love like this girl has found. hmmmm

Sad to say but in my time here in Thailand about 95% of every person I meet has at one time or another sold themselves even if for one day.

Woman in red? maybe - maybe not

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A whore by any other name is still a whore

and nothing wrong with being a 'whore' if you want to be. Time we got over this antiquated notion of sex, people do it all over the world. If some want to sell it, then good on them.

It isn't the 1800s any more.

No, Apart from the health risks and physical risk of meeting a nutter not to mention the psychological damage it can do. Most bar workers have to get drunk or take drugs to get through the night with disgusting men that they hate.

You mean like the guy who is now this woman's boyfriend? I guess he was a disgusting man that she hated until she decided he wasn't disgusting and she didn't hate him.

"There are eight million stories in the naked city" and they don't all fit your own preconceptions.

To be fair, I take your point. I'm sure what you described applies to many bar workers, but by no means all, and the woman in this story isn't even a bar worker in the first place.

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A whore by any other name is still a whore

and nothing wrong with being a 'whore' if you want to be. Time we got over this antiquated notion of sex, people do it all over the world. If some want to sell it, then good on them.

It isn't the 1800s any more.

No, Apart from the health risks and physical risk of meeting a nutter not to mention the psychological damage it can do. Most bar workers have to get drunk or take drugs to get through the night with disgusting men that they hate.

It's hard to get the whore out of a woman and it's the same with a bar girl... the ease of money and the lack of commitment as well as the partying all the time is hard to forget. Not to mention that sex becomes dull and abstract for her. Even in a relationship it would be almost the same as work before.
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Ah yea...another great topic about subjective morality and speculations beyond all barriers...and in the end nothing will work out and there will always be a decent amount of demographic slices that will be in favor/against/indifferent no matter what happens.

Arguments and agendas will be cherry picked to propagate whichever statistic they want everyone to learn until it has become "common knowledge" and when you take your actual time to look into any kind of reports and statistics you can see them fall apart left and right on their own.

Baseline for this case, she decided for herself for her own reasons and that's that. Now if people could actually pay attention to the (more) important things in life...

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Sideline girls fall into the age category of between 18 to 22 University age then after that they are not considered sideline girls. Miss Repent in the OP has already done her time as 6 years being a sideline pro and probably why she was not able to continue on being a sideliner.

Now her only options are to become a freelancer or an escort a more professional whore that probably doesn`t appeal to her and why she decided to give it up. Her now boyfriend was a former customer that means she`s still very much attached to that lifestyle so it`s not really a matter of repeat but rather a matter of circumstances that have forced her to change her habits.

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Instead of bad mouthing her leave her alone so she rented herself out most likely 99% of the posters here have rented a lady. Why lie we all have our needs some marry them and give all there money. This lady found love from a customer who maybe liked her on a personal level. She doesn't need to be called a whore, whore's give it away. So before you judge her walk a mile in her shoes. Just saying.

Sure no need to offend anyone, but repentance? Really? Did you buy that??

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Crazy that this is news really.

  • These kind of girls are just looking for easy money - simple as that
  • Then they buy crap they don't need with their 'extra' money
  • Supporting a family is not an excuse - the whole family needs to pitch in, or change their lifestyles.....not rely on a girl to spread her legs
  • And in the end, as another poster mentioned, if they do find love their partner will always remember that they started as hooker and john - thats a bit of baggage
  • Ultimately they will complain about not being able to find true love

I think it would be much more appropriate to have had a girl post the real side of this work - the violence, danger, the abuse, the loss of real emotions, the disconnect from people etc....

Anyway, this is TIT, rant over...lol

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Instead of bad mouthing her leave her alone so she rented herself out most likely 99% of the posters here have rented a lady. Why lie we all have our needs some marry them and give all there money. This lady found love from a customer who maybe liked her on a personal level. She doesn't need to be called a whore, whore's give it away. So before you judge her walk a mile in her shoes. Just saying.

Sure no need to offend anyone, but repentance? Really? Did you buy that??

Have to call it for what it is. She was a hooker and he was a john.

And it was ALL about the $$$$$.

Personally I don't really care, I can accept it - but it wouldn't be the type of girl I would choose for a life partner.

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Anyone have any links to one of these sites? I'd like to meet some of these young ladies and try to explain how dangerous this line of work can be.. whistling.gif

Go to "backpage" there you can find women all over the world doing sideline business.

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It's easy for her to be sanctimonious now after living off the game for six years paying for her university and good life.

Now she misses the attention so this is her quest for a little celebrity in her life. Boyfriend and office girl is short on thrills.

Just my opinion.

I think you hit it spot on...stupid people don't understand that attention doesn't mean that you've accomplished anything...she's probably thinking that Thailand needs a Kim Khardashian...

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To me I think your all putting the blame on the girl, what about the sad old creeps that pay for it. If there are men willing to pay for sex there will be women willing to sell it. Think about it, how many guys here have paid bar fine? And paid a girl, I bet no one would admit to it, but there must be thousands of guys putting their hand in their pocket and paying girls for sex or cyber sex. How many here have watched porn? I have that's for sure, but the girls get paid (more than the men actually) . if men didn't pay for sex women would be selling it. Now reverse it if women would pay you for sex and you could make a very good living being wined and dined then have sex and make a lot of money, would you be tempted? Many wouldn't I would lay money there would be millions that would.not the girls that are in the wrong its the men that pay for it.

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What a crock! This girl claims she repents yet and says women doing this can not find love yet, at the same time, claims her customer has become her boyfriend? It would seem that anyone who actually read her story would be encouraged instead of discouraged into finding a man with money and a possible future with one of her customers.

In reality her"Customer" ( that paid for her sexual services) became her"Sugar Daddy" ( and contenues to pay).And she is nothing but a"Hypocrite" wanting her 15 minutes of fame on the internet..I the US there is a web address "sugerdaddies.com" for the same thing.

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From the post I understand that she found her life partner because of the "Sideline" work and now she feels better about herself... why repent? or maybe she forgot to write about the "bad" things in that business ...

If you had really read the OP you would have seen that a customer became her boyfriend, she did not find "her life partner" in her part-time job, there's a huge difference.

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Nothing new here. They do it by their free will to pay for things they are not willing to wait for until they have earned the money otherwise.

The mind boggles if I see watchmen with their dreadful whistles looking a sleazy movies on their (probably unpaid) iPhone 6. For crying out loud, who of all those office clowns really needs a smart phone which costs them one to two monthly salaries?
As with everything else they take the short cut and sideline the income while the chauvinist males find this hilarious; if it just for fun - fine, don't expect to find anything more than that.
He's the ATM and she's the pleasure doll - if both sides understand that perfectly well; go ahead!

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It just highlights the Thai addiction to money

It just highlights that "Prostitution" has become global.

Did you ever realise how many young Farang females are giving their bodies away on social media? Did you ever try Skype? You might as well stay home and f*** your daughters or wives instead.

"You might as well stay home and f*** your daughters..."

What? Strange thing to say.

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What a crock! This girl claims she repents yet and says women doing this can not find love yet, at the same time, claims her customer has become her boyfriend? It would seem that anyone who actually read her story would be encouraged instead of discouraged into finding a man with money and a possible future with one of her customers.

In reality her"Customer" ( that paid for her sexual services) became her"Sugar Daddy" ( and contenues to pay).And she is nothing but a"Hypocrite" wanting her 15 minutes of fame on the internet..I the US there is a web address "sugerdaddies.com" for the same thing.

I think the local web address is something about Thai and Cupid?? haha

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What a crock! This girl claims she repents yet and says women doing this can not find love yet, at the same time, claims her customer has become her boyfriend? It would seem that anyone who actually read her story would be encouraged instead of discouraged into finding a man with money and a possible future with one of her customers.

Well said, in fact mentioning the new bf and a good life kills any good her 'repent' comments might have had and actually encouraged girls to enter this trade.

does anyone actually think prostitutes have it ALL! im not one but besides the money they got nothing. And the ugly ones dont even get the money(Majority of them).

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