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Careful Walking, Moat Footbridge Has a Hole


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Last week, walking along the moat I crossed a footbridge just to the west of Chiang Mai Gate market (opposite a two story Bangkok Bank on Changlor Road) and almost stepped in a hole on the bridge which is missing a small plank.

I placed some flower pots around it and then pointed it out to a local policeman who thanked me.When I walked by today, it still hadn't been repaired.

P.S. Is there an email contact to report possible walking or driving hazards to so no one gets hurt?

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A hole in the infrastructure? My goodness.. Never seen that before.

If you are in Thailand.... get used to it.

What a helpful response.

Not helpful but so true. Some of the moat bridges were repaired a few years ago with synthetic planks that are not suited to that use, some broke within a week of their instalation, they break often and are replced periodicly. There are thousands of pedestrian hazards here, you will soon learn to watch your step.

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