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Is Something Wrong With Me?

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Hi All,

I'm a UK Ex Pat; not too old, middling 40's. I live in a backwater not too far from a big Northern city. Not quite the badlands of the mountain people that you see wearing welly-boots & safety hats when they come to Big C, but these are traditionally rice-farming folk.

Last week we had three kittens; now we have none. The mother (wife's mother) gave one away on Sunday last. Same day I discovered something wrong with one of our kittens, "Tiger" (Tigger) - beautiful bright red marmalade. We thought he might have been hit by a car or mauled by a dog. He didn't get any better and stopped eating, so I did some research and concluded that he had been somehow poisoned. On Tuesday, he having been out all night, I took him into the room that I share with my wife. I washed him, and tried my best for once in his life to make him feel loved.

An extract from a Skype message:

One of the kittens on Sunday, "Leo" which was I guess an inbred runt (weird curly tail) was given away to a customer; meanwhile "Tiger" I found appeared to be hurt.
He was having problems especially with his back legs. At first we thought he might have been hit by a car. Then I thought he might have been shaken up by one of the local stray dogs.
But "Tiger" (I called the little guy "Tigger") seemed to get worse each day.
Monday he ate his breakfast and then pretty much disappeared, although Phammies mother saw him around and about until Tuesday morning. I'd told Phame that I wanted him in our room with us on Monday - I wasn't happy with him getting better; limping & not able to walk properly.
This morning (Tuesday) I had a good search around sun-up; I hadn't slept worrying that he'd die during the night. Phammie's mother found him around the front. He appeared to be able to just about stand, but not eat along with my kitten; Jaguar.
I took him into our room pretty early on - I guess around 7.00am
We've had cats get into fights and injured by cars, and in the mainstay they generally improve. My concerns around Tigger were that he appeared to be getting worse - he wouldn't eat or drink.
His motor skills were increasingly reduced which led me to the idea that he might have been poisoned somehow - either through eating a poisoned rodent or some other means. Either way; the old school poisons did not fit the bill.
Given his rapidity of failure, I pretty much concluded that he was suffering from phosphogenic poisoning. The alternative and unlikely was Bromethalin - Tigger really didn't venture far enough to encounter these.
Since he didn't cry when I picked him up or particularly manipulated his limbs, I became more certain that he had been poisoned rather than injured.
We don't have any money to spend on vets or anything like this, and at the time Phammie did not believe me. I decided to give him a quick wash in case he's picked up anything topically, dry him off and simply make him as comfortable as I could. By 10.00am I was convinced that he was fading fast - he'd rapidly lost almost all of his earlier motor skills.
To Phammies horror, I put him on an old towel on our bed next to me where I could at least stroke him and make him feel a little better.
At I guess around 4.00pm, he was thrown into a fit of choking-like convulsions. I held him and we both stroked and soothed him through a pretty traumatic death that I guess would have been prevented under other circumstances by the same drugs that were used on my father when he went.
Of course you know me - I cried like a little girl throughout the whole episode, as I knew I would. I took a couple of photo's of him before he began to convulse - only a few minutes mind. He would have made such a beautiful cat; such wonderful red hair, a nice quiet temperament, big bushy tail.

End of Skype interlude. My imbecile mother-in-law has this "thing" about chucking food waste just outside the back door which creates millions of flies. To pacify me, my wife had been chucking a phosphogenically based insecticide over the area - my guess is that "Tigger" got it on his fur and licked it into his system. It could just as easily have been our toddler grandson who this morning has been taken to hospital - he's got a fever, again. Phosphogenic poisoning creates water on the brain and knackers the nervous system - it is used as a nerve gas. More often than not, once symptoms are discovered it is fatal. It can have an "incubation period" of anything from a day or two to several weeks. (yes - I know; incubation is related to living disease; it's just the easiest way of saying it)

So now we were left with my cat/kitten - "Jaguar" Mainly black with patches. I insisted on taking him into our room and trying to look after him properly. It went well until last night at around quarter to eleven when I was outside smoking, heard dogs barking in the distance, and the unmistakable sound of a fighting cat:


I was having a smoke out back when I heard barking and cat fight. I just knew. I ran into the room and put on my sandles ( ! ) threw the back gate open (other end of the house) and ran down the muddy road that separates us from our neighbour. I could see two dogs in the distance as I slipped and skidded in the mud. One ran away - this was in the dark; I could see their black outlines in our other neighbours light - I continued to run as I saw the remaining dog pick up the limp form of our kitten and run away into total blackness - no torch no f***** lights. Phame is so upset with me because I screamed about the lack of a torch that I've been chastising her about for years - literally years.

End of second Skype interlude.

What is absolutely killing me is that nobody gives a sh**. Nobody cares a damn. Something wrong with me? I was up most of the night until the alcohol finally caught up with me, and I'm still damned upset.

What the He** is it about these people?

Is it me?

Edited by WTH
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This is Thailand dude , human life isn't worth much here , a kitten's life even far less.

It is very sad , but you are to blame too . You shouls have been more protective of the kittens. How is it possible to let the kittens near food waste ( sprayed with poison or not >>> rodents>>>snakes,...).

How is it possible that the dogs caught the other ?

Look at it another way : The kittens will never suffer again , and no other animals will ever be killed to feed them . ....and cats multiply as quick as rabits .

Do you care about all the suffering of animals you eat ? Why is a cat different than a pig or a cow ?

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Actually there are many Thais who dearly love animals, just go into the waiting room of any Vet and you'll see them. I too live out in a rural agricultural area. The local Vet is quite reasonable in price, has to be since locals can't afford much. I am there a lot as 2 of my pets are quite old now and thus have a lot of health issues; the cat has chronic renal failure. I am often touched by the sight of obviously dirt poor people coming in and spending what few baht they have on the care of a beloved pet.

My suggestions:

1. Put a stop to your wife's insecticide spraying as it is a threat to humans and animals alike.

2. Consider moving to your own place instead of living with your MIL, the hygiene issues and other problems aren't going to go away.

3. If you get any further pets, take the time to check out the local vets and bring them in for immunizations and care when they are ill. I think you will be surprised at how very inexpensive this is at a rural Vet in Thailand.

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I would say it was you.

The cat was sick and you did not get it medical attention.

If you cannot care for pets don't have one.

Simple as that.

I disagree in the case of cats/dogs that are strays. They would not get medical care in any case. If you can give them shelter, food, and some basic care, flea, tick control, etc., plus love and attention, then they can live a happy, contented life many years.

One comment about Thais and pets. The rare time I go to the really expensive pet hospital here, the pet owners are 90% Thai. A lot of Thais sure do love their pets. One time I paid for mite treatment for a poor neighbour's dog and she was in tears over it as there was no way she could afford it (or even organize the schedule of shots, for that matter).

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Giving a sh*t doesn't help anyone - just the opposite. It's best to try and avoid situations that are too upsetting for you to handle. There's nothing wrong with that - it is just common sense. Perhaps you should not have pets.

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To the OP, read the post from Sheryl and learn from this when you will have a other pet! Your excuse that you don't have enough money to go to the vet is complete BS!

We have pets at home and they are a part off my family. I don't care about the cost if my dog get sick, I will be at the vet as soon as I can and have him taken care for!

And about the cost, F-it, if I don't have the money, I will borrow it!

Please do your self a favour, don't get any new pets.

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I would say it was you.

The cat was sick and you did not get it medical attention.

If you cannot care for pets don't have one.

Simple as that.

You're probably a retired wally-head who came home from the bar and read this. Phosphogenic poisoning cannot be treated moron, moreover, how much for vet? 300THB is a typical mans wage here you idiot; and read again - my point; if you don't love them & can't care for them, don't have them. read again you idiot weasel.

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This is Thailand dude , human life isn't worth much here , a kitten's life even far less.

It is very sad , but you are to blame too . You shouls have been more protective of the kittens. How is it possible to let the kittens near food waste ( sprayed with poison or not >>> rodents>>>snakes,...).

How is it possible that the dogs caught the other ?

Look at it another way : The kittens will never suffer again , and no other animals will ever be killed to feed them . ....and cats multiply as quick as rabits .

Do you care about all the suffering of animals you eat ? Why is a cat different than a pig or a cow ?

The only reason that a pet is in any way different from livestock is that you love them. I'm not a wealthy guy who retired here - I came here to live, not to die; and finally my business is getting there. Our clappy house is typical Thai with a 4" gap around the roof - not a 6Million THB transplanted farrang house. My point was that people here just don't seem to care; and no matter what you say or do they will not change.

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Actually there are many Thais who dearly love animals, just go into the waiting room of any Vet and you'll see them. I too live out in a rural agricultural area. The local Vet is quite reasonable in price, has to be since locals can't afford much. I am there a lot as 2 of my pets are quite old now and thus have a lot of health issues; the cat has chronic renal failure. I am often touched by the sight of obviously dirt poor people coming in and spending what few baht they have on the care of a beloved pet.

My suggestions:

1. Put a stop to your wife's insecticide spraying as it is a threat to humans and animals alike.

2. Consider moving to your own place instead of living with your MIL, the hygiene issues and other problems aren't going to go away.

3. If you get any further pets, take the time to check out the local vets and bring them in for immunizations and care when they are ill. I think you will be surprised at how very inexpensive this is at a rural Vet in Thailand.

Hi Sheryl,

Yes - that's the plan - get as far away from here as we can; if you can't love a pet enough to be prepared to spend serious time & money looking after them, you shouldn't have them. I am dismayed at the way in which people buy animals almost with the expectation that they will die - cripples me, but apparently it's the norm here.

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To the OP, read the post from Sheryl and learn from this when you will have a other pet! Your excuse that you don't have enough money to go to the vet is complete BS!

We have pets at home and they are a part off my family. I don't care about the cost if my dog get sick, I will be at the vet as soon as I can and have him taken care for!

And about the cost, F-it, if I don't have the money, I will borrow it!

Please do your self a favour, don't get any new pets.

Listen IDIOT!

I DIDN'T GET THEM UNDERSTAND? I DIDN'T GET THEM! I have told my wife who has told everyone else to STOP getting these poor animals. If you can't love them, you should not have them.

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I would say it was you.

The cat was sick and you did not get it medical attention.

If you cannot care for pets don't have one.

Simple as that.

I disagree in the case of cats/dogs that are strays. They would not get medical care in any case. If you can give them shelter, food, and some basic care, flea, tick control, etc., plus love and attention, then they can live a happy, contented life many years.

One comment about Thais and pets. The rare time I go to the really expensive pet hospital here, the pet owners are 90% Thai. A lot of Thais sure do love their pets. One time I paid for mite treatment for a poor neighbour's dog and she was in tears over it as there was no way she could afford it (or even organize the schedule of shots, for that matter).


You're a nice guy & understand the effort and value that these locals often have to bear. How could I justify paying 1,500THB for a kitten that wasn't mine when my son-in-law makes 8,000THB per month? Anyhow, phosphogenic poisoning is lethal once you have detected it, and it played out as expected - I would simply have been vilified for spending cash that we can't afford; and they have a new baby on the way too. We never pay for these animals, they simply accumulate; but I can't bear to see any more suffering.

Once my business starts to finally see some return, my wife & I will be moving away from this dirt & misery. Only then will I consider any pets - my wife wants a nice fat long haired Siamese (surprise) - she is a hairdresser, so shouldn't have issues looking after it if/when we get one; but I would need to see some evidence that she will indeed love & care for it before we think about getting one.

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Five minutes I won't get back.

Use it on your next bottle of Singa you pratt - nobody invited any anally-challenged meat-heads to the ball. Oh; was it a bit like spitting? Maybe you started & couldn't stop? Hope you catch leprosy you cretin.

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WTH never mind where you move to you will see misery and heart ache all around you.me and mrs meat have been together nearly 30yrs.and have a nice house but no children.

what we do have is a husky who we rescued nearly 5yrs.ago and we have more or less given up our life to looking after him and we wouldnt have it any other way.

but although we can afford to give him the best there has been more than enough heart renching couple of years with vets who do not care one hapeth about the dogs welfare as long as they can screw you for what they can get.

he is our son who lives 24hrs.a day with us,so to the op.when its right for you take the plunge and get a dog who will love you as much as we love ours.

you will never regret it, but be warned there are many dangers in thailand which you will encounter never mind how much you try and keep them safe.

MEATBOY love me love my dog.

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There is a lot here you can't change. It is a waste of your energy to get upset about it.

Pick your battles carefully and you may find some satisfaction.

As for the kitten, his troubles are over. Had you been able to get it back from the dog alive, it would have lived, briefly, in misery.

People here see animals as animals and although they could learn some empathy, they are more sensible then some westerners who would step in front of a bus to save a soi dog.

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I would say it was you.

The cat was sick and you did not get it medical attention.

If you cannot care for pets don't have one.

Simple as that.

I disagree in the case of cats/dogs that are strays. They would not get medical care in any case. If you can give them shelter, food, and some basic care, flea, tick control, etc., plus love and attention, then they can live a happy, contented life many years.

One comment about Thais and pets. The rare time I go to the really expensive pet hospital here, the pet owners are 90% Thai. A lot of Thais sure do love their pets. One time I paid for mite treatment for a poor neighbour's dog and she was in tears over it as there was no way she could afford it (or even organize the schedule of shots, for that matter).

I agree with that - a stray cat or dog is going to have a better life with a poor person who loves them and feeds them than they are going to have as a stray. Even if the 'owner' cannot afford vet bills.

Its only infuriating when the 'owner' CAN afford vet bills, but doesn't care for them enough to spend the money.

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WTH never mind where you move to you will see misery and heart ache all around you.me and mrs meat have been together nearly 30yrs.and have a nice house but no children.

what we do have is a husky who we rescued nearly 5yrs.ago and we have more or less given up our life to looking after him and we wouldnt have it any other way.

but although we can afford to give him the best there has been more than enough heart renching couple of years with vets who do not care one hapeth about the dogs welfare as long as they can screw you for what they can get.

he is our son who lives 24hrs.a day with us,so to the op.when its right for you take the plunge and get a dog who will love you as much as we love ours.

you will never regret it, but be warned there are many dangers in thailand which you will encounter never mind how much you try and keep them safe.

MEATBOY love me love my dog.

I agree with your post, but there are some vets that care about doing their best - although the VAST majority (if any) don't have the knowledge and equipment of those in wealthy Western countries.

Its a case of finding those vets than genuinely care about animals and their 'owners' - plus have the skills and resources. Obviously these vets are relatively expensive, otherwise they couldn't afford expensive equipment.

Edit - One of my dogs suffered a broken leg the day after arriving here when he ran in front of a scooter.... (I hadn't had a chance to install a gate yet in the rented house)

Long story, short - I took him to a vet recommended by someone as I knew nothing about local vets. The vet was/is a lovely man, and genuinely caring towards animals, but didn't take an X-Ray (and I was in too much of a state to notice) - and said he'd just hurt his leg and it would be fine.

Many vet trips later (pointing out that the leg wasn't fine), I finally thought to ask whether he'd taken an X-Ray. That was when I found out the leg was broken....

A kind, caring vet - but short on skills. I've since found another vet - which in some respects is a shame as the original vet is a truly nice man - but I don't trust him anymore with my dogs as his practice revolves around poor people, and so he tries to keep their bills down.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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WTH never mind where you move to you will see misery and heart ache all around you.me and mrs meat have been together nearly 30yrs.and have a nice house but no children.

what we do have is a husky who we rescued nearly 5yrs.ago and we have more or less given up our life to looking after him and we wouldnt have it any other way.

but although we can afford to give him the best there has been more than enough heart renching couple of years with vets who do not care one hapeth about the dogs welfare as long as they can screw you for what they can get.

he is our son who lives 24hrs.a day with us,so to the op.when its right for you take the plunge and get a dog who will love you as much as we love ours.

you will never regret it, but be warned there are many dangers in thailand which you will encounter never mind how much you try and keep them safe.

MEATBOY love me love my dog.

I agree with your post, but there are some vets that care about doing their best - although the VAST majority (if any) don't have the knowledge and equipment of those in wealthy Western countries.

Its a case of finding those vets than genuinely care about animals and their 'owners' - plus have the skills and resources. Obviously these vets are relatively expensive, otherwise they couldn't afford expensive equipment.

Edit - One of my dogs suffered a broken leg the day after arriving here when he ran in front of a scooter.... (I hadn't had a chance to install a gate yet in the rented house)

Long story, short - I took him to a vet recommended by someone as I knew nothing about local vets. The vet was/is a lovely man, and genuinely caring towards animals, but didn't take an X-Ray (and I was in too much of a state to notice) - and said he'd just hurt his leg and it would be fine.

Many vet trips later (pointing out that the leg wasn't fine), I finally thought to ask whether he'd taken an X-Ray. That was when I found out the leg was broken....

A kind, caring vet - but short on skills. I've since found another vet - which in some respects is a shame as the original vet is a truly nice man - but I don't trust him anymore with my dogs as his practice revolves around poor people, and so he tries to keep their bills down.

yes DD we lost all trust in i think its 4,we had been recommended by a animal hospice a 45minute drive away,but my nerve's kept getting the better of me,as far as driving goes,that was until i said enough is enough and my boy meant more to me than anything,i have been taking beta blockers the past 8yrs.so when we decided to go to this hospital i doubled the dose,my only regret i hadnt done it 3yrs.ago.they put him right within 4visits.i have always been a trusting bloke but the wife after spending 20yrs.in the uk.has more common sense than me,and she's not afraid to let people know.the op should read some of the stories in this forum before he decides what to do.

so keep them safe DD.

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