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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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This is absolutely disgraceful! Paying upfront must be enforced. This 'try before you buy' and pay later attitude has got to stop. Thai, Asian, Indian, Arab and other tourists ask this, but not Australians, where is their Aussie sense of a fair go? Pay at the start and only tip at the end is the Aussie way. Oi Oi Oi!

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

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It is much more complicated than most people believe. The writer of the article only touched the surface. There is a big difference between underage women working as prostitutes and those forced into the trade as opposed to those who voluntarily do so. I have no problem with the former being 'saved' or given opportuities to get out without fear. However, those who enter of their free will do so because a lack of choices to live and care for their family. Most have a history of having children when they were yougn-late teens or early twenties. Many have tried jobs as factory workers; Big Box stores or similair and simply cannot live on 7-8.000 Baht peer month. It is simply impossible to earn a living wage when one is uneducated and has family to care for. That is mostly why they enter the sex industry. They see it as a way up and out.

The girls dream about getting enough money to get that house or car and take care of their family or marry a Westerner who will give them what they need. When they enter the trade they have no real concept of the mental or psychological torture they must endure to get that 2 or 3,000 Baht for the act. If you think they are doing any of this because they enjoy sex or enjoy dealing with numerous different partners because the life is 'fun' you are wrong and cannot see the truth. The longer they are in the business the more depressed and unhappy they become and turn to alcohol and drugs. Their dream of a quick exit is taking too long and their patience and endurance is wearing thin. Some become HIV positive ( yes, it exists more than you know) and others go insane, while others simply give up. Aas far as payback for the Westerners who do use them- the majority of these people are not violent or abusive- they do not understand the torment of the girls nor how they may be contributing to it. They just want to have a 'good time'. There will be no payback because they no not comprehend what they do. Thai women are the greatest actors in the World. Just because they smile and say it was wonderful masks the real truth. Talk to them in Thai and their words and body language will tell you the real truth. The truh is that the majority of girls who have been in the business a few years hate sex; hate men and hate themselves. You just can't see it or know it unless you have been in Thailand for many years and understand the verbal and non verbal cues they give.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

He's undercover looking for sex slaves not sex tourists. If he wants to have an impact on slavery then I suggest he tries Afghanistan or Pakistan but they are not so much fun - What a creep!

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When will you stop accusing people like me of being self righteous and wake up...

You start attacking people on this forum for their lifestyle, and then you can not stand people talking back to you?

F*king hypocrit, you're no better then anyone else.

I am attacking the sex trade and I absolutely don't agree with using prostitutes, ever!

So, is this attacking a lifestyle? Are they professional punters?

As for being a hypocrite, explain. What am I doing that makes me a f*cking hypocrite? I have no problem with people coming back at me with a decent, intelligent argument, do you have one or is "fc*king hypocrite" your best shot?

The topic of this is about 1 guy trying to do his bit, if only others would think about their actions and consider that maybe, just maybe they have got this all wrong and they should re think their choices when it comes to paying women for sex.

The girls come and go as they please and many seems to have loads of fun especially compared to standing in a rice paddy for 12 hours under the baking sun. This guy's mission is nonsense.

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It is much more complicated than most people believe. The writer of the article only touched the surface. There is a big difference between underage women working as prostitutes and those forced into the trade as opposed to those who voluntarily do so. I have no problem with the former being 'saved' or given opportuities to get out without fear. However, those who enter of their free will do so because a lack of choices to live and care for their family. Most have a history of having children when they were yougn-late teens or early twenties. Many have tried jobs as factory workers; Big Box stores or similair and simply cannot live on 7-8.000 Baht peer month. It is simply impossible to earn a living wage when one is uneducated and has family to care for. That is mostly why they enter the sex industry. They see it as a way up and out.

The girls dream about getting enough money to get that house or car and take care of their family or marry a Westerner who will give them what they need. When they enter the trade they have no real concept of the mental or psychological torture they must endure to get that 2 or 3,000 Baht for the act. If you think they are doing any of this because they enjoy sex or enjoy dealing with numerous different partners because the life is 'fun' you are wrong and cannot see the truth. The longer they are in the business the more depressed and unhappy they become and turn to alcohol and drugs. Their dream of a quick exit is taking too long and their patience and endurance is wearing thin. Some become HIV positive ( yes, it exists more than you know) and others go insane, while others simply give up. Aas far as payback for the Westerners who do use them- the majority of these people are not violent or abusive- they do not understand the torment of the girls nor how they may be contributing to it. They just want to have a 'good time'. There will be no payback because they no not comprehend what they do. Thai women are the greatest actors in the World. Just because they smile and say it was wonderful masks the real truth. Talk to them in Thai and their words and body language will tell you the real truth. The truh is that the majority of girls who have been in the business a few years hate sex; hate men and hate themselves. You just can't see it or know it unless you have been in Thailand for many years and understand the verbal and non verbal cues they give.

A decent, sensible view. It's a very state of affairs for sure. Not sure what the answer will be except Government intervention, education, support etc, long way off for sure.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.


If you want to go and help "poor bar girls", then DO SOMETHING and create income opportunities for them, instead of pointing fingers on the internet.

But you don't, you just sit on your lazy ass typing away on your keyboard.

Well in that case, doing nothing and all, i suggest you let people live their lives as it is.

And even if you decide to go and create opportunities for "poor bar girls", i will always wonder, why you only help women, but don't help "poor men in need".

Anyway any effort from your side will be appreciated, but believe me, it will be hard to find something that those girls would be more happy to do then harvestings 1000 baht bills out of the farang's pants, because it satisfies their hunger for money more then any alternative you can offer them!

Your finger pointing is useless, it is just too easy and doesn't change sh*t.

You have no idea what I do or who I am, so this is just a flaming comment from a sad person with no real point to make.

Second paragraph is just a load of bunkum, got back to sleep.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

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When will you stop accusing people like me of being self righteous and wake up...

You start attacking people on this forum for their lifestyle, and then you can not stand people talking back to you?

F*king hypocrit, you're no better then anyone else.

I am attacking the sex trade and I absolutely don't agree with using prostitutes, ever!

So, is this attacking a lifestyle? Are they professional punters?

As for being a hypocrite, explain. What am I doing that makes me a f*cking hypocrite? I have no problem with people coming back at me with a decent, intelligent argument, do you have one or is "fc*king hypocrite" your best shot?

The topic of this is about 1 guy trying to do his bit, if only others would think about their actions and consider that maybe, just maybe they have got this all wrong and they should re think their choices when it comes to paying women for sex.

The girls come and go as they please and many seems to have loads of fun especially compared to standing in a rice paddy for 12 hours under the baking sun. This guy's mission is nonsense.

Brilliant, another well thought out debate on why this guy should stop trying to help these women.

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It is much more complicated than most people believe. The writer of the article only touched the surface. There is a big difference between underage women working as prostitutes and those forced into the trade as opposed to those who voluntarily do so. I have no problem with the former being 'saved' or given opportuities to get out without fear. However, those who enter of their free will do so because a lack of choices to live and care for their family. Most have a history of having children when they were yougn-late teens or early twenties. Many have tried jobs as factory workers; Big Box stores or similair and simply cannot live on 7-8.000 Baht peer month. It is simply impossible to earn a living wage when one is uneducated and has family to care for. That is mostly why they enter the sex industry. They see it as a way up and out.

The girls dream about getting enough money to get that house or car and take care of their family or marry a Westerner who will give them what they need. When they enter the trade they have no real concept of the mental or psychological torture they must endure to get that 2 or 3,000 Baht for the act. If you think they are doing any of this because they enjoy sex or enjoy dealing with numerous different partners because the life is 'fun' you are wrong and cannot see the truth. The longer they are in the business the more depressed and unhappy they become and turn to alcohol and drugs. Their dream of a quick exit is taking too long and their patience and endurance is wearing thin. Some become HIV positive ( yes, it exists more than you know) and others go insane, while others simply give up. Aas far as payback for the Westerners who do use them- the majority of these people are not violent or abusive- they do not understand the torment of the girls nor how they may be contributing to it. They just want to have a 'good time'. There will be no payback because they no not comprehend what they do. Thai women are the greatest actors in the World. Just because they smile and say it was wonderful masks the real truth. Talk to them in Thai and their words and body language will tell you the real truth. The truh is that the majority of girls who have been in the business a few years hate sex; hate men and hate themselves. You just can't see it or know it unless you have been in Thailand for many years and understand the verbal and non verbal cues they give.

Non of his or your business - Another self elected social justice warrior pandering to NGO values of interference in other people's lives which nobody asked for. Still he's volunteered for a nice job! Hanging around go go bars looking for young girls - what a creep!

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

I think you might be confused one here, you asked "why would they lie" as if the possibility had not occurred to you.

I was pointing out (in a tongue in cheek way) that of course prostitutes lie, whether you are going to pay them that night or not. If you think that they don't, or if you think they just don't lie to you (because you're special) then perhaps you should go and have some real fun, in the real world where women who don't require payment frequent.

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The solution is jobs and more jobs that pay a living wage; a viable education system; social services; and a welfare system that works plus free medical; care. Until the Government; Temples; and private industry actually work to solve this problem it will continue. One thing that is happening is that due to Western tourists giving Thailand a pass there are going to be less sex venues which means less opportunity to enter the trade. We can all criticize the trade, understand what it does to people but in the long run- we cannot solve it . Only long term programs that have long term funding can evn begin to make a dent in it.

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The solution is jobs and more jobs that pay a living wage; a viable education system; social services; and a welfare system that works plus free medical; care. Until the Government; Temples; and private industry actually work to solve this problem it will continue. One thing that is happening is that due to Western tourists giving Thailand a pass there are going to be less sex venues which means less opportunity to enter the trade. We can all criticize the trade, understand what it does to people but in the long run- we cannot solve it . Only long term programs that have long term funding can evn begin to make a dent in it.

Very true, it's a very long term solution. But in the meantime the Government could do more, even if a welfare state is out of the question.

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Brilliant, another well thought out debate on why this guy should stop trying to help these women.

As long as that Dan dude is not offering the girls an alternative way to make a good income, he is not helping, he is only trying to chase away her customers so she looses income...

Edited by freestyle
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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Matey, I don't know if you have banged a Thai prostitute before, but I can tell you some of the ladies I have had, enjoyed the sex as much of if not more than me. Mechanical is using a tin can like the loser monk, finding a good bonk amongst these darlings is part of the challenge and the best part is if the one tonight is rag doll, there is always tomorrow. A loving relationship is all fine if your partner is 20 years younger than you, then you know that good sex is going to be there for much longer. Reading between the lines on most of these soppy high moral posts, I get the impression that there is a few closet gays amongst us., I have screwed ladies (some I shouldn't call ladies) from every SE Asian country and have been pleasantly rewarded whereas the majority of the women I have had the misfortune of laying from western countries should be fed dog kibble. Pity you can't make a complaint with Consumer Affairs for a refund. Just for the record, I have had my fair share of these little darlings starting in the sixties but I can't ever recall any one of them complaining they were forced into working.

Who are you trying to kid, us or yourself?

No one would pay for a session with a dull whore and being what the customers want them to be so that the man feels like he`s god`s gift to women is part of parcel of their trade. No prostitute is going to tell her client that he has the sexual libido and stamina of a sloth and that the very sight of his physical appearance is enough to make her throw up. I agree that the majority of prostitutes are on the game by their own choosing but don`t kid yourself that you are desirable to young women and that these women enjoy fat, smelly, gross old men slobbering all over them, because they don`t and you probably fall into that category. I doubt you would have much success with western women because you want cheap and most of them would find you repulsive. Sorry to have to slap you round the face and awaken you from your world of fantasy.

The commercial sex trade is fake and strictly business that can never be a substitute for the real thing, then after a while all the fakeness becomes boring. I have nothing against men who use prostitutes and like everything else, it`s OK on occasions but think the men are sad that make mongering into a full time hobby and need to pay for companionship to get their jollies.

I have stated facts and you answer me with a loud of limp wrist dribble, "Sorry to have to slap you" is pretty feminine, so I guess you a referring to prostitutes with a different anatomy as the ones I prefer.

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Very sad story and hats off to someone trying to help the women who are trapped and broken.

My personal view is the whole sex trade industry is sickening. I am in Pattaya for work reasons (yes there are legitimate companies here) but you cannot help but see the sex industry here as it is so widespread.

There is little point in trying to appeal to men who use prostitutes on a forum like this. Most will simply defend the situation, often aggressively or even with abuse as we have seen on some of these posts already. I would be happy to see someone post on here that they have used prostitutes here but they are re thinking their lifestyle after really understanding the damage the industry does and knowing that they had lost their own way in life, but it is not going to happen.

Instead you will get the lame argument "they send money home", "I am helping the women who have no other choices" or some such excuse, all of which just doesn't wash. Or even attacking people who want to help because they are "bible bashers" or "do gooders", every one of these easily dismissed by anyone with half a brain and who is really thinking straight, but you will still hear it time and time again anyway.

Not sure what will actually trigger any reasonable man caught up in it all to stop and think about what they are doing and to consider that it is wrong.

I think there are many men who are lost and who have completely ruined their old lives thinking that the grass is greener.

I have been an expat for many years and i have seen so many times men who come over to Asia, wife and kids back home and they very quickly hook up with an Asian girlfriend. I know of 2 guys I worked with in Hong Kong, both married prostitutes from China and dumped their families back home. BOTH now have new girlfriends on the side leaving their new wives at home as much as possible.

Some men will never learn to assess what they have and appreciate life as it is. They consider life boring or uneventful and cannot help but keep putting themselves on a path of self destruction, often taking poor unfortunates with them leaving a trail of crap behind. I actually feel quite sorry for most of them, never happy, never contented, always looking for the better deal and never contented, and one day they suddenly find they are now old men full of bitterness and defending their frequent use of prostitutes.

So, hats off to this guy who spends his life trying to help. Can't say I would want to do it and see that side of the World everyday, it would depress me in no time.

In the bible thumping business are we?

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Sex on it`s own is meaningless if not part of being in a loving relationship. And if some men, doesn`t matter what nationality they are, think that having pure sex is a substitute for being in a close bonding relationship they are going to find their lives becoming empty and meaningless. Sex is not all that it`s cut out to be especially if it becomes mechanical when it involves prostitutes. It`s like eating a basic meal that can be dull without the trimmings that go with it.

Matey, I don't know if you have banged a Thai prostitute before, but I can tell you some of the ladies I have had, enjoyed the sex as much of if not more than me. Mechanical is using a tin can like the loser monk, finding a good bonk amongst these darlings is part of the challenge and the best part is if the one tonight is rag doll, there is always tomorrow. A loving relationship is all fine if your partner is 20 years younger than you, then you know that good sex is going to be there for much longer. Reading between the lines on most of these soppy high moral posts, I get the impression that there is a few closet gays amongst us., I have screwed ladies (some I shouldn't call ladies) from every SE Asian country and have been pleasantly rewarded whereas the majority of the women I have had the misfortune of laying from western countries should be fed dog kibble. Pity you can't make a complaint with Consumer Affairs for a refund. Just for the record, I have had my fair share of these little darlings starting in the sixties but I can't ever recall any one of them complaining they were forced into working.
Disgusting read.

Sorry to disappoint you, must be hard trying to keep up the moral standing, especially if you bat for the other side.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

I think you might be confused one here, you asked "why would they lie" as if the possibility had not occurred to you.

I was pointing out (in a tongue in cheek way) that of course prostitutes lie, whether you are going to pay them that night or not. If you think that they don't, or if you think they just don't lie to you (because you're special) then perhaps you should go and have some real fun, in the real world where women who don't require payment frequent.

A little tip if you are going to pick and chose what you want to read in someone's post then do it correctly I said and this is just for you to READ and digest. I do not pay them nor buy lady drinks for them they are friends OK got it have you. So they have no reason to lie to me. Now I know your mind if full of utter godliness and that you are so perfect in every way in your minds eye that is but read other people's posts properly before you engage gob or in your case fingers before thinking

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To the poster who seems to believe that I am getting into the personal business of Thai bar girls- I assure you I don't go around to bars attempting to 'save them'. Their lives are their own. The fact that I understand their rationale and why they do the things they do is simply a matter of fact.. It appears i have struck a chord. It may hurt some people to find out that their bar girl honey doesn't really care about them; is faking just about everything and is only after the money but the truth sometimes hurts. I make no judgements- you can believe what you want. My post was simply a statement to set the record straight based upon my many years in Thailand. Yes, I am one of the many who has gone to bars and have known scores of bar girls so I speak from personal knowledge. Actually, my hope is that they get their dream and can exit the trade. I have no animosty towards them or their customers.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

You suggest we 'Find out about the lives of prostitutes by 'looking it up in a book' - as opposed to talking to the ones you see in Pattaya - your view comes from the life loathing learned morality of religion not reality but when you hear the views of people who mix with sex workers you do not want to believe that so much of what you were taught was a lie- stick to your biased research and moralistic books which cherry pick the negative side of situations just as the anti drugs campaigners do - refusing the to acknowledge the fun and pleasure most people have. You seem to live in a self induced fantasy world with regards to sex workers in Thailand and I suspect you a Christian extremist with an agenda - like Elmer Gantry maybe.

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"It is the nature of the universe to make all things equal in the end"

In my life experiences it is a most definite YES. When a person does something bad to another or against nature it will come back on then a hundred times as much.

"What goes around, comes around"

"My karma ran over my dogma."

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Actually, my hope is that they get their dream and can exit the trade.

I also hope i can stop working in the factory where my spine get destroyed because of the heavy work.

Who doesn't want to get out of the rat race?

Some of these girls,especially gogo girls, make even more money then i do, and in thailand they need to spend only a fraction of the living costs that i need to spend in my "rich home country". On top of that those girls don't pay taxes.

If they work hard (or convince multiple falangs to send them money as some do), they can earn a house in only a few years time. That is something i can only dream of! And nobody pities me....

My ex thai girlfriend is now working as a prostitute in Phuket, and in the meantime - within 3 years, she managed to save for a house in isaan. A few years more, and she will retire, before she is 40 years old.

Is she damaged? You could probably say so, because after all those men between the sheets she is not fond of men anymore. Probably understandable.

But there is a rule when it comes to making money: the quicker you try to earn money, to higher the toll it takes on you.

Everyone has to decide for themselves how far they want to go, for gaining money quickly.

Prostitution takes more toll (mentally) then factory work, but makes money a lot quicker.

Some people try to sell drugs, make money fast, alright, but if you get caught, you pay the ultimate price.

The price i pay for working in a factory, is that my spine is irreversably damaged. Too bad, but it is what it is, i don't see an alternative now, so at this point i have to accept that is life...

Edited by freestyle
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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

I think you might be confused one here, you asked "why would they lie" as if the possibility had not occurred to you.

I was pointing out (in a tongue in cheek way) that of course prostitutes lie, whether you are going to pay them that night or not. If you think that they don't, or if you think they just don't lie to you (because you're special) then perhaps you should go and have some real fun, in the real world where women who don't require payment frequent.

A little tip if you are going to pick and chose what you want to read in someone's post then do it correctly I said and this is just for you to READ and digest. I do not pay them nor buy lady drinks for them they are friends OK got it have you. So they have no reason to lie to me. Now I know your mind if full of utter godliness and that you are so perfect in every way in your minds eye that is but read other people's posts properly before you engage gob or in your case fingers before thinking

Ok, they are just your friends, and you meet them in a bar and they would never lie to you,, got it.

But it seems the point you are making is that you are "friends" with these girls, not paying them and they tell you they are happy with being prostitutes, therefore you are directly endorsing that women are happy with engaging in prostitution.

Look, you can believe what you will but it is an absolute fact that there are many, many women that are forced or just trapped for whatever economic reason in the prostitution game. Maybe the family needs the money, maybe it is pressure from terrible parents, maybe drug addiction,, whatever,, It is widely understood that they will say whatever they need to say in order to get some business / money and are absolutely acting and saying what they think the punter will want to hear. You must accept that a prostitute is never going to "open up" to a punter when he says something dumb like "are you happy doing this", she is never going to say "no, I feel ashamed but I need the money so I try and cope emotionally and physically with people like you pounding away on me". Surely you accept this right?

So, I accept the point may not be so valid with your example but fact still remains. There are so many guys on here saying "I have spoken to them and they are all happy, they chose to do this and thy even enjoy the sex". You can read this on this forum for yourself. But it is known through countless sources that the truth is most are absolutely not happy.

So, forgive me if I misread your meaning. I just find it outrageous the things people say about the exploitation of young women. In my view no woman can or will be happy with selling herself to multiples of men.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

You suggest we 'Find out about the lives of prostitutes by 'looking it up in a book' - as opposed to talking to the ones you see in Pattaya - your view comes from the life loathing learned morality of religion not reality but when you hear the views of people who mix with sex workers you do not want to believe that so much of what you were taught was a lie- stick to your biased research and moralistic books which cherry pick the negative side of situations just as the anti drugs campaigners do - refusing the to acknowledge the fun and pleasure most people have. You seem to live in a self induced fantasy world with regards to sex workers in Thailand and I suspect you a Christian extremist with an agenda - like Elmer Gantry maybe.

You know nothing about me, and your analysis of me is so far away it only confirms to me how poor your judgement is.

I said to people "research it", why is it you think I have not seen things for myself. You think because you frequent bars and pick up prostitutes you are better qualified then me to have an opinion. Stick to what you know fella and leave the thinking to someone better equipped.

I have a view that this guy is doing a worthwhile thing. I also hate the idea of people paying poor girls for sex. Yes, they can earn more money that way, this is what makes it bad. They soon get trapped by the economic situation, and that is the best situation, the worst is they are forced or trafficked. And what about the underage kids, are you 100% sure when you pay that the girl is in fact not underage and has been trafficked? If so how is it you absolutely know? Do any of these questions ever enter your mind or is your thinking just happening below the waist. And no, despite all the comments on here they are not all happy and yes I do have personal experience of this.

So bury your head in the sand as much as you want. It won't change my view or the view of most of the civilised people in this world who believe that it is wrong to use poor women in a developing country for sex just because it is cheap and provides a so called "paradise" for you.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

My vote for most stupid self serving thing I have read this week

Why stupid and why self serving?

Because if you read "jacksam" previous posts, he is one of the old losers with a hooker as his partner.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,
That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

I think you might be confused one here, you asked "why would they lie" as if the possibility had not occurred to you.

I was pointing out (in a tongue in cheek way) that of course prostitutes lie, whether you are going to pay them that night or not. If you think that they don't, or if you think they just don't lie to you (because you're special) then perhaps you should go and have some real fun, in the real world where women who don't require payment frequent.

A little tip if you are going to pick and chose what you want to read in someone's post then do it correctly I said and this is just for you to READ and digest. I do not pay them nor buy lady drinks for them they are friends OK got it have you. So they have no reason to lie to me. Now I know your mind if full of utter godliness and that you are so perfect in every way in your minds eye that is but read other people's posts properly before you engage gob or in your case fingers before thinking

Ok, they are just your friends, and you meet them in a bar and they would never lie to you,, got it.

But it seems the point you are making is that you are "friends" with these girls, not paying them and they tell you they are happy with being prostitutes, therefore you are directly endorsing that women are happy with engaging in prostitution.

Look, you can believe what you will but it is an absolute fact that there are many, many women that are forced or just trapped for whatever economic reason in the prostitution game. Maybe the family needs the money, maybe it is pressure from terrible parents, maybe drug addiction,, whatever,, It is widely understood that they will say whatever they need to say in order to get some business / money and are absolutely acting and saying what they think the punter will want to hear. You must accept that a prostitute is never going to "open up" to a punter when he says something dumb like "are you happy doing this", she is never going to say "no, I feel ashamed but I need the money so I try and cope emotionally and physically with people like you pounding away on me". Surely you accept this right?

So, I accept the point may not be so valid with your example but fact still remains. There are so many guys on here saying "I have spoken to them and they are all happy, they chose to do this and thy even enjoy the sex". You can read this on this forum for yourself. But it is known through countless sources that the truth is most are absolutely not happy.

So, forgive me if I misread your meaning. I just find it outrageous the things people say about the exploitation of young women. In my view no woman can or will be happy with selling herself to multiples of men.

You haven't met my ex-wife then. She's happy, bankrupted many for a pounding. Her family and friends are proud of her doing that. From poverty to a middle income family all by exploiting herself. She's a role model in her village.

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Anonymous: Prostitutes have very improperly been styled women of pleasure; they are women of pain, or sorrow, of grief, of bitter and continual repentance,

That is so true.

Yes many choose the career but certainly don't enjoy it like some think

That's a very sweeping statement there can you back it up with facts not hear say or thai visa say. Are you reincarnated was you a hooker in that life. Or are you just saying what YOU belive sod what the real women working think. I have spoken to lots of so called Bar girls/prostitutes the over riding feeling that comes through is happiness. So don't genralizations your thoughts are just that say something like surley they don't or I wonder if they enjoy it.

And what do you expect bar girls to say?

Deary me, it is pretty easy to find real facts on the misery that surrounds prostitution, don't be lazy, look it up. I just hope you have the fortitude to read, absorb and reflect on your understanding of it all.

But whatever you do, don't listen to Bar girls who tell you its all ok, they may be ok but if they are not they still are unlikely to tell you. They lie for a living, they tell you whatever you want to hear, and they are good at it.

So now according to you they are liars as well. I belive you to be the lazy one sat on Google the font of all knowledge grow some balls man. Take the blinkers off and try to see it is what it is. Why would they lie to me????? I don't sleep with then or give them money or pay lady price drinks for them they are friends or are you saying all friends lie. Get down off that pulpit your on and go out and see the real world

No, you're right. They all send money home, all need the money for their children's education and they do love you. Oh, and you probably are amazing in bed and hung like an Elephant.. giggle.gif

What bit of my post did you not read then getting a bit confused are we can't remember who said what or why. To much wanking does that go out and get some real fun

I think you might be confused one here, you asked "why would they lie" as if the possibility had not occurred to you.

I was pointing out (in a tongue in cheek way) that of course prostitutes lie, whether you are going to pay them that night or not. If you think that they don't, or if you think they just don't lie to you (because you're special) then perhaps you should go and have some real fun, in the real world where women who don't require payment frequent.

A little tip if you are going to pick and chose what you want to read in someone's post then do it correctly I said and this is just for you to READ and digest. I do not pay them nor buy lady drinks for them they are friends OK got it have you. So they have no reason to lie to me. Now I know your mind if full of utter godliness and that you are so perfect in every way in your minds eye that is but read other people's posts properly before you engage gob or in your case fingers before thinking

Ok, they are just your friends, and you meet them in a bar and they would never lie to you,, got it.

But it seems the point you are making is that you are "friends" with these girls, not paying them and they tell you they are happy with being prostitutes, therefore you are directly endorsing that women are happy with engaging in prostitution.

Look, you can believe what you will but it is an absolute fact that there are many, many women that are forced or just trapped for whatever economic reason in the prostitution game. Maybe the family needs the money, maybe it is pressure from terrible parents, maybe drug addiction,, whatever,, It is widely understood that they will say whatever they need to say in order to get some business / money and are absolutely acting and saying what they think the punter will want to hear. You must accept that a prostitute is never going to "open up" to a punter when he says something dumb like "are you happy doing this", she is never going to say "no, I feel ashamed but I need the money so I try and cope emotionally and physically with people like you pounding away on me". Surely you accept this right?

So, I accept the point may not be so valid with your example but fact still remains. There are so many guys on here saying "I have spoken to them and they are all happy, they chose to do this and thy even enjoy the sex". You can read this on this forum for yourself. But it is known through countless sources that the truth is most are absolutely not happy.

So, forgive me if I misread your meaning. I just find it outrageous the things people say about the exploitation of young women. In my view no woman can or will be happy with selling herself to multiples of men.

You completely miss the point.

Firstly the man or woman and yes there are some who is paying the girl is never going to ask if she enjoys the job.

Secondly these girls work really hard for 12hr shifts sometimes drinking lots of beer the men buy them. For some this is enough a few of the girls I know only work the men for drinks to top up there crap days wage they don't and won't go off with them but as there bar girls you lump them as prostitutes.

It is always the girls decision if she wants to go with a man no pressure is put on them by mamaSan on that score.

You quote chapter and verse from books/articles/internet have you any real life experience of any of it. We all get you are discusted with it. That's your right but it us not your right to push your views as absolute truth on everybody else who belives diffrenty. You come across as a bible bashing hillier than tho sort of person. I'm sure your not that bad just a bit deluded maybe

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