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Clinton, Obama, stand-ins emphasize her trustworthiness


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" Wherever they go, whatever they do, ethics are trashed and suspicions of criminal conduct follow them like night follows day.

It’s who they are and it’s self-delusional to believe another stint in the White House would make the Clintons better people. Power exacerbates rather than cures an absence of integrity."


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Something for the centrist voter to consider, or for any moderate or reasonable person to consider concerning a right and proper Potus....

New York Times: “Mrs. Clinton would even schmooze differently than the past few presidents have. Not one to do business over golf or basketball, she would bring back the intimate style of former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Lyndon B. Johnson, negotiating over adult beverages. Picture a steady stream of senators, congressmen and other leaders raising a glass and talking policy in the Oval Office with her and her likely chief of staff, John D. Podesta, as her husband pops in with a quick thought or a disarming compliment.”

“Deeply confident that she would perform better as the president than as a political candidate, Mrs. Clinton wants to pursue a whole new approach at the White House to try to break through years of partisan gridlock, according to a dozen campaign advisers and allies who described her goals and outlook.

The best dealmaker in the White House since the likes of Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson. Yes, bring back the good old days of reasoning together for a morning in America that makes America great again in ways it hasn't been too great under the Bushes.

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Tsk. If she's a compulsive liar you should be able to come up with something other than splitting hairs with Bernie six months ago.

Trump spews more bullshit every 5 minutes he speaks.

Still waiting on the compulsive liar proof.

1) Landed under sniper fire in Bosnia:


2) Says she didn't blame Benghazi on youtube video when attending the funeral of the 4 killed. Two lies in one 1) the video 2) the family.


Trouble is, the dems are deaf and blind. They don't see what is right under their noses - and, boy, does it stink!

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Hillary's Closest Aide Admits Clinton 'Illegally' Burned Daily Schedule



Now that is criminal ! Those were Official Federal Records, which are not to be destroyed for many years.

They belong to you and I....the public..........

She has really gone off the ledge with that one.

She is out...for sure.

Left wingnutters will never be able to defend this act.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Hillary's Closest Aide Admits Clinton 'Illegally' Burned Daily Schedule



Now that is criminal ! Those were Official Federal Records, which are not to be destroyed for many years.

They belong to you and I....the public..........

She has really gone off the ledge with that one.

She is out...for sure.

Left wingnutters will never be able to defend this act.

"Left wingnutters will never be able to defend this act."

The Dems will:

1. Ignore it.

2. Say it doesn't matter.

3. Say everyone else used to do it too.

4. Call us "wingnuts", and change the subject.


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Does a day ever go by without Hillary being caught breaking the law?

Apparently she didn't break it enough for the chicken-s**t FBI to recommend charges against her.

I wonder if they are all Dems?


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