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UK Independence Party chief Nigel Farage quits


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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

So who you want to fight? The EU controllers? The immigrants? Who? So when you were a soldier you never employed withdrawal tactics to preserve your forces? You fought to the death because anything less would be cowardly? Not related to General Custer are you?

Rather shortsighted to take 'fight' literally. Withdrawal tactics? - certainly, but we didn't give up the fight. Let's go way back and consider the Suffragettes and their 'fight' for the vote. Had they given up after a relatively short campaign, half of the UK adult population wouldn't have been able to vote on the 23rd June. You and others can enjoy your lives in TL, while it's people like my brother in the UK who will have to deal with the future consequences of the gung ho brigade, a number of whom only now realise what they have done.

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Mild is not a Tsunami and politicians have already made themselves look ridiculous. Cameron, Osborne, Clark, Blair and all the other idiots who prophesied a complete Armageddon. So yes King did not run to the toilet and crap himself. He was a little more level headed. As for the BOE board. They are through and through, establishment bankers, totally for the EU. You have lost that argument straight away.

Farage said 'Mild', don't go assuming what Farage said is a fact. He's already demonstrated his ability to lie.

The BoE have today announced they are releasing £150Billion into the economy and Carney is warning of 'crystallising risks' while the value of the pound continues to fall.

Perhaps this was the Brexit plan to reduce immigration - wreck the economy.


See my Post 119.


Remember those facts from Farage and UKIP that got your knickers in a twist tongue.pngtongue.png

Edited by SgtRock
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So who you want to fight? The EU controllers? The immigrants? Who? So when you were a soldier you never employed withdrawal tactics to preserve your forces? You fought to the death because anything less would be cowardly? Not related to General Custer are you?

Rather shortsighted to take 'fight' literally. Withdrawal tactics? - certainly, but we didn't give up the fight. Let's go way back and consider the Suffragettes and their 'fight' for the vote. Had they given up after a relatively short campaign, half of the UK adult population wouldn't have been able to vote on the 23rd June. You and others can enjoy your lives in TL, while it's people like my brother in the UK who will have to deal with the future consequences of the gung ho brigade, a number of whom only now realise what they have done.

Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

Edited by Linzz
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So who you want to fight? The EU controllers? The immigrants? Who? So when you were a soldier you never employed withdrawal tactics to preserve your forces? You fought to the death because anything less would be cowardly? Not related to General Custer are you?

Rather shortsighted to take 'fight' literally. Withdrawal tactics? - certainly, but we didn't give up the fight. Let's go way back and consider the Suffragettes and their 'fight' for the vote. Had they given up after a relatively short campaign, half of the UK adult population wouldn't have been able to vote on the 23rd June. You and others can enjoy your lives in TL, while it's people like my brother in the UK who will have to deal with the future consequences of the gung ho brigade, a number of whom only now realise what they have done.

Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

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You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

Go back to the UK, then your pension will be worth more than previously, not being frozen.

And free health care!

Edited by MissAndry
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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

What have you done to help the UK in any way?

As for the insults you seem to think that you are better than he is.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

Nothing positive or constructive.

If you are ashamed to be English you could always apply to any EU country to live there, gain citizenship and then renounce your UK citizenship.

He spent 20 years trying to get the UK out of the EU, yet you as a keyboard warrior, can only post insults.

And I spent 20 years in uniform and have in my time been rather more than a keyboard warrior. How about you? He has talked a lot in a similar time frame. He worked in the city, call that a "proper job"? I called him a scumbag - that's singular, I don't recall the plural? I don't need life advice from you or anyone else, I'm not arrogant enough to do likewise. thank you.

I don't suppose that 25 years in the RAF would count with you. A further 5 years with the Home Office, 11 years with Motorola in the UK and overseas and a further 10 years building mobile phone networks in 20 odd countries around the world.

Of course working in the city is a proper job. Why would it not be?

I am sure that you don't need advice from anyone else because you wouldn't listen to it anyway.

The difference between you and I is that I try not to insult people whether I know them or not.

The difference between you and I is that I try not to insult people whether I know them or not.

I wouldn't have expected anything less from the glorious RAF. Tally ho chaps, let's go and get the blighter!

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.


I am astounded with this post. Everyone has an opinion on Farage, but it appears to me that if he has been truthful in his stance for the best part of 20 years, then he is actually worthy of applause for sticking to his guns for so long in the face of adversity.

As a soldier, you should also know to pick your battles wisely, a battle with the EU is was a battle that the UK were never going to win, so fixing the EU's problem was never going to happen.

You should also know that although we do not run away. A tactical withdrawal to regroup resources is not running away and is sometimes an absolute necessity.

Pulling up the drawbridge and hiding, appears to me, to be the very hallmark of the EU institutions.


All a question of perspective I suppose. I really don't see it a a tactical withdrawal at all.

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So who you want to fight? The EU controllers? The immigrants? Who? So when you were a soldier you never employed withdrawal tactics to preserve your forces? You fought to the death because anything less would be cowardly? Not related to General Custer are you?

Rather shortsighted to take 'fight' literally. Withdrawal tactics? - certainly, but we didn't give up the fight. Let's go way back and consider the Suffragettes and their 'fight' for the vote. Had they given up after a relatively short campaign, half of the UK adult population wouldn't have been able to vote on the 23rd June. You and others can enjoy your lives in TL, while it's people like my brother in the UK who will have to deal with the future consequences of the gung ho brigade, a number of whom only now realise what they have done.

Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

Not at all - but blame politicians (running around fighting amongst themselves) for sterling depreciating over the last couple of days.

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You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

Go back to the UK, then your pension will be worth more than previously, not being frozen.

And free health care!

Thank you for stating the obvious. How I've lived my life without people like you astounds me! Alf Garnett would I'm sure be proud of you.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

History proves you wrong. As in the last great Brexit from Europe, why not sign Article 50 on the beach at Dunkirk and then sail back to blighty in a fleet of small boats. That'll show them.

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Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

Not at all - but blame politicians (running around fighting amongst themselves) for sterling depreciating over the last couple of days.

Agree. It's uncertainty that creates a loss in confidence and a flight to more secure investment that caused the Pound to drop.It will recover when confidence returns and politicians stop dicking around. Your pension is dependent on interest rates to gain value. If Britain stayed in the EU and the BoE became subservient to the ECB where zero or negative interest rates are the rule of the day then your pension would be worth nothing or less than nothing. Did you vote to remain? Currently the UK interest rate is 0.5%. Exchange rates to THB through a drop in the pound is something you have to live with regardless if you choose to live outside the UK or if you decide to return then it will be more expensive to buy imported goods.

The GBP vs. USD has declined since 1967. That's IMHO but research yourselves, Cheers.

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Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

Not at all - but blame politicians (running around fighting amongst themselves) for sterling depreciating over the last couple of days.

Agree. It's uncertainty that creates a loss in confidence and a flight to more secure investment that caused the Pound to drop.It will recover when confidence returns and politicians stop dicking around. Your pension is dependent on interest rates to gain value. If Britain stayed in the EU and the BoE became subservient to the ECB where zero or negative interest rates are the rule of the day then your pension would be worth nothing or less than nothing. Did you vote to remain? Currently the UK interest rate is 0.5%. Exchange rates to THB through a drop in the pound is something you have to live with regardless if you choose to live outside the UK or if you decide to return then it will be more expensive to buy imported goods.

The GBP vs. USD has declined since 1967. That's IMHO but research yourselves, Cheers.

Personally, I'm one of the lucky few that has a good 'final salary' company pension plus a widows' pension from another good scheme. In a few years time I can also claim another company pension. The state pension doesn't enter my thoughts.

But I feel v sorry for employees nowadays, as company pensions have been drastically reduced and most are reliant on saving with companies that rip them off.

We can thank UK politicians and big business for this - no care for ordinary employees, but are happy to pay those at the top disproportionately. Hence the ever increasing gap between rich and poor.

Edit - I used to prepare (some) Board papers for a v large company (with subsidiaries in many other countries), and it became v obvious that the actual 'results' papers would drop far down in the list of consideration by Board members if there was an item affecting their own hotel accommodation/class of travel or expenses....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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So who you want to fight? The EU controllers? The immigrants? Who? So when you were a soldier you never employed withdrawal tactics to preserve your forces? You fought to the death because anything less would be cowardly? Not related to General Custer are you?

Rather shortsighted to take 'fight' literally. Withdrawal tactics? - certainly, but we didn't give up the fight. Let's go way back and consider the Suffragettes and their 'fight' for the vote. Had they given up after a relatively short campaign, half of the UK adult population wouldn't have been able to vote on the 23rd June. You and others can enjoy your lives in TL, while it's people like my brother in the UK who will have to deal with the future consequences of the gung ho brigade, a number of whom only now realise what they have done.

Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

So now I know why Germany was such an economic powerhouse all those years with the DM it was because their currency was weak.

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So who you want to fight? The EU controllers? The immigrants? Who? So when you were a soldier you never employed withdrawal tactics to preserve your forces? You fought to the death because anything less would be cowardly? Not related to General Custer are you?

Rather shortsighted to take 'fight' literally. Withdrawal tactics? - certainly, but we didn't give up the fight. Let's go way back and consider the Suffragettes and their 'fight' for the vote. Had they given up after a relatively short campaign, half of the UK adult population wouldn't have been able to vote on the 23rd June. You and others can enjoy your lives in TL, while it's people like my brother in the UK who will have to deal with the future consequences of the gung ho brigade, a number of whom only now realise what they have done.

Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

So now I know why Germany was such an economic powerhouse all those years with the DM it was because their currency was weak.

But just imagine how powerful they could have been if they had followed the Mugabe school of economics though.

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Contrary to popular opinion that a strong currency is good, the fall in he Pound will be a good thing to save jobs and good for exports, wring your hands all you want

So now I know why Germany was such an economic powerhouse all those years with the DM it was because their currency was weak.

But just imagine how powerful they could have been if they had followed the Mugabe school of economics though.

I agree Switzerland take note your strong currency is holding you back.

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I'm not an economist like you guys obviously are but I read a little so open your minds to different ideas

" European concepts of currency value is SERIOUSLY WRONG. Post-World War II, European politicians used the rise in their currencies as proof that they did a good job. That installed this concept that a strong currency was good for the economy which in fact if you are concerned about trade, you want a weak currency. The entire reason the Swiss put a peg on to the euro was because the rise in the franc was reducing exports and major companies threatened to leave."


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I'm not an economist like you guys obviously are but I read a little so open your minds to different ideas

" European concepts of currency value is SERIOUSLY WRONG. Post-World War II, European politicians used the rise in their currencies as proof that they did a good job. That installed this concept that a strong currency was good for the economy which in fact if you are concerned about trade, you want a weak currency. The entire reason the Swiss put a peg on to the euro was because the rise in the franc was reducing exports and major companies threatened to leave."


So I guess that Germany and Switzerland suffered as a result of having a strong currency. For some reason having a strong currency didn't put a break on Germany's economic progress based as it was on manufacturing but since the war the UK currency has mostly gone in one direction and yet for some reason with a weakening currency we do not appear to have become an industrial giant.
I recall my friends telling me that when they were in Germany they can remember an exchange rate of around 11 DM to the pound, when I was there it was around 6 and I believe that before they went into the Euro it was around 2. Yet during all that time Germany went from strength to strength and the UK went downhill with its weaker currency.
Also, the current fall in the value of the Pound (2016) is partly due to concerns over Brexit (British exit from EU). This is causing uncertainty and will likely to reduce investment from export firms. In this situation, the devaluation will probably do little to boost economic growth.
Economic growth. In terms of economic growth, the five years after 2007/08 devaluation were very weak. The devaluation was insufficient to stop the deepest recession for a long time, and the recovery was very weak – compared to other recoveries
UK Devaluation between 2008 and 2013
Between 2008 and 2013, the Pound experienced a 25-30% devaluation in Sterling, but the UK had only a weak recovery, some cost push inflation and a surprisingly large current account deficit. It seems the depreciation in the pound did little to help the UK economy.
So anyone who kids themselves that weakening the currency is going to be beneficial in the long run is probably mistaken but then I am not an economist just observed what went on with the German economy which suggests just the opposite
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Don't know much about the German economy except it got a push after WW2 with the Marshall plan and proved it's ability to add value in manufacturing.

With devaluation I guess there are other mitigating factors that come into play individual to each country.

All I was simply stating as a generalization was that strong currency does not always represent a strong economy and a weak currency mean a weak economy. Strong or weak currency is relative value between currencies only. Not an indication of a strong or weak economy. But people quickly assume it is.

Not talking about domestic economy here, but international economy. A weak currency should benefit domestic producers selling to foreign consumers.The only primary disadvantage is more expensive imports.

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Don't know much about the German economy except it got a push after WW2 with the Marshall plan and proved it's ability to add value in manufacturing.

With devaluation I guess there are other mitigating factors that come into play individual to each country.

All I was simply stating as a generalization was that strong currency does not always represent a strong economy and a weak currency mean a weak economy. Strong or weak currency is relative value between currencies only. Not an indication of a strong or weak economy. But people quickly assume it is.

Not talking about domestic economy here, but international economy. A weak currency should benefit domestic producers selling to foreign consumers.The only primary disadvantage is more expensive imports.

Strong economy leads to strong currency.
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You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

Go back to the UK, then your pension will be worth more than previously, not being frozen.

And free health care!

Thank you for stating the obvious. How I've lived my life without people like you astounds me! Alf Garnett would I'm sure be proud of you.

I fully agree with your view of Farage

What a dreadful man, such an embarrassment. Hopefully he will never be seen again

Now it will be interesting to see what happens to the UKIP band of misfits

BTW, don't make the mistake of thinking you can have a rational, informed debate on here. It's not possible.

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You want me to cheer the drop in the pound and being worse off when I receive my pension each month?

Go back to the UK, then your pension will be worth more than previously, not being frozen.

And free health care!

Thank you for stating the obvious. How I've lived my life without people like you astounds me! Alf Garnett would I'm sure be proud of you.

I fully agree with your view of Farage

What a dreadful man, such an embarrassment. Hopefully he will never be seen again

Now it will be interesting to see what happens to the UKIP band of misfits

BTW, don't make the mistake of thinking you can have a rational, informed debate on here. It's not possible.


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If the UK invokes Article 50, I look forward to Brexit supportes explaining how the deal the UK gets from the EU after Brexit is better than the deal the UK now has.

We don't have to pay MEP wages?

It's not as if them being there made any difference to anything.

Edited by MissAndry
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If the UK invokes Article 50, I look forward to Brexit supportes explaining how the deal the UK gets from the EU after Brexit is better than the deal the UK now has.

That is not the job of the supporters.......................... the government will explain that to you, and other Remainiacs, as they have to negotiate the deal.

Edited by Jip99
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If the UK invokes Article 50, I look forward to Brexit supportes explaining how the deal the UK gets from the EU after Brexit is better than the deal the UK now has.

That is not the job of the supporters.......................... the government will explain that to you, and other Remainiacs, as they have to negotiate the deal.

Interesting article here which tries to explain why there was no plan for this or sign of one yet.


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Don't know much about the German economy except it got a push after WW2 with the Marshall plan and proved it's ability to add value in manufacturing.

With devaluation I guess there are other mitigating factors that come into play individual to each country.

All I was simply stating as a generalization was that strong currency does not always represent a strong economy and a weak currency mean a weak economy. Strong or weak currency is relative value between currencies only. Not an indication of a strong or weak economy. But people quickly assume it is.

Not talking about domestic economy here, but international economy. A weak currency should benefit domestic producers selling to foreign consumers.The only primary disadvantage is more expensive imports.

Strong economy leads to strong currency.

That means Thailand has a strong economy,then?

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If the UK invokes Article 50, I look forward to Brexit supportes explaining how the deal the UK gets from the EU after Brexit is better than the deal the UK now has.

That is not the job of the supporters.......................... the government will explain that to you, and other Remainiacs, as they have to negotiate the deal.

Interesting article here which tries to explain why there was no plan for this or sign of one yet.


Interesting but myopic.

But then that has been the way of the press for many years. They have to slant their reporting with opinion.

Does anyone have any reportage that is just that - and not someone from the left, or right, putting their spin on it.

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If the UK invokes Article 50, I look forward to Brexit supportes explaining how the deal the UK gets from the EU after Brexit is better than the deal the UK now has.

That is not the job of the supporters.......................... the government will explain that to you, and other Remainiacs, as they have to negotiate the deal.

Interesting article here which tries to explain why there was no plan for this or sign of one yet.


Interesting but myopic.

But then that has been the way of the press for many years. They have to slant their reporting with opinion.

Does anyone have any reportage that is just that - and not someone from the left, or right, putting their spin on it.

That article was pretty much 'we should have voted Bremain' from a Brexit paper.

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If the UK invokes Article 50, I look forward to Brexit supportes explaining how the deal the UK gets from the EU after Brexit is better than the deal the UK now has.

That is not the job of the supporters.......................... the government will explain that to you, and other Remainiacs, as they have to negotiate the deal.

Interesting article here which tries to explain why there was no plan for this or sign of one yet.


Except the Brit. govt. were the ones who were able to obtain all the facts and info. - and yet they (the ones responsible for coming up with another plan - in the event the referendum didn't go their way) didn't bother coming up with a plan....

I'm at a loss to understand why this is the fault of the few brexiteer politicians - bearing in mind it was the responsibility of the Brit. govt.??

As it turned out, the PM resigned, which left the country with a lot of question marks as to what was going to happen next. Corbyn then came under threat, and Farage also resigned. In short, political chaos.

We pay these people.... Edit - v generously since they more often than not see it as a way of gaining directorships/consultancies/MEP jobs etc. when they are eventually thrown out. Not to mention their pensions - that are nothing more than a dream for the rest of the population!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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