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Sukhumvit Smooth Talking Scammer Still On Loose

The Dude

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So the guy says he's Canadian?

I'd bet he's American...

If I was a begging American and wanted to increase the odds of getting cash I'd say I was Canadian... same reason some Americans sew Canadian flags on their backpacks.

That's only because everytime we act like as*holes we tell everyone we're yanks. :D


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8.10 am on a sunday morning (today) near the Nana intersection and there is a farang picking one baht coins out of the gutter and rummaging though every pile of rubbish and half empty plastic bag for a sip of drink.

<deleted> is going on?

The same thing that has been going on for decades.

In the 60s to the 80s you had broken down Hippies doing that, now it's mostly broken down sextourists and sexpats.

Actually, though, nowadays you see far less farang in such a mess than before.

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In of my earlier postings I said there was a fund in place to help those genuine cases of farangs, who fall through the net and are on their absolute last legs to get home (meaning the country which their passport identifies them been a national of).

I have spoken to one of the decision makers of that fund today, who tells me that they are willing to consider his situation again.

So I am going to ask whoever sees him to please take 2 minutes to convey to him that should he wish to go home he can contact me. I will put him in touch with someone in Bangkok who will want to see him in person as part of the decision making process.

Nothing is promised at this point - his circumstances and situation will again be reviewed and (re)considered.

This fund does one thing only – repatriation of farangs back to their home country.

No legal bills are ever considered, no hospital bills are ever considered – only genuine cases of farangs who have fallen thru the net and have absolutely no recourse to repatriation except by way of this fund are considered. The typical profile is someone whose circumstances/situation is often related to a mental health problem/crisis, who has no funds or recourse to funds (from any source), is down to the shirt on their back, and is someone who no-one else cares for or is willing to help. And believe me when I say each case is examined very carefully – the fund has never been scammed or abused.

As so many of us have shown an interest in this guy and his behaviour/conduct by way of the opinions we have expressed on this thread (for good or for bad – I make no judgement about them – it’s called freedom of expression and we are all entitled to it), if you have any interest in helping or contributing to this fund, please mail me via my TV profile email or by way of PM and I will fill you in on how cases are considered and how the fund operates (somewhat different & interesting) – but its perhaps best that the public forum is not used in any way other than to make it known that help is their for us in our hour of need.

….. so if someone sees this chap sometime, if he wants help, please ask him to contact me and I will put him in touch with the right person.



I aaam in BKK every month for a week or sso. Iam a bit confused. If I see this guy how and the hel_l am I supposed to tell him to contact you? Taake him to an Internet shop aand send you a PM?


No offeense intended, But?


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8.10 am on a sunday morning (today) near the Nana intersection and there is a farang picking one baht coins out of the gutter and rummaging though every pile of rubbish and half empty plastic bag for a sip of drink.

<deleted> is going on?

The same thing that has been going on for decades.

In the 60s to the 80s you had broken down Hippies doing that, now it's mostly broken down sextourists and sexpats.

Actually, though, nowadays you see far less farang in such a mess than before.

Sorry ColPyat, old buddy, but I've NEVER seen "broken down sextourists and sexpats" out begging on the streets of LOS. They usually go home and come back with more money.

Seen a good number of down and out alchies and druggies reduced to that however. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sorry ColPyat, old buddy, but I've NEVER seen "broken down sextourists and sexpats" out begging on the streets of LOS. They usually go home and come back with more money.

Seen a good number of down and out alchies and druggies reduced to that however. :o

I have seen here quiet a few. Lots of sextourists are alcoholics, and more than a few are into drugs, or get introduced into drugs by closer association with the girls.

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Sorry ColPyat, old buddy, but I've NEVER seen "broken down sextourists and sexpats" out begging on the streets of LOS. They usually go home and come back with more money.

Seen a good number of down and out alchies and druggies reduced to that however. :o

I have seen here quiet a few. Lots of sextourists are alcoholics, and more than a few are into drugs, or get introduced into drugs by closer association with the girls.

Ulysses is in denial ... :D

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Sorry ColPyat, old buddy, but I've NEVER seen "broken down sextourists and sexpats" out begging on the streets of LOS. They usually go home and come back with more money.

Seen a good number of down and out alchies and druggies reduced to that however. :o

I have seen here quiet a few. Lots of sextourists are alcoholics, and more than a few are into drugs, or get introduced into drugs by closer association with the girls.

Ulysses is in denial ... :D

I spent the family fortune long ago, but I just told the girls I was broke and despite my lack of cash or physical appeal got huge discounts for quite a few years until I got on my feet again.

Nobody can tell me those girls are heartless. :D

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I spent the family fortune long ago, but I just told the girls I was broke and despite my lack of cash or physical appeal got huge discounts for quite a few years until I got on my feet again.

Nobody can tell me those girls are heartless. :D

Definately they are not heartless.

Many of those farang junkies and alcoholics here, when they reached bottom, are fed through and taken care of by bargirls and freelancers.

And they will fight for them, if someone is stupid enough to attack them out of some mistaken moral crusade. These sort of fights are not for the faint hearted - in many handbags of those girls one will find razorblades, cutters and similar niceties... :o

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Many of those farang junkies and alcoholics here, when they reached bottom, are fed through and taken care of by bargirls and freelancers.

And they will fight for them, if someone is stupid enough to attack them out of some mistaken moral crusade. These sort of fights are not for the faint hearted - in many handbags of those girls one will find razorblades, cutters and similar niceties... :o


Give it a rest....

So now we have to be fearful of a marauding horde of Thai bargirls, armed to the teeth, should we interfere with falang street scammers? Are you scared of your own shadow as well?

You're really stretching the limit of your credibility here mate. Time to give up.

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8.10 am on a sunday morning (today) near the Nana intersection and there is a farang picking one baht coins out of the gutter and rummaging though every pile of rubbish and half empty plastic bag for a sip of drink.

<deleted> is going on?

The same thing that has been going on for decades.

In the 60s to the 80s you had broken down Hippies doing that, now it's mostly broken down sextourists and sexpats.

Actually, though, nowadays you see far less farang in such a mess than before.

That's probably cos they go somewhere else.

I was in Goa a couple of years ago and there was no shortage of hard luck stories. On guy in his 50s was trying to get money cos he had bone marrow disease. I saw him later at a full moon party off his face and bouncing on the dance floor.

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Many of those farang junkies and alcoholics here, when they reached bottom, are fed through and taken care of by bargirls and freelancers.

And they will fight for them, if someone is stupid enough to attack them out of some mistaken moral crusade. These sort of fights are not for the faint hearted - in many handbags of those girls one will find razorblades, cutters and similar niceties... :o


Give it a rest....

So now we have to be fearful of a marauding horde of Thai bargirls, armed to the teeth, should we interfere with falang street scammers? Are you scared of your own shadow as well?

You're really stretching the limit of your credibility here mate. Time to give up.

Mr. Rambo, in case you missed it, the extreme danger posed by just about anyone and anything in Thailand is ColPyat's favorite theme. If I were to sum up most of his posts in single sentence it would be "Danger Will Robinson, Danger!"

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Give it a rest....

So now we have to be fearful of a marauding horde of Thai bargirls, armed to the teeth, should we interfere with falang street scammers? Are you scared of your own shadow as well?

You're really stretching the limit of your credibility here mate. Time to give up.

It is amazing how in this day and age people reach expert status by reading a few internet blogs about the place they plan to move.

I am in anticipation on the tone of your posts a few years down the line, if you actually last that long. LOL!

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Many of those farang junkies and alcoholics here, when they reached bottom, are fed through and taken care of by bargirls and freelancers.

And they will fight for them, if someone is stupid enough to attack them out of some mistaken moral crusade. These sort of fights are not for the faint hearted - in many handbags of those girls one will find razorblades, cutters and similar niceties... :o


Give it a rest....

So now we have to be fearful of a marauding horde of Thai bargirls, armed to the teeth, should we interfere with falang street scammers? Are you scared of your own shadow as well?

You're really stretching the limit of your credibility here mate. Time to give up.


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That's probably cos they go somewhere else.

I was in Goa a couple of years ago and there was no shortage of hard luck stories. On guy in his 50s was trying to get money cos he had bone marrow disease. I saw him later at a full moon party off his face and bouncing on the dance floor.

Also in India there are a lot less of those characters than there used to be.

When i was very young i still got the extreme tailend of the Hippy aera, and places like Bombays's Colabar were full of washed up westerners begging, scamming, scheming, sleeping in the streets. The misery down there was heartbreaking at times.

Good old Leopold's was amazing then, all sorts around there, junkies, European hookers, gold smugglers, stranded refugees.

I am very sorry, but i completely fail to see why one broken down farang here in Bangkok attracts so much spite, and why defending his right to exist the way he chooses to almost as much.

Maybe some of the recent arrivals (and not yet arrived ones) still carry their western Christian outrage at everything that does not fit in their very limited experience of life here outside their cocoon?


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That's probably cos they go somewhere else.

I was in Goa a couple of years ago and there was no shortage of hard luck stories. On guy in his 50s was trying to get money cos he had bone marrow disease. I saw him later at a full moon party off his face and bouncing on the dance floor.

Also in India there are a lot less of those characters than there used to be.

When i was very young i still got the extreme tailend of the Hippy aera, and places like Bombays's Colabar were full of washed up westerners begging, scamming, scheming, sleeping in the streets. The misery down there was heartbreaking at times.

Good old Leopold's was amazing then, all sorts around there, junkies, European hookers, gold smugglers, stranded refugees.

I am very sorry, but i completely fail to see why one broken down farang here in Bangkok attracts so much spite, and why defending his right to exist the way he chooses to almost as much.

Maybe some of the recent arrivals (and not yet arrived ones) still carry their western Christian outrage at everything that does not fit in their very limited experience of life here outside their cocoon?


Well said ColPyat, and quite true.

Some people cannot see the wood for the trees - until it happens to them.

Then what are they going to do?.

Charity has nothing to do with religion. It is being aware that not all are as fortunate as we are at this moment. And life being life, things do change at short notice.

Most people are decent sorts and some get into difficulties. The last thing they need are the Rambos of this world.

Jeez......what a moniker......Rambo. Says it all really doesn't it?.



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Charity has nothing to do with religion. It is being aware that not all are as fortunate as we are at this moment. And life being life, things do change at short notice.

Most people are decent sorts and some get into difficulties.



Thank you.

You have just restored my faith in blogger-humanity. :o

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Most people are decent sorts and some get into difficulties. The last thing they need are the Rambos of this world.

Jeez......what a moniker......Rambo. Says it all really doesn't it?.

Actually "John Rambo" was a good guy...the one in the movies.

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Most people are decent sorts and some get into difficulties. The last thing they need are the Rambos of this world.

Yes, this street scammer's a sound guy alright, he's only been in Thailand for the last four years ripping people off left right and centre. Refusing help offered to him to get him back home. What a decent sort.

Why don't we protect his right to scam people whenever he feels like it, in fact, let's take things back to ColPyat's good old days and encourage a load more falangs to work the Bangkok streets. More power to them, Thailand needs more of these characters.

I am absolutely astounded that there are people defending this guy's right to earn a living in this manner. What will they be saying if he gets more desperate for drug money and mugs an old lady? What if he corners you, ColPyat? He might not be deterred by the sight of you whimpering in a ball at his feet.

Some people are happy to let problems fester in their midst. I am not.

If he has to be removed by physical force to the nearest police station and accused of his crimes, then so be it. We should not be afraid of the legions of Thai bargirls that will rush to protect him, fearlessly swinging their handbags around their heads, the second we lay hands on his cotton flower print shirt.

This guy has to be dealt with and let it serve as a warning to all falang street scammers roaming Thailand that their days of easy scores are numbered!

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Taking money under false pretences is called fraud.

Bar-girls provide a service for the money you give, there's no comparison.

You mean like the service of telling you and several others how much they love you alone and only in order to get as many sponsors as she can so she and her Thai boyfriend can have a good life. :o

Do you think she could work in this manner several times a day for years ? It's not the same as the ancient profession or the scammer dude in this respect. Like Sir Burr said, bar-girls provide a 'legit' service. The scammer guy is a true fraudster, many times a day, for years.

As by legal definition, a bargirl does not provide a "legit" service, because prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, but not legal.

And if you look at the off numbers of the most popular bargirls, yes, some of them do provide service several times a day. And yes, many do juggle around several sponsors, getting monthly payments under false pretences. And most of the ones who are not in this position, aspire to be there.

But i don't judge them, because i am not in their position.

What is your base of judgement, especially when calling 3rd world prostitution "legit". There are many people in this world who would judge anyone who enjoys the services of a prostitute here as slightly above a rabid dog.

And no, i don't judge those blokes as long as they don't force anyone.

The guy is a fraudster, yes, so what? Are you gonna give him a monthly salary now to keep him from scamming folks? If you are not prepared to help him out of his hole, than don't judge him, please.

Are you a little bi-polar or what? One miniute you are calling bargirls sammers (Sounds like you have been scammed once to many) then you are saying that bit about the rabid dogs :D

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Are you a little bi-polar or what? One miniute you are calling bargirls sammers (Sounds like you have been scammed once to many) then you are saying that bit about the rabid dogs :o

Of course bargirls are scammers - creating and perfecting an illusion, and profiting from this, is the essence of success in their profession.

And i do not have any problem with what they are doing in that aspect, at all. If a client is stupid enough to confuse pretense of love with real love, which these girls, being humans, of course have a capacity for as well, and fall for this illusion, it is entirely his problem.

I do not view those sort of "scams", be it a bargirl getting as much out of her client, or a farang begging on the streets, as something to judge harshly. I am not in their position, i am not forced by circumstances to survive by those means, so i have no right to judge these people.

The role of dice has given me better luck, i am grateful for that, and am aware that things might change easily and could throw me into their position. Stranger things have happened to others.

I hope that clears your confusion. No, i am not bipolar, i simply don't view things as black and white as the moral majority does.

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When these scofflaws are brazenly working the streets its sends a clear message... the law is loose. It is an open invitation for other deadbeats and scum to test the waters.

How can anyone be defending this depraved grifter, he is a natural born loser. A roaming predator engorging himself on life's excesses without regard for tomorrow. He hustles and cons his fellow man to support the most worthless and perverted of pleasures. Shame on you.

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When these scofflaws are brazenly working the streets its sends a clear message... the law is loose. It is an open invitation for other deadbeats and scum to test the waters.

How can anyone be defending this depraved grifter, he is a natural born loser. A roaming predator engorging himself on life's excesses without regard for tomorrow. He hustles and cons his fellow man to support the most worthless and perverted of pleasures. Shame on you.

Oh, now even the Church of God with Signs Following makes its blessed appearance, teaching us righteousness in this unholy matter. :o

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When these scofflaws are brazenly working the streets its sends a clear message... the law is loose. It is an open invitation for other deadbeats and scum to test the waters.

How can anyone be defending this depraved grifter, he is a natural born loser. A roaming predator engorging himself on life's excesses without regard for tomorrow. He hustles and cons his fellow man to support the most worthless and perverted of pleasures. Shame on you.

You brought up an interesting point. If a person came up to you on the street and asked you for 500 baht to help pay for his airfare home, or to pay his departure tax, what law is he breaking?

The "law is loose" you claim, but you'd have a hard time having the guy arrested on any charge I'm sure, even if it happened in your home country.

How could you possibly prove that it's a scam. Let's say for example you saw him again a month later, and you went up to him and asked him why he is still there, he could come up with a hundred legit reasons (excuses) why he hadn't left yet.

It's no different at all to a bargirl lying to a customer in order to obtain extra cash bonuses.

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Of course bargirls are scammers - creating and perfecting an illusion, and profiting from this, is the essence of success in their profession.

I suppose you think all advertising and marketing are scams, to be put into the same catagory as the scammer dude.

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Of course bargirls are scammers - creating and perfecting an illusion, and profiting from this, is the essence of success in their profession.

I suppose you think advertising and marketing are all scams, to be put into the same catagory as the scammer dude.

Not all of it.

But large sectors of this business are far worse than what that bloke is doing.

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The "law is loose" you claim, but you'd have a hard time having the guy arrested on any charge I'm sure, even if it happened in your home country.

It's already been alleged the scammer is using the money to support his opiate addiction. If this is the case, his country should step in and do something before he gets into serious trouble with the law. If you don't find his scamming behaviour offensive, and if the drug allegation is true, consider the road he is walking on and where it is leading, ie. a Thai jail. IMO It is preferable he goes home asap.

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