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PM: Military will not meddle in referendum


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" how did you get thai citizenship?"

"by the way none of us here actually live here. we are guests who stay temporary on year by year visas ."

does any one here know what is in this referendum? i have asked a couple times and no one seems to have any idea so i guess thats how much any one cares about it. by the way none of us here actually live here. we are guests who stay temporary on year by year visas .

again i would be interested if any one does actually know what is in the referendum. wonder if any thais even know.

Wrong. I LIVE here. My family is here, my house is here, my car is here, I pay taxes here etc. so don't tell me I'm merely a guest!

wow me too. 9 years i have had my business, 2 half thai kids, owned several properties, paid more tax than the majority of thais. every year have to renew my one year visa. they let me stay on a year by year basis at their discretion. how did you get thai citizenship?

I didn't, and I don't need one to live here. I've lived here for 23 years. If you had a friend coming to stay with you and he stayed for 23 years (or 5, 10, 15) would you still consider him a guest or one that lived in your house?

i would consider him a tenant, and he better pay his rent on time or i would kick him out no matter how long he stayed with me.

A tenant is not a guest so I guess you agree with me then.

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All good and well, but much more important, did he say anything about alcohol sales on the day of the referendum?

No no no :)

New govenment policies:

- No more alcohol

- No more beer girls

- No more massage parlor

- No more sex..

- No more bad tourists

- Bad guys out

Everybody will soon be enrolled in the military: 100% conscription coming your way

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A tenant is not a guest so I guess you agree with me then.

i agree that someone staying in your house paying rent is not your guest, he would be your tenant. not really sure what that has to do with thailand considering you to be a guest.

check all your paperwork on you visas, it even says you are a guest in thailand, permitted to stay for the length of your visa. some of us are lucky and can stay for decades on these conditions, some cant.

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A tenant is not a guest so I guess you agree with me then.

i agree that someone staying in your house paying rent is not your guest, he would be your tenant. not really sure what that has to do with thailand considering you to be a guest.

check all your paperwork on you visas, it even says you are a guest in thailand, permitted to stay for the length of your visa. some of us are lucky and can stay for decades on these conditions, some cant.

You can regard yourself as a guest all you want. I will continue to regard myself as someone living in Thailand.

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A tenant is not a guest so I guess you agree with me then.

i agree that someone staying in your house paying rent is not your guest, he would be your tenant. not really sure what that has to do with thailand considering you to be a guest.

check all your paperwork on you visas, it even says you are a guest in thailand, permitted to stay for the length of your visa. some of us are lucky and can stay for decades on these conditions, some cant.

You can regard yourself as a guest all you want. I will continue to regard myself as someone living in Thailand.


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Military will not meddle in referendum ... tasked with maintaining peace and order.


So, the soldiers are going to be a Peace-Keeping Force - Should be wearing Blue Helmets then!

The last former caretaking MoFA Surapong suggested the Military declare Martial Law so they could guard the polling stations in order for him to have his foreign based boss' election. I didn't hear much outcry at that time. So even without Martial Law having a few soldiers around shouldn't be a problem.

Yes, after Suthep and fiends used violence and intimidation to disrupt the February elections, Surapong asked the military to declare limited martial law strictly for the purpose of ensuring a peaceful election in July. The military made it very clear they did not want an election.

A few soldiers along with international observers would be fine. Soldiers with no independent observers just further confirm how unfair the referendum will be.

For one the whatever status M0FA Surapong didn't ask, he suggested, thought aloud only. As such it's also not clear what level of martial law he was talking about.

Of course we from democratic countries know that no government will even joke about raising martial law to be able to push through elections.

And no government needs to, because in those countries, sore losers don't actually try to disrupt elections and breaking the law. It's all a out respecting and accepting democratic elections, something lacking in Thailand and the root cause of the problem.

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