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Prosecutor backtracks on bringing red bull heir to court


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Yay! The latest Brigade have arrived for our delectation!

After the Another Nail In The Coffin Brigade, the Don't Let The Door Hit You On Your Ass On The Way Out Brigade, the Another Quality Tourist Brigade and so many more I am ecstatic to present to the circus floor the Get Over It Brigade.

And here they come now, bravely placing their foot in their own mouth whilst happily jumping through hoops and acrobatically suspending themselves in their own tiny reality. They may not be the brightest bulbs on the circus but they sure do seem to go on forever once they've dimly sparked up.

So many of you want to change a system that has been working for several hundred years, get over it guys the system has been working for them how long? Nah it not going to happen just you guys burning up your key pads

Remember folks, these are entertainers so you should not rely on them for any useful information, like Evolutionary Theory or The Fall Of Rome, but they do provide us a laugh with their red nose and silly behaviour. Remember kids, clowns are for holidays, not for school.

And for the Get Over It Brigade's next trick....

Money talks all over the world ge t over it. The cops family will no doubt be compensated big time.
Does it really affect you that much if so get a shrink

Comedy and custard pie throwing with the performance of the week: How Living Under Corruption Doesn't Affect Us Including Good Advice For Treating Strange Brain Patterns.

Many more performances by the Get Over It Brigade shall inevitably follow, including a special collaboration with the I'm Alright Jack Brigade for the Christmas holiday called Not Giving A Toss About Other People Is Also What It Boils Down To Though We Didn't Just Admit That.

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This just shows how detached Thailand is from the rest of the World.

For a state prosecutor to say such ridiculous things and then run away is such a shameful thing to do. Prosecutors in other countries would hang their heads in shame.

Thailand really is like a bubble, it has it's own rules that seem like they have been in place for a thousand years, but they look so out of place in the modern World. Just turning away from this is just not acceptable behaviour today, the guy did wrong and no matter how rich he is he should face justice.

This thinking, along with Face, xenophobia and coupled with the political instability is why Thailand will lose out to the Philippines and Vietnam in the not too distant future. They are both already rapidly closing the gap and Thailand is going backwards dramatically in GDP whilst the Philippines will see 7% growth this year.

Thailand needs to reform and grow up and do it quickly. If the military really want to gain some popularity they could intervene here and bring this guy to trial.

the problem is so many are corrupt you would probably have to shove 80% of the population in jail, best they could do announce total amnesty and after start bangng them up with daily finger pointings on all news broadcasts as they enter the BKK Hilton.

I agree and why not? Duterte in the Philippines is doing exactly that right now. he has offered an amnesty to all drug dealers, "step froward now, amend you ways because after this we are coming for you". Did the same to the Police force.

I have to say this guy is risky but no one can say he doesn't get things done.

If the current PM were more like him i bet people would be far happier, but he isn't.

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Funny how proposing arrest against the rich and prominent causes memory loss and extreme slowness.

A lot like in our so called civilized western countries...... just tiny bit more blatant ?!?!?

Don't think so. Of course it would be silly to say that there is "never" any corruption, but it cannot be so obvious, it has to be well hidden. However the guilty are brought to justice no matter how big the bank balance, there are countless examples of such.

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Yay! The latest Brigade have arrived for our delectation!

After the Another Nail In The Coffin Brigade, the Don't Let The Door Hit You On Your Ass On The Way Out Brigade, the Another Quality Tourist Brigade and so many more I am ecstatic to present to the circus floor the Get Over It Brigade.

And here they come now, bravely placing their foot in their own mouth whilst happily jumping through hoops and acrobatically suspending themselves in their own tiny reality. They may not be the brightest bulbs on the circus but they sure do seem to go on forever once they've dimly sparked up.

So many of you want to change a system that has been working for several hundred years, get over it guys the system has been working for them how long? Nah it not going to happen just you guys burning up your key pads

Remember folks, these are entertainers so you should not rely on them for any useful information, like Evolutionary Theory or The Fall Of Rome, but they do provide us a laugh with their red nose and silly behaviour. Remember kids, clowns are for holidays, not for school.

And for the Get Over It Brigade's next trick....

Money talks all over the world ge t over it. The cops family will no doubt be compensated big time.

Does it really affect you that much if so get a shrink

Comedy and custard pie throwing with the performance of the week: How Living Under Corruption Doesn't Affect Us Including Good Advice For Treating Strange Brain Patterns.

Many more performances by the Get Over It Brigade shall inevitably follow, including a special collaboration with the I'm Alright Jack Brigade for the Christmas holiday called Not Giving A Toss About Other People Is Also What It Boils Down To Though We Didn't Just Admit That.

If ever a post proved my point this is it exellent. I'd call the shrink now.

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Boycot every RED BULL PRODUCT, tell your freinds and get them to tell their freinds.

The only way to get to this dirty, evil bastard is through his and his familys pockets.

This case has brought shame to the nation of Thailand and I hope all involved are proud of their vile, disgusting and corrupt actions.

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Thai justice or lack of it. Bloody disgraceful.

Many large envelopes have been passed out to get them to forget what statements were made.

Money speaks here, a poor man gets jailed for stealing fruit.

A rich brat gets to jet around the world and is untouchable until the statute of limitations expires.

The Thai government wonder why they are becoming a laughing stock.

and his name isn't even "clinton" disgraceful

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Well the TVF jury has voted. Havent found one comment in favour of the heir of the red bull dynasty. He seems guilty.

"Due to these delays, two previous misdemeanor charges filed against him – speeding and property damage – have already expired. A charge of not reporting the incident to police will expire next year.

The statute of limitations for the most serious charge – fatal reckless driving – won’t expire until 2027."

So we have another 11 years to watch this case. Mark it in your calendars.

The Dhammapada comes to mind. Verse 127.

Neither in sky nor surrounding by sea,
nor by dwelling in a mountain cave,
nowhere is found that place in earth
where one’s from evil kamma free.

He may be safe from the Thai legal system but certainly not safe from the results of his kamma.

So lets see how natural justice plays out in this case.

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Well the TVF jury has voted. Havent found one comment in favour of the heir of the red bull dynasty. He seems guilty.

"Due to these delays, two previous misdemeanor charges filed against him speeding and property damage have already expired. A charge of not reporting the incident to police will expire next year.

The statute of limitations for the most serious charge fatal reckless driving wont expire until 2027."

So we have another 11 years to watch this case. Mark it in your calendars.

The Dhammapada comes to mind. Verse 127.

Neither in sky nor surrounding by sea,

nor by dwelling in a mountain cave,

nowhere is found that place in earth

where ones from evil kamma free.

He may be safe from the Thai legal system but certainly not safe from the results of his kamma.

So lets see how natural justice plays out in this case.

I'm curious; maybe someone here can enlighten me (in the non-kharmic sense...). Do Thais on their own forums repeat the kharma-will-get-them thing as often as we seem to when discussing people who've done bad things?

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Knowing this would happen you would think they would attach some under cover officers to the case and secretly build damaging evidence exposing the Family members and or the Prosecutor asking for pay off money or been bribed or coerced or maybe threatened to drop the case.

Would not be difficult to do as you know it is going to happen while it is just a matter of when.

That is how I would be thinking if I was in charge of this case as there is no need to be 100 percent honest as you know the defendants will NOT be playing honestly anyhow so try to catch them breaking more laws and build a stronger case against them...and expect them to come after you while you have a plan to expose them doing that also.

As in counterintelligence work.


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Yay! The latest Brigade have arrived for our delectation!

After the Another Nail In The Coffin Brigade, the Don't Let The Door Hit You On Your Ass On The Way Out Brigade, the Another Quality Tourist Brigade and so many more I am ecstatic to present to the circus floor the Get Over It Brigade.

And here they come now, bravely placing their foot in their own mouth whilst happily jumping through hoops and acrobatically suspending themselves in their own tiny reality. They may not be the brightest bulbs on the circus but they sure do seem to go on forever once they've dimly sparked up.

So many of you want to change a system that has been working for several hundred years, get over it guys the system has been working for them how long? Nah it not going to happen just you guys burning up your key pads

Remember folks, these are entertainers so you should not rely on them for any useful information, like Evolutionary Theory or The Fall Of Rome, but they do provide us a laugh with their red nose and silly behaviour. Remember kids, clowns are for holidays, not for school.

And for the Get Over It Brigade's next trick....

Money talks all over the world ge t over it. The cops family will no doubt be compensated big time.

Does it really affect you that much if so get a shrink

Comedy and custard pie throwing with the performance of the week: How Living Under Corruption Doesn't Affect Us Including Good Advice For Treating Strange Brain Patterns.

Many more performances by the Get Over It Brigade shall inevitably follow, including a special collaboration with the I'm Alright Jack Brigade for the Christmas holiday called Not Giving A Toss About Other People Is Also What It Boils Down To Though We Didn't Just Admit That.

If ever a post proved my point this is it exellent. I'd call the shrink now.

PS. In common with every other Brigade member (of any description) they tend to love hearing themselves bleat, entirely irrespective of style or content.

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Miserable, gutless little bag of <deleted> will evade all attempts to reign him in and instead hide behind his family's disgusting arrogance until 2027. Of course; the Thai's will have neatly forgotten all about his crimes by then and all history of the matter will be erased as if nothing ever happened. I hope Karma gets this low life in the end.

<deleted> bovine excrement?

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Yay! The latest Brigade have arrived for our delectation!

After the Another Nail In The Coffin Brigade, the Don't Let The Door Hit You On Your Ass On The Way Out Brigade, the Another Quality Tourist Brigade and so many more I am ecstatic to present to the circus floor the Get Over It Brigade.

And here they come now, bravely placing their foot in their own mouth whilst happily jumping through hoops and acrobatically suspending themselves in their own tiny reality. They may not be the brightest bulbs on the circus but they sure do seem to go on forever once they've dimly sparked up.

So many of you want to change a system that has been working for several hundred years, get over it guys the system has been working for them how long? Nah it not going to happen just you guys burning up your key pads

Remember folks, these are entertainers so you should not rely on them for any useful information, like Evolutionary Theory or The Fall Of Rome, but they do provide us a laugh with their red nose and silly behaviour. Remember kids, clowns are for holidays, not for school.

And for the Get Over It Brigade's next trick....

Money talks all over the world ge t over it. The cops family will no doubt be compensated big time.

Does it really affect you that much if so get a shrink

Comedy and custard pie throwing with the performance of the week: How Living Under Corruption Doesn't Affect Us Including Good Advice For Treating Strange Brain Patterns.

Many more performances by the Get Over It Brigade shall inevitably follow, including a special collaboration with the I'm Alright Jack Brigade for the Christmas holiday called Not Giving A Toss About Other People Is Also What It Boils Down To Though We Didn't Just Admit That.

If ever a post proved my point this is it exellent. I'd call the shrink now.

PS. In common with every other Brigade member (of any description) they tend to love hearing themselves bleat, entirely irrespective of style or content.


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Well the TVF jury has voted. Havent found one comment in favour of the heir of the red bull dynasty. He seems guilty.

"Due to these delays, two previous misdemeanor charges filed against him speeding and property damage have already expired. A charge of not reporting the incident to police will expire next year.

The statute of limitations for the most serious charge fatal reckless driving wont expire until 2027."

So we have another 11 years to watch this case. Mark it in your calendars.

The Dhammapada comes to mind. Verse 127.

Neither in sky nor surrounding by sea,

nor by dwelling in a mountain cave,

nowhere is found that place in earth

where ones from evil kamma free.

He may be safe from the Thai legal system but certainly not safe from the results of his kamma.

So lets see how natural justice plays out in this case.

I'm curious; maybe someone here can enlighten me (in the non-kharmic sense...). Do Thais on their own forums repeat the kharma-will-get-them thing as often as we seem to when discussing people who've done bad things?

More actually. I often read postings on news stories.

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Money talks all over the world get over it. The cops family will no doubt be compensated big time.

Does it really affect you that much if so get a shrink


Forgotten, the Blue diamond affair. Duanchalerm. The Koh Tao murders.

This is life here, accept it, shut up or leave.

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I sometimes wonder what it will take for the Thais who are decent to rise up and give it this lot right up the jacksy!

Of course teaching them the hierarchy from birth and drumming it in with force at birth doesnt help.

Without singling you out, if you are doing nothing except complaining and not out rioting, then you are accepting such practices and giving legitimacy to the current system.

I remember years ago when everyone was saying how the military would put an end to corruption and how the Thaksin voters were stupid and ignorant. Now who are the stupid and ignorant people?

Sorry but Thailand have ended up with the leaders that they deserve.

Err, this appalling accident happened when? And which government were in power then? And what exactly did they do in regard to this case?

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easy its called blood money if u kill someone just pay same with the arabs… i guess the family of the cop received couple of mio dollars same everybody involved… this is the direct way to solve things here… u think in ur farang lands its different ???? excuse me if i burst out laughing....u believe in justice white man… let me tell u something over there in ur lands the richest will have the best most expensive lawyers… they avoid jail for u and if it is a politician he will get o.ly a few month in a nice easy jail for stealing billions only to apease the press a game a farce ur white system..fact is in usa black man get high sentence for medium crimes the rich go seldom in jail… a fact not a joke

BS...all money buys you is the best defence lawyers to look for holes in the law, many UK mps jailed for minor crimes, they dont "get away with it"



Edited by kannot
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The whole episode re the police actions is a terrible discrace, it belittles and is disrespectful to Thailand as a country and this should not happen. We can only hope that someone in authority will step up and enforce an action that will restore Its dignity.

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In USA, for sure the police would never ever let this go. The death of a brother officer in this manner would affect all police throughout America. They have a bond and stick together for what they represent.

Thailand confuses me in that regard. I just don't see this in Thailand.

I'm not sure why that is!

Maybe it has something to do with the colors they wear. In America, it's the men and women in Blue.

Thailand's color are what?

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Well the TVF jury has voted. Havent found one comment in favour of the heir of the red bull dynasty. He seems guilty.

"Due to these delays, two previous misdemeanor charges filed against him speeding and property damage have already expired. A charge of not reporting the incident to police will expire next year.

The statute of limitations for the most serious charge fatal reckless driving wont expire until 2027."

So we have another 11 years to watch this case. Mark it in your calendars.

The Dhammapada comes to mind. Verse 127.

Neither in sky nor surrounding by sea,

nor by dwelling in a mountain cave,

nowhere is found that place in earth

where ones from evil kamma free.

He may be safe from the Thai legal system but certainly not safe from the results of his kamma.

So lets see how natural justice plays out in this case.

I'm curious; maybe someone here can enlighten me (in the non-kharmic sense...). Do Thais on their own forums repeat the kharma-will-get-them thing as often as we seem to when discussing people who've done bad things?

Despite doubts about justifiable judiciary outcome I would support the "natural justice" possibility .

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Sometimes I really despair for this country, money is God.

The keeping face thing with Thais is really easy to understand, there is no law working for them, the poor that is, so all problems or perceived problems must be solved by the individual usually by violence, as no courts will protect them , listen to them and the only thing they own is their self esteem, or such as they perceive .

Here is a case where being rich, losing face does not come into it, I have money we are god screw you.

Being American I often wish I had plumped for S America for retirement, but I didn't, love the cost of living the food but number one my gf of seven years and her niece who we are educating and taking care of, so despite the ills of the country which does upset me, I stay and just handle my despair living in a country that could be so close to perfect.

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The whole episode re the police actions is a terrible discrace, it belittles and is disrespectful to Thailand as a country and this should not happen. We can only hope that someone in authority will step up and enforce an action that will restore Its dignity.

Good luck with that.


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easy its called blood money if u kill someone just pay same with the arabs i guess the family of the cop received couple of mio dollars same everybody involved this is the direct way to solve things here u think in ur farang lands its different ???? excuse me if i burst out laughing....u believe in justice white man let me tell u something over there in ur lands the richest will have the best most expensive lawyers they avoid jail for u and if it is a politician he will get o.ly a few month in a nice easy jail for stealing billions only to apease the press a game a farce ur white system..fact is in usa black man get high sentence for medium crimes the rich go seldom in jail a fact not a joke

BS...all money buys you is the best defence lawyers to look for holes in the law, many UK mps jailed for minor crimes, they dont "get away with it"



When you say best lawyers you of course mean the most corrupt lawyers. Money can buy. MONEY TALKS simple

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This just shows how detached Thailand is from the rest of the World.

For a state prosecutor to say such ridiculous things and then run away is such a shameful thing to do. Prosecutors in other countries would hang their heads in shame.

Thailand really is like a bubble, it has it's own rules that seem like they have been in place for a thousand years, but they look so out of place in the modern World. Just turning away from this is just not acceptable behaviour today, the guy did wrong and no matter how rich he is he should face justice.

This thinking, along with Face, xenophobia and coupled with the political instability is why Thailand will lose out to the Philippines and Vietnam in the not too distant future. They are both already rapidly closing the gap and Thailand is going backwards dramatically in GDP whilst the Philippines will see 7% growth this year.

Thailand needs to reform and grow up and do it quickly. If the military really want to gain some popularity they could intervene here and bring this guy to trial.

Agree with you on all of this EXCEPT you seem to ignore the 'rest of the world' has all these problems. Selective justice? Yup. They've simply done the deal outside a courtroom here. Don't kid yourselves guys. You only look ignorant.

If you don't think that corruption, nepotism and cronyism is worse here then most other places then i think you need to take a long hard look around you. Yes there is corruption everywhere, whenever people are involved in anything there will always be some level of dishonesty from someone. But seriously, this is ridiculous and it certainly does not happen in this way everywhere else as often as it does here.

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easy its called blood money if u kill someone just pay same with the arabs… i guess the family of the cop received couple of mio dollars same everybody involved… this is the direct way to solve things here… u think in ur farang lands its different ???? excuse me if i burst out laughing....u believe in justice white man… let me tell u something over there in ur lands the richest will have the best most expensive lawyers… they avoid jail for u and if it is a politician he will get o.ly a few month in a nice easy jail for stealing billions only to apease the press a game a farce ur white system..fact is in usa black man get high sentence for medium crimes the rich go seldom in jail… a fact not a joke

BS...all money buys you is the best defence lawyers to look for holes in the law, many UK mps jailed for minor crimes, they dont "get away with it"



It's a defence mechanism, quite often defending themselves to justify their decision to put all the chips in their beloved Thailand,,, they cannot hear these things, they don't want to hear these things. So, they just tell you its the same everywhere which to anyone thinking it very clearly is not.

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Money talks all over the world get over it. The cops family will no doubt be compensated big time.

Does it really affect you that much if so get a shrink


Forgotten, the Blue diamond affair. Duanchalerm. The Koh Tao murders.

This is life here, accept it, shut up or leave.

Never pinned you as one of the "shut up and leave mob"

You were active in the post about prostitution in Thailand and didn't seem to accept that.

Anyway, everyone has opinions, just because the individual may not be able to do much doesn't mean they can't voice it. Social media and technology makes exposure mush easier and if enough people do kick off about things like this is can promote change, over time. Or at the very least make people think twice in the future abut what they can get away with.

Thai people are doubtless kicking off about this as well, and the more that do the better in my opinion, if we are living here (either working or retired) nothing wrong with voicing our opinions too.

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Money talks all over the world get over it. The cops family will no doubt be compensated big time.

Does it really affect you that much if so get a shrink


Forgotten, the Blue diamond affair. Duanchalerm. The Koh Tao murders.

This is life here, accept it, shut up or leave.

Never pinned you as one of the "shut up and leave mob"

You were active in the post about prostitution in Thailand and didn't seem to accept that.

Anyway, everyone has opinions, just because the individual may not be able to do much doesn't mean they can't voice it. Social media and technology makes exposure mush easier and if enough people do kick off about things like this is can promote change, over time. Or at the very least make people think twice in the future abut what they can get away with.

Thai people are doubtless kicking off about this as well, and the more that do the better in my opinion, if we are living here (either working or retired) nothing wrong with voicing our opinions too.

To whom was that drivel directed at???

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