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Many in law enforcement feel frayed relationship with Obama


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Any African Americans shot and killed by police is always justified. All perfectly normal. All Africans Americans are criminals it is no surprise they are regularly executed by police. Police should receive an award for the number of African Americans they shoot and kill.

That there post sure smacks of a Trolling variety to this poster...whistling.gif

Edited by Boon Mee
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Any African Americans shot and killed by police is always justified. All perfectly normal. All Africans Americans are criminals it is no surprise they are regularly executed by police. Police should receive an award for the number of African Americans they shoot and kill.

That there post sure smacks of a Trolling variety to this poster...whistling.gif

Why? Because his post was sarcastic?

Just because you don't believe that police are racist, doesn't make this the case.

Of course police are racist, because for various reasons they have good reason to think this way.

But as American police have guns, the racist element results in un-needed deaths - rather than just a rant about the 'blacks' that I experienced in the UK when they arrived 'cos I'd been burgled....

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Any African Americans shot and killed by police is always justified. All perfectly normal. All Africans Americans are criminals it is no surprise they are regularly executed by police. Police should receive an award for the number of African Americans they shoot and kill.

That there post sure smacks of a Trolling variety to this poster...whistling.gif

Why? Because his post was sarcastic?

Just because you don't believe that police are racist, doesn't make this the case.

Of course police are racist, because for various reasons they have good reason to think this way.

But as American police have guns, the racist element results in un-needed deaths - rather than just a rant about the 'blacks' that I experienced in the UK when they arrived 'cos I'd been burgled....

Silly racist flinger ... always happens when Liberals cannot find any other way to make a retort ... Blacks kill other blacks in America at an astounding rate most often using stolen or illegally purchased guns, or they just resort to knives, baseball bats, cars - what ever is handy ... . Blacks in Chicago kill each other at a breathtaking rate every week. More Whites are killed by police action than blacks no matter how measured. But facts do get in the way of Liberal diatribes...

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The wildman radical Ignoramus Donald Trump talks fast and loose in his campaign for 15 months verbally bashing every minority group, women, the disabled and everyone except white Bible nutcakes and other rightwhingers, all of which commotion divides and pits groups against other groups.

After creating an unprecedented social chaos Trump then presents himself as the law and order candidate. Seems reminiscent of Europe during the 1920s and 1930s.

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Any African Americans shot and killed by police is always justified. All perfectly normal. All Africans Americans are criminals it is no surprise they are regularly executed by police. Police should receive an award for the number of African Americans they shoot and kill.

That there post sure smacks of a Trolling variety to this poster...whistling.gif

Why? Because his post was sarcastic?

Just because you don't believe that police are racist, doesn't make this the case.

Of course police are racist, because for various reasons they have good reason to think this way.

But as American police have guns, the racist element results in un-needed deaths - rather than just a rant about the 'blacks' that I experienced in the UK when they arrived 'cos I'd been burgled....

Silly racist flinger ... always happens when Liberals cannot find any other way to make a retort ... Blacks kill other blacks in America at an astounding rate most often using stolen or illegally purchased guns, or they just resort to knives, baseball bats, cars - what ever is handy ... . Blacks in Chicago kill each other at a breathtaking rate every week. More Whites are killed by police action than blacks no matter how measured. But facts do get in the way of Liberal diatribes...

Would sound good if it wasn't so statistically irrelevant.


Whites make up a far greater percentage of the population.

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The Cleveland PD union has asked the Ohio govt to suspend open carry during the clown show.

Well, it's not going to happen.

Kasich has said no and there will be open carry. smile.png

"Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s office rebuffed a call Sunday from the Cleveland police union to ban the open carry of firearms during the Republican National Convention, in the wake of the deadly shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge."


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The Cleveland PD union has asked the Ohio govt to suspend open carry during the clown show.

Well, it's not going to happen.

Kasich has said no and there will be open carry. smile.png

"Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s office rebuffed a call Sunday from the Cleveland police union to ban the open carry of firearms during the Republican National Convention, in the wake of the deadly shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge."


It's like a bad dream. Some nutcase shoots at the police and they respond by shooting any protester with a gun. What else would anyone expect?

10% Kasich is an idiot and just as well got the royal boot in the primaries.

Any shooting deaths during the convention will be down to him.

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The graphic below might give you an idea of why many in law enforcement feel a frayed relationship with Barry:wink.png


You're improving. Now what you're asserting is only mostly false. The White House was not turned purple for prince. And when the 5 dallas policemen were killed, flags were lowered to half-mast. They don't do light shows for deaths. Congratulations. Before I thought you had no use for facts. Now I guess I should revise that. You have almost no use for facts.


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What's the point about lecturing Ameriica about racism at the cops funeral.??? bah.gif

He's just doing what he does best - dividing folks.


Imagine what it will be like under a President Trump! Obama will be considered a unifier.

Obama may be deeply missed depending who the next POTUS is. Things could be better, but then again, things could be far worse.

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Perhaps these officers should look within for the source of the problem. I am no fan of Obama. But, I think he is right to speak out against the killing of civilians, when they are unarmed, and not a threat. Sometimes, it feels like there is a percentage of law enforcement in the US, that is very hostile to the public. I am a white man, and am not profiled by the police. I am nearly invisible, as far as they are concerned, and I like it that way. But, when I do have an interaction with these cops, they are typically hostile, and unfriendly. Most are. Some are cool. But, not enough. Especially with certain departments, like the LAPD, where they seem to be trained to hate the public. Many are buttheads. Some are racist. Many make mistakes, and abuse their power.

I find the CHP, and the LA County Sheriffs Dept. to be far better at dealing with the public. And while living in NY, I found NYPD to be pretty cool too. So, some department are better than others. Some are really bad when it comes to public interaction. Really bad. Nasty. Abusive. Power hungry. This has been building for a long time. Many of my black friends in the US feel really oppressed by law enforcement. These are honest, hard working men and women, who do not commit crimes, but are often treated as such, by the color of their skin.

It feels as if many in law enforcement just do not want to take any responsibility for the recent killings of their own. As a white American man, I can say I am not surprised by the recent killings. I do not condone them on any level. But, I am not surprised. People are really angry at the police, and as someone who has a law enforcement member in their family, I can say I understand their anger. My brother in law is a really great guy. And my guess is that he is very respectful when he pulls someone over. But, many are not.

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I have been in LA for a week, visiting with African American relatives of a friend. Of course they condemn the lunatic that opened fire in Dallas but they are very aware of the issues that fired up this extremist. The father is a decent man and a Jehovah's Witness. He is pulled over all the time because he works in a school in a predominantly white area. He said that if he's pulled over at night he always refuses to stop until there is an area with people around. That alone says it all. He is a decent, law abiding man but is fearful of the police. The sons are even more paranoid and they are all educated family men.

Why isn't he taking badge numbers and filing formal complaints? Even that seems less risky to me than the appearance of being evasive or delaying the stop while hiding something. I had my car searched once on a totally ridiculous pretext while innocently parked. Definitely Gestapo tactics and still regret that I didn't pursue a complaint or even refuse the search. That Mk IV Toyota Supra was profiled more than once by LE who were out fishing.

Clearly, that father and religious man is lying. And not just him. So is the extremely conservative Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina.

"In the course of one year, I've been stopped seven times by law enforcement," Scott said. "Not four, not five, not six, but seven times in one year as an elected official."

He goes on to tell how police have been harassing him pretty much his entire driving life. His crime was unforgivable: Driving While Being Black.


Edited by ilostmypassword
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"Hey, I support what you're doing,'" said Scott Hughes, chief of police in Hamilton Township, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. "The president doesn't defend the police. It's very one-sided."

Let me guess,Scott is a white guy.It is about time somebody in authority came out and condemned what is happening or you will have a Thai style police force.

Let me save you a guess. https://www.calibrepress.com/contributors/scott-hughes/ perhaps we need more police like him. thumbsup.gif

Its more whites being killed by police then blacks.

But its big deal only when white cop shoot black criminal



But, you'll never hear that from the corrupt, liberal US mainstream media.

Frankly, as blacks commit far more crime than whites in proportion to their numbers, it's only to be expected that a high number of blacks will be in conflict with police.

And, what has the hero of the liberal left, Obama, done to address the problem? Diddely squat.

BTW as few if any of the repondents on here calling for cops to be crucified have ever in their lives walked in harms way, perhaps they should be rather more circumspect in their posts.

Maybe this could be interesting.

There is also an interview with a black chief of police on CNN (I consider CNN a member of the liberal MSM family).

Yes, I think, too, that CNN will immediately ban Sheriff David Clarke from their programme as he obviously does not fit into their narrative.

Enjoy CNN's Don Lemon being squeezed and trying to patronize a real man: But, but... Let's keep it simple... We are having a different conversation... Help! I'm only a journalist (aka "paid pretty talking head"), using statistics that are admittedly not reliable, and I am not used to interview a person who also knows this statistics and thus can debunk my narrative. Help, get me out of here or else...!!! Will you let me talk...?

Don interrupting Sheriff Clarke, blaming the sheriff to interrupt him.


(Even if it doesn't look like it, the link should work)

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Let me save you a guess. https://www.calibrepress.com/contributors/scott-hughes/ perhaps we need more police like him. thumbsup.gif

Its more whites being killed by police then blacks.

But its big deal only when white cop shoot black criminal



But, you'll never hear that from the corrupt, liberal US mainstream media.

Frankly, as blacks commit far more crime than whites in proportion to their numbers, it's only to be expected that a high number of blacks will be in conflict with police.

And, what has the hero of the liberal left, Obama, done to address the problem? Diddely squat.

BTW as few if any of the repondents on here calling for cops to be crucified have ever in their lives walked in harms way, perhaps they should be rather more circumspect in their posts.

Maybe this could be interesting.

There is also an interview with a black chief of police on CNN (I consider CNN a member of the liberal MSM family).

Yes, I think, too, that CNN will immediately ban Sheriff David Clarke from their programme as he obviously does not fit into their narrative.

Enjoy CNN's Don Lemon being squeezed and trying to patronize a real man: But, but... Let's keep it simple... We are having a different conversation... Help! I'm only a journalist (aka "paid pretty talking head"), using statistics that are admittedly not reliable, and I am not used to interview a person who also knows this statistics and thus can debunk my narrative. Help, get me out of here or else...!!! Will you let me talk...?

Don interrupting Sheriff Clarke, blaming the sheriff to interrupt him.


(Even if it doesn't look like it, the link should work)

Well, why don't you be a "real man" and address the speech of Senator Tim Scott? You seem to be doing your best wimp out on that one.

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You guys should visit NY and walk in the low middle class neighborhood at night and see how the police treat the black and Hispanic population. I walk my dog after work at 1-2 am, can not believe the amount of police brutality and bribery I see.

It's time that someone step up and stop this.

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