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Nearly 78,000 migrants have arrived in Italy by sea so far this year


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Nearly 78,000 migrants have arrived in Italy by sea so far this year


ROME: -- Four hundred and fifty migrants and refugees were rescued off Italy’s coast, the Italian coast guard has announced.

The people, mainly from mainly from Sub-Saharan Africa, were safely brought into the port of Messina on Thursday.

On Tuesday, close to 1,000 people were brought to safety in six separate rescue operations in the Mediterranean, while four were found dead below deck.

The International Organization for Migration reports that 77,436 people migrants have arrived in Italy so far this year (data as of 10 July).

Deaths among migrants and refugees heading for Europe across the Mediterranean have been increasing.

The IOM reports that 3,738 migrant deaths have been recorded worldwide since January (data published on 13 July). Of that total, 2,933 deaths were deaths in the Mediterranean (data as of 10 July).

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-15
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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Perhaps if the peoples of these country's learn't to get on and come into the 21st centuary ,rather than living and acting as if its still the middle ages ,then they would be able to build what we have built in the west , they just want to come and import all the crap that they leave behind .

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Perhaps if the peoples of these country's learn't to get on and come into the 21st centuary ,rather than living and acting as if its still the middle ages ,then they would be able to build what we have built in the west , they just want to come and import all the crap that they leave behind .

Why, is it still our business.

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Nonsense the problems in Africa are of the making of African leaders. The hideous regimes in Eritrea and Ethiopia are not caused by being bombed nor Tunisia or Morroco or Algeria. These people are hard line criminal economic migrants. So these are not war zones and certainly not war zones of western leaders. Please stop spouting liberal/marxist/ Islamicist propaganda. If you are so concerned about the plight of refugees do some voluntary work to help them not try to make political capital out of them.

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All i see there is coward males of fighting age who have left their women and possibly children to ride the gravy train in Europe

I see one female. but I suppose she is the entertainment until they groom some young ones in Europe.

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In a few days, they will all have a nicer iphone than me

in a week, better insurance

and in a month, more money per hours worked

Plus rights to bring in dozens of extended family without needing to show sufficient income (as required by 2nd class UK citizens like myself). By and large above the law for any and all crimes up to and including systematic grooming and gang raping of vulnerable children.

Rights to have multiple wives. It goes on and on. No wonder millions more of them are incoming. And yes the terror attacks will ratchet up exponentially until this is dealt with by sanity not PC.

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Just what do you not understand about "sub Saharan Africa"? Not having enough oil the west has left them largely alone. Their troubles are of their own making, mainly by overbreeding. Now they want to come to the west to perpetuate their own countries problems on everywhere else.

I wonder just how many of those 77,000 are IS terrorists? Now that Italy can no longer simply shuttle the potential terrorists off to the north, once they have had a few mass killings perhaps they will start doing the right thing and rescuing them right back to whever they came from.

No doubt most Aussies thank the deity every day that Abbott brought in the no illegals on Australian soil policy.

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Just what do you not understand about "sub Saharan Africa"? Not having enough oil the west has left them largely alone. Their troubles are of their own making, mainly by overbreeding. Now they want to come to the west to perpetuate their own countries problems on everywhere else.

I wonder just how many of those 77,000 are IS terrorists? Now that Italy can no longer simply shuttle the potential terrorists off to the north, once they have had a few mass killings perhaps they will start doing the right thing and rescuing them right back to whever they came from.

No doubt most Aussies thank the deity every day that Abbott brought in the no illegals on Australian soil policy.

Wow and there was me thinking it was something to do with oil and diamonds. As Tony Benn once opined and I am no lover of him if they were growing carrots nobody would be interested..

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Exactly ! Thank you Mr Bush and Blair wai2.gif

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Just what do you not understand about "sub Saharan Africa"? Not having enough oil the west has left them largely alone. Their troubles are of their own making, mainly by overbreeding. Now they want to come to the west to perpetuate their own countries problems on everywhere else.

I wonder just how many of those 77,000 are IS terrorists? Now that Italy can no longer simply shuttle the potential terrorists off to the north, once they have had a few mass killings perhaps they will start doing the right thing and rescuing them right back to whever they came from.

No doubt most Aussies thank the deity every day that Abbott brought in the no illegals on Australian soil policy.

there are a few things that i really dis - like about your post:

1. abbot, the ex- pm of australia, is a devoted catholic. his church is a dominating factor in the 'overbreeding' that you so deplore.

the problems of 'their own countries' are in many ways the problems that 'rome' has created.

2. most australians do not thank any 'deity' for anything abbott has brought upon them. if they would, the liberals had lost the last election.

aussies believe in beer, bbq's and freedom of 'something', and view government as an obstacle to their enjoyment of life.

the fact that australia is a remote island state, able to fend off 'intruders',at a massive cost to the community, probably outweighing the costs and benefits of absorbing a few more ambitious and intrepid new - comers, has helped a range of politicians making others believe that a 'closed - border - policy' is the way to go, does not support australian immigration history.

wake up - all of you! there is only one planet, one population, one civilisation.

earth is not many countries any more! it is just one planet and we all have to live on it in harmony!

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Just what do you not understand about "sub Saharan Africa"? Not having enough oil the west has left them largely alone. Their troubles are of their own making, mainly by overbreeding. Now they want to come to the west to perpetuate their own countries problems on everywhere else.

I wonder just how many of those 77,000 are IS terrorists? Now that Italy can no longer simply shuttle the potential terrorists off to the north, once they have had a few mass killings perhaps they will start doing the right thing and rescuing them right back to whever they came from.

No doubt most Aussies thank the deity every day that Abbott brought in the no illegals on Australian soil policy.

there are a few things that i really dis - like about your post:

1. abbot, the ex- pm of australia, is a devoted catholic. his church is a dominating factor in the 'overbreeding' that you so deplore.

the problems of 'their own countries' are in many ways the problems that 'rome' has created.

2. most australians do not thank any 'deity' for anything abbott has brought upon them. if they would, the liberals had lost the last election.

aussies believe in beer, bbq's and freedom of 'something', and view government as an obstacle to their enjoyment of life.

the fact that australia is a remote island state, able to fend off 'intruders',at a massive cost to the community, probably outweighing the costs and benefits of absorbing a few more ambitious and intrepid new - comers, has helped a range of politicians making others believe that a 'closed - border - policy' is the way to go, does not support australian immigration history.

wake up - all of you! there is only one planet, one population, one civilisation.

earth is not many countries any more! it is just one planet and we all have to live on it in harmony!

Thank you for enlightening me to the fact that sub Saharan Africa is Roman Catholic. I was mistakenly thinking it was mainly Muslim.

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Perhaps is certain politicians in the West were to keep their noses out of their business and not turn their countries into a war zone we might not have so many coming.

Just what do you not understand about "sub Saharan Africa"? Not having enough oil the west has left them largely alone. Their troubles are of their own making, mainly by overbreeding. Now they want to come to the west to perpetuate their own countries problems on everywhere else.

I wonder just how many of those 77,000 are IS terrorists? Now that Italy can no longer simply shuttle the potential terrorists off to the north, once they have had a few mass killings perhaps they will start doing the right thing and rescuing them right back to whever they came from.

No doubt most Aussies thank the deity every day that Abbott brought in the no illegals on Australian soil policy.

there are a few things that i really dis - like about your post:

1. abbot, the ex- pm of australia, is a devoted catholic. his church is a dominating factor in the 'overbreeding' that you so deplore.

the problems of 'their own countries' are in many ways the problems that 'rome' has created.

2. most australians do not thank any 'deity' for anything abbott has brought upon them. if they would, the liberals had lost the last election.

aussies believe in beer, bbq's and freedom of 'something', and view government as an obstacle to their enjoyment of life.

the fact that australia is a remote island state, able to fend off 'intruders',at a massive cost to the community, probably outweighing the costs and benefits of absorbing a few more ambitious and intrepid new - comers, has helped a range of politicians making others believe that a 'closed - border - policy' is the way to go, does not support australian immigration history.

wake up - all of you! there is only one planet, one population, one civilisation.

earth is not many countries any more! it is just one planet and we all have to live on it in harmony!

Thank you for enlightening me to the fact that sub Saharan Africa is Roman Catholic. I was mistakenly thinking it was mainly Muslim.

Don't worry, It's easier to blame it on the filthy papists, they tend not to react by detonating themselves in public places!

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How exactly are these people going to contribute to the economy of europe ... All they will do is agree to work for one tenth the wages of native europeans....and steal their jobs....of course the a-hole politicians and their business accomplices couldnt be happier.

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And we're still sending our navies to the Med so they can pick up this migrants a stone throw away from the shores of Libya and escort them to Europe....... A year ago it was talk about destroying the boats and infrastruktures to the smugglers..... Mindboggling :angry: !!

Edited by Yahooka
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Something for western migrants to Thailand to rant about.

I think those migrants keep around 800,000 baht in thai banks and spend a lot of money there.

What do the migrants mentioned in this topic do…besides taking money for nothing?

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Something for western migrants to Thailand to rant about.

Most of us paid and pay a lot to be here legally. Illegals pay nothing, except to the scum traffickers, but expect to be taken care of when they get to the promised land.

If I went to the imm. office and demanded a house and a job plus welfare and free medical treatment what do you think their response would be?

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And we're still sending our navies to the Med so they can pick up this migrants a stone throw away from the shores of Libya and escort them to Europe....... A year ago it was talk about destroying the boats and infrastruktures to the smugglers..... Mindboggling mad.gif !!

It does make one think there might be something to the theory that the elites are actually out to destroy western society and bring in one world government!

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Something for western migrants to Thailand to rant about.

Most of us paid and pay a lot to be here legally. Illegals pay nothing, except to the scum traffickers, but expect to be taken care of when they get to the promised land.

If I went to the imm. office and demanded a house and a job plus welfare and free medical treatment what do you think their response would be?

As a migrant yourself you share something in common with the migrants you rant about - you, like they, want a better life.

But rather than admitting this coomonalitt between you and they, you launch into your views on what these people bring/don't bring to the society they migrate too. There value in your eyes simply cash or the lack of cash.

Think on this when you eventually fly home to nanny and the NHS.

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MUSLIMS doing what they do best ,rioting and wanting to behead us ,why don't they f__ck off to their own lands ,we don't want them ,and to those who do ,follow them if you live them so much ,you won't be missed

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