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Former Australian leader Kevin Rudd wants nomination for UN top job


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Former Australian leader wants nomination for UN top job
ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has asked the government to nominate him for the United Nations top job, the foreign minister said on Monday.

Julie Bishop said Rudd wanted the government's endorsement to succeed U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, whose second five-year term ends Dec. 31.

That decision would be made by Australia's next cabinet, which will be named Monday following July 2 elections.

"Kevin Rudd has requested that the Australian government nominate him and, as the prime minister has indicated on a number of occasions, that will be a matter for the cabinet," Bishop told Sky News TV.

Rudd, the New York-based president of the Asia Society Policy Institute, was elected prime minister in 2007, but was dumped by his own center-left Labor Party in 2010.

He was dubbed Recycled Rudd when he regained the control of the chaotic and divided government weeks before it lost elections in 2013.

The 58-year-old has been canvasing diplomatic support around the world for months, although Bishop has become the first to confirm his plans to be a candidate.

But several lawmakers in Australia's conservative government are openly hostile toward his bid.

"Kevin was never happy just running Australia — he believed he was always destined to run the world," Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said in April. "Kevin's ego makes (presumptive Republican presidential nominee) Donald Trump's look like a rounding error."

Rudd used an interview with Indian's The Hindu newspaper in April to talk down his chances of getting the job, but did not deny he was interested in trying.

"My own view is that we are likely to have a U.N. secretary-general from East Europe this time, and that view hasn't changed," Rudd said.

"Last I looked, my name is not Rudovich," he said.

Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade had advised the government that Rudd's chances would be harmed if he did not gain the crucial nomination by the end of July, The Australian newspaper reported Monday.

The department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Monday.

Rudd is a Chinese-speaking former diplomat who served as Australia's foreign minister between his stints as prime minister. He was a polarizing figure within his government, with some former ministers swearing they would never work with his again because of his chaotic management style.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-18

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He should be endorsed as a candidate. He has been working pretty hard for it. The opportunity to place an Australian as Secretary General of the UN. I don't think he will get it though. Europe's turn this vote.

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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.

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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.

Gillard spent the money getting Australia a seat on the UN Security Council. It advantaged Liberal Foreign Minister Bishop who is pretty useless really.

Any Labor Prime Minister is better than a LNP Prime Minister. Well unless your'e the big end of town or a polluter.

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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.[/quote

Mate the guy couldn't organise a #uck in a brothel with a fist full of fifties. Seriously, he's a big talking dip chit of the greatest proportions.

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There's strong lobbying for a woman as SecGen (but Rudd needn't worry cause it won't be Julia wink.png)

It's eastern Europe's turn as they've never had one while western Europe has had two, but there's no woman whose name has come forward from the other side of the tracks or from anywhere else.

UN SecGen competition requires having a modest global profile going in to the job, and to be able to avoid a disapproval (veto if it comes to that) by a member of the P-5. Don't think CCP Boyz in Beijing would let Rudd get through and I'd bet Putin wouldn't allow an Australian to become SecGen any more than he'd allow a Canadian or a figure from Poland such as former president Donald Tusk who's now chairman of the EU Council of Ministers.

Don't know what Rudd's thinking but then who does.

Probably going to have to pull someone out of a hat this time around (and Rudd would be a surprise choice).

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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.[/quote

Mate the guy couldn't organise a #uck in a brothel with a fist full of fifties. Seriously, he's a big talking dip chit of the greatest proportions.


Rudd knew his way around New York strip clubs so I bet he wouldn't have a problem organising some entertainment in a Brothel.

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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.[/quote

Mate the guy couldn't organise a #uck in a brothel with a fist full of fifties. Seriously, he's a big talking dip chit of the greatest proportions.


Rudd knew his way around New York strip clubs so I bet he wouldn't have a problem organising some entertainment in a Brothel.

He got busted by the NYC and Oz press and media for the strip club thing so imagine SecGen Rudd in Bangkok.




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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.[/quote

Mate the guy couldn't organise a #uck in a brothel with a fist full of fifties. Seriously, he's a big talking dip chit of the greatest proportions.


Rudd knew his way around New York strip clubs so I bet he wouldn't have a problem organising some entertainment in a Brothel.

He got busted by the NYC and Oz press and media for the strip club thing so imagine SecGen Rudd in Bangkok.




Actually I think it got him elected as Prime Minister. Drunk and disorderly in a New York strip club. Perfect, he'll do. lol

Pattaya he'd go MIA for sure.

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Why would anyone endorse this IDIOT.

He stuffed Australia when he was PM.


How did he stuff Australia?

Well for starters, be spent a small fortune pumping small amounts of money into deadchitz pockets to help them spend as the gfc was taking hold when he should have pumped money into the economy by spending money on infrastructure. He pissed a small fortune up the wall with that error only.

Let's no talk about the insulation debarkle or baby bonuses.

Errol Rudd . Everything he touched he farqed.

Let's not talk about the hundreds he killed at sea or the money that's been spent trying to fix the illegal immigrant problem HE created.

I can go on.

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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.

Gillard spent the money getting Australia a seat on the UN Security Council. It advantaged Liberal Foreign Minister Bishop who is pretty useless really.

Any Labor Prime Minister is better than a LNP Prime Minister. Well unless your'e the big end of town or a polluter.

It's a pity the voting masses on July 2nd couldn't decide for certain who they want in government. Even though there was a massive swing in favour of labour it still wasn't enough. I think the result shows that Australians aren't fully sure, as for Rudd the dud he needs to curb his potty mouth, not a good advertisement for the role I would have thought.

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Why would anyone endorse this IDIOT.

He stuffed Australia when he was PM.


How did he stuff Australia?

Well for starters, be spent a small fortune pumping small amounts of money into deadchitz pockets to help them spend as the gfc was taking hold when he should have pumped money into the economy by spending money on infrastructure. He pissed a small fortune up the wall with that error only.

Let's no talk about the insulation debarkle or baby bonuses.

Errol Rudd . Everything he touched he farqed.

Let's not talk about the hundreds he killed at sea or the money that's been spent trying to fix the illegal immigrant problem HE created.

I can go on.

The GFC under the Rudd administration with Wayne Swan as treasurer they set out to first guarantee bank deposits and to inject sizeable amounts of cash into the economy using the spending power of families and workers to keep the economy buoyant. As other developed Nations slipped into massive unemployment and deep recession Australia was the only Nation that didn't. The other Nations quickly but unfortunately not quick enough adopted the strategy unfortunately they had pumped too much cash into Corporations that simply pocketed the cash. It is regarded as a genius strategy that won Swan World Treasurer of the Year award.

Lets talk about the 'insulation debacle'. Greedy fly by nighters ripping off the taxpayer and putting young men into to roofs to do work that killed them. Of course that is Rudd's fault. Right?

The 'baby bonus' was quite successful lifting the birth rate substantially and reducing the need for more expensive immigration.

Rudd didn't kill anyone at sea. That was people smugglers doing that. Rudd actually set up short term Offshore Detention that the latest LNP Government has used to torture people illegally captured on International Waters. It is unknown how many people have drowned at sea after being 'turned back' the current LNP government does not comment on 'on water operations'. The people fleeing war zones to Australia. That would be the LNP Howard government that bombed the shit out of Afghanistan and Iraq that created the problem. Rudd struggling to clean up the mess Howard made. Right?

I bet you could go on with a whole lot more right wing biased clap trap.

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Here is a good article about the fiscal waste Kevin Rudd caused Australia during his first 900 days of prime ministership,vie before Julia shafted him with her big strap on



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It's a pity the voting masses on July 2nd couldn't decide for certain who they want in government. Even though there was a massive swing in favour of labour it still wasn't enough. I think the result shows that Australians aren't fully sure, as for Rudd the dud he needs to curb his potty mouth, not a good advertisement for the role I would have thought.

They did actually. The Australian Electorate voted for chaos. The swing didn't go to Labor it went to Independents. The conservatives lost 1M Primary votes with the Left Wing losing 0.5M Primary Votes.

The Hostile Senate is going to make Turnbull a VERY VERY old man VERY VERY quickly. It is going to be fun to watch.

A chaotic lame duck government. He's putting on a brave face but it is going to be wrinkled and haggard within a few months.

'potty mouth'? Sounds like something old granny would say.

The Sec. Gen. will be female I think and from Europe. Many are saying New Zealand Helen Clarke but I don't think she is actually female.

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Qurten Brice spent over 100 million in Africa to aide Kevin Rudd for this position .was it money well spent?

Her name is actually Quentin Bryce and she was Governor General the government spent the money sending her round the world to get support for Australia to get a seat on the UN Security Committee - which was successful - but it was not for Kevin Rudd. As far as Rudd is concerned he should not be supported for the position of local street sweeper. He was a hopeless manager when he was PM, gave almost incompressible explanations and speeches (maybe these were in Mandarin? who knew?) he was disloyal to Julia Gillard when she was trying to get the Government re-elected, and deservedly lost his seat in the following election. I am no supporter of Labor, Gillard or Rudd but facts are facts.

I think that there are much better candidates for the position.

Gillard spent the money getting Australia a seat on the UN Security Council. It advantaged Liberal Foreign Minister Bishop who is pretty useless really.

Any Labor Prime Minister is better than a LNP Prime Minister. Well unless your'e the big end of town or a polluter.

It's a pity the voting masses on July 2nd couldn't decide for certain who they want in government. Even though there was a massive swing in favour of labour it still wasn't enough. I think the result shows that Australians aren't fully sure, as for Rudd the dud he needs to curb his potty mouth, not a good advertisement for the role I would have thought.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe labours primary vote actually decreased.

There was a huge swing against the Libs/coalition but didn't the primary vote go to the independents and minor parties?

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Why would anyone endorse this IDIOT.

He stuffed Australia when he was PM.


How did he stuff Australia?

Well for starters, be spent a small fortune pumping small amounts of money into deadchitz pockets to help them spend as the gfc was taking hold when he should have pumped money into the economy by spending money on infrastructure. He pissed a small fortune up the wall with that error only.

Let's no talk about the insulation debarkle or baby bonuses.

Errol Rudd . Everything he touched he farqed.

Let's not talk about the hundreds he killed at sea or the money that's been spent trying to fix the illegal immigrant problem HE created.

I can go on.

The GFC under the Rudd administration with Wayne Swan as treasurer they set out to first guarantee bank deposits and to inject sizeable amounts of cash into the economy using the spending power of families and workers to keep the economy buoyant. As other developed Nations slipped into massive unemployment and deep recession Australia was the only Nation that didn't. The other Nations quickly but unfortunately not quick enough adopted the strategy unfortunately they had pumped too much cash into Corporations that simply pocketed the cash. It is regarded as a genius strategy that won Swan World Treasurer of the Year award.

Lets talk about the 'insulation debacle'. Greedy fly by nighters ripping off the taxpayer and putting young men into to roofs to do work that killed them. Of course that is Rudd's fault. Right?

The 'baby bonus' was quite successful lifting the birth rate substantially and reducing the need for more expensive immigration.

Rudd didn't kill anyone at sea. That was people smugglers doing that. Rudd actually set up short term Offshore Detention that the latest LNP Government has used to torture people illegally captured on International Waters. It is unknown how many people have drowned at sea after being 'turned back' the current LNP government does not comment on 'on water operations'. The people fleeing war zones to Australia. That would be the LNP Howard government that bombed the shit out of Afghanistan and Iraq that created the problem. Rudd struggling to clean up the mess Howard made. Right?

I bet you could go on with a whole lot more right wing biased clap trap.

Any govt in power would of guaranteed the bank deposits in that exact situation, hardly a genius move, any leader would have done that. The second movement you mentioned was fiscally irresponsible and should of been managed differently. Infrastructure would have been a better movement over giving folk handouts so they could buy cheap Chinese televisions.

Rudd created the environment which created the opportunity for people smugglers to drown at sea. Blood is on his hands. Rudd created 158 billion dollars worth of fiscal burdens and another 100 billion of wasted community Resourses in his first stint of prime ministership.

The money he used to aid the community in 2008 was funds saved, surplus of the Howard govt.

Rudd was responsible for the implementation of the insulation scheme, buck stops with him.

Read the Australian article, not about right wing clap trap.

Typically labour spends australianinto debt which is now a huge problem.

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Here is a good article about the fiscal waste Kevin Rudd caused Australia during his first 900 days of prime ministership,vie before Julia shafted him with her big strap on



Can't see?

Give me your credit card details and I will sign up up for a subscription (& go shopping). :P

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Any govt in power would of guaranteed the bank deposits in that exact situation, hardly a genius move, any leader would have done that. The second movement you mentioned was fiscally irresponsible and should of been managed differently. Infrastructure would have been a better movement over giving folk handouts so they could buy cheap Chinese televisions.

Rudd created the environment which created the opportunity for people smugglers to drown at sea. Blood is on his hands. Rudd created 158 billion dollars worth of fiscal burdens and another 100 billion of wasted community Resourses in his first stint of prime ministership.

The money he used to aid the community in 2008 was funds saved, surplus of the Howard govt.

Rudd was responsible for the implementation of the insulation scheme, buck stops with him.

Read the Australian article, not about right wing clap trap.

Typically labour spends australianinto debt which is now a huge problem.

After other Nations saw how successful stimulus payments were they jumped on board quickly but not quick enough. Infrastructure spend far too slow it would not work. Australia's banks debt to equity ratio is what saved them put in place by Labor Prime Minister Keeting.

People fleeing the ME was caused by Howard not Rudd.

Howard spent every cent the country ever made people earning $150K a year got a tax handout, wealthy people could launder money through the Superannuation scheme and still are. Howard did not have a budgetary surplus that surplus was from selling Telstra and other Taxpayer owned assets.

The Australian? you have to be kidding a Murdoch right wing propaganda blog. I wouldn't use it to wipe my ass.

Typically LNP looks after its wealthy mates that fund them. Plenty of money for Corporate Tax breaks not enough for Health, Hospitals or education right. Correct it's the people's money it should be spent on the People not just the wealthy and Corporations.

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Interesting article in the new Daily from the former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally. I'll let the article speak for itself:-

Rudd a 'psychopathic narcissist': Keneally

I'd like to see Kristina Keneally in this spot. She would represent us on the world stage with distinction and honour. She's smart as a whip and easy on the eye too...


AND she's a bunnies fan!


You go grrrrrrl! And go The Mighty BUNNIES!!! (errr, maybe make that next year...)

Edited by NumbNut
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Sorry mate, half of what you are claiming is clap trap but there's no point bickering over it.

Regarding tax, I will always agree big business and multi corps need to pay their fair share of tax but as an individual that use to pay income tax in the upper brackets I understand what it's like to pay $40,000 p.a plus in income tax and when a cut comes I benifit from that.

I've never thought it was fair that just because I chose to study and invest, work 3 jobs to try and get ahead and pay my own way, own healthcare, own education and I'm drilled up the arse and critised by dead heads who only earn $25,000 a year and biatch because I got a $500 tax cut.....those folk only pay $1000 a year but they're happy to use my $43,587 in tax to fund their 6 children's upbringing and feed their ugly arsed wife and sit around crapping on about poor them.

There's plenty of folk on $150k a year and they're scratching around with their arse hanging out because $50% of what they've worked hard for is feeding dropkicks and deedchits who just can't be arsed standing up.

Labour has introduced too much welfare for the middle classes, you feed your brats, you Lott, I don't see why I should have to do it.

No doubt you see it differently.

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Interesting article in the new Daily from the former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally. I'll let the article speak for itself:-

Rudd a 'psychopathic narcissist': Keneally

I'd like to see Kristina Keneally in this spot. She would represent us on the world stage with distinction and honour. She's smart as a whip and easy on the eye too...


AND she's a bunnies fan!


You go grrrrrrl! And go The Mighty BUNNIES!!! (errr, maybe make that next year...)

Darn sight better than Julia gullurd!

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