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Police chief calls on fighting students to "show the love" rather than be aggressive


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Couldn't they just cane ... Singapore style ? Cost effective , quick .

Some results :attachicon.gifCrime INdex.png


To cane or not to cane. These two countries have somewhat polar opposite views on how to do it. Which one works best?

Its obvious isn't it. There is a lesson in here somewhere.

The lesson is not to cherry pick stats to suit your agenda.The US has capital punishment,how's that working?Maybe people having a decent standard of living has something to do with it.

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sometimes, I am just embarrassed for Thailand.

mind you, I feel the same about Trump, but this kind of stuff is just so mickey mouse. it is like a portion of the occupants of the country are stunted at intellectual and emotional maturity of 11 years of age

I would and embarrass that a person like the CLINTONS blowing smoke up everyone's ass. As least Trump has some balls to tell it like it is. It's about time someone does.

Look at TURKEY, the president did a good job of purging, Hillary would hide behind her husband's skirt or is that MONICA?

Turkey, was and still is on the way to being a dictatorship.Good job of suppressing his own people to set up life time rule.Bit like here actually.I would hazard a guess if,heaven forbid Trump got in,he would be "councelled"by the generals.

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Well, Venus was always the antidote to Mars. Why do men fight? Because the women are watching. Actually, I have always been amazed by the low level of violence in say Pattaya, as compared to your average UK city on a Friday night. I put this down to the ready availability of women.

Now you are onto something.Testosterone has a huge part to play in this problem.In your above statement i can only use myself as an excellent example.It also got me out of a violence syndrome and a chance to reflect on my life and i chose life.

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Idiotic! as if there is a link between caning and crime rates - so stupid. These are two so completely different societies you cannot possibly be serious about this supposed linkage - its like saying that if Thailand caned offenders the population would become more Chinese. The reasons for Thailand being a more criminal and violent society are far more complex than the attitude to corporal punishment, which, by the way, still happens routinely in Thai schools. A totally naive and facile reaction to a serious problem which is actually worse than the naive and facile reaction of the senior policemen - also demonstrating they are clueless about how to change the dynamic among this section of Thai youth. Just explain how is "cane the buggers" any improvement on "show the love"? Both are futile and pointless.

Okay, you have had your know all rant oh wise one, so now tell us what these far more complex reasons are and how to fix the problem. It is one thing to have a go at some one for their opinion but it is another if you cannot justify it.

In my "wisdom" I can recognise there is no simple (simplistic) answer and that the authorities assaulting teenagers with a cane is not going to prevent them from assaulting each other. Quoting caning and crime figures for a very different society as if they were connected is an insult to the intelligence of the reader. Looking for simple answers is not a realistic course of action and the education system together with cultural attitudes towards the parenting of male children have to be taken into account along with other cultural and societal values.

My point is not that I have the answers but that I absolutely know that "cane the buggers" is no more realistic than " share the love" and neither offer anything in the way of solutions. In fact they say a damn sight more about the morality and attitudes of the poster than they contribute anything worthwhile to the discussion. Almost all countries struggle with juvenile delinquency with male teenage children who are marginalised by their societies. The idea that there is a "catch phrase" answer is what makes me angry as intelligent people who know anything about parenting and children recognise this is just not so.

If the idea of beating children or young adults makes the would be beater feel stronger and more fulfilled then admit to it and have done with it, but please don't advocate it as any kind of solution as it has long been discredited and is illegal in most of our home countries for very good reasons.

I really think you should learn not to react as quickly as you have now on two occasions. Both the original poster and myself asked questions of the system and were ever so briefly discussing deterrents to crime and their possiblities and their advantages, successes and or other wise.

You have used the word "advocate". No one advocated anything. We merely put the question. Once again, an over reaction to an "imagined" position, all in your own mind after which you proselytise ad hoc to the early death of a rational conversation. You chose the adversarial tone and the presumptions of opinion all on your own.

Discipline, particularly with male youth and or lack of it in Thailand is a very hairy subject and deserves much more debate than you are showing a capacity for.

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Couldn't they just cane ... Singapore style ? Cost effective , quick .

Some results :attachicon.gifCrime INdex.png


To cane or not to cane. These two countries have somewhat polar opposite views on how to do it. Which one works best?

Its obvious isn't it. There is a lesson in here somewhere.

The lesson is not to cherry pick stats to suit your agenda.The US has capital punishment,how's that working?Maybe people having a decent standard of living has something to do with it.

There is no, N O, stated agenda here. A question is put. That's all. There are many posters looking for an argument. I would prefer to see a genuine debate about the whole subject.

For a start, we are dealing with law and order in society, not a very flexible subject when it comes to catering to the indivual's sensibilities or lack of them.

I have a young male (13) in the family. He has been teetering off into "out of control" country, mainly because of the atrocious role models he has amongst the family's many alcoholics, theives and other drug users including his mother.

I have three other step children in Australia who are utter role models of decency and responsibility. But they had different role models.

I have left the family here and ended what influence I may have had. "Our" young 'thug' has been dealt with by confining him to a monastary, because nobody wants him, and nobody else has any idea how to set him a quality example. What's that? They ask. A what?

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Idiotic! as if there is a link between caning and crime rates - so stupid. These are two so completely different societies you cannot possibly be serious about this supposed linkage - its like saying that if Thailand caned offenders the population would become more Chinese. The reasons for Thailand being a more criminal and violent society are far more complex than the attitude to corporal punishment, which, by the way, still happens routinely in Thai schools. A totally naive and facile reaction to a serious problem which is actually worse than the naive and facile reaction of the senior policemen - also demonstrating they are clueless about how to change the dynamic among this section of Thai youth. Just explain how is "cane the buggers" any improvement on "show the love"? Both are futile and pointless.

Okay, you have had your know all rant oh wise one, so now tell us what these far more complex reasons are and how to fix the problem. It is one thing to have a go at some one for their opinion but it is another if you cannot justify it.

In my "wisdom" I can recognise there is no simple (simplistic) answer and that the authorities assaulting teenagers with a cane is not going to prevent them from assaulting each other. Quoting caning and crime figures for a very different society as if they were connected is an insult to the intelligence of the reader. Looking for simple answers is not a realistic course of action and the education system together with cultural attitudes towards the parenting of male children have to be taken into account along with other cultural and societal values.

My point is not that I have the answers but that I absolutely know that "cane the buggers" is no more realistic than " share the love" and neither offer anything in the way of solutions. In fact they say a damn sight more about the morality and attitudes of the poster than they contribute anything worthwhile to the discussion. Almost all countries struggle with juvenile delinquency with male teenage children who are marginalised by their societies. The idea that there is a "catch phrase" answer is what makes me angry as intelligent people who know anything about parenting and children recognise this is just not so.

If the idea of beating children or young adults makes the would be beater feel stronger and more fulfilled then admit to it and have done with it, but please don't advocate it as any kind of solution as it has long been discredited and is illegal in most of our home countries for very good reasons.

I really think you should learn not to react as quickly as you have now on two occasions. Both the original poster and myself asked questions of the system and were ever so briefly discussing deterrents to crime and their possiblities and their advantages, successes and or other wise.

You have used the word "advocate". No one advocated anything. We merely put the question. Once again, an over reaction to an "imagined" position, all in your own mind after which you proselytise ad hoc to the early death of a rational conversation. You chose the adversarial tone and the presumptions of opinion all on your own.

Discipline, particularly with male youth and or lack of it in Thailand is a very hairy subject and deserves much more debate than you are showing a capacity for.

Quoting unrelated facts and statistics as if they were somehow linked in a simplistic way is not debate. Reducing discussion to the Donald Trump level is not debate. Neither of you asked any meaningful question. Thailand is not Singapore and I for one am quite glad of that, but it does have problems in regulating its society which are not reducible to which means of punishment work best. Punishment happens after the crime and there is strong evidence that increasing severity of punishment does not reduce levels of crime at all. (please see the California 3 strikes law as an example of this) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-strikes_law The "trick" is to eliminate the factors which lead to teenagers behaving like criminals in the first place. In the discussion about vocational schools, the focus would be on improving the education system as a whole and the vocational schools in particular. That bit, hard as it might be is a walk in the park compared to tackling the other side of the problem, the parenting part.

It is possible that the sentiment you are trying to express with your caning statistics goes something like this;

"To have any chance of reform, offenders have to experience regimes that deliver the full parenting experience in truncated form. They need to be taken far away from their peer group and the streets in which they committed their crimes to experience physically tough, structured and purposeful routines and rock-solid values." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/8709114/Young-offenders-need-discipline-not-detention.html

But I think you will agree that allowing police or military officers to legally beat teenagers with a cane is not what the author had in mind.

I think criticising my capacity for debate is a bit disingenuous given the quality of the posts I am responding to. They are not debating points, just unreasoned, ill thought out, reactionary comments which in no way address the issues. They are on the level of the "castrate them then hang theml" comments whenever a rape is reported, and in all likelihood made by the same people.

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