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Republican Convention Day 1: security, Melania and marines


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OK, so apparently Melanoma DID write the speech herself. It seems that the original speech was written by two professionals with tremendous credentials; Matthew Scully and John McConnell. The same two writers who wrote Dubya's speech to the American people on 9/11. They sent the original draft to Melanoma but never heard anything back. Seems she didn't like it so tore it apart and started writing one herself. She had some help from one Meridith McIver, a NYC-based former ballet dancer and English major who had worked on a couple of gerbil head's books.

Then, in keeping with the rank amateur level of this campaign and its comic book quality leading man, nobody bothered to check it out. No one could be hassled to feed it through plagiarism software, some of which can be downloaded for free. No one considered running it past any professional just to be sure that there weren't any grade school level screwups, of which there were several. This entire fiasco fits perfectly with Trump's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade blimp-sized ego and his complete inability to so much as consider that there might possibly exist, somewhere in the universe outside of his cranium, someone who can do something, anything, better than he can. It is grossly apparent that the entire function of the Trump campaign staff is to massage that ego and "correct" the "mistakes" of any and all lesser beings whenever they have the unmitigated gall to point out that the emperor really is not, in fact, wearing any clothes. All of this, along with the never-ending litany of totally preventable and incomprehensible gaffes and screwups is simply a glaring testimony to Trump's complete ineptness and his total lack of qualifications to serve in any elected position, down to, and including, dog catcher, let alone the most powerful office in the world.


So what? She did great.

I doubt there has been few speeches given or papers written that have not taken or borrowed some words or thoughts from another's work. So what if she took a few lines from another speech. Do you really believe Michelle wrote her own speech or used speech writers. Almost every speech a President gives is written by others. I guess that should be considered as plagiarism as well since it is not the speakers original thought. There has been more made about this than it is worth.
So I pay somebody to write something for me, and that is plagiarism? Get a grip.

They made a big mistake, and as always these days that is milked as much as possible.

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OK, so apparently Melanoma DID write the speech herself. It seems that the original speech was written by two professionals with tremendous credentials; Matthew Scully and John McConnell. The same two writers who wrote Dubya's speech to the American people on 9/11. They sent the original draft to Melanoma but never heard anything back. Seems she didn't like it so tore it apart and started writing one herself. She had some help from one Meridith McIver, a NYC-based former ballet dancer and English major who had worked on a couple of gerbil head's books.

Then, in keeping with the rank amateur level of this campaign and its comic book quality leading man, nobody bothered to check it out. No one could be hassled to feed it through plagiarism software, some of which can be downloaded for free. No one considered running it past any professional just to be sure that there weren't any grade school level screwups, of which there were several. This entire fiasco fits perfectly with Trump's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade blimp-sized ego and his complete inability to so much as consider that there might possibly exist, somewhere in the universe outside of his cranium, someone who can do something, anything, better than he can. It is grossly apparent that the entire function of the Trump campaign staff is to massage that ego and "correct" the "mistakes" of any and all lesser beings whenever they have the unmitigated gall to point out that the emperor really is not, in fact, wearing any clothes. All of this, along with the never-ending litany of totally preventable and incomprehensible gaffes and screwups is simply a glaring testimony to Trump's complete ineptness and his total lack of qualifications to serve in any elected position, down to, and including, dog catcher, let alone the most powerful office in the world.


So what? She did great.

I doubt there has been few speeches given or papers written that have not taken or borrowed some words or thoughts from another's work. So what if she took a few lines from another speech. Do you really believe Michelle wrote her own speech or used speech writers. Almost every speech a President gives is written by others. I guess that should be considered as plagiarism as well since it is not the speakers original thought. There has been more made about this than it is worth.
So I pay somebody to write something for me, and that is plagiarism? Get a grip.

They made a big mistake, and as always these days that is milked as much as possible.

Melania the liar. Crooked Melania. Deport her.

She said she wrote the speech, then Trumps people said they wrote it, now they say she didn't write it. She said she graduated college.

Trump married a gold digger, half his age, then facilitated her citizenship all the while she runs sweat shops in the third world.

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Sugar coat the plagiarism all you want. Even the Chairman of the Republican Party is calling for the speech writer to be fired.

How can Melania get fired? Answer: only if she doesn't properly perform the duties of a trophy wife. It's probably articulated somewhere in the pre-nup, alongside the paragraphs saying, "If we ever separate or divorce, you are forthwith and forever forbidden from saying anything unflattering about Mr. Trump, in any language, to anyone."

Interesting that, as much as the Reps and Trump hoped the first day of speeches would end with great adulation for their self-praising / put-down-Hillary orgy, the three biggest headlines from the day were;

A. Melania giving a speech plagiarizing a speech written by Michelle. Note: did Melania acknowledge or thank Michelle? ha ha ha, not in 100 years.

B. Complete disarray at the convention. For several long periods (during crowd protests), no one was on stage or an elder man was up there, but didn't know what to say.

C. A B-grade has-been TV actor who nobody recognized, insisted Obama was a Muslim and anti-Christian.

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so now he is a Republican. ? if elected nothing will change. just more and more misery.

since my grand parents, I saw a real degradation every 10 years. the only time it improved it was after the second world War but it s not all negative I think , I believe it s to people to live with less money .

look at me by example, I m a real winner , I live with 8k baths a month in a high rise building with TV in a big town in Thailand , I have a fan, fresh air, food market, beach, scooter, and much more ... while millions of Americans can not survive with 60k baths per month.

yes, I m amazingly amazing.

guys you make me laugh with your elections. you want a change? change yourself first.

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Melania the liar. Crooked Melania. Deport her.

She said she wrote the speech, then Trumps people said they wrote it, now they say she didn't write it. She said she graduated college.

Trump married a gold digger, half his age, then facilitated her citizenship all the while she runs sweat shops in the third world.

You want to deport what??? laugh.png


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Boon Mee, the flip-flopper, the guy who savaged the Bloviator for months as a fervent acolyte for Ted Cruz,

( who Boon later abandoned at the drop of a hat when Cruz started losing ), and now reduced to weak, one line, troll-like deflections,

should pause for thought on this one:

5 takeaways from Cruz’s convention stunner

The conservative bomb-thrower reminds the GOP he’s not in it to make friends. (sub-title)

"CLEVELAND — Ted Cruz just out-Trumped Trump."

"Turns out that when you bully a guy for months, suggest his wife is unattractive, insinuate that his dad participated in the JFK assassination,

call him “Lyin’ Ted, dispatch your bouncer-like emissaries to coerce an endorsement,

then give him a prime-time speaking spot on the third night of your nominating convention – well, you get the picture."

"Audacity is supposed to be Donald Trump’s most valuable attribute, but it was Cruz who delivered one the most audacious blows of the 2016 campaign,

pointedly refusing to endorse his party’s nominee even as an incensed audience at the Quicken Loans Center on Wednesday night booed him off the stage."


Behind Cruz's ultimate snub

He's made a career of defying the GOP, but never before on a stage like this. (sub-title)

"CLEVELAND — Ted Cruz could have done more than anyone on Wednesday night to unite the divided Republican Party by uttering a few simple words:

Vote for Donald Trump."

"Instead, he chose payback." thumbsup.gif


Well done Ted.

Turns out, you do have some priciples.

And the Clown Train accelerates toward the cliff...

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