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Voters in next year’s elections will now have to make their choices under the watchful eye of the army after the government issued a decree yesterday establishing permanent military forces at national and sub-national election sites between 2016 and 2019. According to the decree, signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen on June 17, army commanders will be stationed at voting sites to “monitor and manage the use of force” and “ensure that the process is conducted with security, public order and safety without fear, threats and violence.”

General Neth Savoeun, chief general director of the National Police, posted the edict to his Facebook page yesterday and said it had the support of Interior Minister Sar Kheng, Defense Minister General Tea Banh and many other ministers, generals and provincial governors. The army will play an important role, the decree said, in “ensuring” that the preparation of voter lists and voter registration runs smoothly.

“The permanent security commander has the right to use the seal of the Council of Ministers to fulfill its functions and duties,” the decree read.
Army units will be at the beck and call of provincial governors across the country, and the decree says police officers, military forces and RCAF soldiers based in each province will prepare for the elections based on plans created for each province.
“Any provisions contrary to this decree will be treated as an abrogation,” the decree added.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/27376/army-to-guard-voting-stations/

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