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Thai man complains after wife's womb surgery goes drastically wrong


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Thai man complains after wife's womb surgery goes drastically wrong

Image: tnamcot

BANGKOK: -- A Thai man has complained after surgery to remove a fetus that was forming outside his wife's womb went wrong. The man has claimed that despite providing a hospital with ultrasound evidence the surgeon removed the wrong side of his wife's womb meaning that they can never have children again.

Incredibly after surgery to remove the fetus was done the clinic later found the child still inside and the operation had to be done all overagain, reported tnamcot.

Ekapong Kaewdee, 32, had taken his wife to a clinic after complications in her pregnancy. He told the press that an ultrasound showed that their baby, already seven weeks old, was forming outside the womb on the right and had to be aborted. Armed with a report andthe ultrasound evidence he went to a hospital.

He claimed that the doctor did not look at the evidence from the clinic and said that he had to extract the fetus that was on the other side. Despite an argument in which it was claimed that bad language was used the husband eventually bowed to the surgeons status and agreed to the operation.

But a few weeks later his wife Suppatra Kaewdee, 30, complained of more pains and started vomiting. Another trip to the original clinic revealed that the fetus was still in there. The doctor was aghast that it had not been removed despite what he had told the parents. The doctor said it was now 10 weeks old.

But it still had to be removed and the couple went back to the unnamed hospital. A further surgery was done this time on the correct side but this now means that Suppatra can no longer bear children.

The hospital director stood by the surgeon saying that he was aware of the case and that according to what the patient had said the surgery was done correctly.

Ekapong has lodged complaints with the Thai Health Ministry and the Medical Council of Thailand over the matter.

A news conference has been planned for today (Tuesday).

Source: tnamcot

-- 2016-07-19

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The hospital director is standing by the surgeon based on what the patient said. And what would that be?

Please doctor, operate on me now, but make sure you do it incorrectly so as I can come back in a few more weeks for another.

One can never have too many surgeries you know.

And since when do patients have the medical knowledge to know when a surgery is done correctly.

Stupid surgeon, stupid director.

Edited by Rayk
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The doctor did not look at the evidence from the clinic.........

The hospital director is standing by the surgeon based on what the patient said........

OMG! That says it all......... incompetence at its best!

I want to know the names of the hospital, the director and the doctor!

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"Trust me I am a doctor". I have worked in a hospital and that was when any respect I had for doctors went. The amount of errors they make is scary but not as scary as the meetings they have to decide what story they will tell the family of some one who died over night.

The Thai people look up to doctors, I am sorry to say I cant do that when I think of the mistakes I have seen doctors do.

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"Trust me I am a doctor". I have worked in a hospital and that was when any respect I had for doctors went. The amount of errors they make is scary but not as scary as the meetings they have to decide what story they will tell the family of some one who died over night.

The Thai people look up to doctors, I am sorry to say I cant do that when I think of the mistakes I have seen doctors do.


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A couple years ago I saw a Thai doctor at one of the clinics in Pattaya. I was seeing him regarding heart issues and after going through my test results he starts making obscene gestures with his hands and fingers and pulls out a bag of various ED meds and tries to sell some to me. I though this weird to say the least considering that these ED meds can be dangerous for people with heart problems.

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I met a woman who had an operation to remove an ovarian cyst when she was about 20 years old.

When she woke up from the anesthetic they told her they had simply removed everything (except the vagina).

Simple and easy, no complicated dissections, after all she was just an ordinary peasant girl.

No permission was ever given to remove anything other than the cyst.

The woman's life was ruined because she had always wanted children.

She has to take HRT drugs to maintain her female characteristics because she had no ovarian tissue.

I asked her why she didn't sue the hospital.

She said she didn't think she had any rights to do that at the time and how could she prove anything?

By this time it was too late anyway.

I would not trust an Asian doctor as far as I could throw him, they are just out for a fast buck and bugger the welfare of the patients.

I know there are exceptions but it pays to remain vigilant and get second and third opinions before ever going under the knife.

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Be interesting to see how this pans out given that Doctors are seen as demigods by many Thai.

Probably nothing will happen to the doctor/hospital, maybe some backdoor compensation.

Can't understand why the husband agreed to what he believed (probably correctly) was completely the wrong surgery.

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The Great White Tower of medicine is alive and well here.

Its a fine balance of needing malpractice insurance for the right reasons and your average physician getting his ass sued off for no reason. With the latter you see health costs skyrocket. You can thank ambulance chasers for that.

Here you are almost shit out of luck if something goes wrong. Unless you know someone or have deep pockets. the socila media helps sometimes.

Even if you win. You get almost nothing.

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This type of surgery is my specialty.........any surgeon who should do this without looking at an ultrasound is an idiot. Also an ectopic probably could be visualized by looking at the tube itself.....kinda hard to miss.

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I see the hospital deny responsibility but they always do. He should get another doctor to verify what has and has not been removed then sue the hospital for malpractice for as much as he can assuming of course the wrong part has been removed.

Edited by gandalf12
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So they tried to remove an ectropic pregnancy (and one fallopian tube), but failed to notice there was no fetus in the removed tissue?

Seems a bit unbelievable.

This story is similar to mine. The clinic sent me to the hospital. Hospital did ultrasound. For some reason the doctor said the fetus was in the womb but was miscarriage. They cleaned out the womb. They did not check the tissue for fetus.

They left the fetus in the tube.

16 weeks later, after many people and another doctor telling me I was crazy. Another doctor had me rushed to the hospital. They then removed both tubes and and ovary.

Mistake after stupid mistake. The emotional pain and damage is uncountable. However, I receive 200 dollars every 3 months for the rest of my life. It's not much, but the it shows doctor,government and hospital acknowledging their responsibilities. Mistakes in medicine always happen. But the doctor in this case, refused to look at evidence of the first ultrasound, and certainly, absolutely should have done a second ultrasound before surgery.

Negligence and laziness pure and simple.

Pay up.

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Well I'm not surprised really, considering just a few weeks ago there were students caught paying for exam questions and for others to sit entrance exams for medical school.

This also happens in every profession including BIB, military, education, etc, because cheating is seen as normal by many people and paying for positions is an everyday thing here, and that is why Thailand is still in this bloody mess and will stay that way until domestic and political will changes it.

Unfortunately 2/3 years ago here in LOS I had to become rather vocal to a doctor and nurse make them intubate my wife so she could breath, if I had not made it very clear she would not be here today.

But the medical system is just as corrupt and full of people that think they are above the rest of the people much like the BIB and the military.

I think the name of the doctor and the hospital should be made public as people should be able to protect themselves from fools.

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Pregnancy surgery not a mistake, says Trang Hospital. Family not satisfied


Image: Sanook

TRANG: -- The director of a southern Thai hospital has said that the surgery on a Thai woman to remove an ectopic pregnancy was not a mistake. It was announced that the woman, who can now no longer have children, had TWO pregnancies - one outside on both sides of her womb.

This is a one in 200,000 eventuality, the director said flanked by doctors who agreed, reported Sanook. But the family are not satisfied with the explanation and intend to pursue the matter with health authorities.

Earlier a man had complained that the Soon Trang hospital had operated on the wrong side of his wife who was seven weeks pregnant. He had a report from a clinic and an ultrasound to back up his claim that the pregnancy was on the right side not the left that Trang Hospital
operated on.

Several weeks later the wife developed more pains and it was discovered she was pregnant on the right side as previously diagnosed and another surgery had to be done at the hospital. This meant the woman has no womb at all now and can never have children again.

Soon Trang director Jirawan Arayaphong said: "There was no mistake made. The pregnancy on the left side could be clearly seen with the naked eye and was successfully done on June 23rd.

The pregnancy on the right side resulted in a further surgery on July 16th.

Jirawan added: "This was a case where there was a pregnancy outside the womb on both sides - this occurs in about one in 200,000 cases".

No mention was made in the report as to why the second pregnancy was missed by the hospital's initial diagnosis despite the husband's claim that it was that side that had been mentioned in the reports he had from the clinic.

The family at the press conference Tuesday were not happy with the hospital's explanations and intend to pursue the matter. They had said Tuesday when they had complained to the media that they intend to go to the Health Ministry and the Medical Council of Thailand in an effort to seek justice.

Source: Sanook

-- 2016-07-20

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Well that is a convenient occurrence that she had two ectopic pregnancies at the same time...................hmmmm I am calling BS on the directors statement. Clearly if this was the case, the clinic that had done both scans would have picked up on this in the beginning. The director is just trying to worm his way out of getting to give a pay-out due to negligence and the doctor should be investigated for making such a mistake. I mean surely even with the clinics scans the hospital that would be doing the surgery would also request another scan just to make sure and to also put in the patients files. Both the director and the doctor should be dragged over the coals for this poor woman's and families suffering.

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