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Thailand and Pakistan may sign Free Trade Agreement this year


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Thailand and Pakistan may sign Free Trade Agreement this year


BANGKOK: -- Thailand and Pakistan are in the midst of talks on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which is expected to be signed by the end of this year.

Thailand’s Ambassador Suchart Liengsaengthong disclosed this at a meeting with Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Vice President Nasir Saeed at the chamber on Monday.

The ambassador said trade would flourish after signing of the FTA between the two countries. He said that such tools were important in today’s world because they would bring down the cost of doing business and remove non-tariff barriers. He noted that the SouthEast Asian nation is already investing in Pakistan and more Thai companies are keen to start their operations in the Asian country.

He said that a high level business delegation from Thailand would visit Pakistan in the first week of August. The delegation would have people from cosmetics, construction, automobile, plastic, consumer goods, furniture, seafood and private hospitals in its fold. He invited the LCCI to take a trade delegation to Thailand to explore trade, investment and joint venture opportunities there. He said that textile and tourism sectors of Pakistan were vibrant and that Pakistan could learn a lot from Thailand in the tourism sector.

Full story: https://ethailand.com/business-news/thailand-pakistan-free-trade-agreement/3087/

-- eThailand 2016-07-20

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So Pakistan can learn a lot from Thailand as regards tourism? I am sure they could learn what not to do by reading the pages of TVN.

Never in my wildest touristy dreams would I put Pakistan on my list of places to visit.

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Among Pakistan's top exports are textiles, clothing and leather products.

Items Thailand doesn't need.

So unless Pakistan wants to increase its total trade deficit, trade with Thailand will be very minimal.

Thailand would do better to simply sell more rice to Pakistan.

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So Pakistan can learn a lot from Thailand as regards tourism? I am sure they could learn what not to do by reading the pages of TVN.

Never in my wildest touristy dreams would I put Pakistan on my list of places to visit.

I don't even want to be in a plane flying over it.

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So Pakistan can learn a lot from Thailand as regards tourism? I am sure they could learn what not to do by reading the pages of TVN.

Never in my wildest touristy dreams would I put Pakistan on my list of places to visit.

Me neither but I did run into a backpacker who'd told me it was very beautiful. The only bit put him off was their practice of placing newborn babies in clay jars and letting them harden then breaking them when the child was deemed sufficiently deformed to be put to beg on the streets. 'Imagine what that person looks like after a few years' said he. *shudder*.

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I certainly hope the Lady Minister of Tourism will step in here.

Having had the dubious pleasure of working there for a short time nothing should be done at this time to encourage them to trade or visit Thailand for any reason except maybe the cricket team,

They are a bunch of Muslm radicals

Why does this beautiful country's non elected leader feel the need to trade with just anyone?

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