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It's Trump's big night before the nation - and GOP skeptics


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The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

P.S. are you an American hater? Is that why you would vote for a candidate who would harm the country and its people?

Boy if that is not a baiting and flaming post but I will play along in good spirits.

The GOP for all its shortcomings is still less damaging to the US than the alternative IMO. One only need to look at the civil unrest which started in the past 8 years and is only getting worse to see the damage of which I speak.

But then you really were attempting to be rhetorical and not looking for an answer, eh?

Out of curiousity, do you ever actually look for common ground here on TVF ? I only ask because the posts of yours I have seen always seem to be to demean and attack and incite people who happen to not share your identical view.

Edited by ClutchClark
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The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

P.S. are you an American hater? Is that why you would vote for a candidate who would harm the country and its people?

Boy if that is not a baiting and flaming post but I will play along in good spirits.

The GOP for all its shortcomings is still less damaging to the US than the alternative IMO. One only need to look at the civil unrest which started in the past 8 years and is only getting worse to see the damage of which I speak.

But then you really were attempting to be rhetorical and not looking for an answer, eh?

Out of curiousity, do you ever actually look for common ground here on TVF ? I only ask because the posts of yours I have seen always seem to be to demean and attack and incite people who happen to not share your identical view.

I will vote democratic simply for economic reasons. I survive on my investments.

Since WW2, stock market returns under democrats average around 12% / year.

Under republican administrations, the returns are closer to 6% / year.

Since 1960 there have been 5 democrat and 5 republican administrations.

The democrats have increased the debt around 29% on average.

The republicans have increased the debt around 85% on average. (Blame Reagan for a 185% increase)

Graphs on job growth, GDP, war spending all support the democrat positions.

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The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

P.S. are you an American hater? Is that why you would vote for a candidate who would harm the country and its people?

Boy if that is not a baiting and flaming post but I will play along in good spirits.

The GOP for all its shortcomings is still less damaging to the US than the alternative IMO. One only need to look at the civil unrest which started in the past 8 years and is only getting worse to see the damage of which I speak.

But then you really were attempting to be rhetorical and not looking for an answer, eh?

Out of curiousity, do you ever actually look for common ground here on TVF ? I only ask because the posts of yours I have seen always seem to be to demean and attack and incite people who happen to not share your identical view.

I will vote democratic simply for economic reasons. I survive on my investments.

Since WW2, stock market returns under democrats average around 12% / year.

Under republican administrations, the returns are closer to 6% / year.

Since 1960 there have been 5 democrat and 5 republican administrations.

The democrats have increased the debt around 29% on average.

The republicans have increased the debt around 85% on average. (Blame Reagan for a 185% increase)

Graphs on job growth, GDP, war spending all support the democrat positions.

If those figures are accurate then that is one valid argument.

But I am out of the market nowadays and my retirement funds will outlive me even in a Stable Values fund.

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Comparing IQs of the two candidates...seriously, who cares?

The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

Some good posts on Hillary's accomplishments in college. She was once a young American with high ideals and aspirations.

It must seem like a lifetime ago to her compared to what she has become today...a morally corrupt human being.

a morally corrupt human being.

And you think DT isn´t? cheesy.gif

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Comparing IQs of the two candidates...seriously, who cares?

The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

Some good posts on Hillary's accomplishments in college. She was once a young American with high ideals and aspirations.

It must seem like a lifetime ago to her compared to what she has become today...a morally corrupt human being.


Is Hillary really that bad or is it just dishonest manufactured outrage that ends up going nowhere?

The 25 year vast right wing conspiracy has labeled her corrupt.

Fact is, she has been investigated more throughly than any candidate ever.

Any reasonable person should be asking the republicans for a refund for all those phony hearings and attorney fees.

$60 million or more just for the WhiteWater frivolous accusations 25 years ago. (with 7% interest the amount would be $240 million) We should get it back, no?

The accusations are mostly just political nonsense packaged as news.

Roger Ailes, Chairman at FOX has been the disinformation wing of the conservatives for 20 years. He invented the hate and fear campaign model.

He is an unscrouplous, just wants to win. The truth means nothing to him.

He has damaged politics and it's him that is mostly responsible for keeping decent people from running. Him and his crew of fake journalists will happily destroy them & their family with false accusations presented as news.

Many forget the full senate 94-2 vetted & approved Hillary as Secretary of State in 2009.

Funny the republican senators forgot all about the corruption she committed.

Over to you Chuck

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So what does Trump do the day after the nomination? He goes off script, steps in it, acts like a nutcase and obviously embarrassed his VP.

Still going on about Ted Cruz's father and the JFK assignation connection.

Watch Pence in the background of the video. Cannot believe he is standing on the same stage while this is going on.


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So what does Trump do the day after the nomination? He goes off script, steps in it, acts like a nutcase and obviously embarrassed his VP.

Still going on about Ted Cruz's father and the JFK assignation connection.

Watch Pence in the background of the video. Cannot believe he is standing on the same stage while this is going on.


Say What?

Check the body language. Pence was looking to exit, stage left!


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I'm guessing the Post aren't getting allowed into his pressers any time soon.


DONALD J. TRUMP, until now a Republican problem, this week became a challenge the nation must confront and overcome. The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament. He is mounting a campaign of snarl and sneer, not substance. To the extent he has views, they are wrong in their diagnosis of America’s problems and dangerous in their proposed solutions. Mr. Trump’s politics of denigration and division could strain the bonds that have held a diverse nation together. His contempt for constitutional norms might reveal the nation’s two-century-old experiment in checks and balances to be more fragile than we knew.

Any one of these characteristics would be disqualifying; together, they make Mr. Trump a peril.


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I'm guessing the Post aren't getting allowed into his pressers any time soon.


DONALD J. TRUMP, until now a Republican problem, this week became a challenge the nation must confront and overcome. The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament. He is mounting a campaign of snarl and sneer, not substance. To the extent he has views, they are wrong in their diagnosis of America’s problems and dangerous in their proposed solutions. Mr. Trump’s politics of denigration and division could strain the bonds that have held a diverse nation together. His contempt for constitutional norms might reveal the nation’s two-century-old experiment in checks and balances to be more fragile than we knew.

Any one of these characteristics would be disqualifying; together, they make Mr. Trump a peril.


Good article, but to bad the trumpeteers will not read it and if they do than it's all a lie!
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The demagogue is one who preaches doctrineshe knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. H. L. Mencken

Trump is a demagogue.

The problem is, Hillary is even worse.

>>She has a higher IQ than the "windbag"

That obviously didn't help her to be a competent or successful Secretary of State.

Will she get elected? It's quite possible, I know Donald calls her Crooked Hillary, but 'm concerned that he is underestimating just how corrupt she really is.

And I'm concerned that the voters are underestimating just how much of a dimwit the Donald is.

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Oh yeah, Duck Dynasty. Thats all you got?

Sadly you are not very good at understsnding people since I don't watch DD and I don't have many black friends (a claim I never made but simply a strawman condition you invented so that you could argue a narrative you were given the talking points for). Not many blacks choose to live out in Eastern Colorado. Quite a few hispanics do. Does that count? Damn good people with good work ethics. Out here we don't see color and division the way you do...we judge people on whether they work hard and treat others decently.

I guess from your DD innuendos, you might not be from the "Country"? Any chance you are one of those metro-sexuals? We have something like that out here, we call them "steers".

Thanks for the link on micro-aggressions. I have had livestock all my life and have shoveled manure almost every day of my life and I have to say that the subject of micro-aggressions may be some of the finest grade BS I have ever come across.

You have successfully derailed this issue into meaningless invective. You cannot address the issue that I raise about BLM so you hurl insults and provide endless distracting immaterial details. Please continue to attach labels if it helps you avoid dealing with the issue in a mature, considered way. You are simply not a credible interlocutor. If I have the misfortune to encounter you on 16th Steet, please keep walking.

Happy to continue discussing if you have anything to say on the issue.

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Hillary at College:

The college president says Hillary is cheerful, good humored, good company, and a good friend to all of us.

Hillary gave the commencement speech as Valedictorian at her college graduation.

Miss Hillary Rodham was a major in political science and a candidate for the degree with honors.

Her junior year having served as a Vil Junior, and then as a member of Senate.

Hillary served her last year as president of College Government.

She was the presiding officer of College Senate.

Trump at College:

We want the world to know that Trump’s values do not represent the larger Wharton community. “You Do Not Represent Us,”

Wharton students and alumni are signatories to a letter to tell Trump that they are “deeply disappointed” in his candidacy.

“We, proud students, alumni, and faculty of Wharton, are outraged that an affiliation with our school is being used to legitimize prejudice and intolerance.

“Although we do not aim to make any political endorsements with this letter, we do express our unequivocal stance against the xenophobia, sexism, racism, and other forms of bigotry that you have actively and implicitly endorsed in your campaign.”

Hillary was pretty much a star at Wellesley. You name it, she did it.

No one can remember anything about Trump at Wharton. I mean that literally...nothing. Don't forget it wasn't the illustrious Wharton MBA program, it was the undergraduate program that he transferred into for his last year? Something like that. Trump's college career was forgettable. He graduated...with a BA.

HRC's vs. Trump's intelligence...let's not waste a lot of time on this point.

Edited by Pinot
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You have successfully derailed this issue into meaningless invective. You cannot address the issue that I raise about BLM so you hurl insults and provide endless distracting immaterial details.

Actually he DID address the issue and had very valid points.

As far as hurling insults go, Pot, Kettle, Black comes to mind.

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Comparing IQs of the two candidates...seriously, who cares?

The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

Some good posts on Hillary's accomplishments in college. She was once a young American with high ideals and aspirations.

It must seem like a lifetime ago to her compared to what she has become today...a morally corrupt human being.

a morally corrupt human being.

And you think DT isn´t? cheesy.gif

The typical TVF Liberal attack.

1) Don't address the actual post.

2) Fabricate a strawman position for the original poster.

3) Resort to immaturity by calling Trump a name instead of by his name. (You forgot this one)

4) Don't forget the cartoon emoticon.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Oh yeah, Duck Dynasty. Thats all you got?

Sadly you are not very good at understsnding people since I don't watch DD and I don't have many black friends (a claim I never made but simply a strawman condition you invented so that you could argue a narrative you were given the talking points for). Not many blacks choose to live out in Eastern Colorado. Quite a few hispanics do. Does that count? Damn good people with good work ethics. Out here we don't see color and division the way you do...we judge people on whether they work hard and treat others decently.

I guess from your DD innuendos, you might not be from the "Country"? Any chance you are one of those metro-sexuals? We have something like that out here, we call them "steers".

Thanks for the link on micro-aggressions. I have had livestock all my life and have shoveled manure almost every day of my life and I have to say that the subject of micro-aggressions may be some of the finest grade BS I have ever come across.

You have successfully derailed this issue into meaningless invective. You cannot address the issue that I raise about BLM so you hurl insults and provide endless distracting immaterial details. Please continue to attach labels if it helps you avoid dealing with the issue in a mature, considered way. You are simply not a credible interlocutor. If I have the misfortune to encounter you on 16th Steet, please keep walking.

Happy to continue discussing if you have anything to say on the issue.

Actually, the BLM issue started out as "meaningless".

It was designed as an effort to keep Liberals frantic and emotional...not a difficult endeavor.

How will I recognize you on 16th Street? Did you mean Soi 16?

Will you be protesting? Blocking traffic? Looting? Or maybe you will have dreadlocks?

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In his speechTrump listed all the worlds problems and said "only he alone can fix it"

"On January 2017 crime will come to an end, safety will be restored"

What he didn't reveal was his new outfit.


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Comparing IQs of the two candidates...seriously, who cares?

The Republicans could run a dimwit like GWB again and I will still vote GOP.

Some good posts on Hillary's accomplishments in college. She was once a young American with high ideals and aspirations.

It must seem like a lifetime ago to her compared to what she has become today...a morally corrupt human being.

a morally corrupt human being.

And you think DT isn´t? cheesy.gif

The typical TVF Liberal attack.

1) Don't address the actual post.

2) Fabricate a strawman position for the original poster.

3) Resort to immaturity by calling Trump a name instead of by his name. (You forgot this one)

4) Don't forget the cartoon emoticon.


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You have successfully derailed this issue into meaningless invective. You cannot address the issue that I raise about BLM so you hurl insults and provide endless distracting immaterial details.

Actually he DID address the issue and had very valid points.

As far as hurling insults go, Pot, Kettle, Black comes to mind.

You continue to present your opinion as fact. You continue to disperse falsehoods as truths. You continue to divert away from the issue.

Your editing of the thread ensures that nobody can see that the post to which I responded contained nothing that was relevant to the issue on BLM and was merely a litany of juenvile, puerile and ridiculous insults about steers and metrosexual. These are the 'valid points' to which you refer?

Deflection and untruths seem to be the hallmark of some posters. Not one on the Right has adequately addressed the message of BLM. They just can accept the truth.

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You have successfully derailed this issue into meaningless invective. You cannot address the issue that I raise about BLM so you hurl insults and provide endless distracting immaterial details.

Actually he DID address the issue and had very valid points.

As far as hurling insults go, Pot, Kettle, Black comes to mind.

You continue to present your opinion as fact. You continue to disperse falsehoods as truths. You continue to divert away from the issue.

Your editing of the thread ensures that nobody can see that the post to which I responded contained nothing that was relevant to the issue on BLM and was merely a litany of juenvile, puerile and ridiculous insults about steers and metrosexual. These are the 'valid points' to which you refer?

Deflection and untruths seem to be the hallmark of some posters. Not one on the Right has adequately addressed the message of BLM. They just can accept the truth.

Your confusion with these things appears to be worsening by the day.

It was me that found so much humor about your "Language of the Oppressor".

Now what exactly was the message of the BLM movement?

Something about black men should be able to break the law without fear of being shot?

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You have successfully derailed this issue into meaningless invective. You cannot address the issue that I raise about BLM so you hurl insults and provide endless distracting immaterial details.

Actually he DID address the issue and had very valid points.

As far as hurling insults go, Pot, Kettle, Black comes to mind.

You continue to present your opinion as fact. You continue to disperse falsehoods as truths. You continue to divert away from the issue.

Your editing of the thread ensures that nobody can see that the post to which I responded contained nothing that was relevant to the issue on BLM and was merely a litany of juenvile, puerile and ridiculous insults about steers and metrosexual. These are the 'valid points' to which you refer?

Deflection and untruths seem to be the hallmark of some posters. Not one on the Right has adequately addressed the message of BLM. They just can accept the truth.

Your confusion with these things appears to be worsening by the day.

It was me that found so much humor about your "Language of the Oppressor".

Now what exactly was the message of the BLM movement?

Something about black men should be able to break the law without fear of being shot?

Like I pointed out. Nothing to say on the issue. Just juvenile deflection.

Continue amusing yourself. Leave the discussion for those who know that credibility stems from relevance. Continue to play the smart ass and remain irrelevant.

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Your confusion with these things appears to be worsening by the day.

It was me that found so much humor about your "Language of the Oppressor".

Now what exactly was the message of the BLM movement?

Something about black men should be able to break the law without fear of being shot?

Like I pointed out. Nothing to say on the issue. Just juvenile deflection.

Continue amusing yourself. Leave the discussion for those who know that credibility stems from relevance. Continue to play the smart ass and remain irrelevant.

On the contrary, I am genuinely interested in understanding the mission of the BLM.

You have already told me that its mission (contrary to what its name suggests) is not to protect all black lives and that I can start my own mission to save all of the black victims from black violence.

So what is the mission statement? Your suggestion that I an "Opressor" seems to fall back on a reference to the days of slavery? Does BLM need to rehash 100+ year old history to make their platform relevant?

Lets look at the Ferguson shooting since that was often thought to be the origin of the BLM, correct? .What is your view of that shooting? What was wrong about that shooting?

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BLM? Initially, I wondered why y'all were talking about the Bureau of Land Management. Now I see it's Black Lives Matter.

as for 'on topic': Trump's speech was over an hour of red-faced blustering about how terrified Americans should be. It was a shouting spree that only a mother a redneck 'better-dead-than-red' Mussolini fan could love.

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BLM? Initially, I wondered why y'all were talking about the Bureau of Land Management. Now I see it's Black Lives Matter.

as for 'on topic': Trump's speech was over an hour of red-faced blustering about how terrified Americans should be. It was a shouting spree that only a mother a redneck 'better-dead-than-red' Mussolini fan could love.

I didn't watch it.

I wish you could avoid using names like "Redneck" since it is disrespectful and offensive not unlike the "N" word. If you are not a "Redneck" then you have no right to use it.

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