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Will Thailand become more dangerous specifically for Americans?

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Let me say first I am American and a Vietnam Combat Veteran. I've been following for sometime the stories that allege that America created ISIS and other terrorist organizations throughout the world and have backed them since the late 70s.

My curiosity is, in theory, if this word does get out and the Thais begin to understand it will they really care? I've spent a lot of time here in Thailand and live here now. My experience is that I have always been well received as an American.

I'll post a couple of recent links that really seem to make the case clear that the USA is one of the major contributors to global terrorism. Thoughts? Will it be safe for Americans outside of America?




I've been here since the late 1970s, and raised a family among Thais. Never once have I felt threatened because I'm an American.

As long as you take basic precautions and don't do anything stupid there shouldn't be any problems.

Most Thais seem to be fundamentally apolitical regarding international events. They just don't give a hoot. ​Maybe they learned that attitude from Trink, but I think it goes back a lot farther than that sage old geezer.


Let me say first that i am a Call of Duty and Battlefield 4 Veteran... Will be even worst if thais find out Amercians have been covering up aliens landing in area 52.. Some links http://all-conspiracy-theories.com/2016/06/24/area-51-a-cover-up-for-area-52/

Links means its real

Sent from my c64

The Area 51 bit was funny but the first bit about your video combat experience seemed disrespectful to those members of our Armed Services who actually served the US in times of actual combat.


Let me say first that i am a Call of Duty and Battlefield 4 Veteran... Will be even worst if thais find out Amercians have been covering up aliens landing in area 52.. Some links http://all-conspiracy-theories.com/2016/06/24/area-51-a-cover-up-for-area-52/

Links means its real

Sent from my c64

The Area 51 bit was funny but the first bit about your video combat experience seemed disrespectful to those members of our Armed Services who actually served the US in times of actual combat.

Relax, won't you?

Have another Leo.


Sometime it seems as if the whole world is becoming more dangerous...., I can't say..., I mean how does one empirically quantify 'more dangerous'..., there's more than just a kettle of red herring right there. On a pro-rata population basis simplicity itself dictates that all countries where population is increasing have an increasing amount 'danger'. Are Americans more at risk that anyone else ?
How does anyone quantify such a thing without a super-duper computer and an algorithm that would bamboozle a quantum mathematician (is there such a thing ?).
I would think it easier to work out why so many Americans are taking 'Trump' seriously ? Are they afraid ?


I am more of a San Miguel Light fan...but its so hard to find ice cold beers in this country.


Shirley you jest.

I don't much care for a kid to make light of the sacrifices made by his elders--the biggest problem facing these kids today is whether their phone battery stays charged.


Links posted in OP are from conspiracy theory websites. Which is a violation of the Forum Rules .

"2) You will not use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law."

​It is also political that is not allowed on the general topics forum.


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