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I saw a Thai man poison one of my dogs last night.

He drove by on a motorcycle, dropped a poisoned chick leg in front of him (The Dog).

Before I could get to the Dog to stop him from eating it, it was too late.

This was on wonderful animal. He was known and loved by everyone around here.

We got the cops up here and many witnesses. I can't let this go. I loved that mutt.

I emailed the Thai ASPCA already and will file a police report today. It might get

touchy because I'm a Farang. The thing is all the Thai's here are outraged.

Can anyone give my any advise or information about how to legally follow this up.

I have attached his picture. His name was "Guy"

Thanks in advance.

sorry cant allow pictures in a post of this nature

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Did anybody else witness it?Do you know the Thai bloke?

Right after yes. The dog was running as he was dying as people were approaching.

I don't know him personally. He lives up the road. He is hated by all.

I will try my best to get all the Thai's involved.

I will try my best to get all the Thai's involved.

sorry to hear what happened to your pet.

your thai neighbours may all feel genuinely sorry about what happened , but you may have difficulty in getting them involved in this.

its not their way to get involved.

but i wish you luck anyway. it would be nice to see some kind of a pressure group speak out and act against an unruly and disruptive member of your community.


Sorry to hear that. It's a terrible thing to do. Hopefully you got some witnesses, a motive some, proof so you can nail this guy. Sadly the justice system in LOS ain't the same as in some faranglands, and the life of an animal is hardly considered.


digitele, you have to ask why was he poisoning your dog, you may have been targeted for

robbery or worse, they like to get rid of the dogs before the hit

sorry to hear


I saw a Thai man poison one of my dogs last night.

He drove by on a motorcycle, dropped a poisoned chick leg in front of him (The Dog).

Before I could get to the Dog to stop him from eating it, it was too late.

This was on wonderful animal. He was known and loved by everyone around here.

We got the cops up here and many witnesses. I can't let this go. I loved that mutt.

I emailed the Thai ASPCA already and will file a police report today. It might get

touchy because I'm a Farang. The thing is all the Thai's here are outraged.

Can anyone give my any advise or information about how to legally follow this up.

I have attached his picture. His name was "Guy"

Thanks in advance.

Invite the man to dinner to settle your differences.

Serve him chicken.


I will try my best to get all the Thai's involved.

sorry to hear what happened to your pet.

your thai neighbours may all feel genuinely sorry about what happened , but you may have difficulty in getting them involved in this.

its not their way to get involved.

but i wish you luck anyway. it would be nice to see some kind of a pressure group speak out and act against an unruly and disruptive member of your community.

I have a high ranking police brother in law. Just got off the phone with him. He is now calling

the head cop for this area. The folks here are very willing to help. There was enough poison

to kill many. I thought what if some kid even touched that stuuf in the road. Dead kid.

This person has got to get it. I'll keep you posted


I really do hope you get some justice, but don't be surprised if nothing happens. I run a dog rescue center & have had about a dozen of our dogs poisoned over time. Each one has died in agony. Some have been poisoned in my garden where my little boy plays, and when I've reported these incidences, it's all the police can do to keep the smirks from their faces when they tell you they can't do anything & to go home. I really hope things are different in your area & something can be done to this disgusting excuse for a human.


One tip ( I can't work out the biochemistry of it but have seen it work). If your dog has recently been poisoned force a couple of RAW eggs down its throat. Soon after it will vomit but the egg seems to suck out the poison. About 10 yrs ago 2 of my dogs were poisoned by something they ate outside , I managed to save one with the egg treatment. The dog was paralysed for about a week but after 3 weeks a complete recovery, it was amazing. Unfortunately the other ran into an area where we couldn't get to it until it was too late.


hmm that must be why when my dog was poisoned the thais kept trying to feed it raw eggs. sadly, it didn't work. very sad death, i'm sorry for your loss OP.


One thing i have learned in this life, Whats comes round, goes round. You will reap what you sew.

Its interesting i meet new people in really bad positions in life, after 5 mins of talking to

them i could clearly see why

I will try my best to get all the Thai's involved.

sorry to hear what happened to your pet.

your thai neighbours may all feel genuinely sorry about what happened , but you may have difficulty in getting them involved in this.

its not their way to get involved.

but i wish you luck anyway. it would be nice to see some kind of a pressure group speak out and act against an unruly and disruptive member of your community.

I have a high ranking police brother in law. Just got off the phone with him. He is now calling

the head cop for this area. The folks here are very willing to help. There was enough poison

to kill many. I thought what if some kid even touched that stuuf in the road. Dead kid.

This person has got to get it. I'll keep you posted

That's what I always am thinking? What if a kid would have picked up the chicken leg? Not that I want to minimize the horror that happened to your dog and you.

I hope your brother in law can make this guy's life a bit difficult.

Do you know why this guy threw the poison?


digitele, you have to ask why was he poisoning your dog, you may have been targeted for

robbery or worse, they like to get rid of the dogs before the hit

sorry to hear


Last year I found my bulldog in my garden in a real bad state.

The vet confirmed he had been poisoned and said we had to leave him with her and she would do what she could. :D

When we home a couple of hours later, I noticed the lock on an upstairs patio door had almost been ripped off. :D

Whoever the scumbag was had obviously been scared off. :D

My bulldog went from 32k's to 26k's in just 3 days, the shit, puke and blood that he passed in those days was unreal.I wouldn't wish that on anyone, apart from the bastard who poisoned him :o

He made a full recovery and is now as stupid, fat and lazy as he ever was :D:D


digitele, you have to ask why was he poisoning your dog, you may have been targeted for

robbery or worse, they like to get rid of the dogs before the hit

sorry to hear


Last year I found my bulldog in my garden in a real bad state.

The vet confirmed he had been poisoned and said we had to leave him with her and she would do what she could. :D

When we home a couple of hours later, I noticed the lock on an upstairs patio door had almost been ripped off. :D

Whoever the scumbag was had obviously been scared off. :D

My bulldog went from 32k's to 26k's in just 3 days, the shit, puke and blood that he passed in those days was unreal.I wouldn't wish that on anyone, apart from the bastard who poisoned him :o

He made a full recovery and is now as stupid, fat and lazy as he ever was :D:D

They say dogs and owners are similar :D


well ..i am sorry that your dog die . from such an act .

. ever ponder why .. such act happen ?

i personally have 2 dog . and many dogs in the area i stay in ..

but i myself know that my dog can be a problem to otehrs as he is young and is alway bucking and making alot of noise ..

warn the person . and confront him if you must ,

but to make one life suffer for what had happen to a dear pet .. that would be as evil hearted as the one whom had done the evil deeds itself ..

would you felt good if someone is suffering >?

by creating more suffering . and a larger mess slove the problem ?

i hope you considering . this carfully ..

good luck .. and hope you understand .


To all, thanks for the kind words and advice. An update:

Sunday filed a police report here on Koh Sichang. 1 million baht in damages.

Police arranged for the dog to be tested in Bangkok - Toxin etc - We kept the dog on ice.

We also had the poisoned chicken bone. We sent all to Bangkok yesterday.

Chulalongkorn University is testing now. At first glance of the dog they said 100% poisoned.

They said it was two compounds and they'll know and confirm by this afternoon Nov 21st 2006.

Meanwhile this individual has low ranking police try to pressure me into dropping the case.

Some <deleted> is outside my gate talking to wife now. My Thai friends are with her.

I will upload photos of all and this guys house etc later here on TV. More insurance.

As I type this my friends are telling me his rep is pleading for me to drop it.

Bottom line, I can't. He's done this before and he'll do it again. No turning back.

And my dog "The Guy" isn't going to die for free. Airbourne!


Digitele, DONT give in , remember if this guy had you in his postion would be asking

for millions of baht compensation!

I bet anything he was setting your house up for a robbery!

be strong


Digitele, DONT give in , remember if this guy had you in his postion would be asking

for millions of baht compensation!

I bet anything he was setting your house up for a robbery!

be strong


Nam, thanks I really appreciate it.

You have a very valid point on the compensation issue. :o

I'll keep everyone posted.


There is a simple solution.Tell the scrotum that poisoned the dog,that you will not press for compensation...if he eats the poisoned chicken.



I applaud what you are doing and the way you are doing it, however don't be over zealous in getting staisfaction to the point where he may come after you again.

I live in a village that has loadsa dogs, and we have 5 that we keep on a tight leash within the house boundaries.

Our dogs are pets and part of our lives so I understand how upset you must be.

Good luck. Nail the sucker :o

There is a simple solution.Tell the scrotum that poisoned the dog,that you will not press for compensation...if he eats the poisoned chicken.

Good idea. I have a better plan. Thanks :o


I applaud what you are doing and the way you are doing it, however don't be over zealous in getting staisfaction to the point where he may come after you again.

I live in a village that has loadsa dogs, and we have 5 that we keep on a tight leash within the house boundaries.

Our dogs are pets and part of our lives so I understand how upset you must be.

Good luck. Nail the sucker :D

The whole island is going to do it for me :o

He killed the wrong "Guy" in front of the wrong guy.


Digitele, DONT give in , remember if this guy had you in his postion would be asking

for millions of baht compensation!

I bet anything he was setting your house up for a robbery!

be strong


Nam, I really appreciate that.



I have a friend in Pattaya who's 10 year old dog died peacefully in his sleep..I know how devastated she was, so I can imagine how you feel my friend. Don't give up the fight and do be careful..

May your "GUY" RIP..

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