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I listened to the new p/m UK Theresa May whilst in Germany , said about the Brexit , she will endeavour to control immigration within the tens of thousands per year , what is that all about ? the public want none , she is conning the public and said it all as a matter of fact , she is carrying on in the same way , the Brexit vote meant nothing . Did anyone else pick up on that ?

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Brexit was about getting out of the EU not about zero immigration, nobody promised that

Spot on.

Only the right wing loonies wanted to close the border and repatriate.

90%+ of Brexit voters want a sensible immigration that is under the control of the UK.

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The brexit vote meant brexit. Despite what large numbers of aging racists seem to think, it wasn't a referendum on stopping brown people entering the country.

The nuckledragging racists seemed to think it was. bah.gif

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