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Last night's fiasco


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I was an Insurance Adjuster for 30 years.

I've seen many bikes become total losses from falling over on hard surfaces when considering salvage value.

Every piece of scratched chrome needs to replaced. Many times tanks, and fenders need replacing if dented.

Most everything on the side it fell on needs replacing or repainted.

It always amazed me how expensive it was after listing all the parts out.

Another factor to consider is resale value. You must inform a seller the bike fell over and many buyers will walk away.

Be sure to have a dealer shop examine all welds on the frame and have an expert check frame alignment and have a mechanic do a road test at high speed. Get two dealer shop estimates.

If it was me, I would sell the bike after it was repaired. Be sure to get salvage quotes as high salvage value could make the bike a total loss.

Be sure to replace everything scratched or damaged especially near the sea as rust kills resale value.

If the adjuster low balls you, reject the offer. With two estimates you can negotiate. Don't accept cosmetic loss of value. Demand replacement. If an agreement can't be reached, review the appraisal clause in the policy. In the U.S. under appraisal each party, policy holder, Insurance carrier, hires their own appraiser and the appraisers agree to an umpire for the final value decision.

Good luck.

Edited by Kabula
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You drive to a pub, drink whiskies then drive home?

Shame on you. Take a taxi next time.

ALWAYS call your insurance and let them sort it out. If you have no insurance(1st class) DEMAND the money and don't walk away like a fool.

If having 5 glasses of whiskey and plenty of food from the hours of 9:00pm until 2:00am and driving home afterwards is in your mind "shame on you", than same on me, not.

I don't think drinking 5 whiskies then riding a bike after is anything to brag about irrespective of how much food you have eaten, how do you know you werent over the limit ?

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I was an Insurance Adjuster for 30 years.

I've seen many bikes become total losses from falling over on hard surfaces when considering salvage value.

Every piece of scratched chrome needs to replaced. Many times tanks, and fenders need replacing if dented.

Most everything on the side it fell on needs replacing or repainted.

It always amazed me how expensive it was after listing all the parts out.

Another factor to consider is resale value. You must inform a seller the bike fell over and many buyers will walk away.

Be sure to have a dealer shop examine all welds on the frame and have an expert check frame alignment and have a mechanic do a road test at high speed. Get two dealer shop estimates.

If it was me, I would sell the bike after it was repaired. Be sure to get salvage quotes as high salvage value could make the bike a total loss.

Be sure to replace everything scratched or damaged especially near the sea as rust kills resale value.

If the adjuster low balls you, reject the offer. With two estimates you can negotiate. Don't accept cosmetic loss of value. Demand replacement. If an agreement can't be reached, review the appraisal clause in the policy. In the U.S. under appraisal each party, policy holder, Insurance carrier, hires their own appraiser and the appraisers agree to an umpire for the final value decision.

Good luck.

Thanks for your insight.

My bike will be brought to Real Motorsports in Bangkok where it was purchased this week for a full check as well as a quote to have the bike repaired.

My insurance told me to bring it to whichever place I chose to deal with and I choose to deal with the dealer with which I purchased the bike.

Thanks again.

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You drive to a pub, drink whiskies then drive home?

Shame on you. Take a taxi next time.

ALWAYS call your insurance and let them sort it out. If you have no insurance(1st class) DEMAND the money and don't walk away like a fool.

If having 5 glasses of whiskey and plenty of food from the hours of 9:00pm until 2:00am and driving home afterwards is in your mind "shame on you", than same on me, not.
I don't think drinking 5 whiskies then riding a bike after is anything to brag about irrespective of how much food you have eaten, how do you know you werent over the limit ?
I don't care what you think.

You obviously don't know the science and factors that come into effect to determine whether or not someone drinking alcohol before driving is impaired or not which I most certainly do but I am not going to get into a debate with you over things you only think. When you have some facts you can come back to me with and claim that I am bragging for being under the LEGAL limit to drive a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol than please do so.

Until such a time. Mind your own business.

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Heard it all before well known fact people who bitch about people saying don't drink and drive are trying to excuse themselfs.if it makes you feel better or need an excuse fine berate me all you want. I know all about blood alcohol levels. I've seen to many aftermath of people who drink and drive. Get real you say my reality is real but you are still in denial l. Untill you wake up one day and realize your excuses don't hold water you will be in forever in denial. And by the way 5 drinks over 6 hrs of Whiskey would indeed put you over the DD limit.

You are wrong. 5 glasses of whiskey will not put you over the legal limit of 0.05

But I'm not about to continue to tell you otherwise.

If we can agree on 1 thing.

Let's agree to disagree.

Conversation closed.

Yes heard that many times as well if all logic fails shut up shop and it will go away.

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Heard it all before well known fact people who bitch about people saying don't drink and drive are trying to excuse themselfs.if it makes you feel better or need an excuse fine berate me all you want. I know all about blood alcohol levels. I've seen to many aftermath of people who drink and drive. Get real you say my reality is real but you are still in denial l. Untill you wake up one day and realize your excuses don't hold water you will be in forever in denial. And by the way 5 drinks over 6 hrs of Whiskey would indeed put you over the DD limit.

You are wrong. 5 glasses of whiskey will not put you over the legal limit of 0.05

But I'm not about to continue to tell you otherwise.

If we can agree on 1 thing.

Let's agree to disagree.

Conversation closed.

Yes heard that many times as well if all logic fails shut up shop and it will go away.
If all else fails just continue to resort to the phrase" I've heard that many times".

You claim you know all about blood alcohol levels so show me your facts to prove me wrong instead of pure speculation and opinion.

Here I will even help you to get started.

43 years of age

No health issues

In good physical shape

120kgs, go to the gym regularly

Drink consists of a 1 ounce shot of 100 pipers Scotish whiskey per hour mixed with soda, water and ice.

In between, drinking water and eating food. Sometimes a Coke or 2.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I can support my statement with facts.

Can you?

What I can tell you from facts is that if a person drinks 2 alcohol drinks within the first hour he or she is at 0.05 BAC. For every hour after that if a person consumes 1 drink they will remain at 0.05 BAC.

This of course changes based on age, gender and Physical fitness.

As I explained before

2 "Standard Drinks" in the first hour will raise your BAC to 0.05%, and one "Standard Drink" per hour thereafter will maintain that level.

5 (hours) + 1 = 6 standard drinks "allowed" during that time.

So basically I am telling through statistical facts that a man weighing 170 pounds could safely have 6 drinks in a five hour period.

Now go pound sand.

Edited by Rayk
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Why all the fuss over a couple of toppled bikes?

The mirror isn't even broken.

Didn't realize in your old age Sipi that you had x-ray vision and could virtually see through the bike and see no damage to the right side of the bike which is facing the ground.

I imagine if you fell from that height you would probably have broken a hip.

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And by the way 5 drinks over 6 hrs of Whiskey would indeed put you over the DD limit.

How you know?

In Thailand it 0.05%?

250gr Vodka and after 6-7 hour even 80kg guys can be less than even 0.03%

100kg guys very small chance get more 0.05% after 6-7 hour

Whiskey 5 drinks its how much?


He talks a lot but can't seem to back up anything he says with facts, only his opinion which by the way means nothing.

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Why all the fuss over a couple of toppled bikes?

The mirror isn't even broken.

Didn't realize in your old age Sipi that you had x-ray vision and could virtually see through the bike and see no damage to the right side of the bike which is facing the ground.

I imagine if you fell from that height you would probably have broken a hip.

I take the last sentence back. Didn't realize you were a whopping 80 years of age.

Good on you. May you live for another 80 years.

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Why all the fuss over a couple of toppled bikes?

The mirror isn't even broken.

Didn't realize in your old age Sipi that you had x-ray vision and could virtually see through the bike and see no damage to the right side of the bike which is facing the ground.

I imagine if you fell from that height you would probably have broken a hip.

I take the last sentence back. Didn't realize you were a whopping 80 years of age.

Good on you. May you live for another 80 years.

80 and 3 months. Edited by sipi
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Drinking any alcohol and getting on a 100 plus hp motorcycle.....you have got to be dumber than a bag of nuts. Period. There is no drinking responsible with a motorcycle.

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It is amazing to me how people can be so bitchy and argumentative.

It seems that TV posters do not get out much and have no idea how a 'conversation' works.

The OP started a conversation in a reasonably intelligent way.

From that point on he was bashed and bullied by assumptions and assertions made by people with no access to the facts.

That did not stop them though, they just kept right on going.

I imagine the OP will not soon try to engage the TV population in conversation again, certainly I will not.

Why stick your neck out when people here only want to chop your head off.

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Yeah - many TV posters are obviously unhappy in their lives and that is the only thing they seem to be able to express here.

Instead of focusing on the facts - (the OP's bike was knocked over by an apparently intoxicated Thai rider while parked in front of a 'shop' the OP was visiting), many posters simply started banging on about drink driving and consequently attacking the actions of the OP without knowing the details.

I think the simple moral of the story is to always park your bike in the 'safest' place possible where it is least likely to be knocked over..... and maybe consider bar ends/axle sliders/hand guards etc.!

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Drinking any alcohol and getting on a 100 plus hp motorcycle.....you have got to be dumber than a bag of nuts. Period. There is no drinking responsible with a motorcycle.

So if you have bike 100+ hp canon drink alcohol ever?blink.png

Do you read what about OP talking?

i just come and say pompously stupid thing?sad.png

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The OP had insurance. Shit like this is what insurance is for. Good for him.

If I had something nice I cared about I would have insurance as well ...

Shit happens.

a good story .. but, it happens everyday

you want nice things .. you have to pay for them ..

and if you don't want anything bad to happen to them .. keep them locked away somewhere ...

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Has everyone overlooked the Op's assertion that the Thai rider was drunk, yet he himself was apparently not in the least unimpaired by his own consumption of alcohol? Pot, kettle. Kettle pot.

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Has everyone overlooked the Op's assertion that the Thai rider was drunk, yet he himself was apparently not in the least unimpaired by his own consumption of alcohol? Pot, kettle. Kettle pot.

C'mon - give it a rest.... the OP didn't knock anything down due to drunken behaviour.

This thread has been hijacked with people banging on about drink driving - I am sure there would be better threads to do this on.

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This happened me last week, sitting in a restaurant and we heard a crash outside... Some idiot reversed his car back over my bike ....

I let him go without paying because it was midnight, we had a language barrier and the chance of getting the police to come out in the pouring rain was about zero....

I didn't think there was any significant damage in the dark but next day I noticed the handlebar slighly bent inwards....

What can you really do? If People dont have the money to repay you, I think your going to have to use your own insurance company.... Just The cost being a "rich farang" in a third world country..... :)

Thank god the food and beer is still cheap lol

If they have a job, a monthly payment can be deducted from their salary.
Only if you take it through the courts and obtain an attachment of earnings order if such a thing exists here.
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Thank you for posting your experience.

In 3 months or so, when the situation has played out, could you post an update.

Unfortunately whatever you post on Thaivisa nowadays, there will be posters who simply seek to attack you or blame you. It is the nature of the website I am afraid.

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Thank you for posting your experience.

In 3 months or so, when the situation has played out, could you post an update.

Unfortunately whatever you post on Thaivisa nowadays, there will be posters who simply seek to attack you or blame you. It is the nature of the website I am afraid.

Thanks Briggsy for your positive post.

The situation is already being played out.

Insurance adjuster has made his report and sent to insurance company.

Bike shop I had do the quote for the repairs has been approved by my insurance company and the bike will be brought to the shop on Saturday for the necessary repairs.

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Has everyone overlooked the Op's assertion that the Thai rider was drunk, yet he himself was apparently not in the least unimpaired by his own consumption of alcohol? Pot, kettle. Kettle pot.

I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

I didn't knock over anyone's motorcycle now did I.

The driver who did knock over my motorcycle and another also crashed a second time at the police station.

Did I crash on the way to the station or back home. No,why? because I was below the legal limit to operate a motor vehicle.

There is no law that states a person cannot consume alcoholic beverages before driving a motor vehicle, but there are laws as to what your BAC level can be before you are considered impaired.

I'm not about to get into it with you about whether or not I was the least bit impaired or not because quite frankly I don't give a s..t what you think. A simple math equation wpuod prove ypur statement ridiculous nut you're not worth the effort. I have already stated previously, I had only 5 drinks in a period of 5 hours and based on statistical facts I could have actually had 6 drinks within that time period if I were only a 170 pound man and would still remain at the legal limit of 0.05% BAC.

So before you shoot your big mouth off about things you know absolutely nothing about and make assumptions and accusations maybe learn a thing or two about BAC.

80kg male having 3 drink in a two hour period.

EBAC=(0.803.3.1.2)/(0.58.80)-(0.015.2)= 0.

03 BAC

Any other stupid questions.

Edited by Rayk
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Has everyone overlooked the Op's assertion that the Thai rider was drunk, yet he himself was apparently not in the least unimpaired by his own consumption of alcohol? Pot, kettle. Kettle pot.

I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

I didn't knock over anyone's motorcycle now did I.

The driver who did knock over my motorcycle and another also crashed a second time at the police station.

Did I crash on the way to the station or back home. No,why? because I was below the legal limit to operate a motor vehicle.

There is no law that states a person cannot consume alcoholic beverages before driving a motor vehicle, but there are laws as to what your BAC level can be before you are considered impaired.

I'm not about to get into it with you about whether or not I was the least bit impaired or not because quite frankly I don't give a s..t what you think. A simple math equation wpuod prove ypur statement ridiculous nut you're not worth the effort. I have already stated previously, I had only 5 drinks in a period of 5 hours and based on statistical facts I could have actually had 6 drinks within that time period if I were only a 170 pound man and would still remain at the legal limit of 0.05% BAC.

So before you shoot your big mouth off about things you know absolutely nothing about and make assumptions and accusations maybe learn a thing or two about BAC.

80kg male having 3 drink in a two hour period.

EBAC=(0.803.3.1.2)/(0.58.80)-(0.015.2)= 0.

03 BAC

Any other stupid questions.

If you can't enjoy yourself without alcohol?

Maybe these people can help - http://aathailand.org/

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Heard it all before well known fact people who bitch about people saying don't drink and drive are trying to excuse themselfs.if it makes you feel better or need an excuse fine berate me all you want. I know all about blood alcohol levels. I've seen to many aftermath of people who drink and drive. Get real you say my reality is real but you are still in denial l. Untill you wake up one day and realize your excuses don't hold water you will be in forever in denial. And by the way 5 drinks over 6 hrs of Whiskey would indeed put you over the DD limit.

You are wrong. 5 glasses of whiskey will not put you over the legal limit of 0.05

But I'm not about to continue to tell you otherwise.

If we can agree on 1 thing.

Let's agree to disagree.

Conversation closed.

Yes heard that many times as well if all logic fails shut up shop and it will go away.
If all else fails just continue to resort to the phrase" I've heard that many times".

You claim you know all about blood alcohol levels so show me your facts to prove me wrong instead of pure speculation and opinion.

Here I will even help you to get started.

43 years of age

No health issues

In good physical shape

120kgs, go to the gym regularly

Drink consists of a 1 ounce shot of 100 pipers Scotish whiskey per hour mixed with soda, water and ice.

In between, drinking water and eating food. Sometimes a Coke or 2.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I can support my statement with facts.

Can you?

What I can tell you from facts is that if a person drinks 2 alcohol drinks within the first hour he or she is at 0.05 BAC. For every hour after that if a person consumes 1 drink they will remain at 0.05 BAC.

This of course changes based on age, gender and Physical fitness.

As I explained before

2 "Standard Drinks" in the first hour will raise your BAC to 0.05%, and one "Standard Drink" per hour thereafter will maintain that level.

5 (hours) + 1 = 6 standard drinks "allowed" during that time.

So basically I am telling through statistical facts that a man weighing 170 pounds could safely have 6 drinks in a five hour period.

Now go pound sand.

I think most of us have driven at least once over the limit, myself two times. The worrying point of this post is mixing good Scotch with soda. Where I come from you'd be knocked over not your bike.

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