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Racing motorcyclists pay with their lives - girl six months pregnant among dead


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The Police turn a blind eye 99% of the time to motorcyclists not wearing helmets, and 100% to school kids on bikes.

Schools should ban all motorbikes from entering school premises, when the driver has no licence, and the driver and one allowed passenger have no helmets.

The government should increase the fines to minimum 10,000baht for all motoring offences, and the police should NEVER turn a blind eye.

Visits to morgues, time spent listening to danger warnings etc etc do absolutely nothing to re-educate these kids. A 10,000baht+ fine would hit home with most.

A teacher entering the premises of a school in Nong Trud on his motorcycle every morning and never wearing a helmet, explained to me, that accidents only happen in big cities like Bangkok.

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Some foreigners in Thailand are in no way better than these racing kids. Why do so many rent a big bike when they never drove one before?

I've seen weird accidents in Pattaya and many seriously injured people in Pai/ Mae Hong Son. Of course only those who made it out of the hospital.

I'm only wondering who the dumber person is.

A speeding Thai kid, or a foreign adult who rents a motorcycle, but never ever drove one before and crashes??? facepalm.gif

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Very sad, but all those involved won't learn a thing from it.

Very true......just remembering back......did I ever learn from my mistakes when I was 17?

Exactly. Young bravado is a common trait in youth anywhere. The lack of social responsibility and enforcing of basic rules seems to be the major issue.

In saying that, who is ultimately responsible for this kind of thing?

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The Police turn a blind eye 99% of the time to motorcyclists not wearing helmets, and 100% to school kids on bikes.

Schools should ban all motorbikes from entering school premises, when the driver has no licence, and the driver and one allowed passenger have no helmets.

The government should increase the fines to minimum 10,000baht for all motoring offences, and the police should NEVER turn a blind eye.

Visits to morgues, time spent listening to danger warnings etc etc do absolutely nothing to re-educate these kids. A 10,000baht+ fine would hit home with most.

A teacher entering the premises of a school in Nong Trud on his motorcycle every morning and never wearing a helmet, explained to me, that accidents only happen in big cities like Bangkok.

This gives an idea how high his IQ

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Very sad, but all those involved won't learn a thing from it.

Excuse my ignorance, but every week we read about street racing in both urban and rural areas. What is it all about? What does the winner get? A bottle of Chang? A fornicating session with the last guy's girlfriend? Countless lives are lost, but for what? Please enlighten me!

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Wow! A thai kid pulls a wheelie on the road and falls off!!!

.......well, it makes a change from the hundreds of videos of adult american males doing the same thing on youtube..... those pesky thai kids,eh?

Wow! in America 4 people die because of a wheelie? those pesky American kids, eh? funny I can't find any links to it... oh wait maybe it never happened???

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........most of em remove those way uncool side mirrors....

By far the worst I've witnessed was the swapping of the front 'white' headlight with the rear 'red' tail light - this is so dangerous at night on those country highways.

The red light at the front is quite common. I guess some folk just don't want to be on the planet for more than a couple of decades.

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Wow! A thai kid pulls a wheelie on the road and falls off!!!

.......well, it makes a change from the hundreds of videos of adult american males doing the same thing on youtube..... those pesky thai kids,eh?

Wow! in America 4 people die because of a wheelie? those pesky American kids, eh? funny I can't find any links to it... oh wait maybe it never happened???

Fortunately I can't do wheelies on my bike. The back tyre just spins.

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Ive only done two trips through Isaan but both times ive seen kids pulling wheelies. Never see it in CM

I have, and it was glorious. School boy had a friend on the bike and popped a wheelie, lost control and wiped out into the street. Happened in Chang Puak in front of the large camera shop. It was great.

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........most of em remove those way uncool side mirrors....

By far the worst I've witnessed was the swapping of the front 'white' headlight with the rear 'red' tail light - this is so dangerous at night on those country highways.

The red light at the front is quite common. I guess some folk just don't want to be on the planet for more than a couple of decades.

Really?.... Now that is pure stupidity.

In the nanny states of Australia, it's actually illegal to park facing the wrong way, because someone's headlights might gleam off of another cars tail lights, and cause them to swerve to the right.

Now if that happened, you would end up off the road, in someone else's garden, or worse.... Had the car been parked facing the wrong way

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........most of em remove those way uncool side mirrors....

By far the worst I've witnessed was the swapping of the front 'white' headlight with the rear 'red' tail light - this is so dangerous at night on those country highways.

The red light at the front is quite common. I guess some folk just don't want to be on the planet for more than a couple of decades.

Anyone who switches their lights like that is living on borrowed time.

Thinning the herd is all these idiots are doing. It's for the best.

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The Police turn a blind eye 99% of the time to motorcyclists not wearing helmets, and 100% to school kids on bikes.

Schools should ban all motorbikes from entering school premises, when the driver has no licence, and the driver and one allowed passenger have no helmets.

The government should increase the fines to minimum 10,000baht for all motoring offences, and the police should NEVER turn a blind eye.

Visits to morgues, time spent listening to danger warnings etc etc do absolutely nothing to re-educate these kids. A 10,000baht+ fine would hit home with most.

I agree with most of what you have explained....however.....here in Thailand school kids are permitted to ride motorbikes, to and from school, if there is no other means of them getting to school....they don't need to have a licence.....unfortunately, it doesn't exempt them from having accidents.....which is of course quite poor, as we all understand.

A 10k Thb fine is not one bit productive.....no-one in the province villages could ever pay that type of fine....again....a poor excuse, but a reality.....and the bike riders will continue......their parents don't understand either.

Kids racing motorcycles do understand that there are perils/dangers in riding fast......but as when we were kids exploring......they too believe they are safe and don't comprehend consequence.......

The solution??.....it's really education...something that is so badly lacking in Thailand...........in the meantime....these incidents will continue.

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once again we see the total disregard for human life among these idiot bike riders, sad that people had to die but when you have idiots like these people its bound to happen as we continually see in Thailand. Hopefully the police will follow this through and take action against the bike riders and not the truck driver but wouldnt be surprised if they did, much easier target.

"once again we see the total disregard for human life among these idiot bike riders"

And among those who consider such things to be an opportunity to "humorous" comments on Thai Visa.

you must have a pretty sick idea of humour if you saw any in my comment or are you simply an apologist for idiots. Seeing these events happening constantly is sickening, especially for parents but no one wants to do anything about it, especially the police, if you think saying these people show a distinct lack of concern for the life of themselves and others is funny then you have major problems of your own.

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Recently renewed my driving licence. Before leaving, we had to watch a road safety video.

The guy next to me put his head on the desk and went to sleep. Says it all?

Well, to be honestly, I remember they forced me also to look, but I leave the classroom, because it is complete nonsens.

You have to learn on the road with an instructor, as we learn in Europe, that's the only correct method.

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Racing with a girl six months pregnant on the back?

Seems common sense is something they don't teach in school...

If there had been common sense, you would not hear of a pregnant teen...

Are you sure being pregnant at the age of 19 (nineteen) is really that senseless or uncommon?

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you cant teach stupid RIP

Yeah, except that research indicates that risky driving in males may be correlated with higher intelligence: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/11/151130113545.htm

It may not be risk taking that indicates stupidity, but risking and failing ...

"I got plenny of white matter Bass", which is probably why I survived as a "Ton-Up" kid with no helmet back in the day when the North Circular (to the Ace) and Barnet by-pass (to the Bee) were the local race tracks.

Poor, poor, unlucky kids, but can't find it in my heart to really condemn them. I have seen many a splendid wheelie in Issan (and KT and Pattaya, etc.); some of the kids modify their bikes to do just that. However, doing it in a pack is just pushing your luck, but with young ladies involved showing-off is inevitable. its the nature of the male.

At least in BuriRam (in Issan for em as don't know their geography) Khun Newin Chidchob has fixed it for some roads to be closed on certain days to allow the kids to let of steam and his new Buriram United International Racing circuit has great track days for the well-off....."Not a lot of people know that", but some of you rich TV buggers (sorry, "bikers" do).

Lets hope that more can be done to get these kids (that have few opportunities to do anything except hang-out) playing more safely.

What a lot of anti-Thai prejudiced and old fart fuddy-duddies some of you are. But, funnily enough I clearly recall seeing some of your Mothers happily clinging to the back of bikes on the NCR and encouraging "traffic light and back races".

There's nothing new in this world, except too many people.

Edited by MiKT
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Rip To the rest of you kids riding these organ donors so called race bike's NEVER DRIVE FASTER THAN YOUR ANGEL CAN FLY. This senseless carnage needs to stop. I'm saying this as a motorcycle rider over 40 years. Speed KILLS.

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Good guys stay bad guys out...but they will be back reborn in 6 months so all's well. Lucky the unborn won't be raised by this scouy and van. Too bad it won't matter to the test of the pretards that run around doing the same. Glad I left the land of broken smiles

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It's crazy what they do.....but weren't any of you posting a little crazy in your youth?

Not things that would kill a bunch of people around me. My dad made sure I was not a senseless pretard,I few whipping with a belt for being a fool when young stopped that crap in its tracks...?

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