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How To Lose Weight : 42 Yo Guy, 85kg

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What would be the best thing to do in the gym to lose, and then keep lost!, 10kg of fat?

What is the best machine to go on? That sort of thing...

Maximum bang/effort :o

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Run.... best way to lose weight and quickly. Simply put you need to burn more than you consume. Running in my estimation is the best way to do this, however you need to limit calorie intake.

Run.... best way to lose weight and quickly. Simply put you need to burn more than you consume. Running in my estimation is the best way to do this, however you need to limit calorie intake.

Thanks, Britmaveric.

I have read before "getting your heart rate up to x level, and then keeping it there for as long as possible"

I am curious about the equation for calculating the x level, (iirc, it is the level at which you can keep running without becoming breathless).

Also, the minimum amount of time that it really makes sense to do running. One person said at least an hour, as less just means you eat more...

Another thing i heard was that step ups (or better yet cross country skiiing) is the very best thing.

Searching google for this sort of info is terrible.

One thing that gets me about running is that i went on a stepmaster once for about 30 minutes and was quite tired afterwards, but it gave me a reading of the calories i had burned. I asked a girl what i could eat for the same calories, and she said a moderately sized banana! I thought that i would much rather not eat a banana than do all that running! ...


At 85kgs,unless you are really short,that's not much of a problem.Christ, I weighed 95kgs when I was at school! :o:D

Best way is a combination of weights and running.The more muscle you build etc automatically increases your metabolism etc.The running helps burn off calories.

Take out all the bad things in your diet..sugar,beer,white rice,white bread etc (All the bad carbos)

About 10 years ago, I did just that.Lost 26kgs in about three months.still went out for a drink or 10 once a week,but stayed away from beer and spirits.Just drank wine.

I am about to embark on the same thing again.bugger it! :D


but doesnt running in the long run have bad effect on your bones? or something like that? too much impact on the feet in particular

swimming ofcourse works best...but not sure how well it works in terms of ridding fat.

but doesnt running in the long run have bad effect on your bones? or something like that? too much impact on the feet in particular

swimming ofcourse works best...but not sure how well it works in terms of ridding fat.

I am not at all anything like an expert, but what i read is that the key thing to do is convert your metabolism into one that burns fat more readily than it would do normally, burning fat more readily and carbohydrates less readily. The main way to do this, it was claimed, was to provide aerobic exercise to your large muscles, mostly found in the hips down in your body. This aerobic exercise needed to be at least 10 minutes before the slightest bit of a change would ever begin occuring in this change in metabolism.

Does getting slimmer mean walking around feeling hungry and not eating? That must be a big part of it. If that discipline is not there,....

btw, apart from that iron will of not eating when hungry, if one wants to get some big muscles and do a bit of running in the same workout, which exercise should come first?

I would be tempted to say do the weights first, and then the run. I don't think i could hack going at the weights after 30 minutes (or more!) on a treadmill...

Does getting slimmer mean walking around feeling hungry and not eating? That must be a big part of it. If that discipline is not there,....

not at all.

Just eat good lean wholesome food and exercise.Mix things up a bit so it is fun.Say run one day ,throw a few weights arount the next and then say go for a bike ride or hit a punching bag the next.keep changing what you do and don't fall into the trap of doing the same thing every day.


Does getting slimmer mean walking around feeling hungry and not eating? That must be a big part of it. If that discipline is not there,....

not at all.

Just eat good lean wholesome food and exercise.Mix things up a bit so it is fun.Say run one day ,throw a few weights arount the next and then say go for a bike ride or hit a punching bag the next.keep changing what you do and don't fall into the trap of doing the same thing every day.

Ah! Thank you for reminding me about that same thing every day. I heard somebody say that your body learns that it is doing the same thing every day and stops building muscle...something like that.

I sort of noticed that happening after about 6 months of going to the gym, same thing every time...

That must have been what you had in mind.

Another thing i heard was just flood your system with protein, soy milk ( Vsoy!) is v good for this. Drink tons of it after working out.


If your interested in a tailored diet and exercise regime. Pm me. But it will cost you!!

Otherwise my advice is to go on a cyclical ketogenic diet and then increase carbs to maintance :o


- -

Well .. first of all .. you are just talking about losing weight .

or just anyother moment .. of .. you don't like how you look .. and hope to sit back or pay some money , eat some pill and get slim . dejavu .

alot of people .. say there want to lose weight ..

read up tons of books . all kinda Expensive device ( usually crap - while some work . but is badly over price )

i am 30 . and i am overweight .

i am 95 kg .. not that i am in a hurry to lose weight . .

i did put myself on many diet and i know what work ..

i lack the will to do it ..

and i love the good food . after some self confessing debate ..

i think i am ok being fat .so i weight happiness mroe then how i look .

All those crap aside .

now .. are you serious - and seriously want to lose weight .

First get this two thing iron out ..

IS NOT GOING TO BE A FAST PROCESS ( usually take 3 month to see some result )

if you wanan lie to yourself and drink two extra cup of water and when you weight you lose some . and you call that diet .. don't waste your time and money ..

Seond you got to Eat correctly . ....

now ..

PM me if you wanna really lose weight .

if you just Say and don;t do .. you will alway be what you are now .


Beer is the #1 killer for me

I drink Gin and i dont gain, not sure why as its loaded with calories

Another thing that works for me is eat a big breakfast and lunch, then after 5pm only

take in protein as much you want, meats etc and no carbs, it works excellent

drink alot of water and limit sugary drinks, none after 5pm


I lost 18lbs in 3 months by cutting bread out and walking more. Also i used to suffer from really bad indigestion and was prescribed medication to combat it. I havent had the problem for 6 months and havent touched a tablet.

Think it was Ranantadine i was on.

but doesnt running in the long run have bad effect on your bones? or something like that? too much impact on the feet in particular

swimming ofcourse works best...but not sure how well it works in terms of ridding fat.

but doesnt running in the long run have bad effect on your bones ?

YES, it can and in a real big way.

It depends to some extent as to how much running that you do, but if you pound the pavements for long enough you will <deleted> your knees good and proper.

I was a bit of a running junkie running around 20 km 2-3 times a week and 10kms the other days. I am now paying the price.

It was great at the time, better than doing drugs (and a whole lot cheaper too) :o


What would be the best thing to do in the gym to lose, and then keep lost!, 10kg of fat?

What is the best machine to go on? That sort of thing...

Maximum bang/effort :o

The only way to loose weight and keep it off is a combination of exercise and good diet over a long period of time. The exercise should be a combination of walking and light weights.

I am following a weight loss guide I got recently.

PM me if you'd like a copy - very interesting reading!

I asked a girl what i could eat for the same calories, and she said a moderately sized banana! I thought that i would much rather not eat a banana than do all that running! ...

Yeah, I went through that one... The thing is excercise doesn't just benefit you by the calories burned. It helps your body to burn calories better after you have excercised. Without excercise, I couldn't lose the weight. But for me, just one hour of moderate swimming daily was all it took. And I only burned about 300 calories in that hour. Not even a pizza slice :o


As others have mentioned make sure to vary your exercise routine and include some weight training. Building up muscle requires a lot of energy and boosts your metabolism long term.

Also keep in mind that muscle weighs 3 times as much per volume as fat , so don't be to concerned if your feeling stronger and look better but not seeing the results on the scale initially.

Another point that often gets forgotten about is to drink a lot of water. The metabolic pathways that breakdown fat require heaps of water.

Simply, eat less, excercise more... It's how I lost more than 100 kilos :D

Ajarn, losting 100 kilos you must look like a stick :o:D:D

To lost some weight, there must be determination in working out those unwanted weights.


Eating tip: Eat a big breakfast, moderate lunch, and as little dinner as possible. The big meal at the beginning of the day will get your metabolism going better, and help you to burn fat/calories more quickly and efficiently. Plus, you'll have plenty of energy for the day's activities (all that exericse!).

It's tough to cut down on dinner--especially enduring those 10pm hunger pangs. I keep around low-fat, low-calorie snacks for that (mostly fruit: pineapple, watermelon, bananas) to hold off the hunger pangs--along with lots of water (if you don't mind visiting the loo a couple times a night!).

You'll find that this regimen will help you to wake up hungry, too, which will put you in a better physical state to enjoy a big breafast, again.


It sounds like you are new to exercise, so let me offer some advice. First is when you start out, don't worry about what the "best" exercise is to lose weight. Just do something, anything, and stick with it. Perseverence will determine your success more than any perfect regimen.

If you overdo it, all the aches and pains will make it hard to sustain your discipline and enthusiasm. Let your body gradually get used to physical exertion. Try walking, light jogging, swimming or riding a bicycle. Later, depending on how you feel, you may or may not want to add weights. Consider walking or jogging first, because they cost nothing (ok you need good shoes). No need to join a gym right away or buy a flashy new bicycle. Then, iif you really get into exercise and are enjoying the benefits, make these investments.

Diet is just as important. Most foreign men I know lose some weight in Thailand naturally, the result of a new diet and lots of perspiration. Nevertheless, cut out soft drinks and sweets and fatty foods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Good luck!

It sounds like you are new to exercise, so let me offer some advice. First is when you start out, don't worry about what the "best" exercise is to lose weight. Just do something, anything, and stick with it.

That is such excellent advice. A couple decades ago, I lost 15 kg. just by deciding to walk 3 km. a day and a non-traumatic change in diet. I stuck with it, cut some fat out of my diet, and voila. A much slimmer, trimmer version of my former self!


The most important thing to do to lose weight is to control your diet;

eat less

eat little or no fat/fat related food.

Exercise is important, but it alone will not get the weight off.

I find cutting out alcohol, (and I don't drink beer), does the trick for me, (boringly). Also, I find if I stick to a mainly vegetarian diet the weight comes off, and more importantly, the clothes feel as though they fit better. Also, if you can limit your calorie intake to 500 at each sitting, your metabolism will cope better; even eat 4 times a day, but less in each sitting.

But try and stick to something that isn't too tiresome, otherwise you'll lose interest rapidly, and put on weight and more.

Diet is just as important. Most foreign men I know lose some weight in Thailand naturally, the result of a new diet and lots of perspiration

I can easily say that every foreigner that I know GAINS weight here, sooner or later... :o

Diet is just as important. Most foreign men I know lose some weight in Thailand naturally, the result of a new diet and lots of perspiration

I can easily say that every foreigner that I know GAINS weight here, sooner or later... :o

Good point. When I first moved here, I immediately lost 7 kg. thanks to the naturally lower-calorie diet (more veggies, fruit, etc. than former diet). But, in time you find the higher calorie stuff (Thom Yums with coconut milks, the delicious fried banana fritters, your favorite candy bars, etc.). I've got my 7 kg. back, plus. So, discipline must reign supreme, again!

Diet is just as important. Most foreign men I know lose some weight in Thailand naturally, the result of a new diet and lots of perspiration

I can easily say that every foreigner that I know GAINS weight here, sooner or later... :o

I agree.white rice and sticky rice is right up there on the glycemic index.

Diet is just as important. Most foreign men I know lose some weight in Thailand naturally, the result of a new diet and lots of perspiration

I can easily say that every foreigner that I know GAINS weight here, sooner or later... :o

I agree.white rice and sticky rice is right up there on the glycemic index.

No wondered I'm putting more weight, need to cut down my rice and flour bake intake.


BEST way possible is to have an affair.

I've lost 4 kilos in a month from the stress of it all.

(Side note: it was me who did all the cheating...and I don't need a lecture on what a dog I am. )

Diet is just as important. Most foreign men I know lose some weight in Thailand naturally, the result of a new diet and lots of perspiration

I can easily say that every foreigner that I know GAINS weight here, sooner or later... :D

I agree.white rice and sticky rice is right up there on the glycemic index.

If I recall correctly, sticky rice is higher than pure sugar... :D

Travel into any small village in Thailand will yield plenty of VERY overweight women :o

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