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German refugee policy under fire after a week of bloodshed


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Whilst I would disagree with a lot of the knee-jerk reactions I read I really think we have to stop kow-towing to Moslem sensibilities. I just read an abject apology because someone inadvertently put a page of the Koran into an episode of Postman Pat (BBC News). What the heck! Do we live in an open society or what? It's not exactly the crime of the century. It just seems weird to me, on the one hand we have mass slaughter and hardly a peep is heard, on the other we have Postman Pat, and roars of righteous indignation.

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Probably the single most difficult group to resettle is young men, especially young men who are of fighting age/military age and have come from violent or war torn areas. The statistics on integration of child soldiers, for example, are not encouraging. Coupled with these chaotic and violent backgrounds, many of these young men are poorly educated and not particularly well suited for work in a developed country.

I was involved in resettling many Iraqi (mostly Kurdish) refugees. Many of these were young men. One of the primary factors in the resettlement was making sure they had jobs. Many of these were manual labor jobs, but before they were resettled they had work. There were very few problems with them, and it went a very long time toward getting them integrated well.

Families with small children are better off living in the community, unless there is some specific reason not to. Children can be placed in school and the family can start some sort of reasonably stable life. Children are often traumatized by being held in detention.

Unfortunately, single males should probably be held in some sort of detention facility until they are screened in or deported. Once they are screened in as a refugee, then they should be placed in employment before being turned lose on society.

While in the detention center, they can learn the local language (and English) and take classes, even if they are not going to be allowed to remain. In the meantime, get the borders of Europe secured and anyone arriving gets screened before being released.

I don't know any country that could handle the influx that has been seen in some of the European countries.

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Europe needs a wall against "immigrants". First against right wing British hooligans, Then after Trump's victory against US citizens (weapon control, - including check of the balls for bulletts, IQ

under 95 not accepted) Oh, I forgot: Send back the one million of economic refugees to East Germany. Terrorist acts of eastern neonazies are the majority in Germany.

I'm stupid? No, I only go down to the level of many posters here.

I don't think you're stupid. So you must have other reasons for constantly trying to defend Islam and it's followers who commit various disgusting atrocities in the name of their chosen religion.

I defend humans against brain blocked other humans.

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Asked how similar attacks could best be prevented, de Maiziere said it was important to ensure that new arrivals be well-integrated quickly into German society.

The quickest way to test if the immigrants want to integrate into German society would have been to offer them a good plate of bacon, pork sausage and ham slices at the border post before you let them in. coffee1.gif

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