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Didn't read it all, got bored after line 3.

I'm not interested in other peoples

problems, tell it to a priest,

talking about priests,,,,,

A Rabbi and a Priest buy a car together and it's

being stored at the Priest's house.

One day the Rabbi goes over to use the car

and he sees him sprinkling water on it.

The Rabbi asked, ''What are you doing?''

The Priest responded, ''I'm blessing the car.''

So the Rabbi said Okay, since we're doing that....

and takes out a hacksaw and cuts two inches off the tail pipe.

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What a load of fabricated <deleted>

You sound like the ex military sniper type of guy that annoys people in a bar somewhere with your lies

Theres more holes in your story than my cheese grater


What city did this incident occur?

That can make a huge difference in your defence.

Bollacaloola, the capital of fantasyville......

The biggest thing in the OP's defence is that it never happened at all.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Bore off mate....... you call me a liar, and the whole post is fantasy etc, yet return to the post about 5 times, each time making the same cynical comments....... give it a rest mate

It would seem it isn't just me calling BS on this one Walter.....

didn't you take an inappropriate 'selfie' a few months ago and send it to a 'real estate' agent'?


I don't know if this story is true or made up. But I do know that the only good thing is that the OP is NOT my neighbour.

He wants to appeal to the husband when he comes home for a discount of the amount. He should be appealing to not get an arse kicking.


What city did this incident occur?

That can make a huge difference in your defence.

Bollacaloola, the capital of fantasyville......

The biggest thing in the OP's defence is that it never happened at all.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Bore off mate....... you call me a liar, and the whole post is fantasy etc, yet return to the post about 5 times, each time making the same cynical comments....... give it a rest mate

It would seem it isn't just me calling BS on this one Walter.....

didn't you take an inappropriate 'selfie' a few months ago and send it to a 'real estate' agent'?

Good move

Well played



Unfotunatly crimes committed in the hours of darkness are treated as more serious. Trespass and criminal damage may very well carry a prison term if convicted. Its something that could happen to almost anyone in the same circumstances. Barter the compensation down as much as possible, repairs were unlikely more than 1,000 Baht. Good luck and do keep us updated


I believe the OP.

Send me a PM and I'll buy you a few beers on bintabaht.

cant see why this is not true. unfortunately there are alot of negative people on here who create a negative atmosphere and put genuine posters off coming here for advice.

wish i could make it to bintabaht for a beer. wont be in hua hin till october. bet this story is even better when told over a few beers. please let us all know what the end result is.


Apologise profusely and try to get her to accept the 30,000. Beg if you have to.

If she has a choice between getting 30,000 or having you deported, the first choice is better for her but she won't accept it unless she feels like she won, hence the need to beg/apologise.

The story was a bit long so you might have missed the part where he wrote he ALREADY PAID the 30,000. So now she has to choose from:

1. Getting the remaining amount which was AGREED on

2. re-negotiate the amount

3. not drop the charges - meaning the OP goes on trial, and according to his own story, he WAS at fault, has has CAUSED damage to the property (how thick or thin the glass was is not at all relevant - he broke it, and according to CCTV clips he admitted he saw - it does appear as if he was trying to brake into the house - very serious charges.

On top of all the above said - we only heard HIS side about being invited to drink with the girls till he got drunk. It might have been a bit different from the girl's side.

So I guess the OP has to choose from:

1. Just pay up what he agreed to and beg for forgiveness / apologize

2. Just pay up what he agreed to

3. Try his luck going on trial

4. Do a runner...........................


What a load of fabricated <deleted>

You sound like the ex military sniper type of guy that annoys people in a bar somewhere with your lies

Theres more holes in your story than my cheese grater

He never said what happened with the dog.... Was the dog at the party too?? was he ever found????


What city did this incident occur?

That can make a huge difference in your defence.

Bollacaloola, the capital of fantasyville......

The biggest thing in the OP's defence is that it never happened at all.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Bore off mate....... you call me a liar, and the whole post is fantasy etc, yet return to the post about 5 times, each time making the same cynical comments....... give it a rest mate

The creepy little guy who keeps claiming you're a liar has actually started a thread about this thread on another forum.

I don't see any lies, nor do I see anything particularly interesting / unusual.

It's an expensive lesson to learn, though.


Bore off mate....... you call me a liar, and the whole post is fantasy etc, yet return to the post about 5 times, each time making the same cynical comments....... give it a rest mate

It would seem it isn't just me calling BS on this one Walter.....

didn't you take an inappropriate 'selfie' a few months ago and send it to a 'real estate' agent'?

Good move

Well played


It's not the same user - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/906484-drunk-sexting-ramifications-with-immigration/

@OP - wow, and ouch. Bet you had a headache.


And if you wait for her husband to come back, she may lose face, in which case the incident will be exaggerated resulting at a minimum of a disgruntled neighbour, at worst physical conflict and the husband demanding that it becomes a police matter.

Pay the full agreed price, Thais like to haggle, but once a price is agreed there is no more negotiation, further face will be lost.

Get your wife to give the full agreed price, stay away from your neighbour, and let the two ladies sort it, and stay off the booze,


Claim it on your insurance if you have one.

What kind of insurance policy will pay out for the policy holder's trespass and criminal damage to a third party property?


I think 30K is more than enough to cover the repair of the windows. (Id imagine 10K to be more realistic, but being a farang, you got taken)

Personally I wouldn't pay any more…you behaved stupidly and alcohol is no excuse…maybe you have some kind of sex disorder that makes you do dumb shit…there are some very high ranking corporate guys who have lost everything by listening to their dicks….like roger ailes and dominique strauss-kahn.

There may be a video….but you can just say you were drunk and the alcohol interacted with some painkillers you had taken earlier…or you slipped and hit the glass….whatever….make some shit up given what you know to be on that video.

You haven't laid a hand on the women or stolen anything…even trespass is hard to prove as you were an invited guest at there party just moments before….as for your intentions on going back, maybe you thought you had forgotten your phone and gone back to retrieve it since you were expecting an important call.


You weren't an invited guest. You went looking for your dog and she offered to let you stay a bit. Big difference.

Your best option is to pay the ridiculous amount you agreed to with the police as witnesses.

Good luck!


......not cool.......you......

...sounds like you have probably gotten away with too much too date....

...really not cool.......


Don't pay it no matter what is said. You were only doing what comes naturally when a man is drunk in horny. Stand up for your principles even if it means jail time and deportation. At least you will know you fought the good fight.

What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.

I think somebody needs to find their sense of humor.....


Your problem is not the price of a windows but what you did is a crime. If you knock at the door and no one open it then why did you insist on knocking the windows and ultimately break them?

You are lucky they didn't use gun on you as if they get scare they could even shot you in defence.

My advise pay up before it is too late.


I don't know how many of you guys remember Penthouse magazine but they had a forum section that would always start out just like this guys story. Some unsuspecting guy would stumble into a situation full of booze and numerous scantily clad women and one thing would lead to another and the guy would have the best night of sex ever.

But I don't recall any ending with the guy getting drunk off his rocker and ending like this.

Its a great story but you don't really expect anyone to believe you went back there to use the bathroom, do you?

What was wrong with the toilet at your own house ? For that matter, what was wrong with pissing on your front lawn? That excuse does not hold water.

You were up to no good and you should be happy to not be in jail.

BTW, what ever happened to your dog?


Don't pay it no matter what is said. You were only doing what comes naturally when a man is drunk in horny. Stand up for your principles even if it means jail time and deportation. At least you will know you fought the good fight.

What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.

I think somebody needs to find their sense of humor.....

how can you not find that funny? germans were voted the least funny nation of people, however where ever you are from probably deserves it more.


Sorry guys, my bad for neglecting the main part of the story......... the dog was happy as larry, he was sat under the table in the far corner of garden with the girls, and he did get eventually his dinner, albeit about 1.30 in the morning.

He hasnt been over there as much these last few days though, so i dont know if he has received the same blanket ban i am on, from the owner lady, or he is just making a mini protest, insisting against the severity of my punishment.

Either way, he is getting his feeds again at the usual time of 9pm, so all is well for him (although i think if he could choose, he would socialise until 1am and eat late) intheclub.gif


What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.

Who accept it? The point is to come out of a small problem without to pay a lot for nothing. That him do something wrong him know self now and I believe him learned about it.

But this is not a reason to rip someone out of money for nothing.

Where do you see I was talking about money?


What a cretinous bit of logic--"what comes naturally when a man is drunk in (sic) horny" He's lucky he wasn't shot.

It's bad enough that so many people cannot handle alcohol, but even worse that so many others accept it.

Who accept it? The point is to come out of a small problem without to pay a lot for nothing. That him do something wrong him know self now and I believe him learned about it.

But this is not a reason to rip someone out of money for nothing.

Where do you see I was talking about money?

Where I wrote something about money???

YOU wrote: "... but even worse that so many others accept it."

And I answered on it!!! biggrin.png

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