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Trump to Russia: Uncover, release deleted Clinton emails


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Trump to Russia: Uncover, release deleted Clinton emails

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump encouraged Russia on Wednesday to find and make public missing emails deleted by his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton, setting off an instant debate over hacking and his urging of a foreign government to meddle in American politics.

Shortly after Trump's extraordinary remarks, his Republican running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, took a different tack and warned of "serious consequences" if Russia interfered in the election.

Democrats — and some Republicans — quickly condemned the remarks by the Republican presidential standard-bearer.

They came as the Democrats met on the third day of their national convention in Philadelphia, where Clinton will accept the presidential nomination Thursday night to face Republican Trump in November.

Trump's comments raised the question of whether he was condoning foreign government hacking of U.S. computers and the public release of information stolen from political adversaries — actions that are at least publicly frowned upon across the globe. His brief remarks managed to divert attention from an embarrassing leak of other hacked emails that exposed sensitive internal political communications that had divided Democrats.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump said. He was referring to emails on Clinton's private server that she said she deleted — because they were private — before turning other messages over to the State Department. The Justice Department declined to prosecute Clinton over her email practices, but FBI Director James Comey called her "extremely careless" in handling classified information as President Barack Obama's secretary of state.

The Clinton campaign called Trump's statement the "first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against a political opponent."

At a news conference in Doral, Florida, after Trump's initial remarks, he was asked whether he had any qualms about asking a foreign government to hack into computers in the United States. Trump did not directly respond except to say, "That's up to the president. Let the president talk to them."

He later added: "If Russia or China or any other country has those emails, I mean, to be honest with you, I'd love to see them."

Trump's invitation was immediately contradicted by his running mate. Pence condemned any possible cyberespionage, breaking from Trump for the first time since being selected to run with him.

"If it is Russia and they are interfering in our elections, I can assure you both parties and the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences," Pence said in a statement.

Brendan Buck, a spokesman for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said bluntly: "Russia is a global menace led by a devious thug. Putin should stay out of this election."

A Trump campaign communications adviser, Jason Miller, sought to clarify Trump's statements, saying on Twitter that Trump never urged or invited Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Instead, he said, Trump was "clearly saying" that if Russia or anyone else already had Clinton's deleted emails they should share them with the FBI.

Trump never mentioned the FBI in his comments.

It was not immediately clear where or how Clinton's deleted emails might be recovered, unless an adversary had previously hacked the computer server she operated in the basement of her home in Chappaqua, New York, before she had deleted the messages.

The Associated Press, which discovered the basement server's existence in March 2015, previously reported that it was connected to the internet in ways that made it more vulnerable to hackers. The FBI concluded it was possible hackers broke into her server but found no direct evidence.

Wednesday's exchange occurred hours after Obama identified Russia as almost certainly responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee in a different case. WikiLeaks published on its website last week more than 19,000 internal emails stolen from the DNC earlier this year. The emails showed DNC staffers supporting Clinton when they were publicly promising to remain neutral during the primary elections between Sen. Bernie Sanders and her.

The head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned over the disclosures.

Trump cast doubt on whether Russia was behind that hack. He said blaming Russia was deflecting attention from the embarrassing material in the emails.

"Russia has no respect for our country, if it is Russia," Trump said. "It could be China. It could be someone sitting in his bedroom. It's probably not Russia. Nobody knows if it's Russia."

Obama traditionally avoids commenting on active FBI investigations, but he told NBC News on Tuesday that outside experts have blamed Russia for the leak. Obama also appeared to embrace the notion that President Vladimir Putin might have been responsible because of what he described as Trump's affinity for Putin. Trump said he has no relationship with Putin.

In Moscow on Wednesday, Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Russia would never interfere in another country's election.

"What the motives were in terms of the leaks, all that, I can't say directly," Obama said. "What I do know is that Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin."

Obama said he was basing his assessment on Trump's own comments and the fact that Trump has "gotten pretty favorable coverage back in Russia." He added that the U.S. knows that "Russians hack our systems — not just government systems, but private systems."

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Tuesday on CNN that "a lot more" material was coming.

Trump's comments were not the first time he urged hackers to release information to damage a political opponent.

He tweeted in September 2014 about one of his favorite topics— Obama's birthplace.

"Attention all hackers: You are hacking everything else so please hack Obama's college records (destroyed?) and check 'place of birth,'" Trump wrote.


Associated Press writers Bradley Klapper, Ted Bridis and Chad Day in Washington, Jonathan Lemire in New York and Nataliya Vasilyeva in Moscow contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-28

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A dirt dog and pony show this is. In my country someone spouting garbage as has been done in the US in the last few months wouldn't have lasted even a week I am proud to say. And I mean both sides. This circus gives the outsiders a perfect insight in the American way and psyche. Argumentative kindergarten level to achieve the highest office doesn't make much sense IMHO.

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If the emails were generated by Clinton, then Russia should release them and let the voters have as much info as possible on what they are getting. Obama's handling of this during the first week of this month should demonstrate to any objective observer that we apparently can no longer trust our own Govt to be transparent so you have to get the facts anywhere you can.

If Russia really has fatal dirt on Clinton, they will save it as Clinton would be far more useful to them in the White House

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Every country spies on every other country. Every country knows this. It's the status quo, there's nothing new here.

If your own country covers it up then as far as I'm concerned it's fair game, Trump knows this too.

Don't underestimate Donald Trump.

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Two things:

First, the 50 percent of the country that didn't know about the emails just woke up and said, "what emails?" The story lives on.

Two, this quote from Clinton spokesman Jake Sullivan on this matter: "This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.” https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/statements/2016/07/27/statement-from-jake-sullivan-on-donald-trumps-press-conference-today/ Meaning once again that Hillary lied when she said there was nothing classified that would hurt national security in her emails. That it was all "personal stuff" about yoga and the like. Turns out it was indeed full of much more serious matters. Yes, she lied to the FBI.

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A BBC reporter has asked if this may just have been a joke and if so it's a very poor one.

Trump has regularly blamed other countries for all sorts of things and now invites a foreign intelligence service to hack into US computer systems ?

Hard to believe this man is one step away from the White House.

Mind you I'm not saying Clinton is any better.

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Two things:

First, the 50 percent of the country that didn't know about the emails just woke up and said, "what emails?" The story lives on............"

The average Clinton voter will quickly dismiss this with "what's the big deal about email....I use it all the time...?"

And that's as far as their inquiring little minds will take it.

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If the emails were generated by Clinton, then Russia should release them and let the voters have as much info as possible on what they are getting. Obama's handling of this during the first week of this month should demonstrate to any objective observer that we apparently can no longer trust our own Govt to be transparent so you have to get the facts anywhere you can.

If Russia really has fatal dirt on Clinton, they will save it as Clinton would be far more useful to them in the White House

I agree with you about the use of any bombshell information the Russians may have or obtain as it won't be released just to suit Trump despite his nice words about Putin. It would suit the Russians best to keep it until the very best time for them maybe even released on a drip drip basis.

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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???


Edited by Usernames
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A dirt dog and pony show this is. In my country someone spouting garbage as has been done in the US in the last few months wouldn't have lasted even a week I am proud to say. And I mean both sides. This circus gives the outsiders a perfect insight in the American way and psyche. Argumentative kindergarten level to achieve the highest office doesn't make much sense IMHO.

Only one side is acting like a barfing dog.

Every country spies on every other country. Every country knows this. It's the status quo, there's nothing new here.

If your own country covers it up then as far as I'm concerned it's fair game, Trump knows this too.

Don't underestimate Donald Trump.

I have consistently underestimated how low-class Trump is. He continues to amaze, when he goes lower than bottom feeding, and there are still people who support him for becoming prez. Are his supporters hoping for a damaged America?

Edited by metisdead
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Besides the Russians, I'm sure the Chinese and others have incriminating dirt on her. Make no mistake, it's Clinton created dirt and she should own it.

As President, Clinton seems the type who would sell out the country in a nanosecond if it saved her own skin.

She would be so vulnerable to blackmail

But HIllary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

But look at the eyes....the fierce determination to take on danger ....the prominent Clinton jowls sagging down to reach for, and lift, the lower classes......

Never mind, this picture really is frightening

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But Hillary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

I see the face of an elder woman who's had a career in public service. A woman with resolve, principles, cares for the downtrodden, and is intelligent. Opposite of the Trumpster fire.

What does your mother's face look like? She's an elder woman, is she not? Would you want people judging her on her looks?

It's a fact of life that people have prettier skin when they're young, and get wrinkles when they get older. Trump already put down Fiorina on her looks (and Rubio because he's not tall, and a spastic because he waves his hands). Is he going to now say HRC is ugly because she doesn't look like one of his trophy wives, half Hillary's age? To call Trump a bottom-feeder is too nice.

On topic: Trump is asking/encouraging Russian secret services to eavesdrop on US citizens. It's darn close to a legal issue. Trump is treading on thin ice, legally. He also wants to dismantle NATO, which would give an open door to Russia forcefully taking back several of the satellite states of the USSR. Ask an Estonian, Lithuanian or Belarussian, or even a Pole or Slovak what they think of Trump, and you probably get someone spitting a yellow lugie on the floor in disgust. Oh, almost forgot, it doesn't matter. Trump is for an isolationist America, so all his sheeple followers only care about are their jobs and safety. Their attitude to Europeans and the world: "Screw off! If you can't help me get a better paying job, then we, as Americans, don't give a gnat's ass about you. Go Trump!"

Edited by metisdead
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Two things:

First, the 50 percent of the country that didn't know about the emails just woke up and said, "what emails?" The story lives on.

Two, this quote from Clinton spokesman Jake Sullivan on this matter: "This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue. https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/statements/2016/07/27/statement-from-jake-sullivan-on-donald-trumps-press-conference-today/ Meaning once again that Hillary lied when she said there was nothing classified that would hurt national security in her emails. That it was all "personal stuff" about yoga and the like. Turns out it was indeed full of much more serious matters. Yes, she lied to the FBI.


Once again the Dems are playing both ways in this.

If they were Hillary personal emails then it is in no way an issue of National Security.

Sadly Trump chose to open his mouth on this matter and it takes the spotlight from Hillary's wrongful actions and shines the spotlight back on Trump and requesting assistsnce from our enemy, Russia, is one time where the old saying, "Any publicity is good publicity" is not true.

Edited by ClutchClark
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A dirt dog and pony show this is. In my country someone spouting garbage as has been done in the US in the last few months wouldn't have lasted even a week I am proud to say. And I mean both sides. This circus gives the outsiders a perfect insight in the American way and psyche. Argumentative kindergarten level to achieve the highest office doesn't make much sense IMHO.

It only doesn't make much sense if viewed as something other than a media spectacle. It helps to think of it as media programming. When the season is over the media will crown the winner in the final episode. Probably best to see what's playing on the other channels.

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Two, this quote from Clinton spokesman Jake Sullivan on this matter: "This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.

It's a National Security issue because no American is allowed to encourage Russia (or China or Iran or N.Korea.....) to eavesdrop on US citizens. It may not yet be a legal issue, but it's skirting illegality.

Similarly, if I was a public figure, I would be out of line if I were to publicly encourage N.Korea to aim nukes at Alaskan cities.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to refuse to show his tax returns (not just for this year, but several years prior). In his typically lying fashion, he says (out of one side of his mouth) "I would love to release my tax returns, believe me." (A LIE), and on the other side of his mouth, "I can't release them because I'm being audited" (YET ANOTHER BIG LIE).

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But Hillary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

I see the face of an elder woman who's had a career in public service. A woman with resolve, principles, cares for the downtrodden, and is intelligent. Opposite of the Trumpster fire.

What does your mother's face look like? She's an elder woman, is she not? Would you want people judging her on her looks?

It's a fact of life that people have prettier skin when they're young, and get wrinkles when they get older. Trump already put down Fiorina on her looks (and Rubio because he's not tall, and a spastic because he waves his hands). Is he going to now say HRC is ugly because she doesn't look like one of his trophy wives, half Hillary's age? To call Trump a bottom-feeder is too nice.

On topic: Trump is asking/encouraging Russian secret services to eavesdrop on US citizens. It's darn close to a legal issue. Trump is treading on thin ice, legally. He also wants to dismantle NATO, which would give an open door to Russia forcefully taking back several of the satellite states of the USSR. Ask an Estonian, Lithuanian or Belarussian, or even a Pole or Slovak what they think of Trump, and you probably get someone spitting a yellow lugie on the floor in disgust. Oh, almost forgot, it doesn't matter. Trump is for an isolationist America, so all his sheeple followers only care about are their jobs and safety. Their attitude to Europeans and the world: "Screw off! If you can't help me get a better paying job, then we, as Americans, don't give a gnat's ass about you. Go Trump!"

I see the face of an elder woman who's had a career in public service. A woman with resolve, principles, cares for the downtrodden, and is intelligent. Opposite of the Trumpster fire.--

The Clintons have been on the public dole their entire lives. They self admittedly left the White House in debt and now are said to be worth over $125 million. Champion of the downtrodden, yea, right. Those poor old bankers at Goldman Sachs and the other Wall Street hedge funds. Real downtrodden. The Clintons are the same people who deducted their used underwear on their tax returns.

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But Hillary said there is nothing there! And just look at that face. Would somebody who looks like that lie???

I see the face of an elder woman who's had a career in public service. A woman with resolve, principles, cares for the downtrodden, and is intelligent. Opposite of the Trumpster fire.

What does your mother's face look like? She's an elder woman, is she not? Would you want people judging her on her looks?

It's a fact of life that people have prettier skin when they're young, and get wrinkles when they get older. Trump already put down Fiorina on her looks (and Rubio because he's not tall, and a spastic because he waves his hands). Is he going to now say HRC is ugly because she doesn't look like one of his trophy wives, half Hillary's age? To call Trump a bottom-feeder is too nice.

On topic: Trump is asking/encouraging Russian secret services to eavesdrop on US citizens. It's darn close to a legal issue. Trump is treading on thin ice, legally. He also wants to dismantle NATO, which would give an open door to Russia forcefully taking back several of the satellite states of the USSR. Ask an Estonian, Lithuanian or Belarussian, or even a Pole or Slovak what they think of Trump, and you probably get someone spitting a yellow lugie on the floor in disgust. Oh, almost forgot, it doesn't matter. Trump is for an isolationist America, so all his sheeple followers only care about are their jobs and safety. Their attitude to Europeans and the world: "Screw off! If you can't help me get a better paying job, then we, as Americans, don't give a gnat's ass about you. Go Trump!"

I see the face of an elder woman who's had a career in public service. A woman with resolve, principles, cares for the downtrodden, and is intelligent. Opposite of the Trumpster fire.--

The Clintons have been on the public dole their entire lives. They self admittedly left the White House in debt and now are said to be worth over $125 million. Champion of the downtrodden, yea, right. Those poor old bankers at Goldman Sachs and the other Wall Street hedge funds. Real downtrodden. The Clintons are the same people who deducted their used underwear on their tax returns.

Forget it....Boomers a true believer

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Sounds like just a headline grabbing comment. Interesting with the emails though was that the Democrats cried foul trying to link them to Russia. The oldest play in the book, if the message is toxic try to create a storm around the messenger to take focus away from said toxic news. And of course the NSA wouldn't have copies would they? See also reported the IRS wants to have a close look at the very suspect Clinton Foundation.

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Hahaha. Just got to love this guy. He calls it and tells it how it is. Definitely not a politician. That's what's great about the man.

So funny how all the 'politically correct' people squirm every time he shoots his mouth off. Can't wait for four years off this. Trump Trump Trump Trump..... clap2.gif

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A dirt dog and pony show this is. In my country someone spouting garbage as has been done in the US in the last few months wouldn't have lasted even a week I am proud to say. And I mean both sides. This circus gives the outsiders a perfect insight in the American way and psyche. Argumentative kindergarten level to achieve the highest office doesn't make much sense IMHO.

Only one side is acting like a barfing dog.

Every country spies on every other country. Every country knows this. It's the status quo, there's nothing new here.

If your own country covers it up then as far as I'm concerned it's fair game, Trump knows this too.

Don't underestimate Donald Trump.

I have consistently underestimated how low-class Trump is. He continues to amaze, when he goes lower than bottom feeding, and there are still people who support him for becoming prez. Are his supporters hoping for a damaged America?

Trump loves a brutal strongman, having also complimented sadists like Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, and the henchmen of China’s Tiananmen Square massacre.

But it is Russian President Vladimir Putin that Trump most admires—and judging from the presumptive Republican nominee’s actions, he would attempt to rule like him.


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Sounds like just a headline grabbing comment. Interesting with the emails though was that the Democrats cried foul trying to link them to Russia. The oldest play in the book, if the message is toxic try to create a storm around the messenger to take focus away from said toxic news. And of course the NSA wouldn't have copies would they? See also reported the IRS wants to have a close look at the very suspect Clinton Foundation.

There's some credible evidence indicating the DNC emails were stolen by Russian operatives. Research it. There were two major breaches, and it was later found that both were very likely from Russia.

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Treasonous Trump.

For a Presidential candidate - dangerously close to treason. For a billionaire media whore with a scorched earth policy who has no interest in anything other than playing the biggest game of his life - just more fun.

For a true potential President - Truly lunatic behavior, and if this is the kind of wild-ass shit he is going to pull as President, wow, get ready for the ultimate entertainment for 4 years, unless likely impeached earlier. wink.png

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