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French Tourist Brutally Beaten by Pattaya Motorbike Taxi Drivers


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Beach Road Tourist Brutally Beaten by Pattaya Motorbike Taxi Drivers
Story by Albert Jack


PATTAYA: -- At 8.30pm, on the evening of July 27, Sawangboriboon Medics rushed to Beach Road after receiving reports that a sixty-two-year-old man had been brutally beaten.

Mr Christian Denis Gabrielly, a French National, had been badly attacked and was bleeding heavily from head and face wounds. He was treated at the scene and then taken to Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

Local Thai witnesses reported the Frenchman had been attacked opposite Soi 7 by a group of motorbike taxi riders.

Ms Manee Wongchula, the forty-one-year-old girlfriend of the victim said Mr Gabrielly had returned a motorcycle rental and an arguement developed after he was refused the return of his 1000 baht deposit.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/228635/beach-road-tourist-brutally-beaten-by-pattaya-motorbike-taxis/

-- Pattaya One 2016-07-28

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8:30 at night?

62-year old man?

Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

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8:30 at night?

62-year old man?

Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

well that is part of the problem, the police likely are already involved just like the jetski scam but not in the way you think

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So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Edited by Inn Between
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8:30 at night?

62-year old man?

Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

well that is part of the problem, the police likely are already involved just like the jetski scam but not in the way you think

I did not read the police were involved in this shakdown and beating.

I like your posts so I am guessing you are suggesting they collect money from this shop.

Could very well be but the guy had a much better chance of recovering his 1,000 Baht if he went to the cops because the cops are smart enough to not shine a bright spotlight on their activities and not turned it into a headline as has happened.

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So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

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What has the controversy overthe return of a deposit got to do with a gang of corner boys?

Thailand ain't no place for white folks anymore...

Asians it's all yours.......... and you're welcome to it.bah.gif

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8:30 in the evening, still pretty early so should have been lots of sober people around and not far from the police station. Wonder why no one bothered to help?

I would hazard a guess it was over in 30 seconds. Farangs in the vicinity seldom are "tuned" to violence, they are looking for clothing items, seafood on ice, trinkets, etc..

I have seen Aussies step in to help a farang in a bad spot down in Patong a few years back. It was still in a heated argument stage but the Thais were starting to encircle the farang and the Aussies evened up the odds too much and so it never came to blood.

From the videos I have seen of similar beat downs, the Thais do not physically break things up but may say something to the offenders. Any local shopkeepers would know these taxi drivers by name, right?

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So the situation has nothing to do with the hopped-up thug motorcycle taxi drivers, but they see an opportunity to act like a pack of cowardly dogs and do the usual 5 or 6 on one gang attack. I guess these types do this kind of thing because every morning when they wake up and take their yaba, they know they're nothing more than human garbage and it infuriates them -- always some quest for cowardly violence brewing inside them.

Its almost as if they seethe with hate against farang and just await the chance they can seriously harm one of us.

Awareness that there are substantial numbers of Thai people, and particularly angry young Thai men, who hate farangs (and likely all foreigners) is something people should be aware of when coming to Thailand. There are too many people who come here with the naive idea that the LOS campaign is real -- that Thailand is a Shangri La without violence or crime. After all, more than 90% are Buddhists, and they're afraid to come back as a lizard if they do wrong in this incarnation, so they all behave, right? Wrong!

But those of us with enough experience in Thailand know just how volatile situations can be here with an assailant's violence being set off for the most trivial thing. One of the first news stories I read about a situation like that involve a guy who was murdered on his way home from a club because someone took offence to his "arrogant dancing".

Edited by Inn Between
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Thainess in display? We take your money or we beat it out of you! Sabai sabai, mai penrai. We will get it out of you one way and no other!

Just to be fair, I'd also like to know the reason why the shop did not want to return the deposit though? But no matter how you cut it, street justice is never the right solution. Should have just gone to a police station to sort it out.

Lesson here is to never lose your temper in a country that is not yours. From the hindsight, was it worth it? 1000 baht vs moral principles vs beat down?

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The cowardly Thai men scums that always attacks in packs like rabid dogs, seen it happening

over and over again, and always a bunch of them on one victim, and very unique to this country,

you wanna beat someone up, go it alone, Mano A Mano, you cowherds....

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I would like to read just one time when 6 Thai,s are beating on a one farang that 5 farang,s jump in and beat the Thai,s silly. I would love to read a story of some Thai,s being beat senseless.by farang,s in self defense.

Edited by lovelomsak
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French Tourist Assault on Beach Road. Taxi Drivers Already Arrested

Story by Albert Jack


Motorbike taxi driver makes the standard plea, for stupid people, of self-defence.

PATTAYA: -- After reports that Frenchman Christian Denis Gabrielly had been badly beaten up on Beach Road last night, police officers re-examined the scene a few hours later and discovered the suspoects had, arrogently, returned to their spots. They were arrested.

Mr Chuchart Arin-thorn, a thirty-five year old from Chiangrai, made a statement saying that Mr. Gabrielly had approached him asking to rent the motorcycle, which he said he would return in three days. He also asked for a taxi to the airport afterwards. Arin-thorn says he agreed and asked for a 1000 baht deposit.

However, Mr Gabrielly’s plans changed and he returned the motorbike after only one day and also said he no longer needed a car to the airport.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/228686/french-tourist-assault-beach-road-taxi-drivers-already-arrested/

-- Pattaya One 2016-07-28

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The "Seasoned" response from those of us who have been here a while, would have been to sum up the situation, and just pay the Baht 1000, the consequences could have been a lot worse, I am not suggesting in this case that the victim lost his cool, but it has been known, that does not excuse the way the Thai's acted, but there are a whole new set of rules that foreigners should learn if they want a stress free holiday/ life here.

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The "Seasoned" response from those of us who have been here a while, would have been to sum up the situation, and just pay the Baht 1000, the consequences could have been a lot worse, I am not suggesting in this case that the victim lost his cool, but it has been known, that does not excuse the way the Thai's acted, but there are a whole new set of rules that foreigners should learn if they want a stress free holiday/ life here.

The dispute was over 300 baht.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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The cowardly Thai men scums that always attacks in packs like rabid dogs, seen it happening

over and over again, and always a bunch of them on one victim, and very unique to this country,

you wanna beat someone up, go it alone, Mano A Mano, you cowherds....

As on almost all subjects, you wear a judgment to the facts which you know nothing.
Who would be foolish enough to think that this attack was free and makes an unfortunate accident?
Yet the relationship between these facts and the rental deposit is widely suggested
For years I've rented many and varied machines in Pattaya. I never had any déposit problem. In this case there was. Here is probably the cause of the attack.
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Pay the fee to the taxis or the hospital. Which would you choose?

Tip: In the event of a shakedown, always tell them you're staying at the Marriott and need to access your money. At the very least, you are safe with many exits.

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The "Seasoned" response from those of us who have been here a while, would have been to sum up the situation, and just pay the Baht 1000, the consequences could have been a lot worse, I am not suggesting in this case that the victim lost his cool, but it has been known, that does not excuse the way the Thai's acted, but there are a whole new set of rules that foreigners should learn if they want a stress free holiday/ life here.

The dispute was over 300 baht.

Yup but the frenchman started the fight according to the shopowner.

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The "Seasoned" response from those of us who have been here a while, would have been to sum up the situation, and just pay the Baht 1000, the consequences could have been a lot worse, I am not suggesting in this case that the victim lost his cool, but it has been known, that does not excuse the way the Thai's acted, but there are a whole new set of rules that foreigners should learn if they want a stress free holiday/ life here.

The dispute was over 300 baht.

Yup but the frenchman started the fight according to the shopowner.

No doubt...the French can be very rude and obnoxious.

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The shop owner decided to charge 300 baht because his time was wasted..I am sure that will piss most people off especially if you were accused of time wasting and you weren't

The French tourist agreed to a 3 day rental and a ride to the airport. The next day, returned the scooter, got into an argument and cancelled the airport transfer. The shop owner decided to keep 300 Baht. Hard to argue with the shop owner. A verbal contract was changed.

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The "Seasoned" response from those of us who have been here a while, would have been to sum up the situation, and just pay the Baht 1000, the consequences could have been a lot worse, I am not suggesting in this case that the victim lost his cool, but it has been known, that does not excuse the way the Thai's acted, but there are a whole new set of rules that foreigners should learn if they want a stress free holiday/ life here.

The dispute was over 300 baht.

Yup but the frenchman started the fight according to the shopowner.

She shopowner's face doesn't show even the slightest red mark a punch would have left.

As usual, the cowards just lie to save their face and avoid prosecution.

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The shop owner decided to charge 300 baht because his time was wasted..I am sure that will piss most people off especially if you were accused of time wasting and you weren't

The French tourist agreed to a 3 day rental and a ride to the airport. The next day, returned the scooter, got into an argument and cancelled the airport transfer. The shop owner decided to keep 300 Baht. Hard to argue with the shop owner. A verbal contract was changed.

yeah... are you really sure the "verbal contract" included a clause for a 300 baht cover charge as well as another clause that incase of an argument, the motorcycle renter agrees to be beaten up by 3 thugs? get real.

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