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Trump has a record of siding with Putin on key issues


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Fantastic. At least Putin has some support. There era of pc apologists is hopefully coming to an end, and strong leadership will prevail.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party of 2016, and the Putin rightwingnoid fanboyz have nothing on the Vichy French.

The Vichy Republicans.

capital ofthe unoccupied part of France during World War II


They are the Vichy Republican Party and its geographic base as we will find out when the votes are counted November 8th and Clinton-Kaine will be elected...cause then there will be the rest of you to include your original hero Vladimir Putin.

The Putin Republicans and other assorted rightwingnuts.

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He's such a buffoon. I;'m actually starting to feel sorry for him, and his "supporters".

Donald Trump Gives Questionable Explanation of Events in Ukraine

“He’s not going into Ukraine, O.K., just so you understand,” Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, said when the issue came up. “He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.”

“Well, he’s already there, isn’t he?” Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted.

“O.K., well, he’s there in a certain way,” Mr. Trump replied.

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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

He's such a buffoon. I;'m actually starting to feel sorry for him, and his "supporters".

Donald Trump Gives Questionable Explanation of Events in Ukraine

“He’s not going into Ukraine, O.K., just so you understand,” Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, said when the issue came up. “He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.”

“Well, he’s already there, isn’t he?” Mr. Stephanopoulos interrupted.

“O.K., well, he’s there in a certain way,” Mr. Trump replied.

Don't feel sorry for him. Feel sorry for the USA is he manages to pull off a hostile takeover of the country in a similar was as he did a hostile takeover of the republican party. 

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Don't feel sorry for him. Feel sorry for the USA is he manages to pull off a hostile takeover of the country in a similar was as he did a hostile takeover of the republican party. 

If Trump gets legitimately elected, how would that be a "hostile takeover"?

Oh, I get it! You mean his presidency would be "hostile" to your desires.

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On 7/29/2016 at 11:54 PM, JHolmesJr said:

It's the ghostwriter who's shown himself to be an untrustrworthy, despicable, slimy, characterless person with no professional integrity.

He sure didnt have a problem taking a few million of Trumps money....now he claims he did such a good job building up the Trump mystique that he feels he needs to save the world from the monster he created.

Gimme a break....wonder how much hillarys people paid him to say that....what a tosser.

Typical Trump and, by osmosis, the mentality of his rabid fans.  Any time a prominent person comes out with a criticism, Trump and his fans immediately try to tear apart the messenger.  It's the mentality of a pack of dogs.  It's happened to Megan Kelly, McCain, Romney, The Bushes, and many others who Trump would love if they would only lavish praise on him.  Not one Rep former prez or prez candidate showed up at the Rep Nat'l Convention.  Not one.   Only failed VP candidate Ryan, and his assessment of Trump was like a nephew at his aunt's house on Thanksgiving.  The aunt makes a nasty tasting bean salad.  Privately, the nephew (Ryan) can't stand it, but he's required to say publicly that his aunt's (Trump's) cooking is great.  

Where was Palin?  I'm disappointed that Trump didn't invite one of his greatest fans, who is also a former VP candidate, a prominent/influencial Republican policy maker and one of the first people to endorse him.  What a snub.  I'm angry at Trump for taking away some of the entertainment value of the Rep Convention.   Well, in consolation, he did have Carson in attendance, and we got to hear a rambling sleepy-headed ramble about HRC's friendship with Satan. 

Schwartz, the 'ghostwriter' actually wrote the entire book; Art of the Deal.  He said The Divider glanced at a few pages once in awhile.  Schwartz knows The Divider well, and Schwartz is smart and articulate.   That's why he's so effective and believable when he shares his thoughts about the scheister.  When asked what the real title of the book should be, Schwartz answered, "THE SOCIOPATH"    If someone had asked me, I would have suggested the following titles:

A Shiester by any other Name.....

The Art of Cheating

How to Get Rich by Ripping Off Trusting Dummies

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Trump and Putin (King Vlad) are two peas in a pod. Putin recognizes the kinship. Trump is potentially a dictator in waiting. And Vlad sees that. A fellow despot leader. A man hellbent on world domination. Perhaps they can work together to seize world power? Both are maniacs, devoid of morality, compassion, understanding, kindness, or any sense of charity. Of course Vlad likes him. He is one of his own. A man who would stop at nothing to amass more power. Just give him a chance. He will seize the moment, and run with it, and potentially make Mussolini look like a kitten. 

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump and Putin (King Vlad) are two peas in a pod. Putin recognizes the kinship. Trump is potentially a dictator in waiting. And Vlad sees that. A fellow despot leader. A man hellbent on world domination. Perhaps they can work together to seize world power? Both are maniacs, devoid of morality, compassion, understanding, kindness, or any sense of charity. Of course Vlad likes him. He is one of his own. A man who would stop at nothing to amass more power. Just give him a chance. He will seize the moment, and run with it, and potentially make Mussolini look like a kitten. 


I agree to some extent.  However, whereas Vlad is somewhat of a gentleman, and knows how to behave.  Trump is rude and crude.  Vlad can make friends, even by devious (and other ) means, whereas Trump is an ignorant bull in a China shop, pissing off more leaders than he befriends.  If I had to serve in the armed forces under one or the other, I'd choose Putin - he's cool headed.  Trump is a blustering dufus.

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So when do we know when sociopath Comrade Trump is telling the truth or "just kidding"?

I know Putin personally...just kidding.
Expel and ban all Muslims...just kidding.
I will build wall...well it could be a metaphysical one...just kidding.
Mexican-American judges are biased...just kidding.
I wanted to hit some of those guys...just kidding.
I could kill someone in New York and get away with it...just kidding.
I never insulted anyone in the Republican debates, I was just kidding around.
I will release my tax returns...just kidding.
Saddam was a great leader...just kidding.

Maybe he can hold up a sign with "just kidding" so we all know.

Hmm...Comrade Trump's new campaign slogan..."Just Kidding!"

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23 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I agree to some extent.  However, whereas Vlad is somewhat of a gentleman, and knows how to behave.  Trump is rude and crude.  Vlad can make friends, even by devious (and other ) means, whereas Trump is an ignorant bull in a China shop, pissing off more leaders than he befriends.  If I had to serve in the armed forces under one or the other, I'd choose Putin - he's cool headed.  Trump is a blustering dufus.



Good points. My guess is that if they were to both sit down to a game of chess, Vlad would declare checkmate within 120 seconds. Trump is not nearly as clever, or as smart, or as cunning as he thinks he is. A lot of that brilliance exists only in his mind. Sure he is wealthy. But, it is far easier to become wealthy if you have no morals, ethics, or scruples, and are willing to screw everyone you do business with. Vlad is the better of the two, on a hundred different levels. I was simply making a comparison about the similar diabolical intentions they both have. Trump is a goombah, a fool, a man possessing legendary ignorance, and would not be capable of being president. He just does not have the savvy, the ability to negotiate with congress and the senate, nor other world leaders. He would be less capable than even Obama. 

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5 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

The next dictator in line to endorse Trump.


North Korea says Trump isn't screwy at all, a wise choice for president.




Now Fidel Castro needs to come out in favor of Trump and the Trumpster will have the perfect Trifecta of the world's top leaders supporting a Trump Presidency.


Now there is the perfect four for golf. Trump, Putin, Kim Jong-un and Fidel. Just make sure you let them play through.


Vote Trump because Kim Jong-un would!

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