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Pattaya Cops Open Fire at Big C And Nail Minor Drug Dealers

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Cops Open Fire at Big C And Nail Minor Drug Dealers
Story by Albert Jack


Shoppers run for their lives.

PATTAYA: -- On July 28 the Nongprue Police Station were tipped off about an imminent drug deal and quickly formed a team of investigators.

The informant agreed to take part and a delivery, by thirty-one-year old target, Mr. Wasan (aka Gift) Pookpratoom, was arranged at the Ekmongkol Village.

However, Pookpratoom seemed to smell a rat and made a late switch, changing the drop to the car park at Big C in South Pattaya.

But the cops were too smart for this and they quickly relocated to Big C and observed the suspect arriving in his Dark Blue Isuzu D-Max license no. 1 2642.

Twenty-two year Ms. Sunisa Chanpanya casually got out and appeared to be going about her shopping. Again the police were not fooled and moved to detained her. In full view of the driver, Pookpratoom.

He appeared to notice something was not quite right and tried to drive away, crashing into a police car as he did.

Officers opened fire and frightened shoppers ducked and dived beneath cars for cover. Others ran for their lives in fear.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/228746/cops-open-fire-big-c-nail-minor-drug-dealers/

-- Pattaya One 2016-07-29


This is a great article...kudoos to the writer...especially the humorous last sentence.

Good work catching another drug dealer who admits selling drugs to kids.

And it sounds like the desler has already flipped on his supplier.


Happened just outside my window. Heard the shots go off (at least a dozen if not more) and looked outside to see what was going on. At least I was far enough to get hit by a stray bullet.

Lucky no innocent bystander was shot. Firing in a crowded parking lot must be a standard practice for Thai police...


The RTP going ballistic with handguns in a public place can only spell disaster for the public.....get away fast!.....plenty of innocents in Thailand have been shot by this inane action.


Happened just outside my window. Heard the shots go off (at least a dozen if not more) and looked outside to see what was going on. At least I was far enough to get hit by a stray bullet.

Lucky no innocent bystander was shot. Firing in a crowded parking lot must be a standard practice for Thai police...

Even luckier no one was run over by the fleeing suspect.

Note to self:

Follow police order to stop.


Real Hollywood stuff, that's given a few people a nice little story to tell. Of course, it all could've gone horribly wrong, but all's well that end's well, I suppose. And I agree, decent reporting for a change.


Seems like the RTP have watched too many Hollywood (or Thai?) movies.

So why exactly, did the police feel the need to open fire in a public place with shoppers around? Oh right, this is Thailand where safety takes a back seat, if it even gets a seat.


Firing guns in a crowded public parking lot just to stop a perp from fleeing whose identity and license plate number are already known?


Firing guns in a crowded public parking lot just to stop a perp from fleeing whose identity and license plate number are already known?

You have no idea the proximity the police were to shoppers or if they were in the line of fire. The police were reported to have shot out the car tires so were obviously quite close to the escaping vehicle.

Don't let an absence of any known facts stop you from complaining about the police though ;-)


Firing guns in a crowded public parking lot just to stop a perp from fleeing whose identity and license plate number are already known?

You have no idea the proximity the police were to shoppers or if they were in the line of fire. The police were reported to have shot out the car tires so were obviously quite close to the escaping vehicle.

Don't let an absence of any known facts stop you from complaining about the police though ;-)

How many tires did their vehicle have? Which indicates that they missed numerous times. Stray bullets? People in parking lot?


Happened just outside my window. Heard the shots go off (at least a dozen if not more) and looked outside to see what was going on. At least I was far enough to get hit by a stray bullet.

Lucky no innocent bystander was shot. Firing in a crowded parking lot must be a standard practice for Thai police...

Firing anywhere is standard practice for them. Presumably they rely on everyone but the culprit carrying their own Buddhist amulet - or angel doll.


Firing guns in a crowded public parking lot just to stop a perp from fleeing whose identity and license plate number are already known?

You have no idea the proximity the police were to shoppers or if they were in the line of fire. The police were reported to have shot out the car tires so were obviously quite close to the escaping vehicle.

Don't let an absence of any known facts stop you from complaining about the police though ;-)

Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool ...


Firing guns in a crowded public parking lot just to stop a perp from fleeing whose identity and license plate number are already known?

You have no idea the proximity the police were to shoppers or if they were in the line of fire. The police were reported to have shot out the car tires so were obviously quite close to the escaping vehicle.

Don't let an absence of any known facts stop you from complaining about the police though ;-)

Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool ...

Thats my point.

Can you tell me how large the Big C parking lot is?

Where the deslers car was parked?

How many cars were in the parking lot?

How many shoppers were in the parking lot?

Where the shoppers were in relation to the fleeing suspect?

Where the police were located?

Which direction the police were firing?

Were the police firing towards the front entrance or away?

Without this knowledge you cannot say that police risked shoppers lives...atleast with any valdity.

The very fact no shoppers were injured fails to support the claim as well.

The photos attached to this article shows the dealers car coming to a stop in empty parking spaces.


Happened just outside my window. Heard the shots go off (at least a dozen if not more) and looked outside to see what was going on. At least I was far enough to get hit by a stray bullet.

Lucky no innocent bystander was shot. Firing in a crowded parking lot must be a standard practice for Thai police...

Was the parking lot crowded?

The photos available on the article do not indicate the parking lot was crowded.


Happened just outside my window. Heard the shots go off (at least a dozen if not more) and looked outside to see what was going on. At least I was far enough to get hit by a stray bullet.

Lucky no innocent bystander was shot. Firing in a crowded parking lot must be a standard practice for Thai police...

Was the parking lot crowded?

The photos available on the article do not indicate the parking lot was crowded.

What is your definition of 'crowded'?

What I saw was that cars and motorbikes were still moving and people running away from the perimeter of the incident. The ThaiVisa news video shows the police being very close to the vehicle in question. They may feel that being in close proximity to the vehicle is enough to justify their actions.

At least this drug dealer was not armed or was too busy trying to drive out of a trap to fire back at the police...

Incidentally, this is not the first time that I have personally witness police unload their sidearms in public. About 7 years ago, my girlfriend and I saw a Bangkok policemen running after a perp while firing 3 shots straight up in the air on a crowded street.


Happened just outside my window. Heard the shots go off (at least a dozen if not more) and looked outside to see what was going on. At least I was far enough to get hit by a stray bullet.

Lucky no innocent bystander was shot. Firing in a crowded parking lot must be a standard practice for Thai police...

Was the parking lot crowded?

The photos available on the article do not indicate the parking lot was crowded.

What is your definition of 'crowded'?

What I saw was that cars and motorbikes were still moving and people running away from the perimeter of the incident. The ThaiVisa news video shows the police being very close to the vehicle in question. They may feel that being in close proximity to the vehicle is enough to justify their actions.

At least this drug dealer was not armed or was too busy trying to drive out of a trap to fire back at the police...

Incidentally, this is not the first time that I have personally witness police unload their sidearms in public. About 7 years ago, my girlfriend and I saw a Bangkok policemen running after a perp while firing 3 shots straight up in the air on a crowded street.

Up in the air?

No harm in that.

Did the perp stop?


A disgraceful waste of police time and resources. As for firing a gun in a public space for no good reason- the officers should be imprisoned. The war on drugs is a war on the people. 

On Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 6:53 AM, ClutchClark said:

Up in the air?

No harm in that.

Did the perp stop?

Bullet's fall - or can hit people on balconies. Any discharge of a weapon by a police officer should result in the suspension of the officer- followed by an inquiry and if necessary imprisonment if he has found not to be acting in self defence.  Self defence is the only reason to discharge a weapon in a public place. Nobody in the world wants their country to follow the living hell lunacy of the USA. Anyway guns and ammo are more dangerous than drugs. The war on drugs is a war on the people.

2 hours ago, The manic said:

Bullet's fall - or can hit people on balconies. Any discharge of a weapon by a police officer should result in the suspension of the officer- followed by an inquiry and if necessary imprisonment if he has found not to be acting in self defence.  Self defence is the only reason to discharge a weapon in a public place. Nobody in the world wants their country to follow the living hell lunacy of the USA. Anyway guns and ammo are more dangerous than drugs. The war on drugs is a war on the people.

What ?

its not a war on drugs. Its police doing what they are paid to do...get drugs off the streets that were by the dealers own admission being sold to children.

This is Thailand. The Thai police can discharge their firearms without asking your permission or following your rules. When the dealer smashed into the police cars it could very well be that he almost hit an officer. At that point the dealer used his vehicle as a deadly wespon. 

You are going off half-cocked here with your assumptions.

11 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

What ?

its not a war on drugs. Its police doing what they are paid to do...get drugs off the streets that were by the dealers own admission being sold to children.

This is Thailand. The Thai police can discharge their firearms without asking your permission or following your rules. When the dealer smashed into the police cars it could very well be that he almost hit an officer. At that point the dealer used his vehicle as a deadly wespon. 

You are going off half-cocked here with your assumptions.

Sounds a lot like a war to me if guns are being fired! If they were after petty drug dealers-a war on drugs. A war on the freedom of choice. A war on the freedom if thought.  A war waged by corrupt authorities - justified by imbecilic laws which function to promote criminality at all levels of society. Such laws as are bein reviewed all over the world in civilised countries. Thailand used to be more fun,  more safe and less corrupt before they followed the UN /USA anti drugs madness. The war on drugs just makes things worse for everybody except the cops- bent politicians and organised crime. Anybody who believes otherwise is deluded. I would prefer my kids to have the chance to experiment with drugs than be arrested or shot at. There are apparently some idiots who believe in the ' Reefer Madness' et al propaganda.. They need an education! The problem is not 'half cocked' views but fully cocked guns in the hands of police officers fighting an unwinnable war for no reason but to follow the cynical, corrupt policies of a cynical corrupt USA president -Richard Nixon.

1 minute ago, The manic said:

Sounds a lot like a war to me if guns are being fired! If they were after petty drug dealers-a war on drugs. A war on the freedom of choice. A war on the freedom if thought.  A war waged by corrupt authorities - justified by imbecilic laws which function to promote criminality at all levels of society. Such laws as are bein reviewed all over the world in civilised countries. Thailand used to be more fun,  more safe and less corrupt before they followed the UN /USA anti drugs madness. The war on drugs just makes things worse for everybody except the cops- bent politicians and organised crime. Anybody who believes otherwise is deluded. I would prefer my kids to have the chance to experiment with drugs than be arrested or shot at. There are apparently some idiots who believe in the ' Reefer Madness' et al propaganda.. They need an education! The problem is not 'half cocked' views but fully cocked guns in the hands of police officers fighting an unwinnable war for no reason but to follow the cynical, corrupt policies of a cynical corrupt USA president -Richard Nixon.

Well I can now see how you arrived at the Username: manic.


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