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Clinton promises steady hand in dangerous world


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Note, if the Republican primary was held all in one day in late November last year, Carson would be the Rep nominee.

I don't know what's spookier, a Carson, Cruz or Trump presidency.

Getting back to now: Look how divided the US has become. Clinton didn't cause the deep rifts. She's similar to other candidates from prior years. The big difference in this election cycle is; TRUMP. He's the only prez candidate in US history who has purposefully caused such deep divisions among Americans. He's done that on many levels: racial, religious, handicapped, gender, scientific, relationships with foreign leaders, .....

Just one sub-topic: Getting Along with Military Brass is key to assessing The Dividers qualifications for the job.

When has there ever been a presidential candidate who is so loathed by all military leaders? Right now, CIA and FBI and other security organizations are required to brief the two candidates (and probably their VP picks) on top secret security issues. I can bet dollars to donuts that top brass are loathe to share top-secret data with The Donald. If you were in that position (harboring top secret data), would you want to show it to a flip-flopping, hot-headed, immature person like Trump?

Just days ago he was proclaiming treasonous ideas: asking a powerful adversarial country to illegally eavesdrop on a US citizen. Trump has said he would share technical nuke data with countries that don't yet have nukes. Trump says if Europe is invaded by Russia, he will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to provide US support, predicated on whether he (Trump) thinks they've paid their fair share toward NATO.

Trump to Latvia, when Russian tanks are rolling in: "Hmmmm, Let's see. I'm looking at the books now. Ah, here it is. The ledger shows you missed a payment to NATO last November. You didn't pay your fair share on time. Sorry Latvia. We like you guys, but fair is fair. Hope you don't mind being part of the Russian empire. Maybe next time you'll pay your bill on time, eh? Oh, and I think it's the same situation with....., oh yea, bye bye Lithuania and Estonia. We liked you, but heck....

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I find it notable that the World News topic threads about Hillary are mostly predictably glowing reports of Crooked Hillary's policies, performance yada yada yada and very little to be said about the Democrat National Committee's fiasco with their compromised internal emails revealing the stacked deck against Sanders by a group that is supposed to be neutral with Primary Candidates. Nothing about having to fill hundreds of empty seats with paid stand ins left open by protesting Sanders supporters. Nothing about Hillary immediately hiring the nincompoop Democrat National Committee Chair after she had to step down over her outrageous crooked behavior was revealed in the compromised confidential emails.. Nothing about Trump making a huge jump in the polls following the RNC Convention - far beyond any predicted post Convention bounce. In other words what we get to talk about is Rah Rah Rah HRC...

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VIDEOS=> Boos Rain Down on Hillary at Start of Speech; Protesters Ejected From Convention

Kristinn Taylor Jul 28th, 2016 9:57 pm 131 Comments

Video taken at the Democratic Party National Convention Thursday night shows boos cascading down on Hillary Clinton from the upper level of the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia as she began her acceptance speech for the party’s presidential nomination.


VIDEOS=> Boos Rain Down on Hillary at Start of Speech; Protesters Ejected From Convention

Kristinn Taylor Jul 28th, 2016 9:57 pm 131 Comments

Video taken at the Democratic Party National Convention Thursday night shows boos cascading down on Hillary Clinton from the upper level of the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia as she began her acceptance speech for the party’s presidential nomination.

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Box Office: Dinesh D'Souza's 'Hillary's America' Becomes Top-Grossing Doc of 2016

Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza has added another win: Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party has quickly become the top-grossing documentary of the year to date at the U.S. box office, amassing $5.2 million in its first dozen days.


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Translation: Same S#6t different Day. Status quo, the same.

"Steady hand" is an appeal for a Medvedev like third term of Obama. Besides being a horrible person (numerous accounts offered by secret service and other personnel in books and interview that remarkably corroborate other commentaries on her raging, unbalanced nature), Clinton is also an incompetent manager (Libya, abusing DoD imperatives, emails, personal servers, servers compromised, lying to the mothers of slain US personnel, lying to the world, Benghazi, refusing to put Boko Haram on State terrorist list, ad infinitum).

Hillary has personally made much of the world the "dangerous" place she now asserts her "steady hand" would mitigate. From funding ISIS with hundreds of Toyota Hilluxes fitting with reinforced weapons mounts to the ubiquitous State Department Glock pistols outfitting IS, to using cut-outs to bypass international arms shipments, Clinton has personally made the world highly volatile.* Oh, and her ridiculous "re set" with Russia. There are fewer examples of a person being so clearly compromised. She could not under any circumstances ever pass a standard background check for a Secret clearance issues by the US State department. I have had numerous; she could not pass the SF86. There is no way she would be approved were she not already in the loop.

There is no reason to even open the Clinton Foundation scandals. Breathtaking. "Dangerous." There are fewer examples of the utter moral depravity of this woman then her unguarded response to Qaddafi's death, the culmination of her aggressive push for war against DOD recommendations.

Every single thing Hersch has written on the subject of Libya and ISIS has proven correct thus far.




*Even the state department were unable to get long guns into theater because they were governed by another mechanism; so, only AKs. But, glock pistols could be brought in. State brought them in in the tens of thousands they are now standard sidearms of DAESH.

The Trifecta! Three wingnut links in one post confirming meaningless blather.

Arj - where are the Trump tax returns? Doesn't that "Trump" all the conspiracy bullshit? Toyota Hilluxes? Re set Russia? The SF86?

Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!

Where are Trump's Tax Returns?

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(Immediately hired by Hillary - next day... thumb in eye of Sanders supporters and the rest of America.)

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Dropped From Convention After WikiLeaks Scandal


Why wouldn't Hillary hire her, they are two peas in a pod. Both liars and both corrupt to the core.

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Bernie Sanders Supporters in Philadelphia Chant: ‘Lock Her Up!’

The chant, which originated on the floor of the Republican gathering in Cleveland, refers to Clinton’s non-indictment for mis-handling classified information. FBI director James Comey said earlier this month that while Clinton had been “extremely reckless” with national security secrets on her private and unauthorized email server


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You have to wonder what the motivation is for the following revelations?

Hillary Clinton Campaign Refused to Turn Over Data to FBI Before Democrat Hacks


The old deny 'till you die" bunker mindset with Crooked Hillary and her handlers isn't working quite so well anymore..whistling.gif .

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You have to wonder what the motivation is for the following revelations?

Hillary Clinton Campaign Refused to Turn Over Data to FBI Before Democrat Hacks


The old deny 'till you die" bunker mindset with Crooked Hillary and her handlers isn't working quite so well anymore..whistling.gif .

You have to wonder what Breitbart's motivations are for writing hit pieces?

Oh dear.


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Seriously JT...Your adoration of all things Hillary is remarkable to say the least.

Do you think there's still room on Rushmore to carve her head in?

He likes his wimmen straight whistling.gifwhistling.gif

….even though everyone knows she's crooked giggle.gifgigglem.gif

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I love Bill Maher's quip, which played off of Hilary's campaign slogan and the t-shirts we have all seen:

On HBO, Maher summed up two weeks of TV spectacle by riffing off Clinton’s “I’m With Her” slogan.

“We have either ‘I’m with her,’” he said, “or ‘I’m with stupid. That’s the election in a nutshell.”

Well...Isn't Bill Maher the clever little shlt......

Wow! What a comeback. You managed to refute everything Bill Maher said!!

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Translation: Same S#6t different Day. Status quo, the same.

"Steady hand" is an appeal for a Medvedev like third term of Obama. Besides being a horrible person (numerous accounts offered by secret service and other personnel in books and interview that remarkably corroborate other commentaries on her raging, unbalanced nature), Clinton is also an incompetent manager (Libya, abusing DoD imperatives, emails, personal servers, servers compromised, lying to the mothers of slain US personnel, lying to the world, Benghazi, refusing to put Boko Haram on State terrorist list, ad infinitum).

Hillary has personally made much of the world the "dangerous" place she now asserts her "steady hand" would mitigate. From funding ISIS with hundreds of Toyota Hilluxes fitting with reinforced weapons mounts to the ubiquitous State Department Glock pistols outfitting IS, to using cut-outs to bypass international arms shipments, Clinton has personally made the world highly volatile.* Oh, and her ridiculous "re set" with Russia. There are fewer examples of a person being so clearly compromised. She could not under any circumstances ever pass a standard background check for a Secret clearance issues by the US State department. I have had numerous; she could not pass the SF86. There is no way she would be approved were she not already in the loop.

There is no reason to even open the Clinton Foundation scandals. Breathtaking. "Dangerous." There are fewer examples of the utter moral depravity of this woman then her unguarded response to Qaddafi's death, the culmination of her aggressive push for war against DOD recommendations.

Every single thing Hersch has written on the subject of Libya and ISIS has proven correct thus far.




*Even the state department were unable to get long guns into theater because they were governed by another mechanism; so, only AKs. But, glock pistols could be brought in. State brought them in in the tens of thousands they are now standard sidearms of DAESH.

The Trifecta! Three wingnut links in one post confirming meaningless blather.

Arj - where are the Trump tax returns? Doesn't that "Trump" all the conspiracy bullshit? Toyota Hilluxes? Re set Russia? The SF86?

Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!

Where are Trump's Tax Returns?




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There are fewer examples of the utter moral depravity of this woman then her unguarded response to Qaddafi's death...

Flapping her stupid little mouth, thinking the cameras weren't rolling.

Then she has the gall to accuse Mr Trump of being undiplomatic.

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Breitbart is just one of the few lone cries in the Wilderness putting forth an opposing viewpoint from the propaganda on the Left. smile.png

It's good that you know the difference between "viewpoints" and "news".

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We all got a real glimpse of Hillary and her steady hands and how she deals with a dangerous world when she acted on Beghazi.

Or should I say failed to act?

Well, the Republican chairman of the committee Trey Gowdy that investigated the Benghazi incident exonerated her.

Just like the Republican FBI director James Comey.

Just like Republican prosecutor Ken Starr.

So what does that make your statement? That's right, <deleted>.

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We all got a real glimpse of Hillary and her steady hands and how she deals with a dangerous world when she acted on Beghazi.

Or should I say failed to act?

You should say "I haven't read any of the many investigation reports on Benghazi and therefore nothing I say on the subject should be taken seriously"?

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We all got a real glimpse of Hillary and her steady hands and how she deals with a dangerous world when she acted on Beghazi.

Or should I say failed to act?

You should say "I haven't read any of the many investigation reports on Benghazi and therefore nothing I say on the subject should be taken seriously"?

I loved the bit about the Video being the cause of the spontaneous riot.

That one set any sensible person's BS meter off straight away.

And I have read the "official" investigative results.

The Clinton's have amassed a tremendous amount of influence in DC haven't they.

Never was a chance she would take a hit for the personal email server. That isn't the way thibgs work when you have serious pull (clout).

Hillary admitted she exclusively used the email and she understood it was against policy and she understood fully the reasons why a secure server was necessary..

If she didn't then she unqualified for the job.


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"A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons."

Brilliant!  Has twitter added a "nuke" capability yet?

We'll have to call her "Steady Hand Hill", I guess.

As for me, I would want to know where both her hands are and what they're up to.

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On Friday, July 29, 2016 at 11:06 PM, ClutchClark said:

We all got a real glimpse of Hillary and her steady hands and how she deals with a dangerous world when she acted on Beghazi.

Or should I say failed to act?


Don't forget the emails.


Here We Go Again: WaPo Slaps Hillary With Four More Pinocchios Over Latest Email Lies

Two weeks ago, we wrote an in-depth piece chronicling the ways in which Hillary Clinton continues to lie shamelessly about her national security-compromising email scandal -- even after sustaining clear-cut, comprehensive rebukes from the FBI and State Department Inspector General.  She can't stop, won't stop, lying.




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2 hours ago, kannot said:

Hilary's as corrupt as her husband

Bill's not corrupt so, according to your logic, neither is Hillary.

Instead of staring in the bus station toilet bowl trying to find gunk, try looking at the many accomplishments of the Clintons.  I know you won't.  But even a glance will show you that both Clintons have contributed mightily to improvements for middle class and disadvantaged Americans.   What has Trump done for others in the past 40 years? Zero, unless you count the tens of thousands he's cheated (not paying for work done, etc.)


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Crooked Hillary promises a "Steady Hand", eh?

Julian Assange: Hacked Emails Include Info On Hillary’s Arming of Jihadists, Including ISIS, in Syria

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms from Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate attacks.

Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony (under oath) in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.


Has this woman ever told the truth in her miserable life? :facepalm:

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