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Australians’ Rio mishaps: and now, robbery


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Australians’ Rio mishaps: and now, robbery


RIO DE JANEIRO: -- The Australians sure will remember their stay at the Olympic Village in Rio.

Over the weekend, they had to evacuate the building after a fire broke out in the basement. And when they came back, their team shirts and a laptop had disappeared.

IT equipment was also “rifled through,” said team chief Kitty Chiller. She could not say whether the laptop contained sensitive data, or how many shirts were missing.

“They were our ‘Zika’ shirts: long-sleeved yellow shirts that had just been delivered to the village and we had them all lined up in piles on the reception desk, in an outdoor common space,” Chiller told a news conference.

“Unfortunately in an area of that size, with the number of buildings, and number of rooms that there are, unfortunately, theft is going to be inevitable,” she said, adding that security was immediately increased, with four private guards at the entrance doors and more noticeable identity checks.

Blocked toilets, alarm system switched off

The Australian team had initially refused to move into the building, because of gas leaks, power and plumbing problems, and general filth.

Chiller had complained about exposed wiring and blocked toilets, saying the accommodation was “not safe or ready” for athletes who were put up in hotels while contractors rectified matters.

The athletes and staff moved in last week after workers made some last-minute repairs.

The fire was blamed on a cigarette thrown into debris. The Australian mission is now reminding all staff and contractors that the entire village is a smoke-free one.

With the incident, the Australians also discovered that the alarm system had been deactivated while workmen were fixing the neighbouring building. Officials had to go knocking from door to door to alert about 100 athletes.

Chiller said all debris had now been cleared and organisers have recommended the civil and military fire brigades improve communication.


-- Euronews 2016-08-02

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Of all of the countries I have wanted to visit, Brazil is one I have avoided. I have friends who have spent significant amounts of time there. I have one friend who will not travel without an armed bodyguard. He says it is that bad. I just have never relished what my reaction would be to having a 12 year old boy pull a gun on me. I have heard over and over again how out of control certain parts of the country are, especially Rio. It was a monumental mistake for the Olympic committee to pick Brazil, much less Rio as the site for these Olympics. One can only hope for the most minimal number of rapes, murders, and robberies. It is going to be a party for the thieves and gangsters. 

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Of all of the countries I have wanted to visit, Brazil is one I have avoided. I have friends who have spent significant amounts of time there. I have one friend who will not travel without an armed bodyguard. He says it is that bad. I just have never relished what my reaction would be to having a 12 year old boy pull a gun on me. I have heard over and over again how out of control certain parts of the country are, especially Rio. It was a monumental mistake for the Olympic committee to pick Brazil, much less Rio as the site for these Olympics. One can only hope for the most minimal number of rapes, murders, and robberies. It is going to be a party for the thieves and gangsters.

There was a reason Brasil got picked, and it wasn't because of the beach!!!!!!!!

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Of all of the countries I have wanted to visit, Brazil is one I have avoided. I have friends who have spent significant amounts of time there. I have one friend who will not travel without an armed bodyguard. He says it is that bad. I just have never relished what my reaction would be to having a 12 year old boy pull a gun on me. I have heard over and over again how out of control certain parts of the country are, especially Rio. It was a monumental mistake for the Olympic committee to pick Brazil, much less Rio as the site for these Olympics. One can only hope for the most minimal number of rapes, murders, and robberies. It is going to be a party for the thieves and gangsters. 

Well I would not go to Brazil let's try a safe country for a change "Philippines" 

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15 hours ago, White Christmas13 said:

Well I would not go to Brazil let's try a safe country for a change "Philippines" 



I happen to really like the Philippines. A lot of people there speak outstanding english, it is more Westernized than Thailand, the local people have a much better sense of who we are, and do not relate to us like we are from another planet, the women are amazing, and the guys are pretty nice too. The seas are spectacular, and there is alot to see, and countless islands to visit.


Of course the downside is poor infrastructure, poor food, and you always have to keep your eyes open for trouble. I have a number of friends living there, and one dear friend who is moving there in a weeks time, after living in Thailand for six years, and deciding that Thai women are simply too demanding, and for the most part, too cunning, for his taste. The expectations of the local women in the PI are far lower. 


But, it is nothing like Brazil, in terms of random crime, robberies, killings, etc. I have been to the PI a few times, and never encountered any problems. I know countless people who cannot say the same about Brazil, which is nearly completely out of control in terms of crime, in certain areas, like where they are holding the Olympics! Very, very poor choice on the part of the Olympic committee. 

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A couple of days ago a good friend told me the Olympics were discussed by some regulars,  10-12,  in his local so the genial mine host came up with a quick poll which resulted in only 2 saying they were in the least bit interested,  the same 2 said they would be watching on television but everyone agreed Rio was a disaster in the making and could be the worst games ever  !





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(CNN)A Russian vice-consul shot and killed a robber who attacked him on Thursday afternoon in Rio de Janiero, according to Brazilian state run news agency Agencia Brasil.

Media reports said the diplomat struggled with the robber during the attempted mugging, before managing to take the assailant's gun and shoot him.


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4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

A couple of days ago a good friend told me the Olympics were discussed by some regulars,  10-12,  in his local so the genial mine host came up with a quick poll which resulted in only 2 saying they were in the least bit interested,  the same 2 said they would be watching on television but everyone agreed Rio was a disaster in the making and could be the worst games ever  !





10 -12yo's drink in his local? Add me to the (8 letter acronym D-F, probably unable to use here) list.

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