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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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And the hits just keep on comin'. Yesterday, 30 Republicans who served in Congress signed a letter rejecting Trump. I also read that evangelicals are starting to see the light, as they were before the primaries and many of their leaders are also drafting similar letters.



“In nominating Donald Trump, the Republican Party has asked the people of the United States to entrust their future to a man who insults women, mocks the handicapped, urges that dissent be met with violence, seeks to impose religious tests for entry into the United States, and applies a de facto ethnicity test to judges,” the letter reads. “He offends our allies and praises dictators. His public statements are peppered with lies. He belittles our heroes and insults the parents of men who have died serving our country. Every day brings a fresh revelation that highlights the unacceptable danger in electing him to lead our nation.”



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21 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

And the hits just keep on comin'. Yesterday, 30 Republicans who served in Congress signed a letter rejecting Trump. I also read that evangelicals are starting to see the light, as they were before the primaries and many of their leaders are also drafting similar letters.





WOW! Just wow! Read and weep Trumpeteers . How can you continue to support this excuse for a man when the people who were the backbone of your party for years sign a letter with such a powerful statement against him. I guess the next ones to leave him will be his campaign staff. With any luck when Trump is thrown out he can take Shaun Hannity with him off Fox.

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11 hours ago, Publicus said:


Dollars will get you donuts HRC gets to carry forward the Obama legacy. And simultaneously to establish her own presidency and over time her own legacy.


Trump and the Republican party meanwhile will starting in January swear this fiasco never happened....


David Frum: “The Trump candidacy succeeded because of a massive revolt among rank-and-file Republicans against their leaders. Should the Trump candidacy fail, as now seems likely, those leaders stand ready to deny that the revolt ever happened. Instead, they’ll have a story of a more or less normal Republican undone only because (as Pence said last night) ‘he’s not a polished politician.’ The solution for 2020? Bring back the professionals—and return to business as usual.”

“It’s unlikely to work. But you can understand why it’s an attractive message to a party elite that discovered to its horror that it had lost its base and lost its way.” 


Lost its way indeed, beginning back 30 years ago with the moron moral majority et al.


Trump and the Republican party meanwhile will starting in January swear this fiasco never happened....


Will be interesting to see how the GOP crawls back from this fiasco they allowed. Completely denying it and trying to forget it is likely, but the Dems will never allow that to happen. The interesting question is: what exactly is the GOP base today? Trump tapped into a huge piece of the electorate that is unhappy. I suppose we will go back to that possibility of a fractured GOP, with one loony bin party emerging with Trump values, and the other reasonable traditional GOP, resulting in 3 parties?


Who knows?

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10 hours ago, keemapoot said:

^@ pub: I agree most analysts are now saying it's Clinton's race to lose and she may have it wrapped in in the next few weeks in electoral college alone.


We must give credit though as many of us were worried this freak represented a large enough majority of Americans to elect him, which would have had tremendous negative effects. And when he was running even with Clinton it looked very possible he might be able to pull it off. It ain't over til it's over, but most experts are sayin it's over, and I expect down ticket Republicans to be bailing on him soon, getting as much distance from him as they can to try to hold on.


Don't think too much poot.   :post-4641-1156694572:


Trump's campaign peaked the last week of September. Now Trump has nothing left to draw on. Stick a fork in him cause he's done. HRC meanwhile is still building her campaign and it continues to develop going forward.


The election campaign in any given cycle ebbs and flows throughout its course and the election of Potus in a long and grinding course. It's seldom one-sided all the way when the incumbent is vacating the Oval Office as OB is doing. A political campaign is organic and the campaign for Potus is vitally and vibrantly organic. 


It is therefore of no matter what the contest looked like six weeks out, or four weeks out...or whenever in relation to election day. The campaign will conclude on Tuesday, November 8th when voter's votes will be completed and counted. (The early voting in certain early voting states, such as the 'battleground' state of North Carolina is decidedly pro-Clinton -- it's running at plus five percent.)


That Trump may have got somewhat close in September is meaningless and of no significance whatsoever to the final tally of the 140 million actual votes. Close during rounds only counts in hand grenades and horse shoes. On Election Day the voters cast their final and collective decision precisely on the mark and to set it in concrete.


It is this that matters and it is this that confirms who we are as a country. So let's see where it all concluded cause that's all that matters. Five will get you ten that on election day Trump gets a shave and a haircut. Along with the bum's rush. 

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Trump, by his own admission, the greatest businessman to have ever lived, was issued a major vote of no confidence by a dozen big-name business leaders saying Trump is bad for business.



...They say he would be bad for the economy, and they question how successful he’s been as a businessman.

“For sustained investment, economic growth and job creation, American business needs as much predictability, reliability and stability in our government as possible,” they write. “Donald Trump is simply too reckless for American business.”



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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

An interesting theory has arisen as to why Trump stood for president in the first place. At a journalist's dinner in 2011 Obama humiliated Trump. I saw that clip and it was offensive for a president to attack someone in the room and humiliate them like that.

I can believe that Trump sought to become president just to remove every trace of Obama's legacy.





Please do your research and try to keep up.


The Bloviator was served his just desserts at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Deservedly so.


For your perusal...




Dunning Kruger.

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( Please excuse me in case  this link has already been shared  )


" ... This would seem to be a truism in contemporary American politics: The electorate opts for serious leaders, but almost always men who are able to poke fun at themselves—and the gravitas of their position..."

Does Trump know how to laugh?


Funny videos of former U.S Presidents, and Singing PM Putin ( 'Fats' Putin over the top of 'Blueberry Hill' with piano solo )




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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's not over. trump has some very nasty allies.

HRC also. She takes lotsacash from countries where they kill the LGBT community and stone women for adultery.

Even Bill Clinton is now exposing the sham health bill that Obama imposed on the US.

Obama criticizes Trump, but he is being exposed as having feet of clay himself. When the potential first husband points out that Obama's only real achievement is bad news, how can HRC continue to endorse Obama?

Trump isn't the best choice for POTUS, but he can't be worse than her.

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34 minutes ago, iReason said:


Please do your research and try to keep up.


The Bloviator was served his just desserts at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Deservedly so.


For your perusal...




Dunning Kruger.

Do you have a comment on what I said, or is that all you have?

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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


Don't think too much poot.   :post-4641-1156694572:




It is therefore of no matter what the contest looked like six weeks out, or four weeks out...or whenever in relation to election day. The campaign will conclude on Tuesday, November 8th when voter's votes will be completed and counted. (The early voting in certain early voting states, such as the 'battleground' state of North Carolina is decidedly pro-Clinton -- it's running at plus five percent.)



quote edited for brevity.


Exactly. You can write all the very lengthy replies you like and it won't change the vote in November by 1. The day is still a long way off in political terms.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

HRC also. She takes lotsacash from countries where they kill the LGBT community and stone women for adultery.

Even Bill Clinton is now exposing the sham health bill that Obama imposed on the US.

Obama criticizes Trump, but he is being exposed as having feet of clay himself. When the potential first husband points out that Obama's only real achievement is bad news, how can HRC continue to endorse Obama?

Trump isn't the best choice for POTUS, but he can't be worse than her.


I find it funny how and when Trump supporters choose to take the moral high ground.


I am not sure how much cash HRC takes from such countries as you mention, but I am not sure how much sweeter revenge could be. One thing for sure the money in that foundation is spent on correct charitable causes. Last I heard the Clintons had a licence, they have accounts and tax records, you know EVERYBODY that has donated (if you wish to find out) and the Clintons have not bought any portraits of themselves or used the money covering private legal fees. The money has been spent to help thousands of people suffering from HIV amongst other good causes. If HRC gives a few meetings (no political advantage has ever been shown to have been given) and takes money off countries who persecute LBGT's and gives it back to assisting those suffering HIV, what is there not to like and praise about this foundation.


On the other hand, you will readily defend a man who has never given anything to his own foundation since 2008, and so far no expenditure on charities has been found, conversely money spent on ego rubbing ridiculous purchases - portraits for example. Using other peoples money donated for charitable causes to pay for answering personal and business law suits, AND the fund has no licence to operate and is now under investigation for fraud and misappropriation of funds. What is there to like? I am sure Trump supporter surrogates on TV can find a way of defending by saying - but but emails and health etc etc. Yeah whatever. Normal people are waking up.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

quote edited for brevity.


Exactly. You can write all the very lengthy replies you like and it won't change the vote in November by 1. The day is still a long way off in political terms.


In 1964 when the crackpot right whinger Sen Barry Goldwater of Arizona and his gang seized control of the Republican party AuH2O was behind from the day he'd been nominated by the berserk national convention.


Goldwater said every day from August to November the polls were wrong, that the only real poll was on Election Day and that it would be the biggest election upset in history. Blah blah and so on.


Goldwater got 38% of the popular vote and 52 Electoral College Votes for the worst Republican performance since 1936 when Kansas Gov. Alf Landon won one state against the first reelection campaign of FDR.


Fast forward from 1964 to the post I'd just read and the present time of Donald The Disaster. Demolition Donald. Donald and The Despicables singing their siren songs of wait till Election Day when the only real poll will occur.


The only difference in this campaign from the Goldwater gift to the Democrats is that Assange, Wikileaks, Putin and Snowden took youse guyz for a ride and now you're stranded high and dry out there in an abandoned rundown Trump casino gone bust. One of but many.


Yep, as the whole of my post noted and discussed, the only real poll that matters occurs on polling day, Tuesday November 8th. So a happy Thanksgiving to the far right cause they're going to get two turkeys in November.

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

At time 4:04 in this. The dancing girls. A disturbing memory of a scene from the film Eraserhead. Girl dancing, things falling from ceiling....things that look like spermatazoon or  malformed or foetuses. They're raining down on her head. She's stamping on them now, stamping on them!  But still dancing! She sings on and dances stamping on the malformed things. But still singing and dancing and stomping. It's abject and ugly and terrifying. Those Trump dancing girls presage evil, evil I tell you. 

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Absolutely historic event this election the overwhelming rejection by conservative newspapers in Endorsing Trump. Who would ever, ever, have thought the highly conservative, dyed in the wool, soaked in red GOP newspaper, the Arizona Republic would be endorsing Hilary Clinton? And, not just that, Trump, the major party GOP candidate, has fewer endorsements than GARY JOHNSON! Conservative newspaper editorial boards are lining up behind Clinton left and right. See the links below for this astounding and historic development, and for all the major newspapers for Clinton and not one for Trump.






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I saw an item today that not even one major newspaper has endorsed trump. Hard to believe, but I guess what you can call major could be subjective. In any case, the rejection of trump in this way is totally historic. Of course the trumpists will use that to spin that he's good ... such an outsider. Like outer space, more like. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

I saw an item today that not even one major newspaper has endorsed trump. Hard to believe, but I guess what you can call major could be subjective. In any case, the rejection of trump in this way is totally historic. Of course the trumpists will use that to spin that he's good ... such an outsider. Like outer space, more like. 


I think the Trumpster interpretation of all this is that all the major mainstream newspapers are nothing more than ultra liberal mouthpieces, and moreover, that all the traditional conservative newspapers rejecting Trump have gone liberal and therefore can be dismissed compared to where Trumpsters now sit.  Truly the outer limits of conservatism.



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30 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Absolutely historic event this election the overwhelming rejection by conservative newspapers in Endorsing Trump. Who would ever, ever, have thought the highly conservative, dyed in the wool, soaked in red GOP newspaper, the Arizona Republic would be endorsing Hilary Clinton? And, not just that, Trump, the major party GOP candidate, has fewer endorsements than GARY JOHNSON! Conservative newspaper editorial boards are lining up behind Clinton left and right. See the links below for this astounding and historic development, and for all the major newspapers for Clinton and not one for Trump.






Nah, all rubbish, this is a conspiracy because all the newspapers and TV stations are owned by the Clintons. The Clinton foundation has been proved to have purchased all non military US satellites so the real story about how nice Donald Trump is cannot get out. Someone just told me that the Clintons have bought all publishing houses in the USA and tomorrow they are going to buy every radio station except info wars. There is a rumour that next week Hillary Clinton is going to buy the Internet. I also heard that at the last WhiteHouse correspondents dinner the Kenyan in the Whitehouse used ultrasound hypnotism on all the journalists and News Anchors that under de-cryption the signal said "Make up lies about honest Don". 


This all explains why everyone is calling such a nice man as Donald a complete and utter t**t.   ;)

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16 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Trump and the Republican party meanwhile will starting in January swear this fiasco never happened....


Will be interesting to see how the GOP crawls back from this fiasco they allowed. Completely denying it and trying to forget it is likely, but the Dems will never allow that to happen. The interesting question is: what exactly is the GOP base today? Trump tapped into a huge piece of the electorate that is unhappy. I suppose we will go back to that possibility of a fractured GOP, with one loony bin party emerging with Trump values, and the other reasonable traditional GOP, resulting in 3 parties?


Who knows?


The Shadow Knows.


In the absence of him however, we'll have to do with a rather conventional and foreseeable political anticipation.


So yep, it starts with the 'formers' of the Party to break the ice...


“A group of 30 former GOP lawmakers signed a blistering open letter to Republicans on Thursday, warning that Donald Trump lacks the ‘intelligence’ and temperament to be president and urging the party to reject the GOP nominee at the polls on Nov. 8,” The Hill reports.


The only way that Trump can preclude incumbent members of the House and Republican Senators up for reelection running hard to break from Trump at the top of the Ticket is for him to hit it out of the park in Sunday's second debate.


Chances of that happening are slim to none and slim has already left town.


It then becomes more likely than not we'd see the Republican Party rupture in to a schism during next week in the wake of the 2nd debate debacle.


Party bust and game over in 2016. Order up supplies for a four-year civil war. The present nominee disaster won't be resolved until the next nominee is settled upon, in the summer of 2020. Republican Party war bonds anyone?

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The looney Bloviator strikes again!


Trump says U.S. officials letting in illegal immigrants so they can vote


"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Friday that U.S. officials were allowing illegal immigrants into the United States so they can vote, returning to a core issue as he girded for a crucial second debate against Democrat Hillary Clinton."


"They're letting people pour into the country so they can go and vote," Trump said during a meeting with representatives of the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents Border Patrol agents, at Trump Tower in New York."


"Trump provided no specifics on the accusation."  :whistling:


The Clown Train of the Absurd continues to roll along...
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Donald Trump Makes History With Zero Major Newspaper Endorsements

"With just a little over a month until election day, Donald Trump has racked up zero major newspaper endorsements, a first for any major party nominee in American history"

"Some conservative papers, which have endorsed Republicans for decades, are now breaking with tradition to endorse Hillary Clinton or, at the very least, urge their readers not to vote for Trump."

"And it’s not just the papers but also writers who are taking a stand. Last month, a member of The Wall Street Journal’s traditionally conservative editorial board endorsed Clinton, calling Trump the candidate of “white supremacists and swastika devotees.”



Zero. :laugh:

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OMG, this is great. Now a tape has emerged from 2005 of Trump captured on an open microphone. Mr. Republican values, the President the evangelical Christians support, who at the time had just married his 3rd wife, said:



He adds that he tried to have sex with the woman, and acknowledges knowing that she was married. .. “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,”



“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” Mr. Trump says. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”



“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Mr. Trump says. “You can do anything.”





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52 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

OMG, this is great. Now a tape has emerged from 2005 of Trump captured on an open microphone. Mr. Republican values, the President the evangelical Christians support, who at the time had just married his 3rd wife, said:








Wahoo! Weekend popcorn!



“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Mr. Trump, approaching 60 years old at the time, says.

Undeterred by her marital status, he adds: “I did try and f*** her. She was married.”

My censoring of f word!



The conversation was recorded after he was already married to Melania Trump, his third and current wife.



The recording could prove damaging to his efforts to seem presidential and could add to his problems appealing to female voters with a month to go before the election.

"could prove damaging to his efforts to seem presidential" - lmao now that's an understatement.


Lets see evangelical Mike Pence and the surrogates pivot out of this one!

Frankly any adult that would elect this man to be President of the United States does not deserve to be considered to have the mental acuity to vote. 

I can't wait for the Trumpeteers to defend this one!


Trumps only hope is that Hurricane Matthew steals the news and keeps this well out of it.

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^I'll anticipate and make the Trumpsters' flawed argument for them:


Democrats, including Bill Clinton are grossly immoral, with proven incidents. The response to that is yeah, but everybody EXPECTS democrats to be horn dogs. They don't walk around touting that they are holier than thou and God fearin' etc., that is a CENTRAL PLATFORM of Republican values - anti-abortion, etc., etc.,


Pence will be seriously peeing his pants trying to defend the orangutan on this one.


*Just read that only 2 Republican lawmakers have condemned Trump's statements. Just hilarious. Caught between a rock and a Trump place.



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24 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

^I'll anticipate and make the Trumpsters' flawed argument for them:


Democrats, including Bill Clinton are grossly immoral, with proven incidents. The response to that is yeah, but everybody EXPECTS democrats to be horn dogs. They don't walk around touting that they are holier than thou and God fearin' etc., that is a CENTRAL PLATFORM of Republican values - anti-abortion, etc., etc.,


Looks a lot more like democratic spin.

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23 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Looks a lot more like democratic spin.

Sure it is !


Try spinning this ! A candidate for President of the United States of America. What a frakking joke!



And Trumps defence was as follows:



Mr. Trump said on Friday that he was sorry if his language offended anyone.

“This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close,” Mr. Trump said in a statement. “I apologize if anyone was offended.”

 SO straight away instead of just apologising and shutting up he tries immediately to deflect to the Clintons !


So funny it is laughable. Hopefully he will not just lose the election, but everyone will call in his debts and send him and his 'deplorable' family to the work house!

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Sure it is !


Try spinning this ! A candidate for President of the United States of America. What a frakking joke!



Total class! I love it. Bragging about moving in on her especially because she was married, that was the intonation of his voice. 

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Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close,” Mr. Trump said in a statement.


I'll try that tactic at a job promotion interview. 


"We're rather concerned that apparently you smoke a bit of weed Khun MCA which might affect your ability to be an ATC at Heathrow.'


"Yeah well the next person you're seeing is off his tits on meth half the time."


" Really? You're hired!"

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