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Thai cop turns himself in after shooting dead his future son-in-law


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11 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I am genuinely appreciative of you answering so thoroughly but having been a motorcycle rider for seversl decades and often riding "two up" I would say it is wuite easy to get a pillion rider to fall off the back of a bike without even a push. 


You simply wait until the pillion is not paying close attention and not holding on tightly and then play the throttle or swerve. 


Pillion rider typically only holds on tight at specific times in the ride when they can see a change in the bike's vector is ahead (stop, go, lane change, etc) but the majority of the time they hang on very loosely because they trust the rider. BTW, have you seen the habit of many female pillion riders here in Thailand who ride "side-saddle"? 


I have great admiration for Thais on motorbikes because they are excellent riders. Not surprising when you see them riding pillion from the time they are an infant. I don't think it is common for a pillion position to fall off in the absence of an actual accident.


Ofcourse, we don't know the circumstances of how the daughter fell off the bike but the father would be privy to that info.


Have a good night.


well I'm not convinced and I think it's just as likely that the father was racked by grief and took the law into his own hands. I also think it's just as likely she fell off as it's a very uncertain way to try and murder someone! 


most Thais are very angry people behind their 'smiles'. my point is more that he traumatised many families sitting in that waiting area - families who had nothing to do with his daughter's death and for THAT reason he is shown to be a typical selfish Thai who just reacts


I dont think the father would know 'how she fell off' anyway now we will never know

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On 8/5/2016 at 9:38 AM, LannaGuy said:


"your book" huh?  Policeman goes into a room full of old and young (traumatized now for the rest of their lives) and shoots a guy dead and you would think "ok in your book" if it was USA?


I suggest engaging brain and rewriting "your book"

Fathers have a different rule book to other men, according to rule number 1.....look after your children! If you can't, make the perpetrator pay! If it sounds like a rule from the jungle, it is! :thumbsup::wai:

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