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Donald Trump: the rebellious Republican


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8 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Thats an interesting connection to make. 


There is no doubt that the American acceptance of corporations has grown significantly since the 1970's and that does coincide with the increased participation in retirement portfolios across a wider segment of the American workforce.


Astounding. The low info Trump fan boys are trying to tell us the 216% gains in 235 million retirement accounts is s bad thing. Your welcome to keep your money under a mattress or buy gold. 

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34 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


There ya go. 

Anither Trump fan at war with reality. 

216% gains in pension and retirement funds are bad news. 


$1 an hour jobs from China is what we need! LOL



Buzzzz step away from the crack pipe it is not helping your lack of comprehension at all.

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4 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Thats an interesting connection to make. 


There is no doubt that the American acceptance of corporations has grown significantly since the 1970's and that does coincide with the increased participation in retirement portfolios across a wider segment of the American workforce.


It's pretty obvious if you think about it. Why else would otherwise rational people vote to inflict such suffering on their own children.

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


It's pretty obvious if you think about it. Why else would otherwise rational people vote to inflict such suffering on their own children.


This kick the can down the road thinking is ...sadly...all the rage these last 8 or more years


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3 minutes ago, mania said:


This kick the can down the road thinking is ...sadly...all the rage these last 8 or more years



All these folks with their digital  stock ownership and ultra junk bonds salivate over 0% interest rates. Even shit floats in that environment.

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22 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


Astounding. The low info Trump fan boys are trying to tell us the 216% gains in 235 million retirement accounts is s bad thing. Your welcome to keep your money under a mattress or buy gold. 


Poor Buzzz,


You are certainly an easily excitable boy. 


And when you get excited like this you move further and further from what little reasoning ability you typically display here.


I am not a Trump fan. I have most of my investment in Real Estate. 


If you don't get your manic behavior under control I am going to have to put you on Ignore.

Fly Right Buzzz.

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40 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Thats an interesting connection to make. 


There is no doubt that the American acceptance of corporations has grown significantly since the 1970's and that does coincide with the increased participation in retirement portfolios across a wider segment of the American workforce.

There you go again, just making stuff up to support your half baked opinions. In fact public opinion on corporations pretty much follows the feelings with the government , currently at only 35% satisfied with the power and influence of corporations. 





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9 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Put another way, stocks are up less than 50% in the past 16 years. I hope the next 16 years are as kind to you.

S&P 500.png


Since WW2 the market performance has been better under democrats than republicans. 

Obamas market performance is outstanding as was Bill Clintons. 

We lost 60% under Bush. 

Every investor should have a stop loss order to protect these incredible gains. 

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9 minutes ago, Buzzz said:


Since WW2 the market performance has been better under democrats than republicans. 

Obamas market performance is outstanding as was Bill Clintons. 

We lost 60% under Bush. 

Every investor should have a stop loss order to protect these incredible gains. 


I'm not suggesting any one of those <deleted> is better than the other, but I will tell you that monetary policy generally takes 6-18 months to show itself in economic data. Economic policy generally takes 4-8 years to show itself in the economy. It's the Fed you want to credit but perhaps you don't know what that is? Just FWIW. No one's forcing you to be ignorant.

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That "Rebellious Republican" has just closed the small bump that the DNC received.  Reuters now has him "virtually tied"....as he is well under the 3 percent margin of error.  This being so soon, and so quick, as one must believe Trump has pulled another rabbit out of his hat....(not a Hillary bunny).




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46 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:



That "Rebellious Republican" has just closed the small bump that the DNC received.  Reuters now has him "virtually tied"....as he is well under the 3 percent margin of error.  This being so soon, and so quick, as one must believe Trump has pulled another rabbit out of his hat....(not a Hillary bunny).




It's funny. Just a few days ago right-wingers were in an uproar about Reuters/Ipsos changing its methodology to favor Clinton Now that it give good news, all is forgiven and forgotten.  It may well be that the race has reverted to what it was before the convention. But Reuters/Ipsos is only one poll.  I think the technical term for what you're doing is called "cherry-picking."

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's funny. Just a few days ago right-wingers were in an uproar about Reuters/Ipsos changing its methodology to favor Clinton Now that it give good news, all is forgiven and forgotten.  It may well be that the race has reverted to what it was before the convention. But Reuters/Ipsos is only one poll.  I think the technical term for what you're doing is called "cherry-picking."


I really enjoy watching you folks parsing up the minutiae of the shit either one of you are willing to eat.

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm not suggesting any one of those <deleted> is better than the other, but I will tell you that monetary policy generally takes 6-18 months to show itself in economic data. Economic policy generally takes 4-8 years to show itself in the economy. It's the Fed you want to credit but perhaps you don't know what that is? Just FWIW. No one's forcing you to be ignorant.

Ignorant? <deleted> too 

I'm enjoying my 200% + gains in my retirement account. 

Probably why Obamas favorable ratings are so high. 

The  235 million Americans with pensions and retirement funds, 'the ignorant' people are loving it. 



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1 minute ago, Buzzz said:

Ignorant? <deleted> too 

I'm enjoying my 200% + gains in my retirement account. 

Probably why Obamas favorable ratings are so high. 

The  235 million Americans with pensions and retirement funds, 'the ignorant' people are loving it. 




Hopefully you're not in a public pension scheme or a defined benefits scheme. What's that saying? "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you".



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I'm sure Mr. Trump can figure out a way to paint a bleak picture. Perhaps he can comment on the Trump Taj Mahal? The Donald loves to boast about how much money he took out of this property, and left thousands holding the bag.


Atlantic City's Trump Taj Mahal Is Closing After 'Losing Multimillions a Month'


3,000 Jobs Lost


Atlantic City’s Trump Taj Mahal casino and hotel will close its doors permanently after Labor Day, less than seven months after the establishment exited bankruptcy as a subsidiary of billionaire investor Carl Icahn.




In other news...


Strong U.S. employment report brightens economic outlook


U.S. employment rose more than expected for the second month in a row in July and wages picked up, bolstering expectations of faster economic growth, and raising the probability of a Federal Reserve interest rate increase this year.


Nonfarm payrolls rose by 255,000 jobs after an upwardly revised 292,000 surge in June, with hiring broadly based across the sectors of the economy, the Labor Department said on Friday. In addition, 18,000 more jobs were created in May and June than previously reported.


Economists polled by Reuters had forecast payrolls increasing 180,000 in July and the unemployment rate dipping one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.8 percent.



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22 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

I'm sure Mr. Trump can figure out a way to paint a bleak picture. Perhaps he can comment on the Trump Taj Mahal? The Donald loves to boast about how much money he took out of this property, and left thousands holding the bag.


Atlantic City's Trump Taj Mahal Is Closing After 'Losing Multimillions a Month'


3,000 Jobs Lost


Atlantic City’s Trump Taj Mahal casino and hotel will close its doors permanently after Labor Day, less than seven months after the establishment exited bankruptcy as a subsidiary of billionaire investor Carl Icahn.




In other news...


Strong U.S. employment report brightens economic outlook


U.S. employment rose more than expected for the second month in a row in July and wages picked up, bolstering expectations of faster economic growth, and raising the probability of a Federal Reserve interest rate increase this year.


Nonfarm payrolls rose by 255,000 jobs after an upwardly revised 292,000 surge in June, with hiring broadly based across the sectors of the economy, the Labor Department said on Friday. In addition, 18,000 more jobs were created in May and June than previously reported.


Economists polled by Reuters had forecast payrolls increasing 180,000 in July and the unemployment rate dipping one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.8 percent.



Let me save the conservatives a reply. 


"Those 15 million jobs Obama created are all low paying going to refugees"


"Unemployment is really 40%"



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Classy, as always.


Trump, in series of scathing personal attacks, questions Clinton’s mental health


"She is a totally unhinged person. She's unbalanced. And all you have to do is watch her, see her, read about her,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Windham, N.H., Saturday evening. “She will cause — if she wins, which hopefully she won't — the destruction of our country from within."


The GOP presidential nominee called Clinton unstable and incompetent several times throughout the rally. At one point, he also called her “Hillary Rotten Clinton,” a play on her maiden name, Rodham.






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Interesting now he has widened his anti Immigrant tirades to Phillipino's as well. Soon be Europeans, Asians and South Americans. I am sure he will get to us all eventually. Hopefully by the end of it he will kick himself out. Do not think he is a Native American! Maybe they will be nicer than him and give him his blanket back

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3 minutes ago, Opl said:

I do not have the feeling DT is so unpredictable... what do you get when you let an elephant Inside a china shop? How do you feel leaving a monkey carrying your basket full of eggs?



Sadly, quite a few TVF members never started out with a full egg basket...perhaps you should rephrase your example.


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1 minute ago, Opl said:

I do not have the feeling DT is so unpredictable... what do you get when you let an elephant Inside a china shop? How do you feel leaving a monkey carrying your basket full of eggs?



Do you know what misdirection is? It's how magician's work. While all your attention is focused where they want you to look something else is happening where you aren't looking. I swear, this may be the dumbest message board I've ever been on. Not a thinker in the bunch. Only commentators of news that was produced for them to comment upon. At least you aren't posting videos someone produced for you to post on a message board.

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3 hours ago, Buzzz said:

Ignorant? <deleted> too 

I'm enjoying my 200% + gains in my retirement account. 

Probably why Obamas favorable ratings are so high. 

The  235 million Americans with pensions and retirement funds, 'the ignorant' people are loving it. 




Have your 200%+ gains made up for all of your losses from the Big Crash?


The majority of Americans took it in the shorts and locked in losses so the 200%+ gains you speak of were only on a fraction of the money they used to have. 


You can run around cheerleading about the stock market but it makes you sound very young and naive.


And I will let you in on another secret--those who actually do well investing do not run around bragging about it and rubbing it in others noses. Its in rather poor taste. 



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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Have your 200%+ gains made up for all of your losses from the Big Crash?


The majority of Americans took it in the shorts and locked in losses so the 200%+ gains you speak of were only on a fraction of the money they used to have. 


You can run around cheerleading about the stock market but it makes you sound very young and naive.


And I will let you in on another secret--those who actually do well investing do not run around bragging about it and rubbing it in others noses. Its in rather poor taste. 




I'm sure you are being presumptuous and he was just about to post a copy of his brokerage statement for all to see. Personally I'm excited to see it. It isn't often you get to see the 200% + gains he claims in only 7 1/2 years.

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In May Trump savaged Wall Street and Hedge fund managers, in an obvious attempt to connect with the common man  pander to his mentally challenged base...


Donald Trump said “hedge fund guys are getting away with murder” when he called for ending a lucrative tax advantage for investment managers, but his published tax plan would give them an even bigger break.


Today, who does he name as his economic dream team? As an aside, I'd like to see The Donald's "binder" (AKA, this month;s edition of FHM).


Trump’s Economic Team: Bankers and Billionaires (and All Men)


Donald J. Trump may rail against Wall Street and business elites at his campaign rallies, but that has not stopped him from turning to many of them for economic advice. On Friday, Mr. Trump announced his economic team, just days before he is expected to give a speech in Detroit on Monday about what he would do to improve American growth.


The 13-member team — all men — includes several billionaire bankers and investment managers, and even a part-time professional poker player. Many have been in business with Mr. Trump before.



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