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Obama denies $400M payment to Iran was ransom


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18 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Obama Spends 7 Minutes Dodging On Whether Iran Will Use $400 Million To Fund Terrorism




What a traitor, eh?

Why did I-Ran demand it get cash you ask yourself?



Thanks for posting this.


He can think on his feet, thats for sure. 


Although I think Bill Clinton had far more skill at thinking on his feet AND sounding convincing.


No time at present to show the holes in his story...and there are a few.



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14 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It's really very simple why the civilized world doesn't trust Iran.  They are the #1 supporters of Terrorism.  Hezzbola etc - they are the enemy full stop...:thumbsup:


Granted, Iran does support Hezbollah but they are far from the #1 supporters of terrorism. For that you can look to Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Pakistan which support al-Qaeda,Taliban, ISIS and others. 


FYI - The EU and several other countries only claim the military arm of Hezbollah are terrorists not the political faction of Hezbollah.


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38 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Oh, by the way. A positive to Iranian relations is the fact that Iran is also fighting ISIS. I think someone of the GOP variety stated that we need to get the Gulf countries to assist in the fight against ISIS. Seems they overlooked Iran. Probably since Saudi Arabia hates Iran. If you ask me who I don't trust...I don't trust Saudi Arabia. Ask where some of the terrorist money comes from, you will find some trails lead to Saudi Arabia.



That reminds me.


I don't trust the Saudis either.



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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

$1.3 Billion in interest will be paid later for an arms deal from 1970.


For some reason, after 46 years of refusing to pay for this "arms deal", obama decides he wants to send Iran a good faith payment of $400 million immediately after the US hostages leave Iran airspace?


And he sends the payment in cash on an unmarked charted aircraft?


And this is just some coincidence? And not one Democrats BS meter is going off right now?



According to one of the hostages, their flight was delayed till after the plane with the money arrived.


If anyone actually believes it WASN'T a ransom payment, I have a bridge for sale.

It must be getting tough for the pants suited fans to keep the faith when their hero is looking like a great big liar, again.

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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


I am sorry to hear that you will never trust Iran. Have you ever personally met anyone from Iran? I had a couple of Iranian students in a Thai language class that I was taking years ago. At first I was apprehensive to talk with them due to American-Iranian relationship issues. But after getting to know them and several long discussions, I realized that they are quite a friendly and peaceful people. From what they told me is that younger Iranians want a closer and respectful relationship with Americans. They love Levi jeans and many other western iconic fashions. A lot of those street parades you mention took place in the late 70's when Iran kicked the Shah out of Iran (who was placed there by the US). Granted there is still some American hatred that still plays on Iranian TV but it is limited and typically backed by a small group of zealots. Just as there are a faction of American people that parade around hating on various races.


I have delved into why America and Iran have such a long confrontational history. It is something that the American population mostly believes was due to racial or religious hatred but this is really not the case. It goes back at least 60 years ago when the US thought it could nation build Iran the way it wanted. Then exploding in the late 70's with the Iranian revolution. Actually during the 50's, 60's and early 70's, Iran was a tourist destination for Americans and Iran sent students to study in the US. I would like to see both America and Iran get back to a time where there was this mutual trust.



Ah, some kids like jeans, so their funamentalist leaders don't really hate the US or fund terrorism against the west. That's OK then.

I suppose Iran isn't holding US citizens hostage on trumped up charges either.

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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Ah, some kids like jeans, so their funamentalist leaders don't really hate the US or fund terrorism against the west. That's OK then.

I suppose Iran isn't holding US citizens hostage on trumped up charges either.


I never stated that the Iranian leaders like or dislike the US. Some hate the US, some want to work with the US and some don't care either way. Just the same as the US leaders thoughts on Iran. It works both ways. I was talking about the Iranian general population mostly the younger generations.


It is funny that you can mention that Iran funds terrorism while being blind to the fact that the US supported a regime change in Iran 60 years ago. Guess what is in the past doesn't matter, huh?


I don't agree with hostage taking. It is not a path towards trust. 

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


And yet another post from you absent anything to do with the topic.


Are you going to explain those sanctions to us that you suggested you know all about and we know nothing?


I would honestly like to know more about why $400 million cash payments to Iran are not against existing sanctions.




Continued deflection. Continued tactic of victory by irritation. You can't do you own research? You can't listen to the President on the VDO that has been posted? Why not? Ego too fragile to admit you didn't know what you were and are talking about. Keep making it about me. Keep deflecting away from your display of ideologically fueled ignorance. Don't acknowledge anything. Deflect. Deny. Dissemble.


What is it about this President that makes the right wing nit wits unable to accept anything that comes out of his mouth. Let me guess...

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


I never stated that some of the Iranian leaders don't like the US. Some hate the US, some want to work with the US and some don't care either way. Just the same as the US leaders thoughts on Iran. It works both ways.


It is funny that you can mention that Iran funds terrorism while being blind to the fact that the US supported a regime change in Iran 60 years ago. Guess what is in the past doesn't matter, huh?


I don't agree with hostage taking. It is not a path towards trust.

I agree that the US was at fault back then, as was Britain, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Belgium, France during the 18th and 19th century and Muslim countries during the middle ages, Rome further back and Greece before them. In fact, every country has been at it throughout history. Britain and France have been very bad countries even in the 20th century, France in Africa especially. However, they aren't trying to blow me up now. The terrorist organisations funded by Iran are.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree that the US was at fault back then, as was Britain, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Belgium, France during the 18th and 19th century and Muslim countries during the middle ages, Rome further back and Greece before them. In fact, every country has been at it throughout history. Britain and France have been very bad countries even in the 20th century, France in Africa especially. However, they aren't trying to blow me up now. The terrorist organisations funded by Iran are.


My point is that the current Iranian situation is based on how the US handled them in the past.


Look at it this way. Say your grandfather punched my grandfather for some reason when they were young. Then my father punched your father since he didn't like what your grandfather did. Now here we are hating and not trusting each other because of what our grandfathers and fathers did in the past. This cycle of hate will just continue to our children as we will teach them that it okay to hate the other side. I want this to stop. It benefits no one except our enemies that don't want us united.


Also, for the most part Hezbollah isn't the one threatening Americans. They are pretty focused on Lebanon and Israel. Now, if you stated that Saudi, Qatar and Pakistan backed terrorists organizations are trying to blow up Americans (and others), I would agree with you.

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:


My point is that the current Iranian situation is based on how the US handled them in the past.


Look at it this way. Say your grandfather punched my grandfather for some reason when they were young. Then my father punched your father since he didn't like what your grandfather did. Now here we are hating and not trusting each other because of what our grandfathers and fathers did in the past. This cycle of hate will just continue to our children as we will teach them that it okay to hate the other side. I want this to stop. It benefits no one except our enemies that don't want us united.


Also, for the most part Hezbollah isn't the one threatening Americans. They are pretty focused on Lebanon and Israel. Now, if you stated that Saudi, Qatar and Pakistan backed terrorists organizations are trying to blow up Americans (and others), I would agree with you.

Unfortunately mankind is a vicious beast and will continue to kill the "other tribe" as long as humans survive. It's in our genes. Sitting around the campfire and singing kumbaya just isn't what humans do well.

The present lull in mass slaughter ( by western countries ) is an anomally.

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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Another obvious lie.


8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

4 US hostages and $400 million paid.


Those nice round numbers do nothing to dissuade the allegations it was a ransom payment.



While I agree that Obama probably is telling a white lie, and that the money was used as ransom, would your comments be same if one of the 4 Americans was a family member or if Obama wasn't on your most hated list?

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7 minutes ago, Berty100 said:



While I agree that Obama probably is telling a white lie, and that the money was used as ransom, would your comments be same if one of the 4 Americans was a family member or if Obama wasn't on your most hated list?


Absolutely the same.


what possible difference would it make if one was my family member? A spade is a spade. I am not against paying ransoms. I am against politicians treating the populace like morons.


I detest obama no more than I detested GWB. 


Edit: I dislike obama more due to the racial unrest he has created all for votes.

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6 minutes ago, Berty100 said:



While I agree that Obama probably is telling a white lie, and that the money was used as ransom, would your comments be same if one of the 4 Americans was a family member or if Obama wasn't on your most hated list?

The reason policy is made by impartial people is that people affected by emotion make bad decisions.

Ransoming anyone is obviously leading to more kidnapping, but if it was my wife I would obviously want her rescued.

Getty fully understood that if he ransomed his kidnapped grandson he would have more family members kidnapped. He did the right thing and refused.

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42 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Absolutely the same.


what possible difference would it make if one was my family member? A spade is a spade. I am not against paying ransoms. I am against politicians treating the populace like morons.


I detest obama no more than I detested GWB. 


Edit: I dislike obama more due to the racial unrest he has created all for votes.


CC has been on a rampage. He needs a forum of his own at this point. CC-we don't need EVERY ONE of your thoughts that wanders on by.


It's funny that the Republicans are still trying to make something of this when nothing exists. Fiddling while Rome burns and by Rome I mean the dumpster fire that is the Republican party. 




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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


The only thing your link provided was that on january 17, 2016 obama negotiated the release of 5 US hostages and promised the first installment of a 35-year old arms deal that had beharged off long ago. 


The timing of these two events being discussed at the same Jan 17 meeting is in itself suspicious but for the actusl transfer of these funds to occur within hours of the hostages release almost 7 months later ties them together beyond a reasonable doubt.


Where is Credo? Please let me know when some intelligent obama supporters arrive.

I would very much like to hear an educated counterpoint to all this.




You are missing the part that Iran also  agreed at the same time to lower their weapons grade uranium production and lower their stockpile by some 80%. It has been verified that this has taken place as agreed.


The problem is for both Obama and the leadership of Iran is they have taken a huge ration of shit internally from their respective right wingnuts for what is a rational, mutually beneficial agreement that has significantly lowered tension in the middle east.


The transfer of the $400 million took place and was announced by the white house over 6 months ago. It was only when the WSJ ran an article last week about it being a cash transfer that this even became an issue. The right wingnuts have been desperately looking for some way to make this deal look bad.


Then trump, based on stock footage video of pallets of cash shown by CNN, says he has seen a video of the transfer taken by the Iranians and released by them to make the US look bad.  Even his own communication director (the lovely Ms Hicks) admits there is no video, no ransom, and this was done 6 months ago as part of a 3 part deal with Iran to stop their nuclear weapons development. 


All facts, all reasonable, all part of international diplomacy that has changed the 30+ year paradigm in the middle east and all you can do is critize it because the the right wingnuts media cannot admit that Obama (with the foundation laid when Hillary was Secretary of State ) has pulled off of a major accomplishment in middle eastern relations.







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36 minutes ago, thaihome said:



All facts, all reasonable, all part of international diplomacy that has changed the 30+ year paradigm in the middle east and all you can do is critize it because the the right wingnuts media cannot admit that Obama (with the foundation laid when Hillary was Secretary of State ) has pulled off of a major accomplishment in middle eastern relations.




Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!


I am glad there is someone with rational thinking explaining this. There has been too much hatred of Iran by certain American individuals for far too long. We need this type of middle east diplomacy to move forward.

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Meanwhile, back in Iran, the Iranian president is being criticised by the loony wing in his country for using the detained Americans as ransom to get back money that should have been rightfully returned to Iran decades ago.



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1 hour ago, thaihome said:


You are missing the part that Iran also  agreed at the same time to lower their weapons grade uranium production and lower their stockpile by some 80%. It has been verified that this has taken place as agreed.


The problem is for both Obama and the leadership of Iran is they have taken a huge ration of shit internally from their respective right wingnuts for what is a rational, mutually beneficial agreement that has significantly lowered tension in the middle east.


The transfer of the $400 million took place and was announced by the white house over 6 months ago. It was only when the WSJ ran an article last week about it being a cash transfer that this even became an issue. The right wingnuts have been desperately looking for some way to make this deal look bad.


Then trump, based on stock footage video of pallets of cash shown by CNN, says he has seen a video of the transfer taken by the Iranians and released by them to make the US look bad.  Even his own communication director (the lovely Ms Hicks) admits there is no video, no ransom, and this was done 6 months ago as part of a 3 part deal with Iran to stop their nuclear weapons development. 


All facts, all reasonable, all part of international diplomacy that has changed the 30+ year paradigm in the middle east and all you can do is critize it because the the right wingnuts media cannot admit that Obama (with the foundation laid when Hillary was Secretary of State ) has pulled off of a major accomplishment in middle eastern relations.







Actually, now they're saying that it's a different video trump was referring to. But in any case, he didn't see what he said he saw.

Trump backs away from claims he saw ‘top secret’ footage of Iranian money transfer

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday backed away from earlier claims that he had seen video showing the United States delivering $400 million to the Iranian government, which he has repeated several times in recent days. Such a video does not appear to exist.

“The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran!” Trump tweeted Friday morning.





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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


CC has been on a rampage. He needs a forum of his own at this point. CC-we don't need EVERY ONE of your thoughts that wanders on by.



Pot, kettle, black. Please follow your own advice. At least CC has something to contribute other than lame talking points and foolish insults.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree that the US was at fault back then, as was Britain, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Belgium, France during the 18th and 19th century and Muslim countries during the middle ages, Rome further back and Greece before them. In fact, every country has been at it throughout history. Britain and France have been very bad countries even in the 20th century, France in Africa especially. However, they aren't trying to blow me up now. The terrorist organisations funded by Iran are.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. The terrorist organization blowing things up in the non Islamic world are virtually all Sunni.  You should at least learn the difference between Sunnis and Shiites.

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The delusional Bloviator babbles on about planes and videos of cash that don't exist.

Kinda like his hallucinations of 1000's of Muslims cheering in New Jersey when the Twin Towers went down.

Never happened.


Trump: Plane I saw on TV was "the hostage plane in Geneva"


"Donald Trump repeated a falsehood at a rally in Portland, Maine Thursday about a tape, shot by Iranian state media,

he said showed $400 million in cash the United States had sent to the government of Iran."

"A tape was made, right?" Trump said. "You saw that? With the airplane coming in, nice plane, and the airplane coming in, and the money coming off? I guess? Right?" :blink:



The guy is seriously unhinged.


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The problem with stories like these is that the Administration claims by sheer coincidence the plane, with cash payment which was rightly Iranian money, shows up at the moment of hostage release. This, of course, leads to claims of paid ransom money.  It is like everything else that goes on with this Administration, Obama, Hillary, just too many coincidences.  Obama promised an open Administration and unfortunately has operated his Administration just all most previous Administration's - with too much secrecy.  Negotiations in secret, back room deals, foreign policy decisions made without Congressional input.  It goes on and on.  In the end Obama promised open government but never delivered. He hasn't been much different from his predecessors.


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I am simply amazed that people that either I consider may be intelligent or those that just consider themselves intelligent are actually trying to defend this pathological liar. The game is up guy's, you can stop. The damage you do to your names defending this piece of crap is incredible.


Trump is unable to shut his mouth. No lets look at the positive aspects if he is elected as President. -


There will be no more need for wikileaks.


We will have four years of wars, perhaps many longer if they let him in the room with the red button. - Good for defence companies.


He will bankrupt the nation. - Good for his sons property investment business who can clean up on all the foreclosures.


At last we will really find out if the moon landings were a hoax and 9/11 was an inside job.


Trump does not care for the Republican party and their ethos, he will do and say anything to get to the top. He wants to be the 21st C Napoleon The Emperor of the USA, and just like the clown he is, we have clowns on the forum who will defend him regardless. You CANNOT defend a pathological liar.


If I were head of a country waiting for around 1.7 Billion and the US came good to their word and gave me back 400 Million, I would probably say, 'you know what, lets establish some trust, let those 4 Americans go". For the right wing nut jobs on here you would be down on bended knees asking the President to pay a billion dollars per person if it were your son or daughter! But the President DID NOT pay a ransom.


I also have my own top secret news for you. The Federal Reserve sends aircraft around the globe every week FULL of cash.


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Trump Boasts About Watching ‘Top Secret’ Iran Video, But His Campaign Confirms He Did Not

He was actually referencing a video filmed in Geneva, which is not in Iran. (sub-title)


"Donald Trump on Wednesday vividly described a video he said he had watched earlier in the day of Iranian officials unloading cash from an airplane, claiming the money was part of a payment by the U.S. to Iran to settle a decades-old dispute over an incomplete weapons sale."

"His campaign later confirmed that Trump was in fact referring to a months-old video filmed in Geneva that showed three of the Americans who had just been released from prison in Iran."

“I’ll never forget the scene this morning,” Trump told the crowd in Daytona Beach, Florida, recalling the video he said he had watched.":cheesy:


Fox Views has turned the Bloviator's mind to mush.

Just like the Lemmings...

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34 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I am simply amazed that people that either I consider may be intelligent or those that just consider themselves intelligent are actually trying to defend this pathological liar. The game is up guy's, you can stop. The damage you do to your names defending this piece of crap is incredible.


Trump is unable to shut his mouth. No lets look at the positive aspects if he is elected as President. -


There will be no more need for wikileaks.


We will have four years of wars, perhaps many longer if they let him in the room with the red button. - Good for defence companies.


He will bankrupt the nation. - Good for his sons property investment business who can clean up on all the foreclosures.


At last we will really find out if the moon landings were a hoax and 9/11 was an inside job.


Trump does not care for the Republican party and their ethos, he will do and say anything to get to the top. He wants to be the 21st C Napoleon The Emperor of the USA, and just like the clown he is, we have clowns on the forum who will defend him regardless. You CANNOT defend a pathological liar.


If I were head of a country waiting for around 1.7 Billion and the US came good to their word and gave me back 400 Million, I would probably say, 'you know what, lets establish some trust, let those 4 Americans go". For the right wing nut jobs on here you would be down on bended knees asking the President to pay a billion dollars per person if it were your son or daughter! But the President DID NOT pay a ransom.


I also have my own top secret news for you. The Federal Reserve sends aircraft around the globe every week FULL of cash.




If Trump makes it to POTUS it will show the world that even the biggest idiot can get elected in that job, we actually knew that already since GW Bush, but that supposed to be a public secret.


He's not gonna succeed in bankrupting the country, since GW cleared that job for him already.


But you are correct that there will be no need for wiki leaks anymore, because there will be no secrets, and for sure no wars with nations that should have been Americas allies instead of competitors for the past decades.


If Trump starts a war, it will be against the race that deserves to be eradicated, and he will win that war hopefully without pushing that dreaded red button. But if he needs to most of the world population will support it.

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@Post 90 Berty100

"If Trump starts a war, it will be against the race that deserves to be eradicated,..."


A sociopath's disturbing diatribe if I ever heard one.

That's some seriously sick belligerence.

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