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PM calls on eligible voters to exercise their rights


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PM calls on eligible voters to exercise their rights

Thammarat Thadaphrom




BANGKOK, 6 August 2016 (NNT) – The Prime Minister said today that all eligible voters should go to the polls and decide the country’s future together. 

Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha said everyone should recognize the importance of the constitution and the August 7 referendum. The Constitution is the highest law of any nation; therefore, everyone should respect this process and go to the polls on Sunday. 

Gen Prayut invited all Thais who are 18 years of age and above to exercise their right to vote, saying he wanted to see a voter turnout that is a record in Thailand’s history. He told his people not to be afraid of anyone trying to hinder the referendum while promising to do everything in his power to bring such perpetrators to justice. 

He also urged people to think about their future, their children’s future, and what is at stake before making their decision, adding that one shouldn't make this decision based on emotions alone. 

Whatever the referendum result, he said the government is committed to moving the nation forward as everything must proceed according to the reform roadmap. 


-- nnt 2016-08-06
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What incredible humbug! The PM showed scant respect for the last constitution as the highest law of the land. so why should he expect everyone to treat this proposed new version any differently if it is enacted?

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The Constitution is the highest law of any nation; therefore, everyone should respect this process and go to the polls on Sunday.

But with the 2014 Interim Charter and subsequent Provisional Charter everyone was disrespected by the lack of any process to vote on the new constitutions. The highest law of the land is relative to the greatest power of the land.

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Another problem with this referendum is the date. Thais that have to travel home have to make a choice whether to come home for this referendum or come home the next weekend which is a 3-day weekend for mother's day on Friday. A lot of people probably would choose to be there for their mom rather than for this. This is just another aspect that probably was planned to weaken the rural vote.

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"He also urged people to think about their future, their children’s future, and what is at stake before making their decision"



Yes, a continuing military controlled government,  lack of human rights, government forcibly controlling everyone's money through the "prompt-pay" system, the police and army gaining new powers of search and detain, stronger censorship and expanded computer crime laws etc.

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Most Thai men would love to vote but due to the ban on alcohol have stocked their homes full of booze and are busy trying to consume it with the help of their friends.
"More ice, anyone?"
I personally have over stocked and need help emptying the refrigerator. Poor missus can't get her shopping in. Let the street parties continue through to Monday. Draft charter, draft beer more like. Cheers Prayuth, bottoms up Yingluck!

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So the military coup leader, that overthrew the government and suspended the constitution, is saying he thinks the constitution is important eh?  Too bad that the Thais never seem willing or able to stand behind a constitution and instead have coup after coup and continually throw away or suspend the constitution.  A constitution that is not supported is meaningless

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6 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

So the military coup leader, that overthrew the government and suspended the constitution, is saying he thinks the constitution is important eh?  Too bad that the Thais never seem willing or able to stand behind a constitution and instead have coup after coup and continually throw away or suspend the constitution.  A constitution that is not supported is meaningless

OK  so now he say's the constitution is the highest law of the land ,  ye'p true, unfortunately he showed the last constitution no respect at all by planning and staging yet another coup and throwing out the last constitution which was endorsed by royal decree.

Then you have this pelican calling for people to go out and exercise their right to vote, when  just over 2 year's ago he nor his military was no wear to be seen when people were trying to exercise their right to vote while being intimidated, blocked, locked out of voting centers and bashed for trying to vote,  Hmmm seems he thinks voting is the peoples right only when   if he supports the right to vote.

Now then you  junta fan club,  can you see the difference between when the  yellows want to vote,   there's no problem. BUT,,,,,    when the yellows don't won't to vote and think they have the divine right to refuse to let others vote. 

What a fruit cake.

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