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Fighting With Thai Men......


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Uleyses how the he!! could you watch that and not do something???????????????????

Granted you could have been killed intervening but i cant think of a better way to die.

That sight would haunt me to my death knowing i didnt try to help

Especially that you say they were just "boys" beating on a small girl

Edited by Nam Kao
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Uleyses how the he!! could you watch that and not do something???????????????????

Granted you could have been killed intervening but i cant think of a better way to die.

That sight would haunt me to my death knowing i didnt try to help

Especially that you say they were just "boys" beating on a small girl

It felt terrible, but I have a bad case of arthritis - it hurts me just to walk - and some broken down old fart fighting with a bunch of teenage boys wouldn't have helped either of us.

I knew where the police were as I had just passed them, so I took about a minute or two to get to them on their motorcycles.

When one has been in bad health for a number of years, you start to realize that fighting really is a last resort. :o

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It felt terrible, but I have a bad case of arthritis - it hurts me just to walk - and some broken down old fart fighting with a bunch of teenage boys wouldn't have helped either of us.

I knew where the police were as I had just passed them, so I took about a minute or two to get to them on their motorcycles.

When one has been in bad health for a number of years, you start to realize that fighting really is a last resort. :o

Well, Ulysses, you managed to stay alive long enough to get arthritis, and to be a boken down old fart. I'm broken down just from motor vehicle injuries, and couldn't even learn to deliver a right hook now.

Some Rambo types think it's their divine duty to be the cop of the world, to right every injustice. There are non violent ways to correct injustices, and Ulysses 'called in the cavalry' and walked off or drove away. One doesn't have to prove their courage by bashing heads.

If you were selling life insurance or disability insurance, would you insure a belligerent man?

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to right every injustice.

absolutely correct.

my one experience was verbally interfering when i saw a man beating a young woman with a 2x4 plank of wood in the street outside my parents in laws house.

it turned out that the guy was a gun carrying local enforcer , known to my wifes family , and had they not intervened on my behalf they told me i would have had to leave the neighbourhood for good ...... and i only yelled at the guy in the street.

i was told ( by my father in law and brothers in law ) that if i value my own wellbeing to never , ever intervene in any quarrel i might come across in this country , just to cross the road and look the other way , because its not my business.

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Ulyses, i see, well that must have been tragic to watch, i hope the poor girl is ok

I did see alot of thai men beat there wives and wanted to intervene but my wife said

"dont ting tong, you have big probwem after".

take care


Ask any cop in the USA, they hate to go to a domestic dispute! Dangerous and unpredictable.......

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I'm afraid that I agree that farangs in general are better about "fair fights" than Thais.

A few weeks ago I saw a crowd of Thai boys and girls kick and pound a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious they took turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face or slamming her head against the cement.

I've never seen anything like that back home.

I went and got the police, but I don't know if they could save her as I didn't go back as I didn't want the dirtbags to realize that I had turned them in. :o

It sounds like they were imitating the US gang practice of "beating in" a new member.

I think everyone needs to realize that what you often see in Bangkok is as ColPyat describes, a disenfranchised class of young people acting out. This exists in virtually every country in the west as well, it is just in areas you have never been in and are carefully protected from by your police. The separation in Bangkok, and every other third world country, is very narrow compared to the west.


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Uleyses how the he!! could you watch that and not do something???????????????????

Granted you could have been killed intervening but i cant think of a better way to die.

That sight would haunt me to my death knowing i didnt try to help

Especially that you say they were just "boys" beating on a small girl

It felt terrible, but I have a bad case of arthritis - it hurts me just to walk - and some broken down old fart fighting with a bunch of teenage boys wouldn't have helped either of us.

Exactly - it is of no use to be beaten up (or worse) as well.

One has to asses a situation unemotionally. What you did was exactly the right thing, because that way rescue etc. will have been called earlier, and only one person has to be brought to hospital instead of two.

There are times when stepping is of use, and others when calling authorities is the more efficient help.

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Fight ... interesting topic .

as much as i did not read the whole thread .

The art of self defence is not fancy move or great martial background


Firs of all think twice or more before getting yourself into a fight .

and be ready to KILL if you ever want to fight . if you just wanna get into a fight for th fun of it .

or just cos you are some sore loser or what ever keep your steam and blow it off on a hooker that is better .

IS not easy to hurt someone .. be it if you know or if that person is a total stranger .

so the mind set is very importance .

bascially i would try to aviod a fight . in all way possible ..

LET say . you got into a fight .

The agenda is simple .. STAY alive . and take the advantage of your surrounding .

.Here a List of Item . tha can be effective and give you an edge ..

!. Beer bottle ( if you know how to crack it correctly . you would not want to crack a beer bottle leaving only the neck which make you look weak .. is to crack it at a angle that you have a large glass blade to help you in your combat . )

2.Chair table . fork , spoon . chostick . all this is deadly weapon .

i ever sw someone for fork on his neck .. Trust me .. is funny when you see a guy with a fork .. but NOT even the fork is in another person Neck .. .. Usually small sharp item is deadly ..

3. Light tube . cracking them can create an impact and get very good attention . and sometime work as an effect to deter people from even start fighting .

4. COIN >. 10 Baht coin and 5 Baht Coin .. can be very good Weapon .

Trust me throwing . That metal coin correctly .. can give you an edge but usually use at a weapon from at least 3 meter distance to get the effect .. Try throwing some coin . . on a wooden object .. and see the effect ( throw it once at a time . holding it . with thumb and index finger . )

5. Sand , and soil , - very effective natural weapon .. can blind or reduce visual for your attacker .

6. BELT. -- if you wear a belt . wrap it around your hand . leaving about 3/4 length can be a very effective weapon too .

7. High Heel Shoe . This is one of woman most deadly weapon . due to it being a short weapon .. you need to hold it well . and not lose grab of it when you use it .

8. cell phone .Pen , pencil sharp hard object can be very effective also .

9 . helmet . this is another hard object .

10 . RUN . and RUN ( throwing what ever item you can find on the way . running and stopping and running again can really weaken your attacker . you try to grab what ever you see on him .

I had seen a few fight . and yes thai fight fairly in group ..

but in a fight there is no right or wrong . no .. winner or loser . no smart or stupid .

just pain and more pain . .

farang or thai .. all the same . you just saw the side of thai ..

i saw 5 farang aginst 2 thai .. and all that 5 were beaten shit by the thai ..

is the heart not the weapon .

The best fight of all would be NOT get into a fight .

BE safe .

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i was told ( by my father in law and brothers in law ) that if i value my own wellbeing to never , ever intervene in any quarrel i might come across in this country , just to cross the road and look the other way , because its not my business.

Don't worry Tax, not all of us will walk on by, if i ever see your wife being beaten up by a guy i WILL intervene, even though it's not my business. :o

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I'm afraid that I agree that farangs in general are better about "fair fights" than Thais.

A few weeks ago I saw a crowd of Thai boys and girls kick and pound a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious they took turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face or slamming her head against the cement.

I've never seen anything like that back home.

I went and got the police, but I don't know if they could save her as I didn't go back as I didn't want the dirtbags to realize that I had turned them in. :o

You did the right thing and a good thing.

Life is too fragile to be put at risk. You helped by reporting it and that's it. I would have done the same even though I might be younger and stronger. I have to take good care of myself for I have the duty of taking care of my family. It would be another case though, if I don't have one.

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I'm afraid that I agree that farangs in general are better about "fair fights" than Thais.

A few weeks ago I saw a crowd of Thai boys and girls kick and pound a small Thai girl to the ground and then when she was unconcious they took turns grabbing her by the back of the head and kicking her in the face or slamming her head against the cement.

I've never seen anything like that back home.

I went and got the police, but I don't know if they could save her as I didn't go back as I didn't want the dirtbags to realize that I had turned them in. :o

You did the right thing and a good thing.

Life is too fragile to be put at risk. You helped by reporting it and that's it. I would have done the same even though I might be younger and stronger. I have to take good care of myself for I have the duty of taking care of my family. It would be another case though, if I don't have one.

It's just lucky there are people still willing to put themselves in harms way to help a young child out who is in desperate need of assistance.

I would not have to think about it, there is no choice if you have the power to help the kid. :D

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some people are cowards, yet they would be sickened if their child was assaulted in this way and no bystanders helped.

you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. how far can a man fall to ignore a young girl being hurt? no excuses can be made for not intervening.

Edited by leftcross
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I won't be angry even if it was my child. I won't be angry if people did nothing to hurt someone. I would only be angry if people purposely do something to hurt someone.

Well he did report to the police, and that is good enough.

I do have respect though for those who risk their own safety to help others.

But would you step in if you saw someone shooting a girl with a gun? Why blame anyone?

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He helped by going to the police, probably the best thing he could have done considering his health problems/age(?).

If he had approached the group then him and the girl might get a good kicking and nobody would've called the police to stop it. What would that have solved?

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If he is as infirm as he says, then maybe his lack of intervention is understandable, although he could have tried to scare them off by shouting that he had called the police.

Personally there is no way i could see that and not attempt to do something about it. Yes, you might be putting your safety at risk, but there is a girl lying there who may be on her way to dying at the hands of the thugs. My conscience could not let me walk away from it, and there is a good chance that when disturbed you may only get resistance from one or two before the rest turn and flee.

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I remember the incident down south involving the school teacher. From what I remember, there were 2 teachers who were beaten by an angry mob; one was put into a coma, the other survived to tell the tale. The difference was that one fought back against the angry mob, the other submitted.

From this particular case, it seems, when you are in a corner, surrounded by a large angry mob, and you don't know if they want to kill you or intimidate you, submitting is the safer policy. Personally the idea of submitting to a mob of animals makes me sick, but hey, what other realistic options in this situation are there? :o

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If you people want to die like heros and let your wives and kids live in agony for the rest of their lives, why stay in disneyland and boast about how brave you are on the internet? Plenty of bad things happening at every corner in the world. Just go look for them then you can be heros!

I agree with GH though

What is clear to me is, people who do go to the aid of others deserve respect on all levels for their actions.

But that doesn't mean those who don't should be blamed! At one point you try to act like you are a good person who would risk your ownself to save others, but at another you try to accuse people and hurt peoples' feelings just because they do not act like you do. Think about it! How exactly nice a person are you? I guess you must be really young. I had been the same when I was younger but as one ages, one becomes more realistic.

Some of you people aren't realistic. Lived in dreamland for too long, maybe.

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I saw a young kid being bullied recently on some kind of school trip. He wasn't being visciously attacked but was being punched and slapped by another bigger kid, enough to upset him but he wasn't in any serious danger.

I thought about breaking up this incident but decided against it. The reason? The bully is almost certainly being bullied himself either at home or at school, so he takes out his anger at this situation on another smaller, easy target.

If I had gone over, made him lose face and / or use some kind of physical force on him to stop him doing this, it would add to his pent-up aggression. And who would be the number one target to vent this aggression on? The same kid who was the "cause" of it, and probably much more severely than the niggling he was doing before.

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it seems, when you are in a corner, surrounded by a large angry mob, and you don't know if they want to kill you or intimidate you, submitting is the safer policy. Personally the idea of submitting to a mob of animals makes me sick, but hey, what other realistic options in this situation are there? :D

I'm just pleased you were not advising Winston Churchill or this forum would be in German. :o

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you really do not know what you would do unless confronted by this situation in real life.

its ok to sit behind our computer and say, yes i would of kicked there arse or i would of done that.

you just dont know.

also if your a young , strong, fit guy its a bit easier to say i would off had a crack.

when we get a bit older, infirm, and weaker is a real big call to take on a pack of thugs as there's a real top chance that you will end up in the intensive care department as its a fact of life that you cant possibly defend yourself let alone help someone else.

i think that the punters that are slagging off mr G for not jumping in there and kicking arse are being extremely harsh and unfare to this person.

i suppose you would think it ok for mr G to be in a coffin because he jumped in to help the girl and then you could say, ( well that mr G was a great guy and at least he had a crack.)

i say thats a load of bollicks, my G done the best he could do at the time and thats all any of us can ever do. (our best at the time and given circumstance.)

cheers mr G and i hope you never have to see that again. :o

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I remember the incident down south involving the school teacher. From what I remember, there were 2 teachers who were beaten by an angry mob; one was put into a coma, the other survived to tell the tale. The difference was that one fought back against the angry mob, the other submitted.

From this particular case, it seems, when you are in a corner, surrounded by a large angry mob, and you don't know if they want to kill you or intimidate you, submitting is the safer policy. Personally the idea of submitting to a mob of animals makes me sick, but hey, what other realistic options in this situation are there? :D

I'm just pleased you were not advising Winston Churchill or this forum would be in German. :o

That's a different story. :D

Unless the Germans invented nukes before America, then your comment might have some relevance.

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If you people want to die like heros and let your wives and kids live in agony for the rest of their lives, why stay in disneyland and boast about how brave you are on the internet? Plenty of bad things happening at every corner in the world. Just go look for them then you can be heros!

I agree with GH though

What is clear to me is, people who do go to the aid of others deserve respect on all levels for their actions.

But that doesn't mean those who don't should be blamed! At one point you try to act like you are a good person who would risk your ownself to save others, but at another you try to accuse people and hurt peoples' feelings just because they do not act like you do. Think about it! How exactly nice a person are you? I guess you must be really young. I had been the same when I was younger but as one ages, one becomes more realistic.

Some of you people aren't realistic. Lived in dreamland for too long, maybe.

Well said, too much of this BS floating around, accusing people of moral or physical weakness from the safety of their armchair. nuff said.

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