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stiff neck


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I suffer from occasional stiff necks and back in the US I typically find relief with adjustments with a chiropractor along with electrical stimulation, traction therapy and hot and cold treatments. I realize Dr Perry Perretz is the only chiropractor in the area and my understanding is he comes up from Bangkok every 3 weeks or so for a couple of days to treat patients. I also understand he primarily refers patients for physical therapy at Rajavej Hospital so it is apparent that he doesn't do much  in the way  of chiropractic adjustments. Has anyone suffered from stiff necks and what sort of treatment did you utilize to get relief. I don't like resorting to muscle relaxants since I don't feel that addresses the underlying problem. Are there any places in Chiang Mai to buy a home traction kit that can be easily set up.

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1 hour ago, watgate said:

Jonwilly thank you for the reply. Unfortunately my g/f called Khun Noy up and told her I was having neck stiffness and she basically told my g/f that she teaches swimming.


Odd, considering her website says:



(Hydrotherapy-Aquatic Physiotherapy in Physical problems: Musculoskeletal, Neurological, 
Cardiovascular and Related problems)


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The physiotherapy dept at CM Ram hospital took care of a stiff neck problem I had during the coldest part of winter.  First had to see an orthopedic doctor who took x-rays and said I have osteo-arthritis in my neck.  Duh!  And he prescribed a course of 10 or 15 treatments in the hospitals PT dept.  (I can't remember how many exactly) that did the trick.  They used intermittent traction in half hour sessions with heat (it was heavenly, I always fell asleep) and ultrasound treatments that I think was just hocus-pocus.  The doctor also prescribed a muscle relaxant, suggested I buy a heating pad (the one I bought burned my shoulder on the low setting) and some exercises.  The course of PT treatments, and CM getting warmer weather pulled me thru the problem.  I've kept up the exercises and haven't had a relapse, even during last winter's cold snap.

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4 hours ago, Chicog said:


Odd, considering her website says:



she seems highly qualified:

 took early retirement from full time government officer to become a Freelance Physiotherapist,
- I am qualified in Paediatric Physiotherapy, and have held a Physical Therapy licence for 29 years.

Currently, I am involved in the following:
a) Physiotherapist (Freelance) - Physiotherapist (ground and water)
B) Physiotherapist (Aquatic baby class, Applied Water aerobics, and Developed Water Exercise Program for Expectant Mothers)

c) Consultant for the Physiotherapy Unit
           c.1 Chiangmai Ram Hospital : Senior Paediatric Physiotherapist (Noeurological and Cardiopulmonary    Physiotherapy)
           c.2 Pediadric Nursing Developmental Center, Maharaj Nakornchiangmai Hospital. (6th floor of Sujinno building)

D) Special Lecturer and Clinical instructor:
    D.1 Maefahluang University: Paediatric Physiotherapy, 4th year student.
    D.2 Far Eastern University, Chiang Mai: Lecturer for the Art and Communication 4th year students (elective course of Health science)
    D.3 Huachaew University: Clinical instructor in Orthopedic physical therapy clinical practice, 4th year student.

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"Jonwilly thank you for the reply. Unfortunately my g/f called Khun Noy up and told her I was having neck stiffness and she basically told my g/f that she teaches swimming."


Baffled !

I have used the Centre of Universe pool since it was opened 8 years ago. They have three 'Bungalows' in the grounds.

An American lady rented one long term.

She had suffered with a painful neck problem for many years and had professional treatment in USA.

I can't remember if she had one or two sessions with Noy and complete cure.

I have seen Noy work with heart attack, stroke, road traffic accident victims, competition swimmers, the elderly and in afternoons children by the hundred.

I have never heard anything but praise from all patients, myself included.

I can only suggest and no disrespect to your lady there was a spot of miscommunication.

Noy is away to Bangkok on Monday  where she will be instructing.



Best of luck.

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Dr Perry has hours at Rajavej every week and he is a fully trained and UK registered chiropractor, it would be odd indeed if he were to refer all his patients to orthopaedics!




Also, the physical therapy unit at Rajavej is well thought of amongst many expats, they know what they're doing and they're good at what they do, cheaper than RAM also.

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Chiang Mai- To answer your question, I don't see how Dr Parry can give regular chiropractic adjustments at Rajavej Hospital since he is only there 1 weekend every other week. In the US when I develop neck problems like I am experiencing now, I go to my regular chiropractor in the US and over the course of 4-8 weeks I go for regular adjustments usually starting out 3 time a week and gradually lessening the frequency until I am going once a month. Along with the adjustments I also undergo other modalities such as electrical stim, traction, hot and cold therapies. With this course of action I achieve the desired outcome. I don't think being referred to physical therapy without the regular adjustments would achieve the same results I attain when I am back in the US.  As stated previously, with Dr Parry's limited schedule at Rajavej Hospital it is apparent that he doesn't do much chiropractic adjustments and thus refers his patients for physical therapy.

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Yoga, massage, and heat.  Massage is a no-brainer here.  There are numerous yoga studios although I can't recommend a specific one in CM.  I practiced Iyengar (restorative) yoga in the US and practice on my own here.  I like you suffer from a stiff neck, but if I practice regularly, it's not an issue.   I use to see a chiropractor in the US regularly for various back issues including the neck issue.  Interestingly enough, after leaving the US (and the chiropractor) my back issues seem to have disappeared.  Go figure.

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On 11/08/2016 at 8:52 AM, watgate said:

Chiang Mai- To answer your question, I don't see how Dr Parry can give regular chiropractic adjustments at Rajavej Hospital since he is only there 1 weekend every other week. In the US when I develop neck problems like I am experiencing now, I go to my regular chiropractor in the US and over the course of 4-8 weeks I go for regular adjustments usually starting out 3 time a week and gradually lessening the frequency until I am going once a month. Along with the adjustments I also undergo other modalities such as electrical stim, traction, hot and cold therapies. With this course of action I achieve the desired outcome. I don't think being referred to physical therapy without the regular adjustments would achieve the same results I attain when I am back in the US.  As stated previously, with Dr Parry's limited schedule at Rajavej Hospital it is apparent that he doesn't do much chiropractic adjustments and thus refers his patients for physical therapy.


As it happens I can't recommend that as a solution any longer anyway. I went there last weekend and the levels of service were dire, an initial three hour wait was forecast to become a seven hour wait, the odd thing is that the hospital seems perfectly happy to have you sit there and not tell you that you'll be waiting all day, it;'s not until you start asking questions of different people and then piece it all together. Sadly, emails of complaint to the chiro and the hospital were ignored - a real shambles.

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Whenever Ive had a stiff neck or other muscular problems Ive just applied whats calleda tens machine to the area.  Its a battery powered device that has gel pads and you attach them to the affected area.


I think I got my device up in Mae Sai many years ago. No doubt Lazada will have them too.  Great for muscle stimulation....and a bit of shock treatment keeps you alive! :w00t:

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Hopefully.....Without getting into a big discussion with the usual detractors of alternatives

I would say give Acupuncture a try here




500 baht is usual fee sometimes 1st visit may be 200 more for consultiation

initial checks etc


But these folks have helped me with a few things over the years...always positive results in my case

One of those problems I had also been to see Chiro mentioned above etc.

I believe in both Chiro & Accu skills although in my life I had not used the soft method Chiro practiced at Rajavej

It did nothing for my problem at the time.


These days Accu is sufficient

Anyway perhaps you will give Mungkala a try

Good Luck hope you find relief


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Some great replys and suggestion. I too am skeptical of Dr Perry since he obviously doesn't do adjustments like I am used to back in the US. I am currently utilizing massage and my g/f introduced me to a teacher who gave me such a deep tissue massage I thought my neck and head were going to explode. Mt g/f has reassured me that future massages by this individual will be less intense. ( they better be). I would like to try Yoga and although I do remnants of it at the gym I am sure I am missing a lot of the key components. If anyone knows a good Yoga studio I would be most appreciative. I would like to try acupuncture and had a great experience at Mungkala in the past. I went there because I was having a problem with my si joint (too many miles on the bicycle) and had a consultation with the lady Dr there. After listening to me she smiled and said you don't need acpuncture you need some good thai massages. With that she gave me back my money and said go enjoy all that Thailand has to offer. Damn if she wasn't right. As for the Tens machine I am familiar with them since my chiropractor back in the US uses them as part of his treatment plan. In perusing Lazada I am a little concerned because looking at the selection of Tens machines listed, the prices are very low. I am fairly certain that one purchased in the US would be several hundred dollars so I am a little skeptical how good these low cost ones listed on Lazada really are. In any event, keep those cards and letters coming and thanks for the input. Much appreciated.

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For the unwary it is worth noting:


Chiropractic medicine = pseudo-scientific fraud

Acupuncture = pseudo-scientific fraud

Massage (from an untrained masseur) = pleasant enough but known to cure very little

Yoga = dangerous nonsense that can damage your back far worse than almost any other form of exercise

Physiotherapy - at last some actual medicine as opposed to mumbo-jumbo

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1 hour ago, TheSiemReaper said:

For the unwary it is worth noting:


Chiropractic medicine = pseudo-scientific fraud

Acupuncture = pseudo-scientific fraud

Massage (from an untrained masseur) = pleasant enough but known to cure very little

Yoga = dangerous nonsense that can damage your back far worse than almost any other form of exercise

Physiotherapy - at last some actual medicine as opposed to mumbo-jumbo

A little reading would illuminate why these modalities are registered by most governments despite local AMA objections, namely they work. Any would be a better alternative to chemical based drugs. Incidentally was recently reported in scientific journals that up to 70% of scientific tests, including medical, cannot be replicated. Now why would that be?


As to Parry, English chiropractors use a different technique to US for adjustments, the outcome however is the same. I saw Parry and found him very competent, sorted out my problem and my sons. Pity seems there are some booking problems.

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I used to get s lot of stiff necks till the pysio showed me a book of exercises and have been more or less neck problem free for over 30 years. I do 3 simple neck exercises every night before bed- takes 2 minutes. Don't know the name of the book, but bound to be plenty of info on the internet.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I used to get s lot of stiff necks till the pysio showed me a book of exercises and have been more or less neck problem free for over 30 years. I do 3 simple neck exercises every night before bed- takes 2 minutes. Don't know the name of the book, but bound to be plenty of info on the internet.

I used to suffer from lower back pain. Stretching and flexibility exercises completely relieved the problem.

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Rancid - Thanks for your reply. If all else fails I shall give Dr Perry a try and just have to put up with the long waits from what I understand. I wasn't going to comment on Siem Reapers remarks but am glad you did. All I do know is that literally tens of thousands of patients in the US have found much needed relief from chiropractic care. Also, unlike in the past, the medical establishment has also got on board with chiropractic care and many of the top Orthopedic offices now have chiropractors on their staff. As for the other modalities, I feel they most definitely are effective and it is up to each individual to try different ones to see which works best for them.

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5 hours ago, Rancid said:

A little reading would illuminate why these modalities are registered by most governments despite local AMA objections, namely they work. Any would be a better alternative to chemical based drugs. Incidentally was recently reported in scientific journals that up to 70% of scientific tests, including medical, cannot be replicated. Now why would that be?


As to Parry, English chiropractors use a different technique to US for adjustments, the outcome however is the same. I saw Parry and found him very competent, sorted out my problem and my sons. Pity seems there are some booking problems.


A little reading by anyone who can read a scientific paper would note that these techniques are proven to be less effective than the placebo effect. That is they don't work as well as me handing you a sugar cube and telling you it will have a medicinal effect - will work. Given that sugar is cheap and I can be rented for the price of a beer - the only reason that states allow these treatments is that they are subject to lobbying for "health" nonsense as much as they are for cigarettes, alcohol, etc.


The "alternative medicine" (in that it is an alternative only in that it doesn't work) field is a multi-billion dollar operation with next to zero costs compared to big pharma (which you know has to do research, tests, trials, etc.) and thus can spend a fair amount of money on lobbying.


Only suckers claim their efficacy in the face of all the evidence. The most amusing of which is the acupuncturists who actually published a paper which proved acupuncture was inefficient but because they didn't understand the maths - they thought it supported the case. (See The Guardian passim for details).



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I can read a scientific paper. And have been published in three of them.  JMPT. Has many papers lay people can scan and get the jist. Off course manipulation of joints is a viable treatment.  

The only problems I have with many, not all chiros comes from there claims to treat organic pathologies. Cancer or high blood pressure. Or worse yet to be able to prevent them.

Also. How many chiropractors does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 


One but it takes a lifetime, or until your insurance runs out.

Many pro athletes won't compete without a competent one present.  Sadly I doubt you will ever find one of them here as they make the big bucks.

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