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Clinton knocks 'outlandish Trumpian ideas' in policy speech


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Clinton knocks 'outlandish Trumpian ideas' in policy speech



WARREN, Mich. (AP) — Her political fortunes flourishing, Hillary Clinton attempted to undercut Donald Trump's claim to working class voters Thursday, portraying her Republican rival as untrustworthy on economic issues and pushing policies that would only benefit the super-wealthy — himself included.


The Democratic presidential nominee sought to seize momentum as Republicans — including Trump — struck an almost defeatist note about their Election Day chances. As Republican leaders sounded alarms about Trump's unconventional approach, Clinton attacked was she dubbed "outlandish Trumpian ideas" that have been rejected by both parties.


"Based on what we know from the Trump campaign, he wants America to work for him and his friends, at the expense of everyone else," she said, at a manufacturing company.


Appearing in the county known for the so-called Reagan Democrats — working-class Democrats who voted Republican in the 1980s — Clinton tried to seize the opportunity to win back some of the blue collar voters who've formed the base of her rival's support, making the case that she offers a steadier roadmap for economic growth and prosperity.


"I can provide serious, steady leadership that can find common ground and build on it based on hard but respectful bargaining," she said. "I just don't think insults and bullying is how we're going to get things done."


Clinton, who frequently boasts about her numerous policy plans, didn't offer any new, major ideas to improve the country's economy in her afternoon address. She reiterated her strong opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, leaving herself little room for backtracking should she win the White House if it is taken up by the lame-duck Congress later this year.


"I oppose it now, I'll oppose it after the election, and I'll oppose it as President," she said, while also noting that the U.S. should not cut itself off from the rest of the world.


Clinton once called the TPP the "gold standard" of trade deals when she served as Obama's secretary of state but announced her opposition to the deal last year, saying it did not meet her standard for creating jobs, raising wages and protecting national security.


Hoping to keep the pressure up on Trump, Clinton is also planning to release her 2015 tax returns in the coming days. Trump has said he won't release them until an IRS audit is complete, breaking traditional with every presidential candidate in recent history.


A source close to Clinton said she would soon release the return, supplementing the decades of filings she and her husband have already made public. Her running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine and his wife will also release the last 10 years of their taxes. The source spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the plans in advance.


Her appearance followed Trump's own speech on the economy, which he delivered in Michigan on Monday. But his scripted remarks were quickly eclipsed by the latest in a series of blunders and controversial statements that appear to have handed Clinton's campaign a boost in the polls, particularly with Republican women and college-educated voters that make up a key piece of the GOP base.


Just hours before her address, Trump unleashed another round of attacks on Democrats, calling Obama the "founder" of the Islamic State militant group — and Clinton, its co-founder.


The Republican presidential nominee brushed off conservative radio commentator Hugh Hewitt's attempt to reframe Trump's observation as one that said Obama's foreign policy created the conditions in Iraq and Syria that allowed IS to thrive.


"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS. I do," Trump said, using another acronym for the extremist group that has wreaked havoc from the Middle East to European cities.


The latest bit of controversy shook Republicans, already rattled by polling showing Trump losing support among women and other segments of their party's base.


Dozens of frustrated Republicans gathered signatures Thursday for a letter to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus that urges the party chief to stop helping Trump and instead focus GOP resources on protecting vulnerable Senate and House candidates. Speaking to reporters in Kentucky on Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described Republicans' chances of keeping control of the Senate after the November elections as "very dicey."


A draft of the letter, which operatives say has at least 70 signatories, warns that Trump's "divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide."


Trump said he had no intention of changing his inflammatory approach to presidential politics, pledging in a CNBC interview to "just keep doing the same thing I'm doing right now."


But he seemed to acknowledge the risk his campaign — and party — was taking. "At the end, it's either going to work or I'm going to, you know, I'm going to have a very, very nice long vacation," he said.


Associated Press writer Josh Lederman contributed to this report from Abingdon, Virginia. Lerer reported from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-12
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A draft of the letter, which operatives say has at least 70 signatories, warns that Trump's "divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide."


Trump said he had no intention of changing his inflammatory approach to presidential politics, pledging in a CNBC interview to "just keep doing the same thing I'm doing right now."


But he seemed to acknowledge the risk his campaign — and party — was taking. "At the end, it's either going to work or I'm going to, you know, I'm going to have a very, very nice long vacation," he said.


'a very very nice long vacation,' while he reads the business news showing his TRUMP brand getting exposed for the charade it's been, ......and slipping in value as the weeks roll by.   

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All controlled American media are campaigning against Donald Trump. From newspapers to radio shows. Wall street don't want to loose influence over the next president and Hillary Clinton as a corrupt person and lifelong liar and crook has been exposed so many times, but media are silent. 

Here is just a small example of her lies:


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1 minute ago, Norvid said:

All controlled American media are campaigning against Donald Trump.


Not true.  American media are, for the most part, reporting what the fool says. 

Several weeks ago, Secretary Clinton gave a speech.   In it, she quoted recent Trump mouth farts.  She quoted him verbatum.  No editing, no dramatic voicings.   After each quote, she stood there for a few seconds while the audience took it in and laughed.   HRC doesn't need to get dramatic or shout menacingly like Trump.  She doesn't need to make outlandish attacks like Trump.   All she needs to do is simply quote the blovator, and sensible Americans will be reminded what a clueless toilet mouth he is, and vote accordingly.

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watch the docu on youtube :  clinton cash


2 billion baht in illegal bribes via the (bill) clinton foundation with their 500.000 US dollar speeches and hidden deals with heads of states and big companies to make their problems go away



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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Clinton has made mistakes in her 40 year career as a public servant, that pale to the much graver mistakes Trump makes in any given week.


Or any given DAY.


Trump lies on an average of once every 5 minutes he's spewing. 


Norvid - isn't media singular? There so much wrong with that post I'm probably being picky. 

"Hillary Clinton as a corrupt person and lifelong liar and crook has been exposed so many times, but media are silent." 


Being exposed by the FauxNews wingnut media echo chamber and actually being exposed are two different things. I'll say it again, the woman is the best liar in history. They can never make anything stick. 


Republicans certainly hate that woman don't they? All bullshit. She's a strong woman and if there is one thing Republicans can't stand it's mouthy women. :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, adhd said:

watch the docu on youtube :  clinton cash


2 billion baht in illegal bribes via the (bill) clinton foundation with their 500.000 US dollar speeches and hidden deals with heads of states and big companies to make their problems go away



Yes the infamous Clinton Foundation. According to Daily Caller "Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East. The company also contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.


“Why would Bill Clinton be participating in programs that teach Sharia in foreign countries where that is the specific objective of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al-Qaeda,” asked counter-terror analyst Stephen Coughlin."


No doubt Hilary if elected will be vigorous prosecuting the war on Muslim extremism.

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No doubt that the media is biased, you only have to watch Fox news for that.  However Trump is being shown on his platform saying the words that are sinking his ship, difficult to see any media interference when they are live feeds.  Truth is you make up your own mind based on what he clearly says. 

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10 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Clinton has made mistakes in her 40 year career as a public servant, that pale to the much graver mistakes Trump makes in any given week.

Perhaps this is so and fare to say that.


But the biggest mistake in Clinton's Career as far as I can see is constantly flaming Trump, and bashing him, instead of running he own show and telling the people what she can do as President.


I personally think she is losing a lot of votes this way. After all, Trump can't be all bad and stupid as she claims as he has over a Billion Dollars in the bank, and she doesn't. (Yet).  

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11 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Perhaps this is so and fare to say that.


But the biggest mistake in Clinton's Career as far as I can see is constantly flaming Trump, and bashing him, instead of running he own show and telling the people what she can do as President.


I personally think she is losing a lot of votes this way. After all, Trump can't be all bad and stupid as she claims as he has over a Billion Dollars in the bank, and she doesn't. (Yet).  

Agree 100%.  She has got it made because of the woman card if she just keeps her mouth shut.  It's like the anti Trump posters on this forum constantly going off topic and the childish name calling when sticking to the topic and discussing the issues would hand them a civil victory instead of creating votes for the other team.  I would never have voted for him but now even the remote possibility of seeing the wingnuts moan and groan with a Trump victory is too tempting a result not to go for it. 

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Interesting that if Trump won this election he would become the Richest President of the United States ever. Having over 3 Billion Dollars, as there never was a President who had over a Billion Dollars before. 


Up to this time, and surprisingly, the Richest President was George Washington, who in today's dollars was worth $525 Million. (No small wonder now why he refused a salary as a General). The poorest President was Harry Truman. So the Richest President started one  Great War, and the Poorest President ended one. 


So of all the Billionaires in the USA History, from now to back then, not even one of them ever became the President. When you compare this to other world leaders during that time, this is surprising.


Although to be totally honest, and if I was a Billionaire, the last thing I would want to do is run as President in any country. 

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1 hour ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Perhaps this is so and fare to say that.


But the biggest mistake in Clinton's Career as far as I can see is constantly flaming Trump, and bashing him, instead of running he own show and telling the people what she can do as President.


I personally think she is losing a lot of votes this way. After all, Trump can't be all bad and stupid as she claims as he has over a Billion Dollars in the bank, and she doesn't. (Yet).  

Had Donald Trump just taken his inheritance and invested it in mutual funds, he would be worth more than 3 billion dollars today.  The fact is you don't know how much Donald Trump is worth and I don't know and the public doesn't know.  He may not even be a billionaire. All we have to go on are his claims.  He could, of course, eliminate all doubt by releasing his tax returns. 

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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

Agree 100%.  She has got it made because of the woman card if she just keeps her mouth shut.  It's like the anti Trump posters on this forum constantly going off topic and the childish name calling when sticking to the topic and discussing the issues would hand them a civil victory instead of creating votes for the other team.  I would never have voted for him but now even the remote possibility of seeing the wingnuts moan and groan with a Trump victory is too tempting a result not to go for it. 

You're not much for self awareness are you?  

On the one hand: "It's like the anti Trump posters on this forum constantly going off topic and the childish name calling..."

On the other: " I would never have voted for him but now even the remote possibility of seeing the wingnuts moan and groan..."

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10 hours ago, Rancid said:

Yes the infamous Clinton Foundation. According to Daily Caller "Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East. The company also contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.


“Why would Bill Clinton be participating in programs that teach Sharia in foreign countries where that is the specific objective of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al-Qaeda,” asked counter-terror analyst Stephen Coughlin."


No doubt Hilary if elected will be vigorous prosecuting the war on Muslim extremism.


Welcome every opportunity to stick it to hillary the crook but GEMS  is owned by an indian businessman sunny varkey....a hindu from kerala state....gems runs many levels of schools,...they even have one in singapore....an international school with an ultra modern campus...very expensive.....in ME maybe they have to include islamic teachings as part of the curriculum due to government policy. 


Still, no doubt varkey gets some favors from the clinton mafia for his trouble. 

Edited by JHolmesJr
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The Bloviator continues his unhinged babble and "outlandish ideas".

And in his usual childlike manner, he tries to deflect all blame for his delusion. On CNN. Not quite Donnie...


Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally

"Donald Trump said Thursday that he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the "founder of ISIS"

and objected when a conservative radio show host tried to clarify the GOP nominee's position."


"Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida,

and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."

"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said.



Donald Trump charged President Barack Obama on Wednesday with being the founder of the Islamic State during a campaign rally in Florida.

"In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama," Trump said during a campaign stop in Fort Lauderdale.

"He is the founder of ISIS."





Trump’s “Obama founded ISIS” comment exemplifies why his campaign is on the brink of doom




Donald Trump: I was being sarcastic about Obama and Isis

"Republican candidate walks back his false claim that US president founded Islamic State"



The Lunatic continues his incoherent Downward Spiral.

Lovin' it. :thumbsup:

And the Lemmings think this unstable Clown should be the President of the United States? :cheesy:



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