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Thai police say wave of bomb blasts in central and south of the country are not linked to Islamic terrorism


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11 hours ago, clifric said:

AH2 -is Asian Highway 2 - the southern section is mainly the Thailand designated route 4 that runs south from Bangkok through Hua Hin to the southerns provinces. My point was there is currently nothing north. north-east ot east of Bangkok, so it appears to me that the bomb setters travelled the AH2


9 hours ago, Holy Cinema said:

Agree with you 100%

You just simply don't tell someone to go and "plant a bomb"

you have to do recce's, where to plant then, when to plant then, routes in and out, choke points, dry runs (Yala) a few weeks back ?

There was a pretty high degree of planning went into this, nothing random at all. This was probably  weeks in the making and planning , that really discounts the theory of blaming the elections.

What's this?!  Logic?  Intelligence?  How did you two get into this forum?

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7 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Agreed - if the Red Shirts want to challenge the government all they need to do is get a million supporters out on the streets in their strongholds and hold a peaceful demonstration to challenge the government and restore democracy. They would claim the high moral ground and then it would be down to the junta how they handled that. If they started a repetion of 2010 and began shooting they would have lost the plot both nationally and internationally and then we would be in a whole different ballgame. That said no-one seems to want to claim these which is interesting. The Guardian has some interesting speculation.



yes good post to a point but lets be clear


some things have changed


1. Thaksin will never be back in Thailand, so this divisive rich man has lost face multiple times, burn down Bangkok was the last manic message along with bomb grenade shoot on innocent people in Bangkok 2 years ago.....if I cannot have my way I will destroy Thailand....that is what I am seeing, is Thaksin capable of such heinous acts ......I personally believe he is, I believe he is willing to spend every last baht that he has to get his way, if he cannot get satisfaction which is amnesty, then  he will stop at nothing and destroy the country.


2. His (and family)  money (reaped  from the people) has brought death and destruction in the past


3. There is no such thing as a redshirt/uud /thaksin democracy, greed violence and terror is always involved, there is nothing remotely democratic about this organisation both in their make up and how they operate.


The current government has been very tolerant with these people and given them a chance to change, I wouldn't have, time to play serious hardball


The recent majority vote did not go according to plan - so what next, well quite possibly we are looking at it.


If these divisive people are responsible for the recent innocent deaths and terrorist activities in Thailand  then it is time to put tolerance to the side and go after these people, no government would sit back and let this continue


So how do you deal with it..........


_ hit them were it hurts, round them up and investigate where their funds come from, if they cannot prove how they are unusually rich and the source of their income cannot be determined  then hit them hard..... money


Not saying that Thaksin and his UUD  are responsible for this outrage but I can understand how they could be and the motive behind it




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It didn't take long before the armchair detectives in this forum started banging on about Thaksin, did it?


Right now it could be anyone, and whomever the cops pin it on are likely just scapegoats because the cops here are too thick (or too scared, or too politicised, or too lazy - take your pick) to find out who the real culprits are.


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24 minutes ago, smedly said:

yes good post to a point but lets be clear


some things have changed


1. Thaksin will never be back in Thailand, so this divisive rich man has lost face multiple times, burn down Bangkok was the last manic message along with bomb grenade shoot on innocent people in Bangkok 2 years ago.....if I cannot have my way I will destroy Thailand....that is what I am seeing, is Thaksin capable of such heinous acts ......I personally believe he is, I believe he is willing to spend every last baht that he has to get his way, if he cannot get satisfaction which is amnesty, then  he will stop at nothing and destroy the country.


2. His (and family)  money (reaped  from the people) has brought death and destruction in the past


3. There is no such thing as a redshirt/uud /thaksin democracy, greed violence and terror is always involved, there is nothing remotely democratic about this organisation both in their make up and how they operate.


The current government has been very tolerant with these people and given them a chance to change, I wouldn't have, time to play serious hardball


The recent majority vote did not go according to plan - so what next, well quite possibly we are looking at it.


If these divisive people are responsible for the recent innocent deaths and terrorist activities in Thailand  then it is time to put tolerance to the side and go after these people, no government would sit back and let this continue


So how do you deal with it..........


_ hit them were it hurts, round them up and investigate where their funds come from, if they cannot prove how they are unusually rich and the source of their income cannot be determined  then hit them hard..... money


Not saying that Thaksin and his UUD  are responsible for this outrage but I can understand how they could be and the motive behind it

Most of your post is a paranoid rant not worth comment.  However I did like this part:


" _ hit them were it hurts, round them up and investigate where their funds come from, if they cannot prove how they are unusually rich and the source of their income cannot be determined  then hit them hard..... money "


Good idea.  Let's start with the generals running the country.

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Most of your post is a paranoid rant not worth comment.  However I did like this part:


" _ hit them were it hurts, round them up and investigate where their funds come from, if they cannot prove how they are unusually rich and the source of their income cannot be determined  then hit them hard..... money "


Good idea.  Let's start with the generals running the country.

I believe his idea is to just target one side 

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Common foes to the current military who are merely puppets of the elites?

We have too many to list.


But Thais often reveal what they think in their denials .


So I am convinced ISIS may have" helped " even co ordinated southern Muslims to take the battle further north.

But even if Reds were involved only , it loans the southern separatist evidence they can succeed further north.


The tourist industry will suffer greatly .


But only after many more attacks.


We will only know its ISIS ( as Russian intelligence) warned were likely to have moved into Thailand , ) when a major operation takes place.

Until the Thai government who only care bout protecting tourism will find patsies and insist it was their red shirt foes.

Getting a few to confess ( after horrendous questioning) will achieve case closed .


But then more will come.


This will lead to masses hitting the streets one way or another.


And most likely a slaughter on par of Chinese students in 1989.


That was a warning yesterday .

Thailand is not at peace.

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8 minutes ago, Plutojames88 said:

Common foes to the current military who are merely puppets of the elites?

We have too many to list.


But Thais often reveal what they think in their denials .


So I am convinced ISIS may have" helped " even co ordinated southern Muslims to take the battle further north.

But even if Reds were involved only , it loans the southern separatist evidence they can succeed further north.


The tourist industry will suffer greatly .


But only after many more attacks.


We will only know its ISIS ( as Russian intelligence) warned were likely to have moved into Thailand , ) when a major operation takes place.

Until the Thai government who only care bout protecting tourism will find patsies and insist it was their red shirt foes.

Getting a few to confess ( after horrendous questioning) will achieve case closed .


But then more will come.


This will lead to masses hitting the streets one way or another.


And most likely a slaughter on par of Chinese students in 1989.


That was a warning yesterday .

Thailand is not at peace.

I state facts that tourist numbers went up after the coup and that is mindless fluff and then we have this masterpiece that would make a great Stephen King novel and you "ere convinced" of it. 


The cherry on the cake is if the red shirts are caught out they will have been set up by the big bad government. Never mind if they find CCTV facts or even a straight out confession. If tourist number facts is mindless fluff one can be assured that any CCTV footage, or confessions, or finger prints at the scene, or emails or sms's from their phones would all be planted by the big bad govt as well. FACTS the red shirts biggest enemy. Stephen King novels....Their best friend!!


You should get James Bond involved some how with your theories on Russian intelligence and ISIS. 

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16 hours ago, Laughing Out Loud said:

If the perpetrators are carrying thier cell phones, which I guess the most likely are, the secret police will know exactly who they are in the next few days.  Geez if you are going to terrorize thailand and expect not to get caught, leave your cell phone at home!  


...or perhaps they used sim cards purchased elsewhere.   Probably flocks of sim cards purchased anonymously in places like Hong Kong....with Roaming numbers...


Can even call international...I bet...to activate a bomb.  A planter could contact a third party in a foreign country and have them "tweet" a certain "message" or "keyword" to a number...activating a ring/alarm....wired to a receiving device on a bomb.  Can send the tweet from any internet source .. from any country....in the world.  


For example...an app on the receiving "phone" could have "notifications" set for a certain set of numbers or characters, as a tweet, email, or just a request to join a game.


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26 minutes ago, djjamie said:

I state facts that tourist numbers went up after the coup and that is mindless fluff and then we have this masterpiece that would make a great Stephen King novel and you "ere convinced" of it. 


The cherry on the cake is if the red shirts are caught out they will have been set up by the big bad government. Never mind if they find CCTV facts or even a straight out confession. If tourist number facts is mindless fluff one can be assured that any CCTV footage, or confessions, or finger prints at the scene, or emails or sms's from their phones would all be planted by the big bad govt as well. FACTS the red shirts biggest enemy. Stephen King novels....Their best friend!!


You should get James Bond involved some how with your theories on Russian intelligence and ISIS. 

What does a red shirt look like, how many have you caught on your app?  Are they more valuable than pickachu? 

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As far back as December 2015 ...Thailand was warned ISIS may operate there.


djjamie is one of several resident junta apologists .


Niether him or military will give you truthful information.

Tourism will be affected by terrorism .

( which multiple blasts and injury causes) 


These are not my opinions or theories ...they are coming from agencies like Russian Intelligence agencies who claim some have entered Thailand.

Certainly, who ever is behind it ...this is worth reconsidering your holiday plans


The sheer scale of denials speaks volumes.

Thai government under military rule frequently try to relabel terrorism ...


It's violent and political....

Therefore it's terrorism .

Deadly devices ...co ordinated .....

Intent to hurt tourists.


Weeks and months to come ...keep watching here before visiting

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16 hours ago, Franky Bear said:

I've no idea what the cause is (like every single "expert" on here) But the Government will do everything to avoid using the words "terror attack" as that changes the dynamic of so many factors from those on the outside looking in, especially tourists. 

To me personally it doesn't matter who let these bombs off, it is a terror attack. You don't let a bomb off anywhere to do anything other than terrorise those in the area.

Wrong. If some lone nut did it for kicks, that is not terrorism. Terrorism is politically or religiously motivated.

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11 minutes ago, teacherpaul said:

Wrong. If some lone nut did it for kicks, that is not terrorism. Terrorism is politically or religiously motivated.

Unfortunately , that won't cut it....

13 blasts in regions  far apart....


People can see this was coordinated , and denials won't appease the facts.

35 injured  people and (so far ) 4 dead .

Very real terrorism.

And it's obvious after the Sunday sham referendum and the date yesterday it was a political message .

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The BBC is reporting the govt as saying the bomb incidents were   '  sabotage  '   and had nothing to do with terrorism  !

Is this Erawan shrine re-visited in order to protect tourism so don't,   just don't say terrorism   ?

Will tourists differentiate and think it's safe to go to certain places as it's only sabotage   ?

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One might be not amazed to see things escalate, if this is just a reaction to the referendum...or a plot to embarrass the PM.  Tougher crackdowns on anti-government groups would bring more of the same.   That would be the tip off...if these bombings were strictly as they said they were...and not an ISIS or "Separatist" involvement.


Family Rumors just outside of Udon are ominously related to something that is not ISIS nor Separatist.  I hear distant cousins speaking of drums beating, and smoke signals going up.


I am not confirming any truth....but those smoke signals cannot be ignored.




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Nine network news now has a terrorism expert calling the Thai Military government out on the morning analysis  of the blasts...declaring its "" terrorism"".( Australia ) 


Flight centre booking agencies predict between a 10-20% decline in the aftermath to those destination's and 10% overall to Thailand .


Further attacks will compound the drop.


This trend is world wide ...people booking now for high season are actively seeing it as terrorism.


On line polls .... ( something the Thai government believe strongly in ) reveal 73% think it was terrorism 

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I would say that there is something significant about the bombings being scheduled for "Mother's day" ...and the recent referendum.


Does not make me think of a ISIS or Separatist attack.  The timing was set on purpose...and ISIS has not claimed responsibility...as they usually do.


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7 hours ago, Holy Cinema said:

Do you honestly believe that the Reds or Thaksin ever expected a NO vote when they were not allowed to debate or discuss the charter in any shape or form?

The whole way in which the referendum was conducted was done solely to benefit the Junta, and the "good people" the decks were as stacked then as they are for any potential election next year, Prayuth and Suthep are not done dismantling the Thaksin support base yet, not by a long shot. The purge in its truest form hasn't even begun yet.

The next election is already pointless, when no MP's or potential MP's are allowed to canvass till "just before the polls open" what does that tell of the mindset of those who wish to keep their snouts in the trough longer.

The people had the choice to vote yes or no in the referendum. Pheua Thai had said vote no, Apisit had said vote no. But still the majority of voters said yes. Yes, the state wheeled out all it could to support the yes vote but ultimately the people had the choice,.And disappointing though it may seem to many Westerners a lot of Thais seemed to have chosen stability over democracy. for the moment.

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2 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

Unfortunately , that won't cut it....

13 blasts in regions  far apart....


People can see this was coordinated , and denials won't appease the facts.

35 injured  people and (so far ) 4 dead .

Very real terrorism.

And it's obvious after the Sunday sham referendum and the date yesterday it was a political message .

Very little human damage for such a populated area.

But could be a good excuse to push ahead with the SIM tracking plan.

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The RTA cop a heap of stick for claiming who isn't responsible when they don't know who did it, and then all the usual suspects are equally sure it's not the reds. Google "hypocrisy". Any suggestion that they may be involved is attacked immediately.

It comes complete with a pantheon of  highly unlikely alternative suspects, (though I'm still waiting for Suthep to get a personal mention) up to and including the PDRC. My personal preference is for a troop of boy scouts seeking rare merit badges - it's no more stupid than some suggestions here.

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Look at the timing.  Thailand's leadership has been talking a lot about cracking down on prostitution.  Then consider that according to many religions there spirits, demons that dwell on the earth that like to use their human hosts to engage in fun like prostitution. 


If those demons can create a distraction like a bombing campaign, it will distract the military, police and Thai government from the crack down on prostitution.


Just a theory.  A wild guess if Thailand wants to cut down on the bombings they should ignore the prostitution.  Which was a good move to clean up Thailand's reputation, but if it motivates demonic spirits to create a distracting bombing campaign.  Then it doesn't improve the situation.

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2 minutes ago, River7471 said:

Look at the timing.  Thailand's leadership has been talking a lot about cracking down on prostitution.  Then consider that according to many religions there spirits, demons that dwell on the earth that like to use their human hosts to engage in fun like prostitution. 


If those demons can create a distraction like a bombing campaign, it will distract the military, police and Thai government from the crack down on prostitution.


Just a theory.  A wild guess if Thailand wants to cut down on the bombings they should ignore the prostitution.  Which was a good move to clean up Thailand's reputation, but if it motivates demonic spirits to create a distracting bombing campaign.  Then it doesn't improve the situation.

I'm not ruling out the Great Pumpkin.

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As much as these bombings in Thailand are scary, I still would rather

travel to Thailand for my vacation, than to go almost anywhere in

Europe. I would be totally worried to go to France, Italy,  or any country between

Turkey, Greece and such to Germany. With all of those young guys who swarmed

from where they came from, up north to Germany, I would be scared to

meet them again in Europe. I am convinced that there are lots of moles from

the so called IS gang as well as some other terror groups living in Europe and

awaiting the day they can cause damage and death there. I do hope however that

the people who did these bombings in Thailand are caught and face a severe

punishment when they are sentenced for this crime.



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3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

As much as these bombings in Thailand are scary, I still would rather

travel to Thailand for my vacation,

This stuff has been going on for sometime.  And generally seems isolated to the western and southwestern part of Thailand.  France, September 11th in the US.  No country is immune.  There is no reason to not visit other parts of Thailand that have less tendencies.  But I would wait until things cool down for a while and wait for police to catch the baddies.

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7 hours ago, Siripon said:

The people had the choice to vote yes or no in the referendum. Pheua Thai had said vote no, Apisit had said vote no. But still the majority of voters said yes. Yes, the state wheeled out all it could to support the yes vote but ultimately the people had the choice,.And disappointing though it may seem to many Westerners a lot of Thais seemed to have chosen stability over democracy. for the moment.

" But still the majority of voters said yes."


That's what the junta told us following the unmonitored vote and vote count. 


The junta really wanted the vote to be 'yes' and there was nothing to prevent them announcing any result they wanted, but they wouldn't lie to us, would they?

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I did my usual shopping rounds in Central Festival, Pattaya yesterday and today. Absolutely no step up in security. The security guy outside the Tops entrance just doing nothing, as always, even though the metal detector always beeps when I and my backpack pass. I wonder if he's checked one single bag the whole day.

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Just now, thailandsgreat said:

I did my usual shopping rounds in Central Festival, Pattaya yesterday and today. Absolutely no step up in security. The security guy outside the Tops entrance just doing nothing, as always, even though the metal detector always beeps when I and my backpack pass. I wonder if he's checked one single bag the whole day.

Just as well he's not on piece work,  his wages would be even lower than usual.      :D

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