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Thai police say wave of bomb blasts in central and south of the country are not linked to Islamic terrorism


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7 hours ago, smedly said:

maybe you need to go look at posts you made on a similar topic were the last proposed charter was rejected before it even reached a referendum, do you need me to explain further....heybruce....hey bruce


clowns are funny

Once again, no thought at all before you post.  Further explanation is beyond you ability, as is a link to the posts you seem to think relevant.

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18 hours ago, MiKT said:


If only I could on this forum, if only I could.


I certainly would not expect you break anything down into logical English sentences, but maybe breakdown is just being kind to your paranoia.



That would have hurt, except that my paranoia is both well documented, and well-founded. Best of luck with your pursuits, whatever they may be.

Edited by Songlaw
Persistent grammatical errors
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1 hour ago, Songlaw said:


That would have hurt, except that my paranoia is both well documented, and well-founded. Best of luck with your pursuits, whatever they may be.


Thank you, that's very white of you!


Unfortunately my pursuits no longer include chasing beautiful Thai prostitutes to stop me becoming a predator, as I am getting a bit long in the tooth for that.


But fortunately that also works in reverse so I am also too old to be a predator (never was I hasten to add).


Plus of course swmbo would kill me anyway.



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31 minutes ago, cumgranosalum said:

"Islamic terrorism" - what does he mean by this anyway?,,,El Quaeda? Isis? the Southern Separatists? 


Whichever one claims responsibility first. There are all Islo terrers.

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23 hours ago, MiKT said:


But if you seriously think Thai prostitution protects children and prevents men from becoming predators (I can't believe I am reading this) you really, really, really do need to stop communicating with the spirits......... every day, not just at weekends.



I can't believe you can't believe that.  Is there evidence to suggest this is wrong?  I would think that in a world where a guy could be a victim of sexual abuse who comes from a noble family and doesn't feel the need to victimize other people and would rather have sex with beautiful young Thai girls and can't get what he wants at home because he is too old.  He either pulls a Jerry Sandusky or goes to Thailand.  Or the Netherlands.


And multiply that situation above times a few thousands noble guys and you have the Thai prositution industry and I don't see it as a negative thing for Thailand.  When you consider the alternative like the United States Bible belt region which forbids prostitution and all these predators are mostly white blokes on the local website state run sex offender registry. 


It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the Old Testament Bible "Be not overly righteous".  When you forbid an industry in the United States that faciliates the abuse of children....its COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.

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1 hour ago, River7471 said:

I can't believe you can't believe that.  Is there evidence to suggest this is wrong?  I would think that in a world where a guy could be a victim of sexual abuse who comes from a noble family and doesn't feel the need to victimize other people and would rather have sex with beautiful young Thai girls and can't get what he wants at home because he is too old.  He either pulls a Jerry Sandusky or goes to Thailand.  Or the Netherlands.


And multiply that situation above times a few thousands noble guys and you have the Thai prositution industry and I don't see it as a negative thing for Thailand.  When you consider the alternative like the United States Bible belt region which forbids prostitution and all these predators are mostly white blokes on the local website state run sex offender registry. 


It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the Old Testament Bible "Be not overly righteous".  When you forbid an industry in the United States that faciliates the abuse of children....its COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.


And where pray, would you find a thousand "noble" guys in this day and age. Do you think Prince Hal and all his relatives are queuing up to bonk Thia girls when they have plenty of Blue Rhino's at home? 


Kindly check your own posts, now you are claiming that forbidding an industry that facilitates the abuse of children is counterproductive!


So what you are actually claiming is that abusing children is a productive activity.


I seriously think you have your bonse screwed on backwards. Comes from all that Bible reading probably, gives you a headache.


Best not to come over here and find out what happens to child abusers in a Thai jail.


Mmmmm, on second thoughts, mosey on over ASAP.


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On 8/12/2016 at 0:31 PM, trogers said:

THE size of explosives employed look similar to those bombings when Yingluk was still PM...

dudes and dudettes ..... a bomb by any other name or owner is still a bomb ...

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3 hours ago, mikiea said:

dudes and dudettes ..... a bomb by any other name or owner is still a bomb ...


Depends on the purpose of the strikes. Small bombs to spread intimidation and fear, and large ones for carnage and damages.

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On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 0:04 PM, MiKT said:


So what you are actually claiming is that abusing children is a productive activity.


No, what I said was that the Thai sex industry and the sex industry in Nevada and Netherlands, keeps some men in line from perpetuating abuse.  If they can get what they want from a young Thai girl or Netherland sex worker then they don't need to perpetuate the cycle of abuse against children.  Therefore, its not a bad thing.  The men who choose to do this rather than abuse a child like Jerry Sandusky of Penn State actual maintain honor as a man. 


And the women in this industry are performing a noble service if it keeps the cycle of child sexual abuse from continuing. 


I'm not saying that there aren't people in the industry who don't take it to far in Thailand and allow underage girls to participate, but I think that is the only part of the industry that needs looking after by Thai law enforcement.

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