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London schoolgirl who joined ISIL killed in Syria


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I do not have sympathy for anyone who goes to join ISIL for any

reason.  These schoolgirls headed for an adventure and I guess they got

it.  Being niave and going to join these animals to be a wife or sex slave

is the choice these young women and likely others have made. They

will now live or die for their decisions. That is the same for any males

who join ISIL or any of the terror groups, there is just no sympathy

from myself and so many others in the world. I say good riddance.


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On August 13, 2016 at 6:21 AM, Grouse said:


In BC, you can't get a drink in a pub until you're 19. The fact that you can get a gun at 16 is unwise IMHO


  Can't get a drink in a pub or bar until you are 19 ? ? But they let you join the regular Army and be willing to sacrifice your life for your country at 17 - 18.    Something not right there.  


   If your country believes you are old enough to put on the uniform and die for your country.... then you should also be old enough to have a beer or a rye and ginger. 


     Why unwise at 16 to be able to get a gun?  I got my first gun from my dad at 12. (.22 bolt action rifle)   I started shooting at 7 or 8 with my father and uncles and grandfathers.  Many of my friends I grew up with also had guns in their home. (1950's...1960's).  Mostly .22's, shotguns, and Lee Enfield .303 bolt action battle rifles from World War I and World War II times..   (The Lee Enfield are fine rifles for target shooting and hunting deer and moose and bear)  

     Had my first hand gun at 17.  (It had to be put in my dad's name until I was 21.  Canadian law at the time. )   My brothers and I grew up always knowing where our fathers guns and ammo were kept, and with access to them. 


    (As a C.I volunteer, with the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, (RCAC) I helped start kids training with .22 rifles in marksmanship at the age of 12.) 

     My family has always had guns, and never any problems with them.    Only criminals or other high risk persons should be banned from having guns in free western nations.  At a young age... children in a family can be taught safe firearms use starting as 7 or 8 years of age, as I and my brothers and friends were, and beginning at 12 yeas of age as we do with young military cadets in the RCAC.  


  Maybe having access to a ton or two tons of metal that can go more than 100 mph at the age of 16 is also a bad idea huh ? 

Edited by Catoni
correction of spelling
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