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Dozens of Republicans say party should stop funding Trump


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21 hours ago, NeverSure said:


"Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans British came to rape, murder and pillage them."


There, fixed it for ya. The British were really good at colonizing people who didn't want to be colonized.





My history knowledge is not that good. Was Christopher Columbus who Americans worship British? No Spanish, Portuguese, French or Dutch involved? I think European is the correct term. Don't let that stop you hating the British though. They are as guilty of the same atrocities as every other nation.

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In his latest remarks, the real estate mogul called Clinton and president Barack Obama the “co-founders” of the militant group calling itself Islamic State.


I think Trump actually is not that wrong about it. Besides Obama and Clinton I would add the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the EU and Turkey as well to it. 

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1 hour ago, MobileContent said:


I think Trump actually is not that wrong about it. Besides Obama and Clinton I would add the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the EU and Turkey as well to it. 


Do you know anything about Saudi Arabia? Ever been there? Their crime if you wish it to be is being the custodians of the two holy mosques. As with other daft religions that leads them to funding Islam. The Vatican is just as bad.

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58 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


Do you know anything about Saudi Arabia? Ever been there? Their crime if you wish it to be is being the custodians of the two holy mosques. As with other daft religions that leads them to funding Islam. The Vatican is just as bad.

No, their crime is supporting an insane version of Islam.  Before the Saudis got their wealth, their nuttiness was confined to the Arabian Peninsula. Now they're spreading it even to places that historically had extremely tolerant versions of Islam, like Bosnia.


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Back to the topic....


Trump is having a nervous breakdown.

Eric Bolling, an irritating talking Fox News head, was getting lectured by Trump last night.

Trump as much as said that he is the one "raising all the money" and that he might not do it if they keep hurting his precious feelings.



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Some off-topic posts have been removed.   Please stay on-topic and stop with the trolling.   Post which do nothing but criticize a news report or reporter are subject to removal.  



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On 8/13/2016 at 9:22 AM, NeverSure said:


"...citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee."


Typical lies and hyperbole from Hillary's bitch Joe Scarborough of the shamestream media.







And yet the only thing Trump can use when "citing" his so-called "facts" about anyone or anything, the only thing that comes out of his mouth is "I hear this. I hear it all the time. I've heard it from many people." I think that might qualify as "...citing an unnamed source who claimed...". Never any names, never any facts. Just more red meat to feed the unhinged. Trump also thinks it might not be a bad idea for Japan, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea to have their own nukes. What could possibly go wrong by introducing nuclear weapons into the Middle East, especially with Saudi Arabia? Want to unify the Islamic world? Drop a nuke onto a Muslim nation...any Muslim nation. Now you've got over a billion people pissed off and ready to die to destroy you.


And, by the way...that whole "liberal media" thing? Sorry, but that's nothing but pure BS to distract the lemmings. 90% of US media are controlled by six multinational corporations and 232 executives (http://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6). Those same entities decide what Americans will see, read, hear. Now, what is the one thing that multinational corporations and their executives value above anything else? Increasing profits. And what is the one thing that virtually every multinational corporation and executives claim is standing in the way of their increased profits? "Excessive" regulations. And who is the one person who has promised to roll back those "excessive" regulations? Donnie Dumpster. And who have those same six corporations showered virtually unlimited free media exposure on? Hillary? Bernie? Yeah, right. For anyone to believe that these same six corporations are in league with each other to get Hillary elected, or to bad mouth Donnie Dumpster, or are in favor of the "liberal agenda"...in violation of their own best interests, well, it would be my opinion that that would require a special kind of stupid.

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Trump is saying the election is rigged. 

In fact he is asking his low info fan boys to "guard the polls to prevent fraud". 


Is this guy an idiot or what?

You might hear this kind of crazy talk in some third world dump. 



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Trumps losing and he is making excuses. 

"The press and elections are rigged" 



It is easy to grab headlines with a lurid claim of "the elections are rigged"

Claims of voter fraud amount to a great deal of smoke without much fire. 


Ongoing examination of voter fraud reveal, voter fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is nearly non-existent, and much of the problems associated with alleged fraud in elections relates to unintentional mistakes by voters or election administrators.


Voter fraud has not been proven to have any effect on US elections. 




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On 8/13/2016 at 3:26 PM, mesterm said:


Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans came to rape, murder and pillage them.



That's after the traditional America before the Europeans came where the Native American tribes raped and pillaged each other

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Latest WSJ editorial.  Even they are getting nervous.  Note, Labor Day is 3 week away I believe. 




Those who sold Mr. Trump to GOP voters as the man who could defeat Hillary Clinton now face a moment of truth. Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Manafort and the talk-radio right told Republicans their man could rise to the occasion.

If they can’t get Mr. Trump to change his act by Labor Day, the GOP will have no choice but to write off the nominee as hopeless and focus on salvaging the Senate and House and other down-ballot races. As for Mr. Trump, he needs to stop blaming everyone else and decide if he wants to behave like someone who wants to be President—or turn the nomination over to Mike Pence.

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4 hours ago, Linzz said:

That's after the traditional America before the Europeans came where the Native American tribes raped and pillaged each other


Doesn't make what the Europeans did any more justified.


"Oh but Brandon hit Tony first". Go suck on your thumb somewhere.

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On 8/13/2016 at 3:26 PM, mesterm said:


Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans came to rape, murder and pillage them.



That's after the traditional America before the Europeans came where the Native American tribes raped and pillaged each other

On 8/16/2016 at 5:44 AM, mesterm said:


Doesn't make what the Europeans did any more justified.


"Oh but Brandon hit Tony first". Go suck on your thumb somewhere.


Nobody's justifying any atrocity. Go suck on some history before giving puerile answers

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On the flip side of the coin, millions they one Hilliard should be in Prison. When the Donald sadly loses. He won't be facing prison. Clinton is a criminal. Nixon erased 18 min.

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20 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Good to know that you're not justifying the rape and murder of native Americans by Europeans.


Why would I? But I am interested in balance. In the rush to condemn dominant culture atrocities it is often overlooked that intertribal warfare likewise spread similar misery. Except for one or two individuals the noble savage is a myth.There is not any race or culture that  holds a monopoly  on barbarity by nature but only in technology as an aid.

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@Post 110 NickJ

Not entirely accurate.


When the Bloviator loses in an unprecedented landslide, 

he will be facing coast to coast fraud cases.

"Thousands of people were bilked out of millions of dollars."

"It's fraud. This is straight up fraud."



And another case facing 11 counts of sexual assault.

Along with his buddy and convicted peodophile, Jeffrey Epstein.



Bu, but, but, Hillary... :facepalm:

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